July 20, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (February 17, 2000 Version -- TEMPORARY ETA DATACARD UPDATE) CRISIS!!!!!!! Implemented 18Z 20 July 2001: ETA only: TEMPORARY change to turn off the processing of GOES SFOV cloud top data into the PREPBUFR files. [Namelist switch GOESCT(2) changed from TRUE to FALSE .] This was a result of the failure of the 18Z EDAS R3DVAR on 20 July 2001 as a result of an overflow in a MAXMEM array in BUFRLIB routine UFBMEM. Once the BUFRLIB is corrected to expand this array, the GOES SFOV cloud top data will again be encoded into the ETA PREPBUFR files. This change does not affect operations since the R3DVAR does not assimilate these data.