Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Change Log

Experiment Name:  North American WRF-NMM with fully cycled land states and 2mb model top pressure

When Who What
2006/01/11/00 Ferrier, Jovic
  • Change to BMJ code : At very cold temperatures (THETA=210 K) and pressures (2 mb), saturation mixing ratios were set to zero rather than having infinite values.
  • 2006/01/10/00 Gayno, Rogers, Wu
  • Fixed an error in the script which reads in the SST, snow, and sea-ice analysis, and updates them in the cycled WRF-NMM restart file at the start of the 00z NDAS. This error prevented these fields from being updated with the latest analysis, so that the SST and sea-ice used in each cycle was that from last date that the cycled NDAS was coldstarted (00z 12/28 for both NAMX and NAMY), while snow would cycle on itself continuously.
  • Begin use of the latest (Dec 2005) release of the GSI analysis
  • 2006/01/07/00 Ferrier
  • Modified WRF-NMM code to output the correct skin temperature in the array NMM_TSK, which is used by the GSI. Previously, this field reflected the skin temperature at 00-h if RESTRT=.FALSE., which is only invoked when the NMM cycle needs to be cold started.
  • 2006/01/06/12 Ferrier
  • With respect to the 2nd item in the 2005/11/17/00 change, the upward LW at the surface is calculated from the lowest model layer temperature only rather than the average of the skin and lowest model layer temperatures.
  • 2005/12/28/00 Rogers
  • The cycled NDAS for both NAMX and NAMY have been restarted from ops NAM land states and ops GFS atmospheric states, to facilitate a direct comparison between the full 12-km domain NAMX and the 1/2 sized 120km domain NAMY
  • 2005/12/21/00 Mitchell
  • Changed LAI (Leaf Area Index) in module_sf_lsm_nmm.F from 2 (ops NAM value) to 4.
  • 2005/12/21/00 Black
  • Two bug fixes:
    1. The array SH2O was inproperly dimensioned in its declaration in subroutine TURBL. SH2O is a 3-D state array but in TURBL it is dimensioned as only 2-D. It is passed from solve_nmm through TURBL and the surface driver into the land surface package. SH2O is properly dimensioned in both the surface driver and the LSM package.
    2. Variable DZ was incorrectly calculated in subroutine CUCNVC. Two 1-D local working arrays, namely T(K) and Q(K), were being used to generate DZ(I,K,J) but T and Q are never being updated for each different I,J. DZ is subsequently passed into the BMJ code where it is used to calculate the layer pressure thicknesses.
  • 2005/12/20/00 Pyle, Janjic, Rogers, Wu
  • Changes to z0 : enable a weak topography-based component and introduce a component based on the standard deviation of the topography
  • Changes to SFCDIF:
    1. Reduction of ZT over elevated terrain is only active in stable surface layers.
    2. A baseline lower CZET-like value of 3.0 was imposed, regardless of surface elevation
    3. PBL height computation changed to make it consistent with MYJPBL code and post
  • Revert back to use of normalized RH (qoption=2) as the moisture analysis variable in the GSI
  • Restarted cycle from ops GFS atmospheric states, ops NAM land states
  • 2005/12/14/12 Pyle, Janjic, Rogers
  • Switch back to new hybrid profile with concurrent modifications to the the MKBND code (which makes WRF-NMM lateral boundary conditions from GFS sigma coefficient files)
  • Restarted cycle from ops GFS atmospheric states, ops NAM land states
  • 2005/12/13/00 Rogers
  • Revert back to old hybrid coordinate; code changes to SI for new vertical profile were inconsistent with the MKBND code (which makes WRF-NMM lateral boundary conditions from GFS sigma coefficient files)
  • Restarted cycle from ops GFS atmospheric states, ops NAM land states
  • 2005/12/9/00 Janjic, Pyle
  • Switched to new hybrid vertical coordinate profile
  • Restarted cycle from ops GFS atmospheric states (necessary for hybrid profile change), ops NAM land states
  • 2005/12/5/12 Janjic
  • Modified MYJPBL to eliminate PBL oscillations noticed by Frank Freedman
  • Added code in PROFQ2 so that when there is no q2 (i.e. when q2 is equal to epsq2) el also drops to its floor value because el is a measure of spatial extension of q2.
  • 2005/12/2/00 Janjic
  • This change, put into the NAM NMM parallels on 10/20, was changed back since the original formulation was correct:
    1. Fixed an error in subroutine SFCDIF in which the first guess z0T is used to compute z+z0T instead of the converged value of z0T obtained iteratively.
  • 2005/11/24/00 Wu, Rogers
  • In GSI set qoption=1, use pseudo relative humidity instead of normalized RH as analysis variable.
  • 2005/11/23/12 Ferrier
  • Longwave temperature tendencies from the lowest two model layers are averaged together in order to address concerns that the layers may be too thin for the longwave scheme to provide accurate heating and cooling rates.
  • 2005/11/18/00 Wu, Treadon
  • Changes to the GSI analysis:
    1. Turn off multi-variate correlation between temperature and humidity above sigma level =0.15
    2. Install small bug fixes from official GSI directory
    3. Restart cycle from ops GFS atmospheric states and ops NAM land states
  • 2005/11/17/00 Ferrier
  • Because the GFDL longwave (LW) radiation calculates heating rates and net radiative fluxes (rather than separately calculating the upward and downward components), the downward (incoming) LW is calculated as the sum of the net and the upward LW at the surface. The upward LW at the surface was based on the ground (skin) temperature, but now this has been changed to be the average of the skin and lowest model layer temperatures. The objective is to slow the rate that downward LW decreases when stable PBL conditions form in clear skies overnight.
  • 2005/11/16/00 Ferrier, Rogers
  • Cloud optical depths were reduced by the square of the cloud fraction in order to increase solar transmission through clouds, but now they are reduced by a factor proportional to the cloud fraction (as is the case for the NAM).
  • Modified ozone profile to concentrate all ozone above 2 mb (the model top pressure) into the top model layer instead of being distributed through the atmosphere when the model top was at 50 mb; this is identical to ozone profile in NAMXF2 parallel.
  • Cycled NDAS restarted from the NAMXF2 parallel
  • 2005/11/15/00 Wu, Treadon
  • Changes to the GSI analysis:
    1. Turned off AMSUA channels 1-5 and 15 for NOAA 15, 16 and 18. These channels, which influence the temperature near the surface, were causing analysis increments to be in the opposite direction from the raob increments in Northern Canada (sfc emissivity issues over snow).
    2. Increased the thinning of satellite data (currently about one data point in each grid box). The large amount of satellite data led to the raobs being effectively thrown out in certain regions.
  • 2005/11/10/00 Wu, Treadon
  • In the GSI, code was added to turn off the moisture constraint (limq) when using qoption=2 (normalized RH) as the moisture analysis variable. Using this constraint caused a negative feedback on the temperature analysis. While limq only affects the moisture field, the forcing it generated negatively fed back through the moisture-temperature-pressure coupling when using normalized RH as the moisture variable.
  • Cycled NDAS restarted from ops NAM.
  • 2005/11/8/00 Pyle
  • In the 00z 11/2 change, the topography-based modification to the ZILFC term was applied regardless of the value of DTHV instead of only when DTHV > 0.5. SFCDIF was changed to apply this modification in stable conditions when DTHV > 0.5, as was originally intended.
  • 2005/11/4/12 Ferrier, Rogers
  • Revert back to using ops NAM ozone distribution and restore the 3% reduction in the solar constant
  • Started cycled NDAS from the NAMXF2 cycle
  • 2005/11/4/12 Chuang, Ferrier, Ek, Gayno, Janjic, Lin, Rogers, Wong
  • Details on previous changes from the repository version of the WRF-NMM are listed in the old NAMXF parallel change log and in the current NAMXF2 change log
  • Page Last Modified: October 27, 2005