January 25, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- NP22 Subject: Changes to IBM-CCS Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (September 9, 2004 Version -- UPDATE # 1) The September 9, 2004 data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the first time. UPDATE #1 was implemented on the IBM-CCS-II machine at 12Z on January 25, 2005. Except where noted, the changes below affect all five versions: NAM (previously ETA), GFS (previously AVN), GDAS (previously FNL), RUC and CDAS. *************** I B M - C C S U P D A T E # 1 ************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) Recompilation to bring in changes in W3LIB routine GBLEVENTS - changes include: a) NAM and RUC only: Include the four GOES retrieved layer precipitable water values (PW1*,PW2*, PW3*, PW4*), setting their observation error values (PW1E, PW2E, PW3E, PW4E) to the single value which is read for total precipitable water for the appropriate report types from the observational error table. An event is generated with a rejected quality marker for the four layer precipitable water values if the observation error read in is missing. This change will allow the future NAM/GSI analysis to process observation errors in the PREPBUFR file in the same manner as the NAM/3DVAR analysis currently does when reading the observation errors from an external file. b) Add the capability to read guess files from either HYBRID or, as before, SIGMA global forecast files. i) CDAS only: If reading a T62 sigma guess file, it will bypass the SIGMA vs. HYBRID test and default to SIGMA since the header is shorter in the T62 guess. c) For "RASSDA" message types, it will encode a simple copy of the reported (virtual) temperature as a "VIRTMP" event with reason code 3 if virtual temperature processing is switched on. 2) "Instrument Type" is no longer defined as BUFR Code Table 0-02-011 for non-ADPUPA type reports and it is initialized as missing instead of "99" [IW3UNPBF, RPTLBL] 3) Data types decoded from BUFR dumps via interface routine W3UNPKB7 (types never historically in Office Note 29 format) can now be skipped over via the existing namelist switch SUBSKP (connected to new input argument SUBSKP to W3UNPKB7). This capability had already existed for data types decoded from BUFR dumps via interface routine IW3UNPBF (types historically in Office Note 29 format). [W3UNPKB7] a) SUBSKP is a two-dimensional logical array where element 1 refers to a particular BUFR type (range 0-255) and element 2 refers to a particular BUFR subtype (range 0-200). If SUBSKP is set to TRUE for a particular BUFR type and subtype, then any BUFR message of this type read in will be skipped over {no subsets (reports) will be decoded out of it and returned to the calling program, instead this subroutine will move on to read the next BUFR message in the file and again use SUBSKP to see if any subsets should be decoded out of it}. Allows this subroutine to quickly pass by any BUFR messages with a type/ subtype that the calling program does not want decoded. The length of this array should always be hardwired to (0:255,0:200). 4) NAM only: Namelist switch DOBERR changed from FALSE to TRUE [obs errors are now read into PREPBUFR file in NAM version in preparation for future GSI analysis, the operational 3DVAR analysis ignores the obs errors in PREPBUFR and still reads them in itself. [DATACARDS] a) Note: PREPBUFR processing reads them from a NEW file which is identical to the 3DVAR obs error file except surface land temperature obs error is not missing in the former (so that FVS verification will use the data)] 5) Replaced call to BUFRLIB routine BORT with call to W3LIB routine ERREXIT, with condition code 59 if there are more than 255 levels in a report at the time it is about to be encoded into the PREPBUFR file [FIZZ01] 6) Added new value of 8 for namelist switch IRNMRK to indicate hourly (GOES cloud data) runs [MAIN] 7) Namelist switch PROFIL (scalar) changed to PRFLER (4 words - one for each wind profiler type) (process/don't process wind profiler reports) (default 4*TRUE) [PREP, DATACARDS] 8) Namelist switch NWINDO (word 1/2 - earliest/latest time relative to cycle time for accepting wind profiler reports of all types) replaced with PWINDO (time window about cycle time for accepting reports, 4-words - one for each wind profiler type) (default 4*300.) [PREP, DATACARDS] 9) Namelist switch VADWND (scalar) changed to VADWIN (scalar) (process/ don't process VAD wind reports) (default FALSE) [PREP, DATACARDS] 10) Namelist switch MWINDO (word 1/2 - earliest/latest time relative to cycle time for accepting VAD wind reports) replaced with VWINDO (time window about cycle time for accepting VAD wind reports, scalar) (default 300.) [PREP, DATACARDS] a) In those versions where processed, now same radius about cycle time as other "nominal" data types [should have no effect on number of reports selected since dump window is still the same except for RUC where window is +/- 1.0 hours (but since dump window is not changed it should not have any effect on number of reports selected)] 11) Now prints "*" (format overflow) for missing quality marks (before set them to "15") [FILLX] 12) Some Table B mnemonics given a more logical naming system: CDTP_FC, CDTP_AN, CDTP_OE, CDTP_QM, CDTP_PC, CDTP_RC changed to CTPFC, CTPAN, CTPOE, CTPQM, CTPPC, CTPRC, respectively; Table B mnemonics REQ6_FC, REQ6_AN, REQ6_OE, REQ6_QM, REQ6_PC, REQ6_RC changed to RRTFC, RRTAN, RRTOE, RRTQM, RRTPC, RRTRC, respectively; and Table B mnemonics PFC_MOD, ZFC_MOD, UFC_MOD, VFC_MOD, TFC_MOD, QFC_MOD, PWF_MOD, PW1F_MOD, PW2F_MOD, PW3F_MOD, PW4F_MOD changed to PFCMOD, ZFCMOD, UFCMOD, VFCMOD, TFCMOD, QFCMOD, PWFMOD, PW1FMOD, PW2FMOD, PW3FMOD, PW4FMOD, respectively. None of these mnemonics are currently being stored or read. None of the attributes for these mnemonics are being changed with the exception of CTPOE, CTPPC and RRTPC (see I.13 below). [W3FIZZ, BUFRTABLE] 13) BUFRTABLE CHANGES a) Most of the local Table B descriptors are being changed so that they have unique values in the overall NCEP database and can then be added to the Master Table B. b) The bit width for all program code Table B mnemonics (PPC, ZPC, WPC, DFP, TPC, RRTPC, QPC, CTPPC, PWP, PW1P, PW2P, PW3P, PW4P) changed from 4 to 5 to handle more program codes (i.e., more code table values) in the future. c) The following observation error Table B mnemonics can be packed into fewer bits that what had been allotted, so their bit width has been reduced: PWE, PW1E, PW2E, PW3E, PW4E reduced from 11 to 10 bits; POE, CTPOE reduced from 14 to 10 bits. d) The scale value for Table B mnemonic QOE is changed from 0 to 1 in response to the change to encode obs errors into the PREPBUFR file in the NAM/ NDAS (see I.4) (the NAM/NDAS obs error table contains moisture error values in tenths of % RH while the highest precision in the GFS/GDAS obs error table, currently read into PREPBUFR, is whole % RH). The bit width for QOE is actually reduced from 16 to 10 because it had been much higher than needed before (as was the case for several other obs error types, see I.13.c above). e) The bit width for Table B mnemonics TCOR (obs time) and TSB (report sub-type) is changed from 2 to 3 to allow these indicators to have more code table values in the future. f) The bit width for Table B mnemonic PWO is changed from 10 to 11 so it can use the same local descriptor that is currently used for total precipitable water in the overall NCEP database. This frees up a local descriptor for future use in the Master Table B. g) In response to I.13.f above, the bit width for several other Table B mnemonics related to precipitable water (PW1O, PW2O, PW3O, PW4O, PWF, PWE, PWA, PW1F, PW1E, PW1A, PW2F, PW2E, PW2A, PW3F, PW3E, PW3A, PW4F, PW4E, PW4A, PWFMOD, PW1FMOD, PW2FMOD, PW3FMOD, PW4FMOD) is changed from 10 to 11. h) Table B mnemonic TMSK is changed from scale 1 and bit width 12 to scale 2 and bit width 16 so it can be defined as a standard descriptor (its old local descriptor was in conflict with a local descriptor in the Master Table B) i) The bit width for Table B mnemonic TMBR is changed from 19 to 16 so it can be defined as a standard descriptor (its old local descriptor was in conflict with a local descriptor in the Master Table B). Although its scale remains 2, there is no danger of bit overflow because the input brightness temperatures from the dump files are currently defined with this same standard descriptor and mnemonic. j) All of the existing Table D mnemonics have been renamed to be 8 characters long (to distinguish them from usually shorter Table B mnemonics) and to give them a more logical naming system. k) Many new Table B mnemonics have been added (see last two pages of this document). l) The following new Table D sequences have been created in association with the new Table B mnemonics (see I.13.k above): SST1SQ (sea temp), TOPC_SEQ (total precip./total water equivalent), PREWXSEQ (present weather), CLOUDSEQ (observed cloud # 1), HOCT_SEQ (height of top of cloud), TMXMNSEQ (max/min temp), SWELLSEQ (swell wave), DBSS_SEQ (depth below sea surface), VISB1SEQ (visibility #1), VISB2SEQ (visibility # 2), VTVI_SEQ (vertical visibility), PSTWXSEQ (past weather), PKWNDSEQ (peak wind), GUST1SEQ (maximum wind gust # 1), GUST2SEQ (maximum wind gust # 2), TPRECSEQ (total precip.), TP12_SEQ (total precip. past 12 hours), SUNSHSEQ (total sunshine), CLOU2SEQ (obs cloud # 2), XWSPDSEQ (extrapolated wind speed), SWINDSEQ (surface wind), SNOW_SEQ (snow depth), WAVE_SEQ (wave), SHIP_SEQ (ship dir/speed), PTENDSEQ (pressure tendency), PTE24SEQ (24-hr pressure tendency), SST_INFO (sea temp information), SSTEVENT (sea temp event), SSTBACKG (sea temp background), SSTPOSTP (sea temp postprocessing) 14) An expanded number single-level variables are now decoded from the various dump files and encoded into the PREPBUFR file a) Expanded OBS2 from 2 to 41-words, adding return of altimeter setting (Pa), sea-surface temperature (K) and various single-level sensible weather elements directly from BUFR dump and hardwiring OBS2(41), sea-surface temperature quality marker, to 2 (neutral quality) when sea-surface temperature is present (otherwise, if sea-surface temperature is missing so is its quality marker) (see Docblock remarks for content) [IW3UNPBF] b) Now returns 41-word (rather than 2-word) array OBS2 out of call to IW3UNPBF, where words 3-41 contain altimeter setting (Pa) [which had been returned in category 8, code figure 20, now only altimeter table value (q.m.) returned from here], sea-surface temperature (K), various single-level sensible weather elements and sea-surface temperature table value (quality marker) (see IW3UNPBF Docblock for more information). All new parameters [i.e., SST (obs. and q.m.) and sensible weather elements] in OBS2 are encoded into PREPBUFR file, but only in the mass "piece" of a report (unless there is no mass piece, then they are encoded into the wind piece). See last two pages of this document for a summary of all new parameters that are encoded into the PREPBUFR file. [UNPREPBF, STOROB, GETC06, SFCDTA, W3FIZZ, BUFRTABLE] 15) New multi-level variables are now decoded from the various dump files and encoded into the PREPBUFR file a) Added new 3-dimensional output argument OBS3 [size (5,255,5)] which returns various multiple-level sensible weather elements directly from BUFR dump and new 5-word output argument NOBS3 which indicates the number of levels of data in the OBS3(X,Y,1) through OBS3(X,Y,5) arrays (see Docblock remarks for content) [IW3UNPBF] b) Now returns new 3-dimensional array argument OBS3 [size (5,255,5)] and 5-word array argument NOBS3 out of call to IW3UNPBF where OBS3 contains various multiple-level sensible weather elements and NOBS3 defines the number of levels of data in the OBS3(x,y,1) to OBS3(x,y,5) arrays (see IW3UNPBF Docblock for more information). All new parameters [i.e., sensible weather elements] in OBS3 are encoded into PREPBUFR file, but only in the mass "piece" of a report (unless there is no mass piece, then they are encoded into the wind piece). See last two pages of this document for a summary of all new parameters that are encoded into the PREPBUFR file. [UNPREPBF, STOROB, GETC06, SFCDTA, W3FIZZ, BUFRTABLE] 16) Some of the information now returned in OBS2 (see I.14.a above) and OBS3 (see I.15.a above) arrays had been previously returned in the conventional "categories", these categories have now been modified as follows: [IW3UNPBF] a) Removed all references to categories 7, 9 and 52 since there are now no data returned in these categories b) Replaced some information that had been returned in category 51 with missing values (indicated as "reserved" in Docblock) and reduced the number of values in category 51 from 25 to 13 c) Removed category 8 code figures 001 (maximum wind gust speed), 002 (maximum wind gust direction), 081 (calendar day maximum temperature), 082 (calendar day minimum temperature), 083 (6-hr maximum temperature), 084 (6-hr minimum temperature), 085 (precipitation over past 1-hr), 098 (duration of sunshine for calendar day) d) Changed meaning of the following category 8 code figures: 005 from total precipitation over 1-hr (with indicator 2 being its quality marker) to quality marker for total precipitation over 1-hr (indicator 2 now missing); 006 from total precipitation over 24-hr (with indicator 2 being its quality marker) to quality marker for total precipitation over 24-hr (indicator 2 now missing); 020 from altimeter setting (with indicator 2 being its quality marker) to quality marker for altimeter setting (indicator 2 now missing) II. OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO UPPER-AIR (RADIOSONDE, PIBAL, RECONNAISSANCE, DROPWINSONDE) DATA PROCESSING 1) Will now calculate upper-air (RAOB, DROP) specific humidity and virtual temperature even if surface pressure quality mark is 15 (bad), but will set the specific humidity quality mark to 15. Before, did not calculate either quantity, but subsequent step VIRTMP still did calculate specific humidity as long as the dew point temperature was present - thus the VIRTMP specific humidity was the lowest event in the stack. This change ensures that the lowest event in the specific humidity stack will always be from the PREPRO step. (Note: This was discovered because drops near hurricanes can receive surface pressure q.m. of 15 due to failing the D-VAL check - these were then not calculating specific humidty or virtual temperature in the PREPRO step.) [MAIN, STOROB] B. CHANGES TO SATELLITE-DERIVED WIND DATA PROCESSING 1) Picture triplet cloud drift winds (PREPBUFR report type 255) in all latitude bands from the even and odd GOES satellites are no longer processed a) The default value for namelist switch JSWIND(X,1,10) and JSWIND(X,2,10) (where X=1,6) is changed from 0 to 9999 [BLOCK DATA] b) Namelist switches JSWIND(X,1,10) and JSWIND(X,2,10) (where X=1,6) changed from 0 to 9999 [DATACARDS] 2) Logic added to select which pressure (height assign.) and wind to use for goes SATWND reports (still hardwired to "final" value) [IW3UNPBF] C. CHANGES TO AIRCRAFT DATA PROCESSING 1) Processes ACARS flight number (MDCRS ACARS aircraft only) a) Now stored in reserve word 2 (character) [IW3UNPBF] b) Now prints out and encodes ACARS flight number (Table B mnemonic ACID) into MDCRS ACARS reports in the PREPBUFR file [FILLX, W3FIZZ, BUFRTABLE] 2) No longer gives all variable quality marks (P, Z, T, Q, W) in aircraft reports other than MDCRS ACARS a keep (0) or purge (14) flag if either the temperature or wind q.m. has a keep or purge flag - the q.m. for each variable remains unchanged from what is read in [usually neutral (2) except for the case of a wind q.m. read in with a purge flag (14), in which case the temperature q.m. also gets a purge flag (14)] [IW3UNPBF] D. CHANGES TO SURFACE LAND DATA PROCESSING 1) Surface types now always store instrument type as missing rather than packing in synoptic format flag, automated station type, and ship location flag [IW3UNPBF] 2) Now stores type of hourly report ("METAR", "SPECI" or "LWIS"), determined from BUFR mnemonic THRPT, stored in bytes 1-5 of header reserve character word 2 (METAR reports only) [IW3UNPBF] 3) Code table value for corrected report indicator (BUFR mnemonic CORN) stored in byte 8 of header reserve character word 2 (METAR reports only) [IW3UNPBF] 4) (All networks except CDAS) Namelist switch LFMAXI changed from 53 to 0 [DATACARDS] a) When LFMAXI is 53 (previous case), all variables in surface land mass and wind reports which have a missing station pressure and an elevation greater than 7.5 m are flagged with q.m.=15, if they are outside the LFM domain. Also, ALL surface land winds in reports outside the LFM domain are flagged with q.m.=15, regardless of their elevation or whether or not their surface pressure is missing. b) This change will allow a few report type 281, 284 and 287 winds in the NAM/NDAS to now be assimilated (those outside the LFM domain). There is no change in the GFS/GDAS since surface land winds are not assimilated. None of the versions currently assimilates surface mass data in reports with missing station pressure and elevation > 7.5 m (report type 183). 5) Added logic (currently not invoked) to separate METAR reports into their own messages in the ADPSFC message type, but with a unique message sub- type of 7 (see comments in code). [W3FIZZ] E. CHANGES TO SSM/I DATA PROCESSING (ALL VERSIONS EXCEPT CDAS) 1) Logic modified to transition from local to WMO mnemonics for input SSM/I data - now looks for total precipitable water in WMO mnemonic TPWT first, if not found looks in PH2O, looks for total snow depth in WMO mnemonic TOSD first, if not found looks in SNDP, looks for ocean surface wind speed in WMO mnemonic WSPD (wind speed) first, if not found looks in WSOS (this also allows for historical reruns) [IW3UNPBF] 2) (GFS AND GDAS versions only) Table B mnemonic REQ6 (rainfall rate), a local descriptor with scale 6, reference value 0 and bit width 18, is being changed to standard descriptor with Table B mnemonic REQV - although REQV has scale 4, reference value 0 and bit width 12, operator descriptors are used to store it with same precision (i.e., same scale and bit width) as was stored for REQ6. This allows REQ6 to be removed from the Master Table B and frees up its local descriptor for future use. [W3FIZZ, BUFRTABLE] F. CHANGES TO GOES SATELLITE SOUNDING PROCESSING (NAM AND RUC VERSIONS ONLY) 1) For GOES PW retrievals, if total precipitable water is not found under local Table B mnemonic PH2O, now looks for it in WMO Table B mnemonic TPWT, this allows for future transition from PH2O to TPWT in reports in dump files and also allows historical reruns to read old dump files [W3UNPKB7] G. CHANGES TO WIND PROFILER DATA PROCESSING (ALL VERSIONS EXCEPT CDAS) 1) Wind profiler reports originating from PILOT (PIBAL) bulletins now get a unique PREPBUFR report type of 229 (before lumped in with NPN profilers in report type 223) [PREP, W3FIZZ] 2) Time window for all wind profiler types expanded 1.0 hour on each side of cycle time from "nominal" dump window to improve performance of new PREPOBS_PROFCQC program (which winnows down time window to original value) (Note: In an earlier implementation, the PROFLR dump window was expanded by 1.0 hour on each side of central dump -cycle- time, but for historical PROFLR dumps the time window will still be the "nominal" value for the particular network) [DATACARDS] H. CHANGES TO QUIKSCAT DATA PROCESSING (GFS AND GDAS ONLY) 1) Corrected bug in QuikSCAT processing which would have stored along- track row number into instrument type location (mnemonic ITP) (now correctly stores missing here) [GETSCATT] I. E-ADAS AIRCRAFT DATA (NEW DATA TYPE) (ALL VERSIONS EXCEPT RUC) 1) Added ability to process E-ADAS aircraft reports out of the AIRCFT dump file, returned in data level category 6, dump report type 41, sub-type 6 [IW3UNPBF] 2) Added processing of E-ADAS aircraft reports now included in AIRCFT dump file dump report type 41, sub-type 6, included with existing PREPBUFR report types 131/231, processed into PREPBUFR file under existing Table A entry (message type) AIRCFT [PREP, GETC06] a) Word 3 in 2'nd element of namelist switch AWINDO and word 3 in 1-dimensional namelist switches JAMASS, JAWIND and IACFTL now refers to E-ADAS (before was not used) [PREP, GETC06, DATACARDS] i) Namelist switch SUBSKP(004,006) set to FALSE (default) [DATACARDS] J. MOBILE SYNOPTIC LAND DATA (NEW DATA TYPE) (GFS, FDAS and CDAS VERSIONS ONLY) 1) Added ability to process mobile surface land synoptic reports out of ADPSFC dump file, returned in data level categories 51-52, dump report type 514 [IW3UNPBF] a) Reads in station elevation quality mark and stores in output header word 12 (previously missing and still set to missing for all other data types) [IW3UNPBF] 2) Added processing of mobile surface synoptic land reports now included in ADPSFC dump file dump report type 514, included with existing PREPBUFR report types 181/183/281/284, processed into PREPBUFR file under existing Table A entry (message type) ADPSFC [SFCDTA] a) These can have an elevation q.m. - if it's poor set PSTN and PMSL (if present) q.m. to 15 (bad), if it's fair set PSTN and PMSL (if present) pressure q.m. to 3 (suspect) [SFCDTA] b) Expanded namelist switches FWINDO, JSURFM and JSURFW from 9-words to 11-words to add mobile synoptic land in word 11 (default FWINDO(11)=300., JSURFM(11)=0, JSURFW(11)=0) [SFCDTA, DATACARDS] i) Namelist switch SUBSKP(000,002) set to FALSE (default) [DATACARDS] III. NON-OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO GOES SATELLITE SOUNDING PROCESSING 1) Added logic to handle future GOES 1x1 (SFOV) sounding (radiance/ retrieval) data: does not q.c. any 1x1 data (cloud as before, but now also soundings) by number of FOV's (still does so for non-radiance 5x5 data) [W3UNPKB7] B. MESONET SURFACE DATA (NEW DATA TYPE - NOT ASSIMILATED BECAUSE OBS ERROR SET TO MISSING) (NAM and RUC versions only) 1) Added ability to read Mesonet NCEP BUFR dump file (MSONET), returned in data level categories 51-52, dump report type 540 [IW3UNPBF] a) Mesonet ID strings for provider and sub-provider stored in reserve words 1 and 2, resp. (both character) [IW3UNPBF] 2) Accounts for transition of Mesonet reports from low- to high- resolution lat/lon in early 2004 [IW3UNPBF] 3) Added processing of Mesonet data, read from MSONET dump file dump report type 540, get PREPBUFR report type 188/288, processed into PREPBUFR file under new Table A entry (message type) MSONET [FILLX, SFCDTA, W3FIZZ, FIZZ01, BUFRTABLE] a) If Mesonet report has a missing station pressure (mean-sea-level pressure always missing) but a valid altimeter setting, generate station pressure from observed altimeter and observed elevation - character 8 of station id is set to 'a' to identify these (they still get PREPBUFR report type 188/288) [SFCDTA] b) If mesonet report has a missing station pressure (mean-sea-level pressure always missing) and a missing altimeter setting, generate station pressure from standard atmosphere mean sea-level pressure (1013.25 mb), observed temperature and elevation - character 8 of station id is set to 'x' to identify these (they still get PREPBUFR report type 188/288) [SFCDTA] c) Expanded namelist switches FWINDO, JSURFM and JSURFW from 9-words to 11-words to add Mesonet in word 10 (default FWINDO(10)=300., JSURFM(10)=0, JSURFW(10)=0) [SFCDTA, DATACARDS] i) Mesonet processed in NAM and RUC exactly like synoptic land [RUC dumps w/ +/- 0.5-hr time window even though FWINDO(10)=150.; ETA dumps w/ +/- 1.5-hr time window, and FWINDO(10)=150.] [DATACARDS] C. COOPERATIVE AGENCY (WIND) PROFILERS (CAP) (NEW DATA TYPE - NOT ASSIMILATED BECAUSE OBS ERROR SET TO MISSING) (NAM AND RUC VERSIONS ONLY) 1) Added Cooperative Agency Profiler (CAP) wind profiler reports (002/011 - returned in data level category 11, dump report type 75) to processing for wind profilers not originating from PILOT (PIBAL) bulletins [W3UNPKB7] 2) Added processing of Cooperative Agency Profiler (CAP) winds now included in PROFLR dump file dump report type 75, gets PREPBUFR report type 227, processed into PREPBUFR file under existing Table A entry (message type) PROFLR [PREP, W3FIZZ] a) CAP profilers processed in NAM (dump and PREPBUFR time window both +/- 2.5 hrs, winnowed back to +/- 1.5 hrs by new PREPOBS_PROFCQC) and RUC (dump and PREPBUFR time window both +/- 1.5 hrs, winnowed back to +/- 0.5 hrs by new program PREPOBS_PROFCQC) [DATACARDS] i) Namelist switch SUBSKP(002,011) set to FALSE (default) [DATACARDS] D. JAPANESE METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY WIND PROFILERS (JMA) (NEW DATA TYPE - NOT ASSIMILATED BECAUSE OBS ERROR SET TO MISSING) (GFS AND GDAS VERSIONS ONLY) 1) Added Japanese wind profiler reports (002/013 - returned in data level category 11, dump report type 76) to processing for wind profilers not originating from PILOT (PIBAL) bulletins [W3UNPKB7] 2) Added processing of Japanese wind profilers now included in PROFLR dump file dump report type 76, gets PREPBUFR report type 228, processed into PREPBUFR file under existing Table A entry (message type) PROFLR [PREP, W3FIZZ] a) Japanese profilers processed in GFS and GDAS (dump and PREPBUFR time window both +/- 4.0 hrs, winnowed back to +/- 3.0 hrs by new PREPOBS_PROFCQC) [DATACARDS] i) Namelist switch SUBSKP(002,013) set to FALSE (default) [DATACARDS] E. NOAA PROFILER NETWORK (NPN) AND COOPERATIVE AGENCY PROFILER (CAP) RASS VIRTUAL TEMPERATURES (NEW DATA TYPE - NOT ASSIMILATED BECAUSE OBS ERROR SET TO MISSING) (NAM AND RUC VERSIONS ONLY) 1) Added processing of NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) and Cooperative Agency Profiler (CAP) RASS reports here (002/012) now that they are packed in an NCEP BUFR file (RASSDA - returned in new data level category 15, dump report type 77) [W3UNPKB7] 2) Added processing of NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) and Cooperative Agency Profiler (CAP) RASS data, read from RASSDA dump file in new data level category 15 dump report type 77, get PREPBUFR report type 126, processed into PREPBUFR file under new Table A entry (message type) RASSDA [PREP, GETUPA, W3FIZZ, FIZZ01, BUFRTABLE] a) New namelist switches TWINDO (time window about cycle time for accepting RASS reports), scalar (default 300.) and RASS (process/don't process RASS reports), scalar (default FALSE) [PREP, DATACARDS] i) Processed in NAM with time window +/- 1.5 hours (same as dump window), in RUC with time window +/- 1.5 hours (dump window is +/- 0.5 hours) [DATACARDS] F. GPS-INTEGRATED PRECIPITABLE WATER (GPS-IPW) (NEW DATA TYPE - NOT ASSIMILATED BECAUSE OBS ERROR SET TO MISSING) (NAM AND RUC VERSIONS ONLY) 1) Added processing of GPS-IPW reports here now that they are packed in an NCEP BUFR file (GPSIPW - returned in new data level category 14, dump report type 74) [W3UNPKB7] 2) Added processing of GPS-IPW data, read from GPSIPW dump file dump report type 74, get PREPBUFR report type 153, processed by new subroutine GETGPSIPW into PREPBUFR file under new Table A entry (message type) GPSIPW [PREP, FILLX, GETPWATER, GETGPSIPW, W3FIZZ, FIZZ01, BUFRTABLE] a) New namelist switches GWINDO (time window about cycle time for accepting GPS-IPW reports, scalar (default 300.) and JPGPSD (process/don't process GPS-IPW reports, 6-words, one for each lat. band) (default 6*9999) [PREP, GETGPSIPW, DATACARDS] i) Processed in NAM with time window +/- 1.5 hours (same as dump window), in RUC with time window +/- 1.5 hours (dump window is -1.0 to -0.1 hrs) [DATACARDS] G. NASA/MODIS POES AQUA/TERRA SATELLITE-DERIVED WINDS (NEW DATA TYPE - NOT ASSIMILATED BECAUSE OBS ERROR SET TO MISSING) (GFS AND GDAS VERSIONS ONLY) 1) Added logic to handle future MODIS (Aqua/Terra) winds [IW3UNPBF] 2) Added processing of NASA/MODIS POES Aqua/Terra satellite-derived winds, now included in SATWND dump file existing dump report type 63, get PREPBUFR report types 257 (IR cloud-drift), 258 (water vapor imager cloud-top) and 259 (water vapor imager deep layer), processed into PREPBUFR file under existing Table A entry (message type) SATWND [PREP, SWNTBL, GETC06] a) Expanded namelist switches SWINDO_e, SWINDO_l, SWNLND, JSWIND and JSMASS from (6,5,10) to (6,7,10) to account for Aqua and Terra in second dimension, words 6 and 7, respectively (defaults for both are SWINDO_e=-300., SWINDO_l=+300., SWNLND=TRUE, JSMASS=9999 and JSWIND=9999 across all values in dimensions 1 and 3 [PREP, SWNTBL, GETC06, DATACARDS] i) IR cloud-drift and water vapor imager cloud-top winds processed, water vapor imager deep layer not processed [DATACARDS] ii) Namelist switches SUBSKP(005,070) and SUBSKP(005,071) set to FALSE (default) [DATACARDS] New parameters encoded into PREPBUFR file Single-level: - SST1, SSTQM, SSTPC, SSTRC, SSTFC, SSTOE, SSTAN (sea temperature: obs, K, 0-22-043;; quality marker, program code and reason code; code table; 0-22-246, -247, -248;; background value, observation error and analyzed value; K; 0-22-249, -250, -251) in ADPSFC, SFCSHP, ADPUPA - DBSS (depth below surface for SST meas., m, 0-07-062) in SFCSHP (present only from drifting buoys) - MSST (method of SST measurement, code table, 0-02-028) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy) - .REHOVI (relationship to horizontal visibility, code table, 0-08-201) in ADPSFC (METARs only) - HOVI (horizontal visibility, m, 0-20-001) in ADPSFC, SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy) - VTVI (vertical visibility, m, 0-20-002) in ADPSFC, SFCSHP (ships only) - PSW1, PSW2 (past weather-1 and -2; code table; 0-20-004, -005) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy) - PKWDSP, PKWDDR (peak wind speed, m/s, 0-11-203; peak wind direction, deg, 0-11-202) in ADPSFC (METARs only), SFCSHP (moored buoy and C-MAN only) - .DTMMXGS, MXGS (maximum wind speed: duration in time over which measured, min, 0-04-032; value, m/s, 0-11-041) in ADPSFC, SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy), MSONET (only MXGS) - MXGD (maximum wind gust direction, deg, 0-11-043) in MSONET - TP01, TP03, TP06, TP12, TP24 (total precipitation past 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 hours; kg/m**2, 0-13-019, -020, -021, -022, -023) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only for TP12) - TOSS (total sunshine, min, 0-14-031) in ADPSFC (METARs only) - TOCC (total cloud cover, percent, 0-20-010) I, ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (ships only) - HBLCS (height above surface of base of lowest cloud seen, code table, 0-20-201) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (ships only), ADPUPA - XS10, XS20 (10- and 20-meter extrapolated wind speed; m/s; 0-11-223, -224) in SFCSHP (moored buoy and C-MAN only) - WDIR1 (surface wind direction, deg, 0-11-200) in ADPUPA (RECCOs only) - WSPD1 (surface wind speed, m/s, 0-11-201) in ADPUPA (RECCOs only) - .DTHDOFS (duration of time over which depth of fresh snow measured, hrs, 0-04-031) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only) - DOFS, TOSD (depth of fresh snow, total snow depth; m, 0-13-012, -013) in ADPSFC - HOWV, HOWW (height of waves, height of wind waves; m; 0-22-021, -022) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy in HOWW) - POWV, POWW (period of waves, period of wind waves; sec; 0-22-011, -012) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy in HOWW) - TDMP (true direction of motion of ship during last 3-hrs, code table, 0-01-193) in SFCSHP (ships only) - ASMP (average speed of motion of ship during last 3-hrs, code table, 0-01-200) in SFCSHP (ships only) - CHPT (characteristic of pressure tendency, code table, 0-10-063) in ADPSFC, SFCSHP - 3HPC, 24PC (3- and 24-hour pressure change; Pa; 0-10-061, -062) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only for 24PC) and SFCSHP (ships only for 24PC) Multiple-level: - {.DTHTOPC TOPC} (total precip./total water equivalent: duration in time over which measured, hrs, 0-04-031; value, kg/m**2, 0-13-011) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), MSONET - {PRWE} (present weather, code table, 0-20-003) in ADPSFC, SFCSHP (all types except drifting buoy), ADPUPA (RECCOs only), AIRCFT (PIREPs only) - {VSSO CLAM CLTP HOCB HOCT} (vertical significance surface observations, code table, 0-08-002; cloud amount, code table, 0-20-011; cloud type, code table, 0-20-012; height of base and top of cloud, m, 0-20-013, -014) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only for HOCT), ADPUPA (VSSO not present in any type, HOCT present only in RECCOs) and AIRCFT (PIREPs only, VSSO not present) - {.DTHMXTM .DTHMITM MITM MXTM } (duration in time over which max. and min. temp. measured, hrs, 0-04-031; max. and min. temp., K, 0-12-111, -112) in ADPSFC - {DOSW HOSW POSW} (dir. of swell waves, deg, 0-22-003; height of swell waves, m, 0-22-023; period of swell waves, sec, 0-22-013) in ADPSFC (SYNOPs only), SFCSHP (all types except for drifting buoy)