EMC HREFv3 Verification

This page displays forecast graphics for the official evaluation of the High Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF) version 3. The HREFv3 Official Evaluation is scheduled for May-July 2020.

The High Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF) aggregates existing high-resolution model runs and produces ensemble products (e.g., means, probabilities, etc.) for a number of parameters covering aviation, precipitation, severe storm, winter weather, and general forecasting applications. With the implementation of HREFv3, EMC is proposing to replace the operational HiResW NMMB member with the parallel HiResW FV3.

The HREFv3 realtime parallels being run at NCEP/EMC are compared to their respective operational counterparts, HREFv2. Additionally, direct comparisons between the HiResW NMMB and the HiResW FV3 are also available.

Please use links on the left to navigate to verification statistics.

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