February 12, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NP22 Subject: Changes to OI/SSI-Data Preprocessor (July 12, 1995 Version -- UPDATE # 7) The July 12, 1995 version of the data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the seventh time. UPDATE #7 was implemented on 1200 UTC 31 January 1997 on the CRAY. All changes now affect only OBUFR = TRUE switch. Except where noted, the changes below affect both the GLOBAL and RGL/ETA models. At implementation time, PREPDATA still used ON29 file input. The conversion to JBUFR input was as follows: AVN (530,532) 12Z 04 February FNL (830,860) 12Z 05 February MESO (667) 12Z 11 February EDAS (881) 12Z 12 February ERL (240) 12Z 12 February RGL (340) 12Z 12 February ********************* U P D A T E # 7 *********************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) New NAMELIST switch IACFTL(4) replaces IACARL. Can now specify FLOOR for all 4 aircraft types (default is IACFTL = 100,3*2286). If reports are below floor, they are flagged for non-use by analysis. TEMPORARY: If AIREP/PIREP or ASDAR/AMDAR report below floor, it is tossed rather than flagged. ACARS below floor are flagged. NOTE: FOR NOW, THE NEW IW3GAD ACTUALLY FILTERS OUT AIREP/PIREP AND ASDAR/AMDAR REPORTS BELOW FLOOR BEFORE THEY EVER GET TO PREPDATA. (MAIN, GETC06) - for ON29 input: GBL: = default RGL: = default for 1-3, IACFTL(4)=0 (as before) - for BUFR input: GBL: = default RGL: = default for 1-3, IACFTL(4)=0 2) New namelist switch AIFNOW, when set to FALSE for any of the 4 aircraft types, will flag that type's mass report for non- use by the analysis when the corresponding wind report is missing (default is AIFNOW = 4*FALSE). TEMPORARY: If AIFNOW=F for AIREP/PIREP or ASDAR/AMDAR reports, it is tossed rather than flagged. ACARS with AIFNOW=FALSE are flagged. NOTE: FOR NOW, THE NEW IW3GAD ACTUALLY FILTERS OUT ALL TYPES OF REPORTS WITH MISSING WIND BEFORE THEY EVER GET TO PREPDATA. (MAIN, GETC06) - for ON29 input: GBL: = default RGL: = default - for BUFR input: GBL: = default RGL: = default 3) New namelist switch IPRFTP added to specify type of input wind profiler data set (=1 - WMO BUFR; =2 - JBUFR). Default is IPRFTP = 1. (MAIN, PREP). - for ON29 input: GBL: = default RGL: = default - for BUFR input: GBL: = IPRFTP=2 RGL: = IPRFTP=2 4) Added call to new subroutine W3UNPK77, to decode reports from JBUFR wind profiler data set when NAMELIST switch IPRFTP=2. (MAIN, PREP). 5) GBL and RGL BUFR input: Namelist switches JSURFM(3), JSURFM(7) set to 9999 to exclude pmsl bogus from processing (these are not yet available in bufr dumps). (MAIN, SFCDTA). 6) GBL and RGL BUFR input: Namelist switch MBOGUS set to FALSE to exclude satellite moisture bogus from processing (this is not available in bufr dumps and in fact is not longer processed by NESDIS/SAB). (MAIN, PREP). 7) RGL BUFR input: Namelist switch IEDSTP set to 2 to input TOVS retrievals in unpacked NMCEDS format from JBUFR dump file. (MAIN, SATEDS). 8) GBL BUFR input: Namelist switch TOVBFR set to TRUE to input TOVS 40-level retrievals and radiances from JBUFR dump file. (In version 6, no TOVS data was present in PREPBUFR file.) (MAIN, PREP).