Global Modeling Branch
contact: Dr. Fanglin Yang
and continuity charts
surface forecasts at 6-hour intervals 0-174 hours cycle-to-cycle continuity days 0-5
| Latest GFS 6-hourly surface forecasts 0-174 hours
| |
| | North America |
Eastern U.S. |
Run | date |
0-30h | 36-66 | -102 |
-138 | -174 | Anim |
| |
0-30h | 36-66 | -102 |
-138 | -174 | Anim |
00Z |
18 JUL
 | |
06Z |
18 JUL
 | |
12Z |
17 JUL
 | |
18Z |
17 JUL
 | |
Forecast-to-forecast continuity:
| | |
comparison of
the current and previous three runs,
originating at the Time and date
and valid on theForecast day indicated below
Time | date | Fcst day |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Anim |
00Z |
18 JUL
06Z |
18 JUL
12Z |
17 JUL
18Z |
17 JUL
----- TROPICS -----
Forecast-to-forecast continuity, tropics: pmsl,precip,z250
| | |
comparison of
the current and previous three runs, originating
at the Time and date
and valid on the Forecast day indicated below.
Location varies from storm to storm
Time | date | Fcst day |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Anim |
00Z |
18 JUL
06Z |
18 JUL
12Z |
17 JUL
18Z |
17 JUL
Fcst-to-fcst continuity: S. America: precip/24h, pmsl
| | |
comparison of
the current and previous three runs, originating
at the Time and date
and valid on the Forecast day indicated below.
Location varies from storm to storm
Time | date | Fcst day |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Anim |
00Z |
18 JUL
06Z |
18 JUL
12Z |
17 JUL
18Z |
17 JUL