June 3, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- NP22 Subject: Changes to IBM-CCS Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (September 9, 2004 Version -- UPDATE # 7) The September 9, 2004 data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the seventh time. UPDATE #7 was implemented on the IBM-CCS machines at 12Z on June 3, 2008. Except where noted, the changes below affect all eight versions: NAM, NDAS, GFS, GDAS, RUC, CDAS, RTMA and AFOSPLT. *************** I B M - C C S U P D A T E # 7 ************** I. OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO ATOVS SATELLITE SOUNDING PROCESSING 1) CDAS only: Can now handle reports from METOP-2 satellite. [MAIN, W3ATOVSUNP, W3XTOVSEDS] B. CHANGES TO UPPER-AIR RADIOSONDE AND PIBAL PROCESSING 1) Can handle radiosonde types > 99 which will soon be introduced into the BUFR database (based on November 2007 WMO BUFR update) [MAIN, RPTLBL, FILLX. IW3UNPF]