NLDAS Forcing Data Download Information

For details pertaining to the 0.125 degree NLDAS forcing data please refer to the following presentation given by Brian A. Cosgrove at the May 2002 GAPP Meeting:

NLDAS Forcing Overview - Brian A. Cosgrove

List of NLDAS Forcing File Contents - Brian A. Cosgrove

File Format: Hourly GRIB (Version 1) Files

FTP ACCESS 1996-2007 (Hourly files tarred and compressed by month)
Anonymous FTP ACCESS to hsbserv.gsfc.nasa.gov

FTP ACCESS Realtime Forcing (Individual Hourly Files):
Anonymous FTP ACCESS to nomad6.ncep.noaa.gov

NOAA webpage NASA webpage NLDAS webpage NLDAS Web Page 
Developed and Maintained at NOAA/NCEP/EMC
Kenneth Mitchell: Kenneth.Mitchell@noaa.gov  
Youlong Xia: Youlong.Xia@noaa.gov
NCEP webpage