EMC RAPv5/HRRRv4 Retrospective Cases

This page displays graphics for retrospective cases run for the official evaluation of the Rapid Refresh (RAP) version 5 and the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) version 4. The RAPv5/HRRRv4 Official Evaluation is scheduled for October-December 2019.

The RAP is the continental-scale, hourly-updating data assimilation and numerical modeling system run operationally at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). North American RAP forecasts are complemented by hourly-updating forecasts from the HRRR model, which is run at higher resolution covering CONUS and Alaska domains.

RAPv5 and HRRRv4 retrospective forecasts are compared to their respective operational counterparts, RAPv4 and HRRRv3, and a validating analysis.

Retrospective HRRRv4 forecasts initialized at 00Z and 12Z extend to F36.
Retrospective HRRRv4 forecasts initialized at all other times extend to F18.

Please use links on the left to navigate to retrospective cases.

DISCLAIMER: This webpage is not "operational" and is not subject to 24-h monitoring by NCEP's Central Operations staff.