At NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), multiple thermosphere-ionosphere models have been developed and transitioned into operation. These models, including the data-assimilative model GloTEC and the coupled Whole Atmosphere Model and Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics model (WAM-IPE), are utilized to provide real-time ionospheric specification as well as forecasts a few days in advance. Ionospheric products including total electron content (TEC), maximum usable frequency (MUF), and ionosphere irregularity activities are used to issue warnings and alerts for radio communication and GNSS-based navigation for supporting the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) space weather information service. Based on the forecasts provided by the WAM-IPE, SWPC is exploring new products for thermospheric expansion and satellite drag. In this talk, we will describe the needs for space weather forecasts, the development of various models, and the ongoing collaboration between EMC and SWPC on the FV3 version of WAM.