December 16, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to 3DVAR/OI/SSI-Data Preprocessor (May 1, 1997 Version -- EDS, MSO, R3DV DATACARD UPDATE # 7.1) Implemented 12Z 16 December 1997: REGIONAL versions ONLY. ********** EDS, MSO, R3DV DATACARD U P D A T E # 7.1 ********** (IMPLEMENTED 12Z 16 December 1997) REGIONAL versions ONLY. I. OPERATIONAL CHANGES A. CHANGES IN THE PROCESSING OF SATELLITE WIND DATA 1) The NESDIS low-density 6-hourly cloud-drift satwinds are replaced with the high-density 3-hourly IR cloud drift winds. Picture triplet winds are still processed. For the R3DV version, water vapor imager cloud-top winds are also assimilated. B. CHANGES IN THE PROCESSING OF SURFACE LAND DATA 1) MSO only: The time window is reduced from +/- 3-hours about cycle time to +/- 1.5-hours (it was already that way in the EDS). C. GENERAL CHANGES 1) MSO only: Only data in the lat/lon box 5N to 71.5N and 165W to 26.5W is processed (before the entire N.H. was processed).