October 23, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (February 17, 2000 Version -- ETA DATACARD UPDATE) Implemented 12Z 23 October 2001: ETA only: Expanded the time window for processing VAD winds from -1.0 to +0.99 hours about PREPBUFR center time to -2.0 to +1.99 hours in order to pickup VAD wind reports between -1.5 and -1.01 hours and between +1.00 and +1.50 hours (the dump window is +/- 1.50 hours about PREPBUFR center time). [Namelist switch MWINDO changed from -1,0 to -2,1.] ETA only: Expanded the time window for processing wind profilers from -1.0 to +1.99 hours about PREPBUFR center time to -2.0 to +1.99 hours. Although the dump window is +/- 1.50 hours about PREPBUFR center time, no additional reports will be processed right now because the wind profilers report right on the hour. This could change in the future, however. [Namelist switch NWINDO changed from -1,1 to -2,1.]