September 15, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (September 9, 2004 Version, Update #7 -- DATACARD UPDATE # 7.1 - NETWORKS: RUC,NAM) Implemented 12Z 15 April 2007: RUC: Various changes to now run in "RUC/RapidRefresh" mode: - Obs are now "potentially" processed globally rather than just in the Northern Hemisphere since data are now dumped in expanded NAM domain which extends to the Southern Hemisphere in the corners of the domain. (In reality, obs will only be processed within the expanded NAM domain set up in the dumps and the RUC will still use obs only within its usual domain.) [Variables in namelist &RGRID (ALONVT, POLEI, POLEJ and XMESHL) set to process obs globally. Namelist variables JAMASS(1:3,4) and JAWIND(1:3,4) changed from 9999 to 0 (ACARS mass and wind data will now be processed globally.)] - The dump file "aircft" dump is now read and AIREP/PIREP, AMDAR, E-ADAS, TAMDAR and Canadian AMDAR aircraft data are all processed (although none are yet assimilated by the RUC). [Namelist switches JAMASS and JAWIND set to 6*0.] - Conventional IR, WV and VIZ JMA satellite winds are now included in the "satwnd" dump file that is read in and are now processed here, although WV winds are flagged. (None are yet assimilated by the RUC.) [Namelist switch JSWIND changed from 9999 to 0000 (process) for JMA IR and VIZ winds and changed from 9999 to 0099 (flag) for JMA WV winds.] These have a maximum dump time window of +/-2.50 hours at some cycles. That time window is also set here. [Namelist switches SWINDO_e and SWINDO_l changed from (-,+) 200. to 250.] - Conventional IR, WV and VIZ EUMETSAT satellite winds from MET-7 and MET-9 are now included in the "satwnd" dump file that is read in and are processed here, although MET-8 IR and VIZ winds are flagged and all WV winds are flagged. (None are yet assimilated by the RUC.) [Namelist switch JSWIND changed from 9999 to 0099 (flag MET-8) for odd EUMETSAT IR and VIZ winds, changed from 9999 to 0199 (process MET-7, flag MET-9) for even EUMETSAT IR and VIZ winds and changed from 9999 to 0099 (flag) for all EUMETSAT WV winds.] These have a dump time window of +/-1.50 hour at all cycles. The time window is set to -0.75 to +0.25 hours here so that only one wind set is processed. [Namelist switch SWINDO_l changed from +075. to +025. Namelist switch SWINDO_e remains -0.75.] - MODIS (Aqua and Terra) high-density IR,imager cloud-top WV and imager deep-layer WV winds are now included in the "satwnd" dump file that is read in and are now processed here (over land and water). (None are yet assimilated by the RUC.) [Namelist switch JSWIND changed from 9999 to 0000 and switch SWNLND changed from 6*F to 6*T to (process) for JMA IR and VIZ winds and changed from 9999 to 0099 (flag) for JMA WV winds.] - Wind profilers originating from PILOT (PIBAL) format bulletins are now processed (but not yet assimilated by the RUC). [Namelist switch PRFLER(2) changed from FALSE to TRUE.] - GOES 1x1 radiances over land and wanter are now processed (but not yet assimilated by the RUC.). [Namelist switch GOESRD(2) changed from FALSE to TRUE.] - Surface SUYNOPTIC land mass and wind data are now processed and are now assimilated by the RUC. [Namelist switch JSURFM(1) changed from 9999 (default) to 0; namelist switch JSURFW(1) changed from 9999 to 0.] - QuikSCAT scatterometer wind data are now processed (but not yet assimilated by the RUC). [Namelist switch JPQKSD changed from 6*9999 to 6*0.] - Mandatory level data are now processed up to 1 mb (vs. 10 mb before) and are assimilated by the RUC up to this level. [Namelist switch LEVPM changed from 16 (default) to 21.] - Significant level data are now processed up to 1 mb (vs. 50 mb before) and are assimilated by the RUC up to this level. [Namelist switch LEVST changed from 13 (default) to 21.] - Moisture levels are now processed up to 1 mb (vs. 250 mb before) and are assimilated by the RUC up to this level. [Namelist switch LEVQQ changed from 8 to 21.] GOES 5x5 f-o-v layer-PW is replaced with GOES 1x1 f-o-v layer-PW. [Namelist switch GOESPW(1) changed from TRUE to FALSE; namelist switch GOESPW(2) changed from FALSE to TRUE.] NAM: GOES 5x5 f-o-v radiances and GOES 5x5 f-o-v layer PW are no longer processed, as "goesnd" dump file is no longer read. [Namelist switch GOESRD(1) changed from TRUE to FALSE; namelist switch GOESPW(1) changed from TRUE to FALSE.]