November 13, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- NP22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (February 17, 2000 Version -- UPDATE # 8) The February 17, 2000 data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the eighth time. UPDATE #8 was implemented on the IBM-SP machine at 12Z on November 13, 2001. Except where noted, the changes below affect all five versions: ETA, AVN, FNL, RUC and CDAS. **************** I B M - S P U P D A T E # 8 *************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) Reads in switch MP_PROCESS from a new namelist TASK. This is the process number for the MPI run (normally 0-11 when this program is multi-tasked on 12 nodes, defaults to 0 when multi- tasking not invoked, as currently in the RUC). It is set in the ush script where the namelist TASK is concatenated to the top of the standard input datacards. The process number is then encoded in the PREPBUFR file under the new mnemonic PROCN. This was added so the separate mass and wind pieces of the same original report could be easily identified since they must have the same PROCN and SQN (report sequence number). SQN is generated sequentially in each multi-process run, thus it is not unique across processes. [MAIN, W3FIZZ, FIZZ01, BUFRTABLE] 2) Modified to pass two different unit numbers representing Global sigma first guess files into W3LIB routine GBLEVENTS. If the hour in the center date of the PREPBUFR file is not a multiple of three, it is expected that two spanning Global sigma first guess files, valid at times that are a multiple of three on either side of the center date, will be passed into GBLEVENTS. GBLEVENTS has already been modified to linearly interpolate the spectral coefficients from the spanning guesses to the PREPBUFR center hour. [Note: The compilation of this program will bring in these changes.] This change really affects only the RUC2A network, since all other runs are at PREPBUFR center hours which are multiples of three (in which case only the Global sigma guess valid at the center time is passed into GBLEVENTS, as before). [MAIN, W3FIZZ] 3) The number of bits for mnemonic SQN (report sequence number) is increased from 17 to 19 to handle larger numbers of data. [BUFRTABLE] II. OERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO ATOVS RETRIEVAL DATA PROCESSING 1) CDAS only: Subroutine W3CNVXTOVS modified to return satellite id (BUFR code table 0-01-007) in word 6 of unpacked IW3UNPBF format (integer). Prior to this work 6 was returned as missing. [W3CNVXTOVS] 2) CDAS only: Now encodes satellite id in PREPBUFR file (under mnemonic SAID) for either ATOVS or RTOVS retrievals (originating from EITHER 40-level format from unpacked NMCEDS format). Prior to this, the satellite id was missing for this type of data. [MAIN, SATEDS, SATBFR] III. NON-OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO QUIKSCAT DATA PROCESSING 1) Namelist switches IQKSLM and IQKSSP are no longer read and are removed. This program no longer performs q.c. of quikSCAT data w.r.t. probability of rain and cell number on orbital swath edge. This q.c. has been moved upstream to the program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT (optional, but currently it is being performed). [MAIN, GETSCATT, DATACARDS] 2) Modified to handle superobs (now generated in upstream program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT) by recognizing S in character 2 of the report id. [MAIN, GETSCATT] 3) No longer thins data by processing only every other report read in. The upstream program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT now has the option to superob these data (and in fact it is superobing them). [MAIN, GETSCATT] 4) The interface to these data in the reprocessed BUFR data dump, W3UNPKB7, now returns the number of original reports used to generate a superob in word 10 of the header (the upstream code WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT can now superob these data and it writes this information to the reprocessed dump file). For non-superobed reports this defaults to 1. This information is currently not transferred to the PREPBUFR file. [W3UNPKB7]