Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Change Log

Experiment Name:  North American WRF-NMM

When Who What
2005/11/2/00 Pyle, Ferrier, Janjic
  • In SFCDIF, use a topography-based modification to the ZILFC term which is applied only when DTHV > 0.5; replacing the factor of 6 increase described in the 10/25/00z entry
  • 2005/10/27/12 Rogers
  • Restarted cycled NDAS from ops NDAS land/atmospheric states
  • 2005/10/27/00 Wu
  • Changes to GSI analysis:
    1. turn on normalized relative humidity as analysis variable
    2. adaptive tunning of observation-error table
    3. time window for obs set to ± 1.5 hr
    4. use NOAA-18 AMSUA and MHS radiances
    5. Use new SATANG update program
    6. turn off all ozone channels in satellite radiances
  • 2005/10/25/00 Janjic
  • In SFCDIF, for the stable case significantly increase (by a factor of 6) the Zilitinkevich factor (ZT) which in effect signficantly reduces the mixing length and thus the sfc exchange coefficient.
  • Residual mixing invoked at the end of subroutine DIFCOF was turned off
  • 2005/10/20/00 Janjic
  • Fixed an error in subroutine SFCDIF in which the first guess z0T is used to compute z+z0T instead of the converged value of z0T obtained iteratively.
  • 2005/10/07/12 Lin
  • Began calculation of NDAS water budget to perform bias correction of the multi-sensor (radar+gauges) preciptation analysis assimilated in the NDASXF, using the daily gauge analysis
  • 2005/10/05/12 Janjic
  • An change to DIFCOF in module_bl_myjpbl was made; this was inadvertently left out of the 12z 9/26 change to compute the PBL height in the same way as it is done in the ops NAM.
  • 2005/10/01/00 Ferrier
  • Increased assumed cloud droplet number concentration from 50.e6 to 100.e6 (now 100 droplets per cubic cm), which will increase the cloud optical paths to be more consistent with the NESDIS GOES surface insolation product of Laszlo and Tarpley at, which in turn has shown good agreement with SURFRAD observations from September at
  • 2005/9/29/12 Lin
  • Various codes modified to assimilate precipitation during the NDAS, by feeding the hourly precipitation analysis into the land-surface model. No long-term water budget adjustment is done.
  • 2005/9/29/12 Ferrier
  • Fixed an error in module_cu_bmj which led to shallow convection being effectively bypassed. The cloud base/top arrays were not changed in accordance with bypassing the shallow convection branch, so it looked as though shallow convection was perpetually on over the oceans even though the temperature & moisture tendencies were zero. Additional code was also modified to set the cloud arrays to values consistent with shallow convection being absent. Without this change, shallow layers less than PONE (10 mb) thick would look as though convection was active, when it really is not.
  • 2005/9/29/00 Ferrier
  • Change CVSDM from .08 to .04 in module_ra_gfdleta.F, which decreases by a half the assumed standard deviation of total relative humidity in stratocumulus areas where grid-scale clouds coexist with shallow convection.
  • 2005/9/26/12 Janjic
  • Modified module_bl_myjpbl to compute the PBL height in the same way as it is done in the ops NAM.
  • 2005/9/23/12 Ferrier
  • More changes to cloud/radiation:
    • Changed absorption coefficient for water and ice back to what's in the NAM (i.e., ABSCOEF_W=800 for water rather than 500, and ABSCOEF_I=500 rather than 250 for ice).
    • Decreased the assumed standard deviation of total relative humidity (RHtot) for grid-scale cloudiness in the absence of convection from 2% to 1% (STSDM=.01) .  If grid-scale clouds coexist with convective clouds, then the assumed statndard deviation of RHtot remains at 8%. 
    • For parameterizing optical properties of convective clouds, the assumed mixing ratios of cloud water/ice is Qconv=0.1e-3 (0.1 g/kg), increased from the previous value of 0.1e-4 (0.01 g/kg).
  • 2005/9/22/12 Ferrier
  • Numerous changes to clouds/radiation described at
  • 2005/9/15/12 Ferrier
  • Modified module_radiation_driver so that it skipped code that should not run when using the GDFL radiation. This code block, when run in the NMM, would re-calculate (and reduce) the the downward solar flux and also re-calculated the total downward longwave flux
  • Revert back to 7 July change to RADFS: the downward solar fluxes in RADFS are obtained from the array DF rather than as a sum of the four components - i.e., direct visible and near-IR and diffuse visible and near-IR components, represented by the GDFxx arrays.
  • 2005/9/9/00 Ek, Mitchell, Wong
  • Replaced land-sfc code (module_lsm_nmm) with version 2.7.1 of the Noah LSM (identical to ops NAM)
  • Page Last Modified: October 27, 2005