NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE

                           OFFICE NOTE 29

                           (Updated version of September 1973 edition)


                                   NMC Automation Division Staff

                                                 September 1973

                                                  FINAL Revision

                                                 Dennis A. Keyser
                                   NCEP Environmental Modeling Center

                                                     MARCH 2001


     Revision Number 5 to NMC/NCEP Office Note Number 29.

     The date of this revision is March 12, 2001  (03/12/2001).

     This revision represents the final update to NMC/NCEP Office
     Note Number 29.  This format for representing meteorological
     observational data at NMC (later NCEP) was discontinued in March
     1997 when WMO FM 94-IX Code Form: Binary Universal Format for
     the Representation of meteorological data (BUFR) became
     operational at NCEP.  WMO BUFR remains the official
     observational data format at NCEP.  An accurate version of this
     Office Note is still necessary for historical reference. This
     revision incorporates corrections and expansions of various
     tables specifying report type, instrument type and additional
     data code figures for certain meteorological parameters which
     were previously unspecified.

     Revision Number 4 (dated 2/16/1996) had also incorporated
     corrections and expansions of these tables as well as quality
     mark tables and reserve characters.  In addition, Revision
     Number 4 removed two categories (51 and 52) since they pertained
     to surface reports and are found in NMC/NCEP Office Note Number

     Other Revision 4 changes:

          1) The previous Table R.2 (Instrument Type) was split into
     two tables.  Table R.2a lists the instrument type designators in
     effect prior to 1200 UTC 1/22/92.  Effective on this date, the
     instrument type designators in both the NMC Upper-Air Dictionary
     and NMC Office Note 29 were changed to conform with the WMO BUFR
     table of instrument types valid at that time.  The WMO BUFR
     instrument types are listed in Table R.2b.

          2) A new set of quality mark indicators was added as a
     result of the implementation of the Complex Quality Control of
     rawinsonde heights and temperatures (CQCHHTMP) which replaced
     the hydrostatic check (HYDROCHK) program on 1200 UTC 10 June

     Changes specified by Revision 1 (October 10, 1969), Revision 2
     (September 14, 1973), Revision 3 (April 30, 1987) as well as
     those in Revision 4, have been incorporated in this final
     revision.  All previous editions will be obsolete.

          Prior to March 1997, information contained in NMC
     observational data found in NMC production files ADPUPA, AIRCFT,
     SATWND, AIRCAR and UPABOG consists of combinations of characters
     from the FORTRAN character set given in APPENDIX A.

          A report is composed of two main parts: (1) the report
     identification of fixed length (50 characters), and (2) the
     observational data of variable length.  Each report is
     considered to be a logical record and contains 70 or more
     characters.  The total number of characters in a report is
     evenly divisible by 10.  Certain portions of the report are also
     evenly divisible by 10, and the character "X" is used to fill in
     these instances.

          The information contained in the report identification is
     given in APPENDIX B.  The last parameter in this group contains
     the total number of ten-character words in the report providing
     linkage from one report to the next when a roup of reports is
     blocked into a physical record.  The report identification is
     followed by the observational data which is formatted according
     to the categories described in APPENDIX C.  Each category of
     available data is preceded by a ten-character category/counter
     group which is described in APPENDIX B.  Where no data of a
     given category exist, the category/counter group also will be
     absent from the report. The final category/counter group in a
     report contains the ten characters "END REPORT".  The total
     number of characters found in the category/counter group and the
     formatted data for that category is evenly divisible by 10, the
     character "X" being used for fill if necessary.

          A sample RAWINSONDE report, in the prescribed format, is
     given in APPENDIX D.

          A negative value of a parameter is indicated by a minus
     (-) sign located in the leftmost position.  A positive value is
     unsigned.  All numbers are right-justified with zero (0) fill.

          In order to attain flexibility for adding new report types
     and/or new categories of data, programs should be written so
     that these additions will not necessitate reprogramming.  Of
     course, to utilize the additional data, programming would be
     needed.  This can be simply done by providing a check to
     ascertain if the report type and/or category can be handled.  If
     not, the report or category should be bypassed, pending a change
     to utilize the additional data.

          This Office Note no longer describes the NMC format for
     surface reports.  See NMC Office Note Number 124 for such




          FORTRAN Character Set


          Report Identification
          Category/Counter Group
          Reserve Characters
          Table R.1 (Report Type)
          Table R.2a  (Instrument Type in Use Before
           1200 UTC 1/22/92)
          Table R.2b  (Instrument Type in Use After
           1200 UTC 1/22/92)


          Formats for the Categories of Data
           Category 01 - Mandatory Constant Pressure
           Category 02 - Temperature/Dewpoint Depression
           at Variable Pressure
           Category 03 - Wind at Variable Pressure
           Category 04 - Wind at Variable Height
           Category 05 - Tropopause
           Category 06 - Aircraft
           Category 07 - Cloud Cover
           Category 08 - Additional Data Groups
                  - Table 101
                  - Table 101.1 (Definitions of Symbols
           Used in Table 101)
          Quality Mark Tables for Categories 01 - 08


          Sample Report


          Explanation of Acronyms and Terminology


             APPENDIX A


          The following FORTRAN characters may be used:

      A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T,

      U, V, W, X, Y, Z, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and:

           CharacterName of Character

                                    Blank (space)
                -                   Minus
                *                   Asterisk
                /                   Slash
                $                   Currency Symbol
                #                   Pound sign


             APPENDIX B

           REPORT IDENTIFICATION     (40 Characters)

  Character|                   |                      |
  Number(s)|  Parameter        |    Unit              |   Remarks      .
           |                   |                      |
   1 -  5  | Latitude *        | Hundredths of degree | Negative if in
           |                   |                      |   So. Hemisphere
           |                   |                      |
   6 - 10  | WEST longitude *  | Hundredths of degree | Values 00000 to
           |                   |                      |   35999
           |                   |                      |
  11 - 16  | Station           | Alphanumeric         | Left justified,
           |   identification $|                      |   blank fill
           |                   |                      |
  17 - 20  | Observation time *| Hundredths of hour   |  -----
           |                   |   (UTC)              |
           |                   |                      |
  21 - 27  | Reserved          | See description      |  -----
           |   characters      |                      |
           |                   |                      |
  28 - 30  | Report type       | Character from       | Always an
           |                   |   Table R.1          |   integer
           |                   |                      |
  31 - 35  | Station           | Meter                | Negative if
           |   elevation *     |                      |   below sea
           |                   |                      |   level
           |                   |                      |
  36 - 37  | Instrument        | Character from Table | Always an
           |   type #          |  R.2a or R.2b %      |   integer
           |                   |                      |
  38 - 40  | Total length      | Number of            |  -----
           |  of report        |   ten-character words|
           |                   |                      |                .

     * Whenever value is "missing" or not applicable, all characters for the
        parameter will contain "9".
     $ AIREP aircraft reports can have a seventh character in the station
        identification; this is stored in the "Reserve character 26".
     # For report types 011-031 (see Table R.1): radiosonde/pibal instrument
        type obtained from NMC upper-air dictionary. {Note: Effective 1200
        UTC 1/9/91, the reported instrument type is encoded in Category 8,
        under code figure 106. (See Appendix C, Category 8.)}.
       For report type 041 (see Table R.1, Australian ASDAR/AMDAR aircraft
        reports only): navigation type (97- INS, 98- OMEGA, 99- not reported).
       For report type 063 (see Table R.1, effective 9/2/93): product type (01 - IR
        automated winds, 02- IR manual winds, 03- picture triplet, 04- water
        vapor automated, 05- visible manual, 06- visible automated, 07-
        gradient winds, 08- picture pair, 10- ASMU/SSM-I microwave, 11-
        scatterometer, 12- altimeter, 13-LAWS, 14- high-density water vapor
        sounder channel 10, 15- high-density water vapor sounder channel 11,
        16- high-density infrared automated cloud drift, 17- high-density
        visible cloud drift, 18- high-density water vapor imager, 99-cloud
        drift (subtype unknown)}.
       For all other report types (see Table R.1): 99- unspecified.
     % Applies only to report types 011-031 (see Table R.1).

           CATEGORY/COUNTER GROUP     (10 Characters)

Number(s)|                     Parameter                            .
 41 - 42 |     Category code figure from Appendix C
 43 - 45 |     Number of ten-character words in the report which
         |       precedes the next category/counter group plus one. *
 46 - 47 |     Number of times data format for current category is
         |       repeated (i.e., the number of levels or entries)
 48 - 50 |     Total number of characters in current category (fill
         |       characters not counted)
         |                                                          .

     * More simply stated, the relative position in the report of the
next category/counter group.


      Reserve Characters 21-24:

      For report type 041 (all aircraft flight-level types, see Table
       R.1):  Receipt time in hours times one-hundred

      For report type 063 (satellite winds originating from NESDIS,
       see Table R.1): Initiation time for NESDIS holding file (in
       HHMM, where HH is hour and MM in minutes UTC).

      Reserve Characters 21-22:

      For report type 065 (SSM/I precipitable water superobs, see
       Table R.1): Effective 7/28/93, number of individual retrievals
       that were used to produce this superob.

      Reserve Characters 23-26:

      For report type 065 (SSM/I precipitable water superobs, see
       Table R.1):  Effective 7/28/93, standard deviation of the
       individual retrievals that were used to produce this superob
       (in millimeters times one-hundred).

      Reserve Character 25:

      For all report types except ASDAR/AMDAR Aircraft in report type 041 (see
       Table R.1):  Assigned to indicate special processing procedures.

        Character                     Meaning                         .

            0         Report has been adjusted to map time by an NMC
                       updating procedure.  Heights are referenced to
                       some forecast level.
            1         Report has been adjusted to map time by an NMC
                       updating procedure.  Heights are referenced to
                       1000 mb level at sea level.
            8         Reported heights are referenced to 1000 mb
                       level at sea level.
            9 *       Reported heights are referenced to some
                       forecast level.

      * Exception is report type 061 (SIRS soundings, an obsolete
         data type), this value means "missing" or not applicable.

     For Australian ASDAR/AMDAR Aircraft in report type 041 (see Table R.1):
          Effective 1991-12/1/93, assigned to indicate aircraft phase of flight.

        Character                     Meaning                         .

          blank       Not reported.
            1         Level.
            2         Ascent.
            3         Descent.
            4         Highest wind encountered in level flight.

          Effective 12/1/93, assigned to indicate aircraft phase of flight and
           obtained from BUFR code table 0-08-004.

        Character                       Meaning                         .
           0-2        Reserved.
            3         Level flight, routine observation (LVR).
            4         Level flight, highest wind encountered (LVW).
            5         Ascending (ASC).
            6         Descending (DES).
            7         Missing.

     For satellite-derived winds in report type 063 (see Table R.1):
          Effective ????, assigned to indicate cloud mask.

        Character                       Meaning                         .

            1         Deep layer mean.
            2         Cloud top.
            9         Missing.

     Reserve Character 26:

     For all report types except all aircraft types in report type
      041 (see Table R.1):

          Assigned to indicate the information specifying that the
          standard isobaric surfaces were located by the use of
          pressure equipment (44), or that the pressure equipment was not
          available and that the wind data were reported at
          altitudes approximating the standard isobaric surfaces (55).

       (44) | (55)                     Equipment                    .

            0            Pressure instrument associated with wind-
                           measuring equipment.

         1  |  5         Optical theodolite.

         0  |  2         Radio theodolite.

         3  |  7         Radar.

            4            Pressure instrument associated with wind-
                           measuring equipment but pressure element
                           failed during ascent.

            6            Not assigned.

            8            Not assigned.

            9            Not specified.

     For ASDAR/AMDAR Aircraft in report type 041 (see Table R.1):
          Effective 1991, assigned to indicate temperature precision.

        Character                       Meaning                         .

          blank       Not reported.

            0         Low  (precision near 2.0 deg. C).

            1         High (precision near 1.0 deg. C).

     For AIREP Aircraft in report type 041 (see Table R.1):
          Effective 4/17/91, assigned to indicate seventh character
           of station identification. If blank, none reported.

     Reserve Character 27:

     For all report types except 041 and 063 (see Table R.1):

          Assigned to indicate results of report processing.

        Character                     Meaning                         .

           0        All parameters processed automatically.
                    All parameters obtained by manual intervention and ...
           1          nothing else specified.
           2          all agree with automatically processed values.
           3          all disagree with automatically processed values.
           4          one or more disagree with automatically processed
                    One or more, but not all, parameters obtained
                      by manual intervention and ...
           5          all agree with automatically processed values.
           6          all disagree with automatically processed values.
           7        Two or more, but not all, parameters obtained
                      by manual intervention and one or more
                      disagree with automatically processed values.
           8        Not assigned.
           9        Not specified.

     For all types in report type 063 (see Table R.1):

          Effective 1/27/88, assigned to indicate source of report.

        Character                       Meaning                         .

            A         Source is other than any listed below.
            B         Source is experimental.
            C         Source is ESA/METEOSAT.
            D         Source is GMS/MSC (Japan).
            E         Source is INDIA/INSAT.
            F         Source is test.
            1         Source is USA/NOAA/NESDIS.
            4         Source is USA/NOAA/NWS.
            5         Source is USA/University.
            6         Source is USA/Commercial.
            7         Source is USA/DOD/NAVY.
            8         Source is USA/DOD/USAF.
            9         Source is USA/NASA.

     For all aircraft types in report type 041 (see Table R.1):
          Effective 4/17/91, assigned to indicate source of report.

        Character                       Meaning                         .

            C         Report received in a bulletin with Carswell
                        AFB, TX or Tinker AFB, OK as originator.


      Code Figure  |        Type                             .
                   |  Upper-air
                   |   Land station (RAOB and PIBAL)
           011     |     By block and station number
         * 012     |     By call letters
         # 013     |     By latitude-longitude
                   |   Ocean station (RAOB and PIBAL)
           021     |     Fixed ship (OSV)
           022     |     Moving ship with name
           023     |     Moving ship without name
           031     |   Reconnaissance aircraft or dropwinsondes
         $ 071     |   RESERVED
         @ 072     |   RESERVED
                   |  Aircraft
           041     |   Aircraft flight-level (all types)
         * 042     |   Constant-level balloon reports
                   |  Monitoring bogus (manual)
         * 051     |   Upper-air bogus - by lat-lon
                   |  Satellite
         % 061     |   RESERVED
         * 062     |   CLOUD (wind estimates)
           063     |   Satellite-dervied or ATS(*) wind estimates
           065     |   SSM/I precipitable water (ocean)
           066     |   SSM/I rain rate (land/ocean)
           068     |   SSM/I brightness temperatures
           069     |   SSM/I cloud water (ocean)
                   |  Surface  (see Office Note 124)
                   |                                         .

     * - No longer used.
     # - Includes land station CLASS soundings which are by call letters
          (effective 1800 UTC 2/10/92) and TOGA land stations.
     $ - Used by NOAA/FSL wind profiler reports in unpacked W3FI77 format.
     @ - Used by NEXRAD (VAD) wind reports in unpacked W3FI77 format.
     % - Three possibilities:
          1- Tiros-N Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) retrievals are
             provided in a special format from NESDIS, however they are
             assigned this report type by a program which reformats them
             into NMC Office Note 29.
          2- SIRS soundings, not in use since the middle 1970's, were
             assigned this report type.
          3- Used by GOES sounding/radiance/precipitable water reports in
             unpacked W3FI77 format.

             TABLE R.2a


    Code |  Description                      |Key for|U-Air Dictionary
    Fig. |  Country - instrument name as of  |instr./|    Code (see #)
         |  1/22/92 or date of last use      | name  |  Code 1  | Code 2  .
         |                                   |       |          |
      01 | US-NOAA VIZ-A External Thermistor | x,y,a |  1 or J  |    N1
         |                                   |       |          |
      02 | US-NOAA External Thermistor       | a,b   |  2 or K  |not used
         |  (Plateau stations)               |       |          |
         |                                   |       |          |
      03 | US-military VIZ AN/AMT-4b         | x,y,c |  3 or L  |    N2
         |  External Thermistor              |       |          |
         |                                   |       |          |
      04 | FINLAND-Vaisala                   | x,y,d |  4 or M  |    L1
         |                                   |       |          |
      05 | FRANCE-Mesural  (inside France)   | x,y,e |  5 or N  |    H1
         |                                   |       |          |
      06 | CANADA/PORTUGAL Model IV          | b     |  6 or O  |not used
         |                                   |       |          |
      07 | GERMANY-Graw/Sprenger             | y,f   |  7 or P  |    C
         |                                   |       |          |
      08 | US-NOAA VIZ 403 MhZ Duct-type     | g,b   |  8 or Q  |not used
         |  (corrections applied)            |       |          |
         |                                   |       |          |
      09 | JAPAN-Meisei or Oki               | x,y,h |  9 or R  |    G
         |                                   |       |          |
      10 | EAST GERMANY-Freiberg             | x,y,b |  A or /  |not used
         |                                   |       |          |
      11 | UK-Meteorological Office          | x,y,i |  B or S  |    O
         |                                   |       |          |
      12 | USSR-Meteorite A-22 III and IV    | x,y   |    C     |    J1
         |                                   |       |          |
      13 | US-NOAA VIZ 403 MhZ Duct-type     | g,b   |  D or U  |    A
         |  (corrections not applied)        |       |          |
         |                                   |       |          |
      14 | FINLAND-Vaisala (outside Finland) | y,k,j |  4 or M  |    L2
         |                                   |       |          |
      15 | FRANCE-Mesural (outside France)   | y,k   |  5 or N  |    H2
         |                                   |       |          |
      16 | AUSTRALIA-Phillips                | k,l   | not used |    I
         |                                   |       |          |
      17 | AUSTRALIA-Diamond Hinman          | y,m,b | unknown  |not used
         |                                   |       |          |
      18 | CANADA-Sangamo                    | y,k   | not used |    K
         |                                   |       |          |
      19 | CHINA-Shanghai 23 Radio           | y,n   |    T     |    P
         |                                   |       |          |
      20 | USSR-Meteorite RKZ-2 and -5       | y,p   |    C     |    J2
         |                                   |       |          |
      21 | USSR-unknown (linear average      | y,p   |    C     |    J
         |  of A-22 and RKZ corrections)     |       |          |
         |                                   |       |          |
      22 | INDIA-Meteorological Service      | k     | not used |    D
         |                                   |       |          |
      23 | AUSTRIA-Elin                      | k     | not used |    B
         |                                   |       |          |
      24 | SOUTH KOREA-Jinyang (VIZ license) | k     | not used |    E
         |                                   |       |          |
      25 | SWITZERLAND-Meteolabor            | k     | not used |    F
         |                                   |       |          |
      26 | CZECHOSLOVAKIA-Vinohrady          | k     | not used |    M
         |                                   |       |          |
      27 | US-NOAA MSS Solid State 1680 MhZ  | k     | not used |    Q
         |  (Space Data Corporation)         |       |          |
         |                                   |       |         |
      28 | US-NOAA VIZ-B External Thermistor | y,o   | not used |    N1
         |                                   |       |          |
      29 | US-NOAA Space Data Corporation    | y,o   | not used |    N1
         |                                   |       |          |
    30-98| RESERVED                          |       |          |
         |                                   |       |          |
      99 | UNSPECIFIED INSTRUMENT TYPE, or   |       |  blank   |  blank
         |   UNKNOWN INSTRUMENT TYPE         |       |    0     |    0
         |                                   |       |          |         .

     # - Code 1 refers to dictionary code prior to 7/30/86.  Code 2 refers
          to dictionary code between 7/30/86 and 1/22/92.
     a - Before 9/79 was "US-ESSA External Thermistor", between 9/79 and
          11/88 was "US-NOAA VIZ External Thermistor".
     b - Discontinued sometime prior to 7/86.
     c - Before 7/86 was "US-military AN/AMT-4".
     d - Before 7/86 used in and out of Finland, between 7/86 and 7/88 used
          only in Finland, and after 7/88 again used in and out of Finland.
     e - Before 9/79 was "FRANCE-Metox".
     f - Before 9/79 was "W. GERMANY-Graw H.50", and between 9/79 and 5/85
          was "W. GERMANY-Graw M-60".
     g - Before 9/79 was "US-ESSA 403 Mhz Duct-type".
     h - Sometime before 5/85 was "JAPAN-Code Sending".
     i - Sometime before 5/85 was "UK-Kew Mark IIB".
     j - Discontinued 7/88.
     k - Before 7/86 was not in effect.
     l - Discontinued 1/91.
     m - Went into use sometime prior to 9/79.
     n - Before 7/86 grouped with "USSR-A-22" (code fig. 12) but not corrected.
     o - Not in effect prior to 11/88.
     p - Before 7/86 was combined with "USSR-A-22" in code fig. 12.
     x - Instrument types corrected with 1968 tables prior to 7/30/86 (see Weather
          Bureau Tech. Memo. WBTM DATAC 2, 1968, by McInturff and Finger for
          correction tables). [Note: For code fig. 05, 1968 correction applied only
          to Metox instrument, the Mesural instrument was not corrected.]
     y - Instrument types corrected with 1979 tables between 7/30/86 and
          1/22/92 (see NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS NMC 63, September 1979, by
          McInturff et. al for correction tables.) [Note: For code fig. 11,
          1979 correction applied only to Kew Mark II-B instrument.]

             TABLE R.2b


       _______________________________________________________      _       _
       Code Fig. &|  Description                                 |Tbl. R.2a
       U-Air Dic.)|  Country - instrument name                   | equivalent
                  |                                              |
        00 to 08  |  Not used                                    |
          09      |  UNSPECIFIED / UNKNOWN INSTRUMENT TYPE       |    99
        * 10      |  UNITED STATES - RS VIZ-A External Thermistor|   01,03
        * 11      |  UNITED STATES - RS VIZ-B External Thermistor|    28
        * 12      |  UNITED STATES - RS Space Data Corporation   |    29
        # 13      |  AUSTRALIA - Astor                           |
          14      |  UNITED STATES - Beukers Microsonde          |
          15      |  UNITED STATES - EEC Company type 23         |
          16      |  AUSTRIA - Elin                              |    23
          17      |  GERMANY - Graw G                            |
          18      |  RESERVED                                    |
        * 19      |  GERMANY - Graw M60                          |    07
          20      |  INDIA - Meteorological Service MK3          |    22
        # 21      |  SOUTH KOREA - Jinyang (VIZ license)         |    24
        * 22      |  JAPAN - Meisei RS2-80                       |    09
          23      |  FRANCE - Mesural FMO 1950A                  |   05,15
          24      |  FRANCE - Mesural FMO 1945A                  |   05,15
          25      |  FRANCE - Mesural MH73A                      |   05,15
          26      |  SWITZERLAND - Meteolabor Basora             |    25
        * 27      |  CIS - AVK-MRZ                               |    12
        * 28      |  CIS - Meteorite Marz2-1                     |    20
        * 29      |  CIS - Meteorite Marz2-2                     |    20
          30      |  JAPAN - Oki RS2-80                          |
        * 31      |  CANADA - Sangamo                            |    18
        * 32      |  CHINA - Shanghai Radio                      |    19
       #,*33      |  UNITED KINGDOM - Meteorological Office MK3  |    11
          34      |  CZECHOSLOVAKIA - Vinohrady                  |    26
          35      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS18                      |
          36      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS21                      |
        * 37      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS80                      |    04
          38      |  UNITED STATES - Beukers LOCATE (Loran-C)    |
          39      |  GERMANY - Sprenger E076                     |
          40      |  GERMANY - Sprenger E084                     |
          41      |  GERMANY - Sprenger E085                     |
          42      |  GERMANY - Sprenger E086                     |
        * 43      |  UNITED KINGDOM - AIR IS-4A-1680             |
        * 44      |  UNITED KINGDOM - AIR IS-4A-1680 X           |
        * 45      |  RS MSS                                      |    27
          46      |  UNITED KINGDOM - AIR IS-4A-403              |
        * 47      |  JAPAN - Meisei RS2-91                       |
       48 to 59   |  RESERVED FOR ADDITIONAL RADIOSONDES         |
        * 60      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS80/MicroCora            |    04
        * 61      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS80/DigiCora or Marwin   |    04
        * 62      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS80/PCCora               |    04
        * 63      |  FINLAND - Vaisala RS80/Star                 |    04
       64 to 98   |  RESERVED                                    |
          99      |  UNSPECIFIED ("RESERVED" in BUFR table)      |
                  |                                              |          .

     * - Inst. types corrected with 1991 tables (see NMC O.Note 374).
     # - No longer in use.


             APPENDIX C


      Whenever values are "missing", all characters allowed
      for that parameter will contain "9", except for quality
      marks which will always be as stated.

Category 01 -- Mandatory constant-pressure data
           (22 characters each entry) (see Note 1)

      The assumed order of constant-pressure data is as follows:
           (1)  1000 mb       (8)  200 mb       (15) 10 mb
           (2)   850 mb       (9)  150 mb       (16)  7 mb
           (3)   700 mb       (10) 100 mb       (17)  5 mb
           (4)   500 mb       (11)  70 mb       (18)  3 mb
           (5)   400 mb       (12)  50 mb       (19)  2 mb
           (6)   300 mb       (13)  30 mb       (20)  1 mb
           (7)   250 mb       (14)  20 mb

           Assuming this order, the entry in the category/counter
      group which gives the number of times a format is repeated
      will be the number corresponding to the highest level (lowest
      pressure) for which there is data.
  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Geopotential                   |  Meter
            |                                |
     4      | Temperature                    |  Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     3      | Dewpoint depression            |  Tenth of degree C
            |                               |
     3      | Wind direction                 |  Degree
            |                                |
     3      | Wind speed                     |  Knot
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for geopotential  |  (see Note 2)
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for temperature   |  (see Note 2)
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for dewpoint      |  (see Note 2)
            |   depression                   |
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for wind          |  (see Note 2)
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - In 1991 a new mandatory level at 925 mb was introduced.  See
           Category 08, code figure 925 for geopotential; Category 02 for
             temperature and dewpoint depression; and Category 03 for wind
             data from the 925 mb mandatory level.
   Note 2 - For data prior to 1200 UTC 10 June 1992, see character from Table
           Q.A. Otherwise, see character from Table Q.C.

Category 02 -- Temperature/dewpoint depression at variable pressure
           (15 characters each entry) (may also include 925 mb
           mandatory level data if Cat. 08, code fig. 925 present)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Pressure (see Note 1, 2)       | Tenth of millibar
            |                                |
     4      | Temperature                    | Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     3      | Dewpoint depression            | Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for pressure         | Character from Table
            |                                |   Q.B
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for temperature   | (see Note 3)
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for dewpoint      | (see Note 3)
            |   depression                   |
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - First entry will always be surface data, values set "missing"
             if not available.
   Note 2 - Entries will be ordered by decreasing pressure.
   Note 3 - For data prior to 1200 UTC 10 June 1992, see character from
           Table Q.A.  Otherwise, see character from Table Q.C.

Category 03 -- Wind at variable pressure (13 characters each entry)
           (may also include 925 mb mandatory level data if
           Cat. 08, code fig. 925 present)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Pressure (see Note 1, 2)       | Tenth of millibar
            |                                |
     3      | Wind direction                 | Degree
            |                                |
     3      | Wind speed                     | Knot
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for pressure         | Character from Table
            |                                |   Q.B
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for wind          | (see Note 3)
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - First entry will always be surface data, values set "missing" if not
   Note 2 - Entries will be ordered by decreasing pressure.
   Note 3 - For data prior to 1200 UTC 10 June 1992, see character from Table Q.A.
             Otherwise, see character from Table Q.C.

Category 04 -- Wind at variable height (13 characters each entry)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Geopotential (see Note 1, 2)   | Meter
            |                                |
     3      | Wind direction                 | Degree
            |                                |
     3      | Wind speed                     | Knot
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for geopotential     | Character from Table
            |                                |   Q.B
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for wind          | (see Note 3)
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - First entry will always be surface data, values set "missing"
             if not available.
   Note 2 - Entries will be ordered by increasing height.
   Note 3 - For data prior to 1200 UTC 10 June 1992, see character from
           Table Q.A.  Otherwise, see character from Table Q.C.

Category 05 -- Tropopause data (22 characters each entry)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Pressure (see Note 1)          | Tenth of millibar
            |                                |
     4      | Temperature                    | Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     3      | Dewpoint depression            | Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     3      | Wind direction                 | Degree
            |                                |
     3      | Wind speed                     | Knot
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for pressure         | Character from Table
            |                                |   Q.B
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for temperature   | (see Note 2)
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for dewpoint      | (see Note 2)
            |   depression                   |
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for wind          | (see Note 2)
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - Entries will be ordered by decreasing pressure.
   Note 2 - For data prior to 1200 UTC 10 June 1992, see character from
           Table Q.A.  Otherwise, see character from Table Q.C.

Category 06 -- Single-level data (22 characters each entry)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Pressure altitude              | Meter
            |                                |
     4      | Temperature                    | Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     3      | Dewpoint depression            | Tenth of degree C
            |                                |
     3      | Wind direction                 | Degree
            |                                |
     3      | Wind speed                     | Knot
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for pressure         | Character from Table
            |   altitude (see Note 1) or     | Q.6 (see Note 2)
            |   quality mark for entire      |
            |   report (see Note 1, Tbl. Q.6)|
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for temperature   | Character from Table
            |   (see Note 1) or quality      | Q.6(see Note 2)
            |   mark for entire report (see  |
           |   Note 1, Tbl. Q.6)            |
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for dewpoint      | Character from Table
            |   depression or indicator for  |   Q.6 (see Note 2)
            |   turbulence (see Note 1)      |
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for wind          | Character from Table
            |   (see Note 1)                 |   Q.6c (see Note 2)
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - AIREP and PIREP aircraft data can be quality controlled and
             SUPEROBed by a program called "PREPACFT".  Currently, PREPACFT
             does not operate on the production "AIRCFT" data sets.  It
             does write to temporary data sets which are input to the NMC
             regional analysis.  The quality mark characters assigned by
             PREPACFT are found in Table Q.6d.
   Note 2 - For all SATWND types and ACARS aircraft after 1200 UTC 02
             December 1992, see character from Table Q.C.  For all other
             types (including ACARS aircraft prior to 1200 UTC 02 December
             1992), see character from Table Q.6 or Table Q.6c as indicated
             in unit column above (or from Table Q.6d if Note 1 above

Category 07 -- Cloud cover (10 characters each entry)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Pressure (see Note 1, 2)       | Tenth of millibar
            |                                |
     3      | Amount of cloudiness           |
            |   (see Note 2)                 | Percent
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for pressure      | Character from Table
            |                                |   Q.7
            |                                |
     1      | Quality mark for cloud amount  | Character from Table
            |                                |   Q.7
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - Entries will be ordered by increasing height.
   Note 2 - Pressure and cloud amount will both have values of zero to
             indicate no cloud cover (clear).

Category 08 -- Additional data (10 characters each entry)

  No. of    |                                |
characters  |           Parameter            |              Unit    .
            |                                |
     5      | Data given by specifications   |
            |   in Table 101.1  (see Note 1) | Variable
            |                                |
     3      | Form of additional data in     | Code figure from
            |   report (see Note 2)          |   Table 101
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for data             | Character from Table
            |   specification                |   Q.8
            |                                |
     1      | Indicator for form of          | Character from Table
            |   additional data              |   Q.8a
            |                                |                      .

   Note 1 - Value set to "missing" if not applicable.
   Note 2 - Entries will be ordered by increasing code figure.

             TABLE 101

Code |
Fig. |                    Specification                             .
001  |  Stability index ... 000ii (see Table 101.1 for ii).
002  |  Low-level Mean Wind for surface to 5,000-foot layer in knots
     |    ... ddfff (see Table 101.1 for dd, fff).
003  |  Low-level Mean Wind for 5,000- to 10,000-foot layer in knots
     |    ... ddfff (see Table 101.1 for dd, fff).
004  |  Vertical Wind Shear data in knots ... 4bbaa (see Table 101.1
     |    for bb, aa).  [99 is used when solidi (//) were encoded for
     |    bb or aa].
005  |  Verifies 77999 (maximum wind not observed) was encoded.
006  |  Verifies 88999 (tropopause not observed) was encoded.
007  |  Stratum has superadiabatic lapse rate between following
     |    levels ... 0lluu (see Table 101.1 for ll, uu).
008  |  Geopotential was deleted in report at level ... 000PP (see
     |    Table 101.1 for PP).
009  |  Temperature was deleted in report at level ... 000PP (see
     |    Table 101.1 for PP).
010  |  Depression of the Dew Point was deleted in report at level
     |    ... 000PP (or 00PPP as appropriate) (see Table 101.1 for
     |    PP, PPP).
011  |  Wind Direction and/or Speed was deleted in report at level
     |    ... 000PP (or 00PPP as appropriate) (see Table 101.1 for
     |    PP, PPP).
012  |  Pressure was deleted in report at level ... 000PP (or 00PPP
     |    as appropriate) (see Table 101.1 for PP, PPP).
013  |  Pressure (mb) corresponding to pressure altitude given in the
     |    report ... 00PPP (e.g., SATWND's) (see Table 101.1 for
     |    PPP).
014  |  Station block and index (WMO) number (Also see Table SM.8a in
     |    Office Note 124).
015  |  Cloud albedo (%) and cloud pressure level (mb) .... AAppp
     |    (see  Table 101.1 for AA, ppp).
016  |  Total albedo (%) and flux (watts/m**2) .... AAFFF (see Table
     |    101.1 for AA, FFF).
017  |  Surface albedo (%) and total water vapor (cm X 100) ....
     |     AAVVV (see Table 101.1 for AA, VVV).
018  |  Surface skin temperature and liquid water in clouds ....
     |     ttlll (see Table 101.1 for tt, lll).
019  |  Period of time (in hundredths of hours) over which
     |    observation was made .... 0hhhh (see Table 101.1 for hhhh).
020  |  Altimeter setting (QNH) in tenths of mb .... ppppp (see Table
     |   101.1 for ppppp). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124).
021  |  Report sequence number .... nnnnn  (see Table 101.1 for
     |     nnnnn).  Currently used only for ACARS aircraft report).
     |     (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in Office
     |      Note 124.)
022  |  TOVS layer precipitable water boundary .... BBBUU (see Table
     |    101.1 for BBB, UU; see Code Figure 023 for corresponding
     |    values).
023  |  TOVS layer precipitable water and quality .... WWWqq (see
     |    Table 101.1 for WWW, qq; see Code Figure 022 for level
     |    boundary).
024- |
031  |  *** NOT USED ***
032  |  Nh (1 digit), C1 (2 digits), and h (2 digits) from the cloud
     |     data (41414) group.  (See Code Tables 1, 8, and 9 for
     |      meanings).
033  |  Cm (2 digits) and Ch (3 digits) from the cloud data (41414)
     |    group. (See Code Tables 10 and 11 for meaning).
034  |  Verifies DLAD (report not ready for transmission) was
     |    encoded.
035  |  Verifies FINO (report missing, will not be filed for
     |    transmission) was encoded.
036  |  Verifies MISG (report missing but no further information
     |    available) was encoded.
037  |  Verifies PISE (unfavorable sea conditions) was encoded.
038  |  Verifies PIWE (unfavorable weather conditions) was encoded.
039  |  Verifies XMTD (all data for the ascent has been transmitted
     |    previously) was encoded.
040  |  Report not filed.
041  |  *** NOT USED ***
042  |  Ground equipment failure.
043  |  Observation delayed.
044  |  Power failure.
045  |  Unfavorable weather conditions.
046  |  Low maximum altitude (less than 500 meters above ground).
047  |  Leaking balloon.
048  |  Ascent not authorized for this period.
049  |  Alert.
050  |  Ascent did not extend above the 100 mb level.
051  |  Balloon forced down by icing condition.
052  |  Balloon forced down by precipitation.
053  |  Atmospheric interference.
054  |  Local interference.
055  |  Fading signal.
056  |  Weak signal.
057  |  Preventative maintenance.
058  |  Flight equipment (transmitter, balloon, attachments, etc.)
     |    failure.
059  |  Any reason not listed in 040 - 058 above.
060- |
064  |  *** NOT USED ***
065  |  Altitude and temperature data are doubtful between the
     |    following levels .... 0lluu (see Table 101.1 for ll, uu).
066  |  Altitude levels are doubtful between the following levels
     |    .... 0lluu (see Table 101.1 for ll, uu).
067  |  Temperature data are doubtful between the following levels
     |    .... 0lluu (see Table 101.1 for ll, uu).
068  |  Depression of the Dew Point is missing between the following
     |    levels .... 0lluu (see Table 101.1 for ll, uu).
069  |  Depression of the Dew Point is missing at the level ....
     |    000PP (see Table 101.1 for PP).
070- |
077  |  *** NOT USED ***
078  |  Corrected Tropopause Data (Section 3) entered in report.
079  |  Corrected Maximum Wind (Section 3) entered in report.
080  |  Corrected entire report (PARTs A, B, C, and D entered in
     |    report). (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in
     |    Office Note 124.)
081  |  Corrected report for PARTs A and B entered in report.
     |    (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in Office
     |     Note 124.)
082  |  Corrected report for PARTs C and D entered in report.
     |    (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in Office
     |     Note 124.)
083  |  Corrected data for mandatory levels entered in report.
     |    (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in Office
     |     Note 124.)
084  |  Corrected data for significant levels entered in report.
     |    (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in Office
     |     Note 124.)
085  |  Corrected report for one with minor error(s) entered in
     |    report. (NOTE: Has a different meaning in Table SM.8a in
     |    Office Note 124.)
086  |  Significant levels, not included in original report, entered
     |    in report.
087  |  Corrected data, for Surface, entered in report.
088  |  Corrected Additional Data groups entered in report.
089  |  *** NOT USED ***
090  |  Extrapolated altitude data entered in report at level ...
     |    000PP (see Table 101.1 for PP). (NOTE: Has a different
     |    meaning in Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
091  |  Extrapolated surface data entered in report.
092  |  Upper-air bogus height .... LLHHH (see Table 101.1 for LL,
     |    HHH). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
093  |  Sea-level pressure bogus .... LLPPP (see Table 101.1 for LL,
     |    PPP). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
094  |  Temperature bogus .... LLSTT (see Table 101.1 for LL, S, TT).
095  |  Satellite moisture bogus .... LL0NN (see Table 101.1 for LL,
     |    NN).  (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124).
096  |  Height update .... LLZZZ (see Table 101.1 for LL, ZZZ).
097  |  *** NOT USED ***
098  |  Duration of sunshine for the calendar day .... 98xxx (see
     |    Table 101.1 for xxx). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note
     |    124.)
099- |
100  |  *** NOT USED ***
101  |  Code figure from WMO "101" group .... 000xx (where xx is WMO
     |    code).
102- |
103  |  *** NOT USED ***
104  |  Release time in hundredths of hours (UTC) .... 0hhhh (see
     |    Table 101.1 for hhhh).
105  |  Receipt time in hundredths of hours (UTC) .... 0hhhh (see
     |    Table 101.1 for hhhh).
106  |  Instrument type, radiation code figures; prior to 1200 UTC
     |    1/8/92 .... rrscc; after 1200 UTC 1/8/92 .... srrcc  (see
     |    Table 101.1  for rr, s, cc). [99 is used when solidi (//)
     |    were encoded for cc.]
107  |  Original value for data corrected by the complex quality
     |    control checker.  Includes mandatory level geopotential
     |    height (.... hhhhh), mandatory level temperature (....
     |    00ttt), and surface pressure (first significant level)
     |    (.... PPPPP).  (See Table 101.1 for hhhhh, ttt, PPPPP.)
     |    First Category 08 Indicator (see Table Q.8) indicates data
     |    type, and second Category 08 Indicator (see Table Q.8a)
     |    indicates level in mb.
108  |  Level and original value for significant level data corrected
     |    by the complex quality control checker.  Includes pressure
     |    (.... nnPPP) and temperature (.... nnttt).  (See Table
     |    101.1 for nn, PPP, ttt.)  First Category 08 Indicator (see
     |    Table Q.8) is utilized to indicate PART A, B, C, or D of
     |    the TEMP, PILOT, TEMP SHIP, or PILOT SHIP reports.  Second
     |    Category 08 Indicator (see Table Q.8a) indicates data type.
109  |  Moored buoy anemometer height (meters multiplied by 10) ....
     |    00zzz (see Table 101.1 for zzz).  (Also see Table SM.8a in
     |    Office Note 124.)
110  |  Raw receipt data in FM-12 (SYNOP), FM-13 (SHIP) and FM-18
 to  |    (DRIFTER) coded format.  Second digit is Section no. (1-3)
139  |    and third digit is Group no. (0-9). The exception is 119
     |    which is the time of the report .... 9tttt (see Table 101.1
     |    for tttt).  (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
140  |  Raw receipt data in FM-12 (SYNOP), FM-13 (SHIP) and FM-18
 to  |    (DRIFTER) coded format for Section no. 5.  Third digit is
149  |    Group no. (0-9). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
150- |
188  |  *** NOT USED ***
189  |  SSM/I 19 GHz V brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
190  |  SSM/I 19 GHz H brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
191  |  SSM/I 22 GHz V brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
192  |  SSM/I 37 GHz V brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
193  |  SSM/I 37 GHz H brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
194  |  SSM/I 85 GHz V brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
195  |  SSM/I 85 GHz H brightness temperature (degrees Kelvin
     |    multiplied by one-hundred) .... TTTTT  (see Table 101.1 for
     |    TTTTT).
196  |  SSM/I surface wind speed (ocean, meters per second multiplied
     |    by ten) .... wwwww  (see Table 101.1 for wwwww). (Also see
     |    Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
197  |  SSM/I total precipitable water (ocean, millimeters multiplied
     |     by ten) .... 00ccc (see Table 101.1 for ccc).
198  |  SSM/I rain rate (land and ocean, millimeters per hour
     |     multiplied by ten) .... 00rrr (see Table 101.1 for rrr).
199  |  SSM/I surface temperature (degrees Kelvin) .... 00TTT  (see
     |    Table 101.1 for TTT). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note
     |    124.)
200  |  SSM/I cloud water (ocean, millimeters multiplied by 100) ....
     |     ccccc  (see Table 101.1 for ccccc).
201  |  SSM/I soil moisture (millimeters) .... 00mmm  (see Table
     |    101.1 for mmm). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
202  |  SSM/I snow depth (millimeters) .... 00sss  (see Table 101.1
     |    for sss). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
203- |
209  |  *** NOT USED ***
210  |  SSM/I surface tag .... 0000f  (see Table 101.1 for f). (Also
     |    see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
211  |  SSM/I ice concentration (per cent) .... 00iii  (see Table
     |    101.1 for iii). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
212  |  SSM/I ice age .... 0000a  (see Table 101.1 for a). (Also see
     |    Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
213  |  SSM/I ice edge .... 0000e  (see Table 101.1 for e). (Also see
     |    Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
214  |  SSM/I calculated surface type .... 000ss  (see Table 101.1
     |    for ss). (Also see Table SM.8a in Office Note 124.)
215- |
249  |  *** NOT USED ***
250  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES lifted index in unpacked W3FI77 format
     |    (degrees Kelvin multiplied by ten) .... 0TTTT (see Table
     |    101.1 for 0TTTT).]
251  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES total precipitable water in unpacked
     |    W3FI77 format (millimeters multiplied by ten) .... 00ccc
     |    (see Table 101.1 for ccc).]
252  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES precipitable water in 1.0 to 0.9 sigma
     |    layer in unpacked W3FI77 format (millimeters multiplied by
     |    ten) .... 00ccc (see Table 101.1 for ccc).]
253  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES precipitable water in 0.9 to 0.7 sigma
     |    layer in unpacked W3FI77 format (millimeters multiplied by
     |    ten) .... 00ccc (see Table 101.1 for ccc).]
254  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES precipitable water in 0.7 to 0.3 sigma
     |    layer in unpacked W3FI77 format (millimeters multiplied by
     |    ten) .... 00ccc (see Table 101.1 for ccc).]
255  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES skin temperature in unpacked W3FI77
     |    format (degrees Kelvin multiplied by ten) .... 0TTTT (see
     |    Table 101.1 for 0TTTT).  (Also see Table SM.8a in Office
     |    Note 124.)]
256  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES cloud top temperature in unpacked
     |    W3FI77 format (degrees Kelvin multiplied by ten) .... 0TTTT
     |    (see Table 101.1 for TTTT).]
257  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES cloud top pressure in unpacked W3FI77
     |    format (millibars multiplied by ten) .... PPPPP (see Table
     |    101.1 for PPPPP).]
258  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES cloud amount in unpacked W3FI77 format
     |    (see BUFR Code Table 0 20 011).]
259  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES instrument data used in processing in
     |    unpacked W3FI77 format (see BUFR Code Table 0 02 021).]
260  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES solar zenith angle in unpacked W3FI77
     |    format (degrees multiplied by 100) .... ddddd (see Table
     |    101.1 for ddddd).]
261  |  RESERVED [Used by GOES satellite zenith angle in unpacked
     |    W3FI77 format (degrees multiplied by 100) .... ddddd (see
     |    Table 101.1 for ddddd).]
262- |
299  |  *** NOT USED ***
300  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen: Scaled
     |    vector increment for wind (see character from Table Q.8).
301  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen: Track
     |    check error indicator (see character from Table Q.8).
302  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen: ASDAR/
     |    AMDAR turbulence indicator (see character from Table Q.8).
303  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen:
     |    Waypoint lat/lon correction indicator (see character from
     |    Table Q.8).
304  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen:
     |    Indicator for source of purge flag (see character from
     |    Table Q.8).
305  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen:
     |    Characters in position 7 and 8 of station identification
     |    (position 7 stored in indicator for data specification,
     |    position 8 stored in indicator for form of additional
     |    data).
306  |  Output from program PREPACQC when ON29 format chosen:
     |    Isolated report indicator (see character from Table Q.8).
307- |
916  |  *** NOT USED (Code figure 600 is used in Table SM.8a in
     |    Office Note 124.) ***
917  |  ASDAR/AMDAR aircraft, characters 1-2 of actual report id.
918  |  ASDAR/AMDAR aircraft, characters 3-4 of actual report id.
919  |  ASDAR/AMDAR aircraft, characters 5-6 of actual report id.
920  |  ACARS aircraft, ASDAR/AMDAR aircraft, GOES satellite winds,
     |    characters 7-8 of actual report id.
921  |  ACARS aircraft, observation time to nearest one-thousandth
     |    of an hour.
922  |  All aircraft types, characters 1-2 of ICAO location
     |    identifier.
923  |  All aircraft types, characters 3-4 of ICAO location
     |    identifier.
924  |  Wind speed (meters per second multiplied by ten) .... wwwww
     |    (see Table 101.1 for wwwww).
925  |  Height of 925 mb mandatory pressure level in geopotential
     |    meters .... hhhhh (see Table 101.1 for hhhhh).
     |                                                               .

            TABLE 101.1


     a     = SSM/I ice age (0 = first year ice, 1 = multiyear ice).

     aa    = Absolute value of the vector difference between the
             maximum wind and the wind blowing at 3,000 feet above
             the level of the maximum wind.

     AA    = Albedo in per cent.

     bb    = Absolute value of the vector difference between the
             maximum wind and the wind blowing at 3,000 feet below
             the level of the maximum wind.

     BBB   = Pressure in tens of millibars of the lower boundary.

     cc    = Tracking technique/status of system used (see WMO Code
             Table 3872).

     ccc   = Precipitable water in millimeters multiplied by ten.

     ccccc = Cloud water in killigrams per meter cubed (or
             millimeters) multiplied by one hundred.

     dd    = True direction in tens of degrees (hundreds and tens
             digit) from which the wind is blowing at the specified

     ddddd = Zenith angle in degrees multiplied by 100.

     e     = SSM/I ice edge (0 = no edge present, 1 = edge present).

     f     = SSM/I surface tag (0 = land, 1 = vegetation covered
             land, 2 = near coast, 3 = multiyear ice, 4 = possible
             ice, 5 = ocean, 6 = coast).

     fff   = Wind speed in knots (or knots plus 500).

     FFF   = Flux in watts per square meter.

     hhhh  = Time expressed in hours times one hundred.

     hhhhh = Geopotential height in meters.

     HHH   = Height in decameters with ten thousands digit (if any)\
             missing (e.g., for 300 mb, 892 is 8920 meters).

     ii    = Stability index indicating the degree of stability of
             the layer or air extending from a level near the surface
            of the earth to the 500 mb surface.

     iii   = Ice concentration in per cent.

     ll    = Pressure in tens of millibars, or in whole millibars, of
             the lower limit (with respect to altitude) of the
             stratum. (In PART B, up to and including 100 mb, in
            tens of millibars.  In PART D, above 100 mb, in whole

     lll   = Liquid water in cloud in millimeters times one hundred.

     LL    = Level indicator in centibars (e.g., 30 = 300 mb), except
             that 99 means sea level, 97 means station level
             (surface), 88 means tropopause level, and 77 means
             maximum wind level.

     mmm   = Soil moisture in millimeters.

     nn    = Relevant level number.

     nnnnn = Report sequence number.

     NN    = Relative humidity category indicator (01 through 13).

     ppp   = Pressure in whole millibars.

     ppppp = Altimeter setting in tenths of millibars.

     PP    = Pressure in tens of millibars, or in whole millibars, of
             the standard isobaric level, except that 99 means
             surface level, 66 and 77 mean maximum wind level, 88
             means tropopause level, and 00 means 1000 mb level.
             (See note for ll, above.)

     PPP   = Pressure in whole millibars, or tenths of millibars, of
             the significant level.  (In PART B, up to and including
             100 mb, in millibars.  In PART D, above 100 mb, in
             tenths of millibars.)

     PPPPP = Pressure in tenths of millibars.

     qq    = Precipitable water quality in percent (99 = missing).

     rr    = Instrument type code from BUFR tables (see Table R.2.b,
             also WMO Code Table 3685).

     rrr   = Rainfall rate in millimeters per hour multiplied by ten.

     s     = Indicator as to whether a solar or infrared radiation
             correction has already been applied to data (=0 - no
             correction applied). (See WMO Code Table 3849.)

     ss    = SSM/I calculated surface type (1 = vegetation, 3 = ice,
             5 = ocean, 6 = coast, 7 = flooded condition, 8 = dense
             vegetation, 9 = dense agriculture crops, 10 = dry
             arable soil, 11 = moist soil, 12 = semi-arid surface,
             13 = desert, 14 = precipitation over vegetation,
             15 = precipitation over soil, 16 = composite
             vegetation-water, 17 = composite soil-water-wet soil;
             18 = dry snow, 19 = wet snow, 20 = refrozen snow).

     sss   = Snow depth in millimeters.

     S     = Sign digit on temperature (= 0 - plus; = 1 - minus).

     tt    = Temperature, tens and units digits in degrees Kelvin.

     ttt   = Temperature in degrees Celsius multiplied by ten (even
             tenths digit indicates positive, odd tenths digit
             indicates negative).

     tttt  = Time in hours (UTC) multiplied by one hundred plus

     TT    = Temperature in degrees Celsius.

     TTT   = Temperature in degrees Kelvin.

     TTTT  = Temperature in degrees Kelvin multiplied by ten.

     TTTTT = Temperature in degrees Kelvin multiplied by one hundred.

     uu    = Pressure in tens of millibars, or in whole millibars, of
             the upper limit (with respect to altitude) of the
             stratum. (See note for ll above.)

     UU    = Pressure in tens of millibars of the upper boundary.

     VVV   = Total water vapor in centimeters time one hundred.

     wwwww = Wind speed in meters per second multiplied by ten.

     WWW   = Precipitable water in millimeters (999 = missing).

     xxx   = Minutes.

     zzz   = Height above sea-level in meters multiplied by ten.

     ZZZ   = Uncertain what this means (height in some units).

         Quality Mark Tables for Categories 01 - 08

             TABLE Q.A
    Character  |           Meaning                              |Local BUFR
   Auto.|Manual|                                                |Tbl Values
    A   |  I   | Passed vertical consistency check with tight   |    1
        |      |  limits.                                       |
        |      |                                                |
    B   |  J   | Failed vertical consistency check and has not  |   13
        |      |  been recomputed.                              |
        |      |                                                |
    C   |  K   | Failed vertical consistency check, recomputed. |   13
        |      |                                                |
    D   |  L   | Failed vertical consistency check with tight   |    9
        |      |  limits and passed with loose limits.          |
        |      |                                                |
    E   |  M   | (Not assigned)                                 |    7
        |      |                                                |
    F   |  N   | Has been checked but did not pass vertical     |   13
        |      |  consistency check with loose limits.          |
        |      |                                                |
    G   |  O   | (Not assigned)                                 |    7
        |      |                                                |
    H   |  H   | Monitor hold.                                  |    0
        |      |                                                |
    P   |  P   | Monitor purge.                                 |   14
        |      |                                                |
   blank|  $   | Not specified.                                 |    7
        |      |                                                |        .

              TABLE Q.B
    Character  |           Meaning                              |Local BUFR
   (see Note 1)|                                                |Tbl Values
   Auto.|Manual|                                                |         .
    C   |      | Changed by automatic CQC checks (see Note 2).  |    2
        |      |                                                |
    T   |  1   | Tropopause level (reported).                   |    7
        |      |                                                |
    U   |  2   | Surface data from PARTs A and B do not agree,  |    7
        |      |  PART A or PART B chosen by test.              |
        |      |                                                |
    V   |  3   | Surface data from PARTs A and B agree.         |    1
        |      |                                                |
    W   |  4   | Maximum wind level (reported) is not at the    |    7
        |      |  terminating level.                            |
        |      |                                                |
    X   |  5   | Maximum wind level (reported) is at the        |    7
        |      |  terminating level.                            |
        |      |                                                |
    E   |  6   | Pressure estimated from pressure-altitude      |    7
        |      | using U.S. Standard Atmosphere                 |
        |      |                                                |
   blank|  $   | Not specified.                                 |    7
        |      |                                                |        .

   Note 1 - The characters for manual will be set whenever a combination
             of automatic and manual exists.
   Note 2 - Applies only to surface pressure in cat. 2 or 3, and only
             after 1200 UTC 10 June 1992.  Overrides characters "U" and "V".

             TABLE Q.C
   ____________________________________________________________________  _
   Character|              Meaning                             |Local BUFR
            |                                                  |Tbl Values
       H    | Manual keep by SDM (see Note 1).                 |  0 -keep
            |                                                  |
       A    | Passed by automatic CQC checks (see Note 1).     |  1 -good
            |                                                  |
       C    | Changed by automatic CQC checks (see Note 1).    |  2 -good
            |                                                  |
       G    | Deemed suspect by automatic CQC checks, but      |  5 -good?
            |  accepted by SDM (see Note 2).                   |
            |                                                  |
       S    | SUPEROBed report (generated by combining         |  3 -good
            |  colocated observations; see Notes 1, 3).        |
            |                                                  |
       M    | Manual change by SDM (see Note 1).               |  4 -good
            |                                                  |
       Q    | Deemed suspect by automatic CQC checks (see      |  9 -suspect
            |  Note 5).                                        |
            |                                                  |
     blank  | No automatic or manual checks performed.         |  7 -unknown
            |                                                  |
       O    | Used to generate a SUPEROB (combined with other  | 10 -omit
            |  observations) (see Note 3).                     |
            |                                                  |
       B    | Deemed suspect by automatic CQC checks, and      | 11 -bad
            |  rejected by SDM (see Note 4).                   |
            |                                                  |
       R    | On reject list which is manually updated each    | 12 -bad
            |  month (see Note 4).                             |
            |                                                  |
       F    | Failed by automatic CQC checks (see Note 4).     | 13 -bad
            |                                                  |
       P    | Manual purge by SDM (see Note 4).                | 14 -bad
            |                                                  |
            | (Reserved for pgm "PREPDATA" generated DEFAULT.) |  6 -unknown
            |                                                  |
            | (Reserved for pgm "PREPDATA" generated SUSPECT.) |  8 -suspect
            |                                                  |
            | (Reserved for pgm "PREPDATA" generated REJECT.)  | 15 -bad
            |                                                  |          .

   Note 1 - Considered to be of good quality. (ACARS aircraft reports are not
             checked through CQC but are still considered good and get a
             character "A".  Satellite wind reports with a recursive filter flag of
             85-100 in NESDIS OPARCH file get a character "A" and they also are not
             checked through CQC).
   Note 2 - Considered to be of average quality.
   Note 3 - Applies only to aircraft data quality controlled by a program called
             "PREPACFT".  As of the date of this revision, cat. 6 reports still use
             the quality mark characters in Tables Q.6, Q.6c or Q.6d.
   Note 4 - Considered to be of bad quality.  (Satellite wind reports are not
             checked through CQC but are considered bad and get a character "F" if
             the recursive filter flag is 0-49 in the NESDIS OPARCH file.)
   Note 5 - Considered to be of suspect quality.  (Satellite wind reports are not
             not checked through CQC but are considered suspect and get a
             character "Q" if the recursive filter flag is 50-55 in the NESDIS
             OPARCH file.)

             TABLE Q.6
   Character|              Meaning                             |Local BUFR
            |                                                  |Tbl Values
            |                                                  |
       D    | D-value can be formed as station elevation minus |    7
            |  pressure altitude.                              |
            |                                                  |
       F    | Failed checks.                                   |   13
            |                                                  |
       H    | Monitor hold.                                    |    0
            |                                                  |
       P    | Monitor purge (see Note 1).                      |   14
            |                                                  |
     blank  | Not specified.                                   |    7
            |                                                  |
    0 (zero)| No turbulence (see Note 2).                      |   n/a
            |                                                  |
       1    | Light turbulence (see Note 2).                   |   n/a
            |                                                  |
       2    | Moderate turbulence (see Note 2).                |   n/a
            |                                                  |
       3    | Severe turbulence (see Note 2).                  |   n/a
            |                                                  |
     blank  | Turbulence missing or not reported (see Note 2). |   n/a
            |                                                  |         .

   Note 1 - For AIREP, PIREP, and ASDAR aircraft data after 1200 UTC 5
             August 1992: The character "P" in the first quality indicator
             position followed by a blank in the second quality indicator
             position indicates the entire report has been manually
             purged by the NMC/SDM.  Character "P" in the first and
             second quality indicator positions indicates the entire
             report has been automatically purged by pgm "QCAIRCFT".
   Note 2 - Characters "0" (zero) through "3" and last blank pertain to
             Australian ASDAR (AMDAR) aircraft reports only and indicate
             the degree of turbulence (effective 1991).  This turbulence
             indicator is stored in the third quality indicator position
             for Category 6 reports (i.e., the quality mark location for
             dewpoint depression for all other report types).

             TABLE Q.6c
   Character|              Meaning                             |Local BUFR
            |                                                  |Tbl Values
            |                                                  |
       A    | Wind measurement known to be instantaneous(spot).|    7
            |                                                  |
       B    | Known to be an average wind condition over a     |    7
            |  portion of flight.                              |
            |                                                  |
       C    | Wind measurement probably instantaneous (spot).  |    7
            |                                                  |
       F    | Failed checks.                                   |   13
            |                                                  |
       H    | Monitor hold.                                    |    0
            |                                                  |
       P    | Monitor purge.                                   |   14
            |                                                  |
            | Difference (see Note) is ....                    |
            |                                                  |
       Q    |   less than or equal to 10.                      |    7
            |                                                  |
       R    |   greater than 10 but less than or equal to 20.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       S    |   greater than 20 but less than or equal to 30.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       T    |   greater than 30 but less than or equal to 40.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       U    |   greater than 40 but less than or equal to 50.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       V    |   greater than 50 but less than or equal to 60.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       W    |   greater than 60 but less than or equal to 70.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       X    |   greater than 70 but less than or equal to 80.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       Y    |   greater than 80 but less than or equal to 90.  |    7
            |                                                  |
       Z    |   greater than 90.                               |    7
            |                                                  |
     blank  | Not specified.                                   |    7
            |                                                  |         .

   Note - Characters "Q" through "Z" pertain to conventional and ASDAR
           aircraft only and indicate the magnitude of the vector
           difference between the NMC First Guess and the observed wind
           in knots at the location and level of the report as assigned
           by the pgm "QCAIRCFT". (This is effective 1200 UTC 22 April
           1992; prior to this but after 1200 UTC 17 April 1991 the speed
           difference was used; prior to 1200 UTC 17 April 1991 his check
           was not included here).

             TABLE Q.6d

                   PROGRAM "PREPACFT", see Notes 1, 2 below)
   Character|              Meaning                             |Local BUFR
            |                                                  |Tbl Values
            |                                                  |
       A    | Correct, passed all checks (wind only).          |    1
            |                                                  |
       C    | Checked and considered suspect (wind only).      |    9
            |                                                  |
       F    | Checked and failed (wind only).                  |   13
            |                                                  |
       H    | Original monitor hold honored (all variables).   |    0
            |                                                  |
       N    | Not checked, or isolated report (wind only).     |    7
            |                                                  |
       O    | Used to generate a SUPEROB (combined with other  |   10
            |  observations) (wind only).                      |
            |                                                  |
       P    | Original monitor purge honored (all variables).  |   14
            |                                                  |
       S    | SUPEROBed report (generated by combining         |    3
            |  colocated observations; see Note 3 below).      |
            |                                                  |
     blank  | Not specified.                                   |    7
            |                                                  |
    0 (zero)| No turbulence (see Note 2, Table Q.6).           |   n/a
            |                                                  |
       1    | Light turbulence (see Note 2, Table Q.6).        |   n/a
            |                                                  |
       2    | Moderate turbulence (see Note 2, Table Q.6).     |   n/a
            |                                                  |
       3    | Severe turbulence (see Note 2, Table Q.6).       |   n/a
            |                                                  |
     blank  | Turbulence missing/not reported                  |   n/a
            |  (see Note 2, Table Q.6).                        |
            |                                                  |         .

   Note 1 - AIREP and PIREP aircraft data are quality controlled and
             SUPEROBed by a program called "PREPACFT" prior to input into
             some NMC analyses.
   Note 2 - Prior to 12/4/91 ASDAR aircraft wind reports could be SUPEROBed;
             after this date, they are always treated as isolated reports
             that cannot be SUPEROBed.  They receive a wind quality mark of
             "N" unless the quality mark is originally "H" or "P".
   Note 3 - Only wind data are SUPEROBed.  However, the quality mark for
             all variables is assigned an "S" and the station
             identification is "SUPROB".

             TABLE Q.7
     Character  |           Meaning                                      .
     blank      |  Not specified.
                |                                                        .

             TABLE Q.8
    Character|               Meaning                                 |Local BUFR
             |                                                       |Tbl Values
             |                                                       |
        A    | Applies to levels at or below 100 mb (PART A) in      |   n/a
             |  TEMP and TEMP SHIP.                                  |
             |                                                       |
        B    | Applies to levels at or below 100 mb (PART B) in      |   n/a
             |  TEMP and TEMP SHIP.                                  |
             |                                                       |
        C    | Applies to levels above 100 mb (PART C) in TEMP       |   n/a
             |  and TEMP SHIP.                                       |
             |                                                       |
        D    | Applies to levels above 100 mb (PART D) in TEMP       |   n/a
             |  and TEMP SHIP.                                       |
             |                                                       |
        I    | Applies to levels at or below 100 mb (PART A) in      |   n/a
             |  PILOT and PILOT SHIP.                                |
             |                                                       |
        J    | Applies to levels at or below 100 mb (PART B) in      |   n/a
             |  PILOT and PILOT SHIP.                                |
             |                                                       |
        K    | Applies to levels above 100 mb (PART C) in PILOT      |   n/a
             |  and PILOT SHIP.                                      |
             |                                                       |
        L    | Applies to levels above 100 mb (PART D) in PILOT      |   n/a
             |  and PILOT SHIP.                                      |
             |                                                       |
        P    | Refers to pressure (see Note).                        |   n/a
             |                                                       |
        T    | Refers to temperature (see Note).                     |   n/a
             |                                                       |
        Z    | Refers to geopotential (see Note).                    |   n/a
             |                                                       |
     blank   | Not specified, unless Category 8, code figure         |7 (not spec.)
             |  306, then indicates stacked report                   |n/a (c.f. 306)
             |                                                       |
       Q-Z   | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 300 only          |   n/a
             |  (see Table Q.6c for meaning)                         |
             |                                                       |
        E    | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 301 only          |   n/a
             |  (indicates track check error in pgm PREPACQC         |
             |                                                       |
       0-3   | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 302 only          |   n/a
             |  (see Table Q.6d for meaning)                         |
             |                                                       |
        C    | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 303 only          |   n/a
             |  (indicates waypoint lat/long corrected)              |
             |                                                       |
       S,Q   | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 304 only          |   n/a
             |  (indicates source of purge: "S" - SDM, "Q" -         |
             |   QCAIRCFT program)                                   |
             |                                                       |
   anything  | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 305 only          |   n/a
             |  (indicates seventh character of station id)          |
             |                                                       |
        I    | Pertains to Category 8, code figure 306 only          |   n/a
             |  (indicates isolated report)                          |
             |                                                       |         .

     Note - Pertains to Category 08, code figure 107 only.

             TABLE Q.8a
    Character  |           Meaning                                        .
       1       | The surface level (see Notes 1, 2).
       1       | The 1000 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3).
       2       | The  925 or 850 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       3       | The  850 or 700 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       4       | The  700 or 500 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       5       | The  500 or 400 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       6       | The  400 or 300 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       7       | The  300 or 250 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       8       | The  250 or 200 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       9       | The  200 or 150 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       A       | The  150 or 100 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       B       | The  100 or  70 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       C       | The   70 or  50 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       D       | The   50 or  30 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       E       | The   30 or  20 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       F       | The   20 or  10 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3, 4).
       G       | The   10 mb pressure level (see Notes 1, 3).
       P       | For cat. 08, code figure 108, refers to pressure.
       T       | For cat. 08, code figure 108, refers to temperature.
       0       | For cat. 08, code figure 196, refers to good accuracy.
       1       | For cat. 08, code figure 196, refers to fair accuracy.
       2       | For cat. 08, code figure 196, refers to suspect accuracy.
       3       | For cat. 08, code figure 196, refers to poor accuracy.
       7       | For cat. 08, code figure 196, refers to out-of-bounds value.
       $       | Processed with manual assistance.
     blank     | Processed automatically.
    anything   | For cat. 08, code figure 305, refers to the eight
               |  character of the station id.
               |                                                          .

   Note 1 - Pertains to Category 08, code figure 107 only.
   Note 2 - Pertains only to character "P" in Table Q.8.
   Note 3 - Pertains only to characters "T" or "Z" in Table Q.8.
   Note 4 - First pressure value applicable after 1200 UTC 25 May 1994.
             Second pressure value is applicable prior to this date.


             APPENDIX D

           SAMPLE REPORT

                     (Date: June 10, 1992)

     043930600372600 12509999999011000041010201033122640017101100
     40340025AA A015030000030340024AA A03039-071160340033AA A0558
     0-211999320048AA A07180-351130320060AA A09 40-461999310061AA
      A10340-311140300061AA A11790-521999310047AA A13640-54199931
     0046AA A16220-591999300023AA A18470-591999290028CA A20590-59
     1999280017 Q FXXXXXX0206118270102000120040VA 093100050020 A
     087000020050   08000-041000   07650-041150 C 07110-061160 A
     05720-191150 A 05350-191150 A 04000-351130 A 03540-401120 A
     02260-541999 A 01150-561999 A 01020-591999 A 00910-561999 A
     00780-591999 A 00560-611999 A 00400-561999 A 00380-551999 C
     050670204402260-541999300056T   00800-599999280025T   XXXXXX
     040942026000171340022W 00305330027  00610340023  00914340026
       01219340027  01829340021 02134340027  02438340029  027433
     40030  03658330029  04267330038  04877320047  06096310059  0
     7620310066  09144310061  10668300061  15240300026  164593000
     24  19202290020  21031270018  081020707000136105A 00133105B
     00163105C 00163105D 18690107ZB05057108BT18550108DTEND REPORT

      The report identification group (first 40 characters) contains
      the following information:

        Latitude               = 43.93 degrees North
        Longitude              = 60.03 degrees West
        Station identification = 72600
        Time of report         = 12.50 hours (1230 UTC)
        Report type            = 011 (upper-air land station by block
                                      and station number)
        Elevation              =   4 meters
        Instrument type        =  10 (U.S. RS VIZ-A External
        Total length of report = 102 ten-character words (1020

      The first category/counter group contains the following

          1.  Category 1 data (mandatory level) follows

          2.  The next category/counter group is found in the 33rd
                (ten-character) word of this report

          3. There are 12 mandatory levels of information (there
                 being no information above 50 mb)

          4.  The information in (3) is contained in 264 characters

          a.  The 1000 mb data includes:
               geopotential (height)    = 171 meters
               temperature              = 11.0 degrees Celsius
               dewpoint depression      = 4.0 degrees Celsius
               wind                     = 340 degrees at 25 knots
               quality for geopotential = "A"
               quality for temperature  = "A"
                  (passed by automatic CQC checks)
               quality for depression   = blank
                  (no automatic or manual checks performed)
               quality for wind         = "A"
                  (passed by automatic CQC checks)

          b.  The 50 mb data includes:
               geopotential (height)    = 20,590 meters
               temperature              = -59.1 degrees Celsius
               dewpoint depression      = missing
               wind                     = 280 degrees at 17 knots
               quality for geopotential = blank
                  (no automatic or manual checks performed)
               quality for temperature  = "Q"
                  (deemed suspect by automatic CQC checks)
               quality for depression   = blank
                  (no automatic or manual checks performed)
               quality for wind         = "F"
                  (failed by automatic CQC checks)

     The fill group XXXXXX is present in order to conform with the
     rule that the total number of characters in the category/counter
     plus the formatted data must be evenly divisible by 10.

      The next category/counter group contains the following

          1.  Category 2 data (temperature/dewpoint depression at
                 variable pressure, or significant level data if you
                 prefer) follows

          2.  The next category/counter group is found in the 61st
                (ten-character) word of this report

          3.  There are 18 levels of information

          4.  The information in (3) is contained in 270 characters

            a.  The surface data includes:
                    station pressure         = 1020.0 mb
                    temperature              = 12.0 degrees Celsius
                    dewpoint depression      = 4.0 degrees Celsius
                    indicator for pressure   = "V"
                       (surface data from PARTs A and B agree)
                   quality for temperature  = "A"
                       (passed by automatic CQC checks)
                    quality for depression   = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)

            b.  The last significant level data includes:
                    pressure                 = 38.0 mb
                    temperature              = -55.1 degrees Celsius
                    dewpoint depression      = missing
                    indicator for pressure   = blank
                       (not specified)
                    quality for temperature  = "C"
                       (changed by automatic CQC checks)
                    quality for depression   = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)

      The next category/counter group contains the following

          1.  Category 5 data (tropopause data) follows

          2.  The next category/counter group is found in the 67th
                (ten-character) word of this report

          3.  There are 2 levels of information

          4.  The information in (3) is contained in 44 characters

            a.  The first level of tropopause data includes:
                    pressure                 = 226.0 mb
                    temperature              = -54.1 degrees Celsius
                    dewpoint depression      = missing
                    wind                     = 300 degrees at 56 kts
                    quality for pressure     = "T"
                       (reported tropopause level)
                    quality for temperature  = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)
                    quality for depression   = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)
                    quality for wind         = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)

            b.  The second level of tropopause data includes:
                    pressure                 = 80.0 mb
                    temperature              = -59.9 degrees Celsius
                    dewpoint depression      = missing
                    wind                     = 280 degrees at 25 kts
                    quality for pressure     = "T"
                       (reported tropopause level)
                    quality for temperature  = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)
                    quality for depression   = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)
                    quality for wind         = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)

      The next category/counter group contains the following

          1.  Category 4 data (wind at variable height) follows

          2.  The next category/counter group is found in the 94th
                (ten-character) word of this report

          3.  There are 20 levels of information

          4.  The information in (3) is contained in 260 characters

            a.  The surface data includes:
                    geopotential (height)    = 171 meters
                    wind                     = 340 degrees at 22 kts
                    indicator for
                       geopotential (height) = "W"
                       (maximum reported wind level is not at the
                        terminating level)
                    quality for wind         = blank
                       (no automatic or manual checks performed)

            b.  The last wind level includes:
                    geopotential (height)    = 21,031 meters
                    wind                     = 270 degrees at 18 kts
                    indicator for
                       geopotential (height) = blank
                       (not specified)
                    quality for wind         = blank
                      (no automatic or manual checks performed)

      The next category/counter group contains the following

          1. Category 8 data (additional data) follows

          2.  The next category/counter group is found in the 102nd
                (ten-character) word of this report

          3.  There are 7 levels (actually pieces) of information

          4.  The information in (3) is contained in 70 characters

            a.  The first piece of information includes:
                    data from Table 101.1    = 1.36 hours UTC
                       (receipt time)
                    form of additional data  = 105
                       (code fig. in Table 101; this piece contains
                        the receipt time for a part of the report)
                    indicator for data
                       specification         = "A"
                       (the part of the report is PART A in TEMP)
                    indicator for form of
                       additional data       = blank
                       (processed automatically)

            b.  The fifth piece of information includes:
                    data from Table 101.1    = 18,690 meters
                       (the original value for the data)
                    form of additional data  = 107
                       (code fig. in Table 101; this piece contains
                        the original value for mandatory level data
                        corrected by CQC)
                   indicator for data
                       specification         = "Z"
                       (variable corrected is geopotential)
                    indicator for form of
                       additional data       = "B"
                       (variable corrected is on 70 mb level)

            c.  The seventh piece of information includes:
                    data from Table 101.1    = 18550
                       (18 - variable corrected is on the 18th
                        significant level, 38.0 mb; 550 - the
                           original value for the data, 55.0 degrees C)
                    form of additional data  = 108
                       (code fig. in Table 101; this piece contains
                        the original value for significant level
                           data corrected by CQC)
                    indicator for data
                       specification         = "D"
                       (the part of the report is PART D in TEMP)
                    indicator for form of
                      additional data       = "T"
                      (variable corrected is temperature)

      The next (and last) category/counter group contains the
         following information:

          1.  End of this report (END REPORT)

           APPENDIX E


      ACARS     ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System

      ADPUPA    Automatic Data Processing, UPper-Air data file

      AFB       Air Force Base

      AIRCAR    AIRcraft (ACARS) data file

      AIRCFT    AIRCraFT (AIREP, PIREP and ASDAR) data file

      AIREP     (conventional) AIrcraft REPort

      AMDAR     Automatic Meteorological DAta Relay system

      ARINC     Aeronautical Radio, INCorporated

      ASDAR     Aircraft to Satellite DAta Relay

      ATS       Advanced Technological Satellite

      BUFR      Binary Universal Format for the Representation
                 of meteorological data

      CIS       Commonwealth of Independent States

      CLASS     Cross-chain LORAN (LOng RAnge Navigation location
                 system) Atmospheric Sounding System

      CQC       Complex Quality Control

      GMS       Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (Japan)

      INS       Inertial Navigation System

      INSAT     INdian SATellite

      METEOSAT  METEOrological SATellite (Europe)

      MSS       Meteorological Sounding System

      NCEP      National Centers for Environmental Prediction

      NESDIS    National Environmental Satellite Data and Information

      NMC       National Meteorological Center

      NOAA      National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

      NWS       National Weather Service

      OSV       Ocean Station Vessel

      PIBAL     PIlot BALloon report

      PIREP     (conventional) PIlot (aircraft) REPort

      RAOB      RAdiosonde OBservation

      SATWND    SATellite (cloud-drift) WiND data file

      SDM       Senior Duty Meteorologist at the National
                 Meteorological Center

      SIRS      Satellite Infrared Radiative Spectrometer

      SSM/I     Special Sensor Microwave Imager

      TOVS      Tiros-N Operational Vertical Sounder

      UK        United Kingdom

      UPABOG    UPper-Air BOGus data file

      US        United States

      USSR      Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

      UTC       Coordinated Universal Time

      VAS       VISSR Atmospheric Sounder

      VDUC      VAS Data Utilization Center

      VIRGS     VISSR Interactive Registration and Gridding

      VISSR     Visible Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer

      WMO       World Meteorological Organization