April 17, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (September 9, 2004 Version, Update #5 -- DATACARD UPDATE # 5.1 - NETWORKS: AFOSPLT, CDAS, CDC, NAM; DATACARD UPDATE # 5.2 - NETWORKS: GDAS, GFS) Implemented 12Z 17 April 2007: ALL: METEOSAT-9 (satellite id 56) satellite derived IR and visible winds are flagged. These winds have now replaced METEOSAT-8 (satellite id 55) in the upstream "satwnd" dumps and in the PREPBUFR file. (Like METEOSAT-8, whose winds had also been flagged here, METEOSAT-9 is a second generation METEOSAT satellite.) [Namelist switch JSWIND(:,6,1) and JSWIND(:,6,3) (even EUMETSAT conventional IR and VIS winds at all latitude bands) changed from 0 to 199. This allows METEOSAT-7 (satellite id 54, thus also an even EUMETSAT), IR and visible winds to continue to be processed w/o flagging.]