(Last Revised 2/12/2018)
Dennis Keyser -
(Last Revised 2/12/2018 - should be up
to date)
The "PREPBUFR" processing is the final step
in preparing the majority of conventional observational data for
assimilation into the
various NCEP analyses including the North
Model (NAM)
unified grid-point
statistical interpolation (GSI) analysis
(the "NAM"
network), the Global
System (GFS) and Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS)
unified grid-point
statistical interpolation (GSI) analysis
(the "GFS"
and "GDAS" networks), the Rapid
Refresh (RAP) unified grid-point
interpolation (GSI) analysis
[the "RAP" network, shared with
Rapid Refresh (HRRR)],
the Real
Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA)
and UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA) unified grid-point
interpolation (GSI) analysis (the
"RTMA"and "URMA" networks, resp.), the and the Climate
Data Assimilation System (CDAS) spectral statistical
interpolation (SSI) analysis (the
"CDAS" network). This step involves the
of series of programs designed to assemble observations dumped
from a number of on-line decoder databases, encode information about
observational error for each data type as well the background (first
interpolated to each data location, perform both rudimentary
quality control and more complex platform-specific quality control, and
store the output in a monolithic BUFR
file, known as PREPBUFR. The background guess information is used by
quality control programs while the observation error is used by the
to weigh the observations. The structure of the BUFR file is such that
each PREPBUFR processing step which changes a datum (either the
itself, or its quality marker) records the change as an "event" with a
program code and a reason code. Each time an event is stored, the
events for the datum are "pushed down" in the stack. In this way, the
file contains a complete history of changes to the data throughout all
of the PREPBUFR processing. The most recent changes are always at the
of the stack and are thus read first by any subsequent data decoder
It is expected that the data at the top of the stack are of the highest
Once the PREPBUFR job has completed, a
PREPBUFR post processing job
Purpose: To read in and consolidate
dumped from individual BUFR DATA databases, perform rudimentary checks
on the data, and organize upper-air data by decreasing pressure. For
networks except the CDAS, and to some extent the RTMA and URMA, also
performs a
number of tasks under the name GBLEVENTS: 1) Adds forecast background
(first guess) interpolated
to each observation location; 2) Adds observational error (read in from
look-up table)
to each
observation; 3) Performs some rough quality
checks on surface pressure (vs. the background); and 4)
dry bulb
temperature to virtual and dewpoint temperature to specific humidity
surface data. All of these GBLEVENTS functions
are performed
by the program PREPOBS_PREVENTS
in the CDAS network. In the RTMA and URMA networks, the only
function performed is item 4. Output is stored in a
monolithic BUFR file called
Input: Various BUFR
data dump files including (based
on the network): ADPUPA
(rawinsonde, pibal, dropwinsonde,
reconnaissance), AIRCAR (MDCRS-ACARS aircraft), AIRCFT (AIREP,
aircraft), SATWND (GOES satellite derived cloud winds from NESDIS,
GMS, INSAT as well as POES winds from Aqua/Terra MODIS), PROFLR [wind
profiler and acoustic sounder (SODAR) winds by height], VADWND
Display winds by height at U.S. NEXRAD radar sites), ADPSFC (surface
synoptic and METAR), SFCSHP (surface marine ships, buoys, C-MAN
tide gauges, and splash-level dropwinsondes), GOESND
(GOES 4-layer
precipitable water retrievals, sounder radiances,
data from NESDIS), ATOVS
(temperature soundings
from NESDIS), RASSDA [Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS)
vertical profiles of
virtual temperature], GPSIPW (GPS Integrated Precipitable Water
retrievals), MSONET (Mesonet data from a myriad of providers,
mostly over the U.S.), WDSATR [reprocessed, SUPEROBed
WindSAT scatterometer
derived oceanic wind speed and direction (NOTE:
WindSAT data has not been processed since August 2012 due to a format
change in the raw files, in all likelihood these data will not be
and ASCATW [reprocessed, SUPEROBed (optional)
ASCAT scatterometer
derived oceanic wind speed and direction].
Also reads in (based on the network) the global nemsio first guess
file valid at the PREPBUFR center time [in the GFS amd GDAS (only)
when tropical storms are present, this guess is updated by
the program
RELOCATE_MV_NVORTEX in the relocation
of the upstream tropical cyclone processing], the
observational error
table (text) file, the BUFR
mnemonic table file
(more about this later), and network-specific parm (data) cards which
processing through namelist variable switches.
Output: A file known as
PREPBUFR, containing
observations with state variables, sensible weather element,
other ancillary information needed by the analyses, as well
as (depending upon the network) forecast
background and (depending upon the network) observation errors 1. At this point the only
control on the data are the rudimentary limit checks applied by this
the checks of surface pressure observations compared to the background
(except for CDAS, RTMA and URMA network runs), and those applied
in the upstream observational
dumping process: the interactive
NCO Implementation and Data Services Branch
purge or keep flags
on data types such as rawinsonde, aircraft, satellite wind, surface
surface marine, wind profiler/SODAR and Vertical Azimuth Display winds,
interactive quality markers generated by the NCEP's Ocean
Prediction Center
(OPC) on marine ship and buoy
Note 1: In the NAM and
RAP networks,
the background used is the global nems first guess (subject to tropical
relocation in the NAM network.; Note: No longer in NAM after March
2017.) This is only used by the
quality control programs. No background is encoded in the RTMA or URMA
as no quality control programs are run here. Also, observational errors
are not
in the PREPBUFR file in the RAP, RTMA and URMA networks 1.
Note 2: In all networks except
the RTMA and URMA, this
program is multi-tasked amongst 3 nodes on the WCOSS machine to
up processing time. In order to load-balance the run streams,
of the input data dump files in this case are divided into 3 equal parts by the
This is analogous to a card game where all of the cards in the deck are
dealt out to 3 players. Next, PREPOBS_PREPDATA
runs in 3
parallel run streams, with each run using the mini-dump files as
Each run stream uses all of the dump types, but for each type only
of the original dump is processed. A program called PREPOBS_LISTHEADERS
runs immediately after PREPOBS_PREPDATA
in run each stream, reordering
all message types in each "mini” PREPBUFR file according to
in the BUFR mnemonic table. This is necessary because when
all 3
have completed, the program PREPOBS_MONOPREPBUFR
concatenates the
3 mini-PREPBUFR files into a monolithic PREPBUFR file ready for
Note 3: In all networks except for the CDAS,
the data read
in from the SATWND dump file and encoded into the PREPBUFR files is not
read by the subsequent analysis. Instead, the
reads in this same SATWND dump file directly and ignores the SATWND
data in the PREPBUFR files.
1The observation errors encoded into the PREPBUFR files (in the GFS/GDAS and NAM) are no longer read by the GSI. Instead, the GSI reads observation errors (for all networks) from an external file in the network fixed file directory. However, the CDAS SSI still reads in the observation errors encoded into CDAS PREPBUFR file.
longer runs
in NAM
after March 2017. Thus it only runs in the GFS and GDAS networks.
However, the synthetic bogus winds it generates are no
longer assimilated by the GFS/GDAS GSI after July 2017, they are only
monitored. At some point SYNDAT_SYNDATA may be modified to no
longer generate bogus winds in the GFS and GDAS in order to
save time.)
Purpose: Performs three distinct functions:
Reads in a quality
controlled tropical
storm position records from the
tcvitals file valid at the PREPBUFR center time
and uses them, along with other observations in the PREPBUFR file, to
synthetic (bogus) wind mandatory level profile reports (throughout the
depth of the storm) in the vicinity of the storm(s) to better define
systems for the analysis. In
the NAM network, a synthetic
report at all tropical cyclone center locations is also generated with
a surface pressure based on the global sigma first guess pressure (from
the relocated global sigma guess) adjusted according to the storm
(from the Saffir-Simpson
Hurricane Scale), and
specific humidity values generated on
levels throughout the depth of the storm from the relocated global
guess temperatures and an assumption of 99% relative
synthetic wind reports are then appended to the PREPBUFR file in all
and assimilated by the analysis. The synthetic mass reports
in the NAM network are currently being tested and are not yet
assimilated by the GSI analysis. The forecast
(first guess) interpolated to each observation location and the
observational error, read
in from a look-up table, are also encoded
in the PREPBUFR file in all networks where this runs (now only GFS and GDAS).
Flags mass data
in observations sufficiently "close" to all storms in the tcvitals
file list (i.e., within the lat/lon boundary for which bogus reports
are generated). These data will then not be assimilated.
Flags wind data
in dropwinsonde reports sufficiently "close" to all
storms in
the tcvitals
file list
(i.e., within a distance to storm center of the
larger of 111 km or three times the radius of maximum surface
wind). These data will then not be assimilated.
Input: Quality-controlled tropical storm
and intensity field (tcvitals)
file (in the
NAM network
functions 1 and 2 above and in all networks in function 3
above, this
is the so-called operational file generated by the program
in the quality
control step of the upstream tropical cyclone processing,
while in the GFS and GDAS
networks in function 1 and function 2 above this is
the file created by the program RELOCATE_MV_NVORTEX
in the relocation
of the upstream tropical cyclone processing)
valid at the PREPBUFR center time. Also, the PREPBUFR file output from the previous
network-specific parm (data) cards which control processing through
variable switches, the global nems first guess file valid at the
PREPBUFR center time [in the GFS amd GDAS (only) when tropical
storms are present, this guess is updated by the program
RELOCATE_MV_NVORTEX in the relocation
of the upstream tropical cyclone processing], and the observational
table (text) file.
Output: A PREPBUFR file with
synthetic reports
added (observations as well as the background first guess and
errors), as well as mass reports (from all sources) and dropwinsonde
wind reports flagged in the vicinity of each storm in the tcvitals
Note: This program does not
run in the
March 2017, NAM networks. It will only run to
generate bogus data
and flag mass data near storms in the GFS and GDAS networks if tropical
storm data are available
in the input tcvitals
created by the program RELOCATE_MV_NVORTEX
in the relocation
step of the upstream tropical cyclone processing
(most likely not the case). It will only run to generate
data and flag mass data near storms in the NAM network and
to flag dropwinsonde wind data near storms in the GFS, GDAS and NAM networks if
tropical storm data are available in the input
file generated by
the program
in the quality
control step of the upstream tropical cyclone processing.
Purpose: This runs only in the URMA network
to perform the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research
Laboratory (GLERL) adjustment to surface land and marine data
in the Great Lakes region. The goal is to create a smooth wind
over the Great Lakes that can be used to initialize the Great Lakes
model. New, GLERL-adjusted (pseudo-) reports are generated
based on certain exisitng report observations as well
as water temperature (if existing report is over water, new
report is over land and vice-versa). The original,
existing report is retained at its original location. Other
reports are moved from land to water (or vice versa) in order to
align properly with the RTMA land/sea mask over the Great Lakes
region. In this case, only latitude and longitude are changed. Here, the
original report is not retained.
Input: The PREPBUFR file
output from the
(if the program SYNDAT_SYNDATA
did not run and recall that it does not run in the URMA network).
Observations in PREPBUFR
message types "ADPSFC", "SFCSHP" and "SFCSHP" are read.
Output: A PREPBUFR file
containing adjusted surface reports over, and inland of, the Great Lakes.
Purpose: This runs only in the CDAS network
to add the forecast background (first guessvfrom the CDAS itself) interpolated to each
location and the observational error (read in from a look-up table)
with each observation to the PREPBUFR file. It also performs some rough
quality control checks on surface pressure (vs. the background), and
dry bulb temperature to virtual and dewpoint temperature to specific
for surface data.
Input: The PREPBUFR file
output from the
(if the programs SYNDAT_SYNDATA
and PREPOBS_GLERLADJ did not run and recall that neither runs in the CDAS network).
Observations in all PREPBUFR message types are read. Also reads in the
CDAS spectral (sigma) first guess file valid at the PREPBUFR center time and
the observational error
table (text) file, as well as
network-specific parm (data) cards
which control processing through namelist variable switches.
Output: A PREPBUFR file
containing the
background and observation errors along with surface virtual
and specific humidity added.
Note: In all networks other
than CDAS, the
"PREVENTS" function is performed within the PREPOBS_PREPDATA
Purpose: Performs complex quality control
rawinsonde height and temperature data to identify or correct erroneous
observations that arise from location, transcription or communications
errors. Attempts are made, when appropriate, to correct
occurring types of errors. Erroneous data that cannot be
are flagged and will not be considered by the analyses. The
used are: hydrostatic, increment, horizontal statistical, vertical
temporal (in the CDAS network only), baseline and lapse rate. These
checks are based upon differences from the six-hour Global Data
System (GDAS) forecast (the usual background first guess).
also applies intersonde
(radiation) corrections to the
rawinsonde height and temperature data. The degree of correction is a
of the rawinsonde instrument type, the sun angle and the vertical
level. Finally, this program converts rawinsonde and dropwinsonde dry
temperature to virtual and rawinsonde and dropwinsonde dewpoint
to specific humidity.
Input: The PREPBUFR file
output from the
(if the program SYNDAT_SYNDATA
did not run), or from the previous program SYNDAT_SYNDATA,
or from the previous program PREPOBS_PREVENTS
the case of the CDAS network (recall that the upstream program PREPOBS_GLERLADJ runs only in the URMA network where PREPOBS_CQCBUFR does not run). In all cases, observations in PREPBUFR
type "ADPUPA" and their background guess are read. (In the case of the
CDAS network, where temporal checking is performed, PREPBUFR files
24-hours previous, 12-hours previous, 12-hours subsequent, and 24-hours
subsequent are also input.) Also reads in network-specific
cards which control processing through namelist variable switches
Output: A PREPBUFR file with
rawinsonde data, intersonde corrections applied to rawinsonde
and height, and virtual temperature and specific humidity added to
and dropwinsonde data. Text files are also output containing various
results from the running of this program. These files are made
to the NCEP SDM.
Note: This program does not
run in
the RTMA or URMA network.
Purpose: Performs complex quality control
wind profiler and acoustic sounder (SODAR) data in
order to
identify erroneous data and remove it
consideration by the analyses. The checks used are:
statistical, temporal statistical, and combined
These multiple checks are based upon differences from the six-hour
Data Assimilation System (GDAS) forecast (the usual background first
Input: The PREPBUFR file
output from the
(observations in PREPBUFR
message type "PROFLR" and their background guess are read), and
parm (data) cards which control processing through namelist variable
Output: A PREPBUFR file with
wind profiler/SODAR data.
Note: This program does not
run in
the RTMA or URMA network.
Purpose: Performs complex quality control
Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) winds from WSR-88D radars in order to
erroneous data and remove it from consideration by the
The checks used are: increment, vertical statistical, temporal
and combined vertical-temporal. These multiple checks are
differences from the six-hour Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS)
(the usual background first guess). In addition, there is an
to account for contamination due to the seasonal migration of birds.
Input: The PREPBUFR file
output from the
(observations in PREPBUFR
message type "VADWND" and their background guess are read).
Output: A PREPBUFR file with
VAD wind data.
Note: This program does not
run in
the RTMA or URMA network.
Input: The PREPBUFR file output from the previous program PREPOBS_CQCVAD (observations in PREPBUFR message type "AIRCFT" and "AIRCAR" are read), and network-specific parm (data) cards which control processing through namelist variable switches.
Output: A PREPBUFR file with quality controlled conventional (AIREP, PIREP, AMDAR, TAMDAR, MDCRS) aircraft data. A pseudo-PREPBUFR file containing quality controlled aircraft profiles (ascents and descents) as well as flight level reports where the mass and wind information are combined. A text file listing all reports (output to both the PREPBUFR file and the the mini-PREPBUFR file containing profiles) with detailed quality mark infromation. Listings from each individual quality control check as well as an overall log of the complete quality control check.
Note: This program does not run in the RTMA or URMA network.
Purpose: Performs an optimum interpolation
based quality control on the complete set of observations in the
file. As with the complex quality control procedures, this
operates in a parallel rather than a serial mode. That is, a
of independent checks (horizontal, vertical, geostrophic) are performed
using all admitted observations. Each observation is
subjected to
the optimum interpolation formalism using all observations except
in each check. A final quality decision (keep, toss, or
weight) is made based on the results from all prior platform-specific
checks (see B.-I. above) and from any manual
quality marks attached to the data. The results from all the
are kept in an annotated observational database. One other
of this program is to perform a multivariate surface wind analysis and
assign the analyzed direction to the SSM/I oceanic wind speed
in order to produce a wind vector for these data.
Input: The PREPBUFR file
output by the
(observations in all PREPBUFR
message types and their background guess are read). Also, an
error table (text file) tuned specifically for this program.
Output: A PREPBUFR file with
final OI-based
quality control applied to all data. Text files are also output
various informative results from the running of this program. These
are made available to the NCEP SDM.
Note: This program runs only
in the CDAS network. The GFS/GDAS, NAM, RAP, RTMA
and URMA GSI run their own
internal variational quality control on the observations (in
additional to other quality control within
GSI itself).
The PREPOBS_PREPDATA program reads in a BUFR table text file which lays out the BUFR descriptors and their defined sequence for each type of report. Every descriptor and sequence is represented by a unique mnemonic in order to make the NCEP form of BUFR more user-friendly. This BUFR table is stored in the first messages of the output PREPBUFR file. The PREPBUFR file is thus self-defining - all subsequent codes that read it are able to parse the table directly out of the PREPBUFR file itself. The current BUFR mnemonic table is found in Table 1.a-1.e.
The highest level mnemonic sequences in the PREPBUFR file are known as the "Table A Entries" because they refer to a unique BUFR Table A data category as defined in Section 1 of the BUFR message. These mnemonic sequences will be referred to as PREPBUFR "message types". See Table 1.a for the current list of message types along with their number (BUFR descriptor) and description. The last 3 digits in the descriptor number are the Table A data entries in Section 1.
Each PREPBUFR message type consists of either mnemonic sequences known as "Table D" entries, or mnemonics representing a single datum known as "Table B" entries. Each Table D sequence consists of either other Table D sequences or of Table B data descriptors. Thus, every PREPBUFR message type can be broken down finer and finer until it consists of a string of Table B descriptors. See Table 1.b for the current list of Table D entries, their descriptor number and description. Table 1.c contains the current list of Table B entries along with their descriptor number and description. Table 1.c also contains the scaling, reference value, number of bits and units associated with each Table B entry.
The current layout of Table D and Table B entries that comprise each report by PREPBUFR message type is shown in Table 1.d. There are special characters around some of the Table D sequences in Table 1.d. These refer to replication descriptors.
- Curly brackets "{" and "}" around a sequence mnemonic indicate that 8-bit delayed replication is possible on the sequence. This is generally found for sequences which replicate as levels, such as in upper-air data. The replication is delayed because the number of levels is not known ahead of time. There is a maximum of 255 replicated levels here.
- Parentheses "(" and ")" around a sequence mnemonic indicate that 16-bit delayed replication is possible on the sequence. This is generally found for sequences which replicate as radiance channels, such as in AIRS 1B satellite radiance data. The replication is delayed because the number of levels is not known ahead of time. There is a maximum of 65535 replicated levels here.
- Angle brackets "<" and ">" around a sequence indicate that a 1-bit replication descriptor is acting on this sequence. If every Table B descriptor in the sequence is missing, then only one bit is needed to represent the data (and the bit is set to zero). If one or more Table B descriptors in the sequence are present, the bit is set to one indicating that all of the Table B descriptors in the sequence are represented bit-wise. This is useful for sequences which may often be missing, since only one bit is needed in this case.
- Square brackets "[" and "]" around a sequence indicate that this sequence is subset to events stacking. Here, the replication is the number of events associated with the sequence. Recall from the first paragraph of this document that the PREPBUFR file is structured such that each PREPBUFR processing step which changes a datum (either the observation itself, or its quality marker) records the change as an "event" with a program code and a reason code. Each time an event is stored, the previous events for the datum are "pushed down" in the stack. In this way, the PREPBUFR file contains a complete history of changes to the data throughout all of the PREPBUFR processing. Table 1d shows that square brackets are only found around sequences which consist the observation value itself (either pressure, specific humidity, temperature, height wind, and total or layer precipitable water), the observation value's quality marker, the program code for the event changing either the observation or its quality marker and the reason code within this program code. There is a maximum of 255 replicated events here.
Table 1.e contains the list of Table D entries that define the PREPBUFR processing steps that can act to generate events. It should be noted that a step is not necessarily the same as a program here. Some programs consist of more than one step, while some steps can appear in more than one program. The description defines the program(s) associated with each Table D entry here. The "program code" mentioned in the previous paragraph is unique for a particular step here and is determined by the last 3 digits in the descriptor number.
The PREPBUFR file contains a number of Table B entries which are code or flag tables (see Table 1.c). Links are provided to web pages which define these tables. In general, the code and flag tables for those variables defined with WMO descriptors can be found in the WMO BUFR Code and Flag Tables and Common Code Tables. The code tables for most of the more common variables defined with local descriptors are discussed next.
The reports in the PREPBUFR file are differentiated by both the PREPBUFR report type (mnemonic “TYP” in the PREPBUFR file) and by an input "dump" report type, loosely based on the obsolete NMC Office Note 29 and NMC Office Note 124 report types (mnemonic “T29" in the PREPBUFR file). Reports are split into mass and wind pieces at the current time. All mass reports contain PREPBUFR report types in the range 100-199, while all wind reports contain PREPBUFR report types in the range 200-299. These report types are used by the various assimilation systems to identify the reports in the PREPBUFR file. Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and Table 19 contain the code tables of PREPBUFR report types currently valid in the GFS/GDAS, CDAS, NAM, RAP and RTMA/URMA networks, respectively. In addition, more detailed information on the usage of each variable in each PREPBUFR report type can be found HERE for the GFS/GDAS and HERE for the NAM (Note: this information may need to be updated). The input "dump" report type defines the report more precisely than the PREPBUFR report type (e.g., PREPBUFR report type 180 consists of marine ship, buoy and C-MAN platform reports, all of which contain a unique input report type). Table 6 defines the code table of input "dump" report types (the same for all networks). The input report type is not used by any assimilation system at the current time.
Most of the observation types in the PREPBUFR file are associated with quality markers (e.g., mnemonics “PQM, “TQM”, “WQM”, etc.). These are used by the various analyses to place a weight on the data based on its quality. Table 7 contains the code table of quality markers. These quality markers apply to all observation types in the PREPBUFR file.
The program codes (e.g., mnemonics “PPC”, “TPC”, “WPC”, etc.) associated with the PREPBUFR processing steps in Table 1.e and the reason codes associated with a particular program code (e.g., mnemonics “PRC”, “TRC”, “WRC”, etc.) together define the “events” associated with changes in the observation itself or in its quality marker in the course of the PREPBUFR processing. Table 8.a contains the code table of reason codes for step “PREPRO” (program code “001"). Table 8.b contains a code table of possible future reason codes based on events currently occurring in the PREPRO step. Table 8.c contains a list of other unrecorded events in the PREPRO step that result in originally reported observational data not being encoded into the PREPBUFR file. Table 9 contains the code table of reason codes for step “SYNDATA” (program code “002"). Table 10 contains the code table of reason codes for step “PREVENT” (program code “004"). Table 11 contains the code table of reason codes for step “CQCHT” (program code “005"). Table 12 contains the code table of reason codes for step “RADCOR” (program code “006"). Table 20 contains the code table of reason codes for step "NRLACQC" (program code “015"). Table 14 contains the code table of reason codes for step “VIRTMP” (program code “008"). Table 15 contains the code table of reason codes for step “CQCPROF” (program code “009") . Table 16 contains the code table of reason codes for step “OIQC” (program code “010"). Table 17 contains the code table of reason codes for step “CQCVAD” (program code “011"). Table 22 contains the code table of reason codes for step “GLERL” (program code “017") . The steps “CLIMO”, "SSI", and "R3DVAR" currently do not run, and the step "GSI" currently does not generate or store reason codes. The step "PREPACQC" pertains to the aircraft quality control step that was used prior to 17 July 2012. Step "DEFAULT" is designed to handle events written out by any non-defined program/step (useful for non-operational runs).
Additional documentation on the structure of
NCEP BUFR files in general can be found at http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/sib/decoders/BUFRLIB/,
while additional documentation on the structure of PREPBUFR files in
can be found at http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/sib/decoders/BUFRLIB/toc/prepbufr/.
The NAM, GFS/GDAS, RAP and RTMA/URMA GSI analyses also assimilate (or at least monitor) many observation types directly from their BUFR dump files or from other non-PREPBUFR sources. Such types include satellite radiances (including RARS and DBRTN), satellite retrieved products (including ozone and GOES cloud data from NESDIS and LaRC), GPS radio occultation, WSR-88D NEXRAD radial wind data, lightning and satellite-derived winds and other products.
18 summarizes the current
usage of these data in the various
NCEP assimilation
systems. It also lists data types that are monitored (but not
used) in either the NAM, GFS/GDAS, RAP or RTMA/URMA GSI.
A sample program at http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/decode_prepbufr_example demonstrates how the contents of the PREPBUFR file can be decoded using routines in the NCEP BUFR library. In this particular example, every report is decoded and listed to output files specific to the BUFR Table A message type. This program also merges the mass and wind report "pieces" into a common output report for listing. In subroutine READPB, there is a logical variable single_msgtyp which controls the amount of processing. If it is set to FALSE, then the entire PREPBUFR file is decoded. If it is set to TRUE, then only reports in the Table A message type indicated by the variable msgtyp_process are decoded.
The first job step executes the program BUFR_REMOREST which removes or masks, from the PREPBUFR file, certain data types that are restricted (either by the data producers themselves or by the WMO) from redistribution outside of NCEP. NCEP/NCO has created a very strict policy on who may or may not have access to restricted data. The resulting PREPBUFR file, gleaned of all restricted data, is given a suffix qualifier of ".nr" in the network-specific /com directories on the NCEP-WCOSS.
The next PREPBUFR post-processing job step identifies upper-air "TimeTwins" (duplications in current rawinsonde, pibal or dropwinsonde wind report "parts" vs. those over the past 35 days). This is only executed in the GDAS network (but for every cycle).
The next job step reformats received, selected, and assimilated data counts (for both satellite and non-satellite types) for all four GDAS network cycles for the current day and saves the result in the monthly archive directory. On the second day of each month, a monthly summary is run, for the previous month, and posted to the web. This job step is only executed in the 18z GDAS network.
The next job step generates a table of received, selected, and assimilated satellite data counts for all four GDAS network cycles. This is only executed in the GDAS network (but for every cycle).The final PREPBUFR post-processing job step updates the Master Ship Station List based on any new information read from the updated VOS ship list from NDBC. The Master Ship Station list in read within job JRW1 at 12z on the first day of each month in order to generate marine monthly statistics. This is only executed in the 18z GDAS network.