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Hign Plains Regional Climate Center, Nebraska

HPRCC stations monitor soil water at 14 sites in Nebraska. The Natural Resources Conservation Service has provided soil moisutre sensors from some of the sites. Currently sensors are placed at 12,25,50 and 100 cm below the surface at each site. The network archives the data for a daily time step. Hourly data can be acquired through special requests.

The soil moisture data is used to monitor drought and climate. This allows the state of Nebraska to conduct an early assessment of hydro-climatic conditions and estimate potential impacts on various sectors of the economy including agriculture. In other words, management of any potential emergency situation related to hydro-climatic conditions is undertaken in a timely fashion before it becomes a crisis.

More information about HPRCC network can be found here.

A250059 A250138 A250259 A256019 A252599 A253479 A253919 A254119 A255319 A255369 A255599 A256299 A256339 A259209

Click on the stations to view the time series!
Maintained by Kenneth Mitchell and Youlong Xia
Last updated: Tue Jul 8 13:51:18 2008 UTC
Constructed and Developed by Lifeng Luo