RAPv4 HRRRv3 Official Evaluation

This page displays relevant links for the official evaluation of the NCEP RAPv4/HRRRv3 parallels.

NCEP Director
Code Handoff
to NCO
30 Day IT Test
30 Day IT Test
11/20/2017 1/20/2018 2/2/2018 2/15/2018 5/25/2018 6/25/2018 7/11/2018

RAPv4 HRRRv3 Overview - presented by Curtis Alexander at 8/17/17 MEG Meeting
RAPv4 HRRRv3 Evaluation Overview - presented by Corey Guastini at 11/16/17 MEG Meeting
RAPv4 HRRRv3 Evaluation Update - presented by Geoff Manikin at 12/21/17 MEG Meeting
Conclusion of the RAPv4 HRRRv3 Evaluation - presented by Geoff Manikin at 1/25/18 MEG Meeting
RAPv4 HRRRv3 NCEP Director's Briefing - presentations from EMC, SPC, WPC, AWC, MDL, and Alaska Region

Rapid Refresh (RAP) Model Version 4

Information on RAPv4 - developed by ESRL/GSD

RAPv4 Graphics - maintained by Ben Blake
RAPv4 Graphics - maintained by ESRL (select RAPv4-EMC)

RAPv4 Files - Para Nomads
RAPv4 Files - EMC FTP server

High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model Version 3

Information on HRRRv3 - developed by ESRL/GSD

HRRRv3 CONUS Graphics - maintained by Ben Blake
HRRRv3 CONUS Graphics - maintained by ESRL (select HRRRv3-EMC)
HRRRv3 Alaska Graphics - maintained by Geoff Manikin

HRRRv3 Files - Para Nomads
HRRRv3 Files - EMC FTP server


EMC Model Evaluation Group (MEG) - maintained by Geoff Manikin

EMC MEG Past Presentations - for NOAA addresses only

EMC RAP/HRRR Verification Stats - maintained by Ben Blake

Contact Information

Geoff Manikin (NCEP/EMC) - geoffrey.manikin@noaa.gov
Curtis Alexander (ESRL/GSD) - curtis.alexander@noaa.gov
Ben Blake (NCEP/EMC) - benjamin.blake@noaa.gov