December 16, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- NP22 Subject: Changes to IBM-CCS Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (September 9, 2004 Version -- UPDATE # 9) The September 9, 2004 data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the ninth time. UPDATE #9 was implemented on the IBM-CCS machines at 13Z on December 16, 2008. Except where noted, the changes below affect all eight versions: NAM, NDAS, GFS, GDAS, RUC, CDAS, RTMA and AFOSPLT. *************** I B M - C C S U P D A T E # 9 ************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) Added new namelist switch JPASCD (6-word array) to process (=0)/not process (=9999) ASCAT scatterometer wind data. Default is 6*9999. [MAIN, DATACARDS] 2) Added new namelist switch IAWNDO (2-word array) for earliest (word 1) and latest (word 2) times to process ASCAT scatterometer wind data. Default is -3,+3. [MAIN, DATACARDS] 3) 1-dimensional array RDATA2 (returned from W3UNPKB7) increased from 21 to 24 words to handle new ASCAT variables wind vector cell quality, backscatter distance and likelihood computed for solution. [MAIN, W3UNPKB7] 4) 1-dimensional array OBS2 (returned from IW3UNPBF) increased from 41 to 42 words to process MSTQ (moisture quality, code table) for ACARS reports. This will be used by future NRLACQC code. [MAIN, IW3UNPF] 5) The upper limit for storing calculated specific humidity is changed from 32767 mg/kg to 99999 mg/kg to ensure that levels with very high specific humidity are processed (the 32767 limit was a vestige from the old I*2 PREPDA days - there are some high-elevation surface reports with large Td whose calculated q can exceed 32.767 g/kg). [MAIN, STOROB, GETC06, GETPWATER, SFCDTA] 6) If the nearest integer for calculated specific humidity is 0 mg/kg, it is reset to 1 mg/kg (.001 g/kg) to ensure that levels with very low specific humidity are processed (q must be > 0 to be processed – some radiosondes at high levels with very low Td can have calculated q values of 0.0005 g/kg or less). [MAIN, STOROB, GETC06, SFCDTA] II. OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO ASCAT DATA PROCESSING 1) GFS and GDAS only: Now processed over +/- 3-hr time window, reading reprocessed dump (currently NOT superobed) from unit 39 (with DUMP report type 584) (read from Cat. 10 in W3UNPKB7) and writing out into PREPBUFR report type 290 under message type “ASCATW”. Includes encoding the following information into PREPBUFR (besides standard wind info): cross-track cell number (mnemonic CTCN, numeric), wind vector cell quality (mnemonic WVCQ, BUFR Flag Table 0-21-155), backscatter distance (mnemonic BSCD, numeric), likelihood computed for solution (mnemonic LKCS , numeric). [MAIN, PREP, FILLX, GETSCATT, W3FIZZ, W3UNPKB7, DATACARDS] B. CHANGES TO SATELLITE-DERIVED WIND DATA PROCESSING 1) EUMETSAT wind reports are no longer flagged with QM=13 based on a low "QI with forecast" value or high "manual/automatic Q.C." indicator. [IW3UNPBF] C. CHANGES TO AIRCRAFT DATA PROCESSING 1) The following changes are in preparation for the future downstream NRL aircraft Q.C. module (replacing the current downstream PREPACQC and ACARSQC modules): a) Some mnemonics that were in the header sequence (i.e., RCT, ROLF, POAF. TRBX, TRBX10 TRBX21 TRBX32 TRBX4 and PCAT) are moved into the level data sequence since the latter can now "potentially" be replicated (NRL QC code can generate profiles). Only one replication of the level sequence still comes out of PREPDATA, however. [MAIN, W3FIZZ, FIZZ01] b) Now calls BUFRLIB routine DRFINI to allow for possible nested replication of sequences PREWXSEQ, CLOUDSEQ, AFIC_SEQ, TURB3SEQ since these sequences are in the level data sequence which can now "potentially" be replicated (NRL QC code can generate profiles). Only one replication of the level sequence still comes out of PREPDATA, however. [MAIN, W3FIZZ] c) Added function to correctly calculate pressure altitude from pressure for aircraft above 226 mb (via U.S. Standard Atmosphere). Prior to this, the code used U.S. Standard Atmosphere function for calculating pressure altitude from pressure below 226 mb at ALL levels, thus the pressure altitude at levels above 226 mb was not correct. This change applies only to MDCRS ACARS and TAMDAR aircraft. [IW3UNPBF] d) The Q.M. for MDCRS ACARS wind is no longer hardwired to 1 (good) if not previously set. Instead, it is set to 2 (neutral). The new NRL QC code will decide on the final Q.M. [IW3UNPBF] e) Moisture quality (code table) is now encoded into the PREPBUFR file for MDCRS ACARS reports. [MAIN, FILLX, GETC06, W3FIZZ, BUFRTABLE, IW3UNPF] III. CHANGES TO THE BUFR TABLE 1) Message types AIRCFT and AIRCAR now store level data sequence as delayed replication to account for profiles that can be added by NRLACQC code (output from PREPDATA always stores just one replication, as before). a) Level data stored in new sequence mnemonic PRSLEVLA which holds “regular” level data plus RCT, ROLF, MSTQ, IALR plus 8-bit delayed replicated sequences NRLQMSEQ (new sequence mnemonic which holds just NRLQM), TURB3SEQ, PREWXSEQ, CLOUDSEQ, AFIC_SEQ and 1-bit delayed replicated sequences DRFTINFO, ACFT_SEQ, TURB1SEQ, TURB2SEQ. i) IALR (instantaneous aircraft rate), MSTQ (moisture quality) and NRLQM (NRL aircraft Q.C. mark) are new. IALR is currently missing - it will be encoded later by PREPDATA program for use by NRLACQC. NRLQM is also currently missing - it will be encoded by the future NRLACQC program. 2) TYP is expanded from bit width 9 to 10 in order to hold aircraft profiles with PREPBUFR report type in the 300-599 range which will be added by future NRLACQC program. 3) HRDR is expanded from scale 3 with bit width 16 to scale 5 with bit width 23 in order to match other observation time precision menmonics. This value will be encoded into profiles by NRLACQC program. IV. CHANGES TO EXECUTING USH SCRIPT 1) Added dump file "ascatw" to default BUFRLIST value and assigned it to unit 39 for read into PREPOBS_PREPDATA. 2) In preparation for future NRL aircraft QC code NRLACQC, added new script variables NRLACQC (default=NO), USHNQC (default=${HOMEALL}/ush), NQCX (default=$EXECPREP/prepobs_nrlacqc) and NQCC (default=$PARMPREP/prepobs_nrlacqc.${NET}.parm"). 3) If NRLACQC=YES, will execute script USHNQC to perform NRL aircraft QC (not yet ready).