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(This webpage was generated: 2024/11/20 18:36:36)

Categories of common sequences

(local categories in italics)
F X Category
3 00 BUFR table entries sequences
3 01 Location and identification sequences
3 02 Meteorological sequences common to surface data
3 03 Meteorological sequences common to vertical soundings data
3 04 Meteorological sequences common to satellite observations
3 05 Meteorological or hydrological sequences common to hydrological observations
3 06 Meteorological or oceanographic sequences common to oceanographic observations
3 07 Surface report sequences (land)
3 08 Surface report sequences (sea)
3 09 Vertical sounding sequences (conventional data)
3 10 Vertical sounding sequences (satellite data)
3 11 Single level report sequences (conventional data)
3 12 Single level report sequences (satellite data)
3 13 Sequences common to image data
3 15 Oceanographic report sequences
3 16 Synoptic feature sequences
3 18 Radiological report sequences
3 21 Radar report sequences
3 22 Chemical and aerosol sequences
3 40 Additional satellite report sequences
3 48 Miscellaneous
3 49 Miscellaneous
3 50 Miscellaneous
3 51 Miscellaneous
3 52 Miscellaneous
3 53 Miscellaneous
3 54 Scratch area (reserved for NCEP BUFRLIB software)
3 55 Miscellaneous
3 56 Miscellaneous
3 58 Miscellaneous
3 60 Miscellaneous
3 61 Miscellaneous
3 62 Miscellaneous
3 63 Miscellaneous

CATEGORY 00 - BUFR table entries sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-00-002 TABLACAT
0-00-002 Table A: data category description, line 1
0-00-003 Table A: data category description, line 2

3-00-003 FXYDESCR
0-00-010 F descriptor to be added or defined
0-00-011 X descriptor to be added or defined
0-00-012 Y descriptor to be added or defined

3-00-004 ELUNSCRW
0-00-013 Element name, line 1
0-00-014 Element name, line 2
0-00-015 Units name
0-00-016 Units scale sign
0-00-017 Units scale
0-00-018 Units reference sign
0-00-019 Units reference value
0-00-020 Element data width

3-00-010 DELAYREP
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-00-030 Descriptor defining sequence

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CATEGORY 01 - Location and identification sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-01-001 WMOBLKST
0-01-001 WMO block number
0-01-002 WMO station number

3-01-002 WMORGPLT
0-01-003 WMO Region number/geographical area
0-01-004 WMO Region sub-area
0-01-005 Buoy/platform identifier

3-01-003 SHIPCSDS
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
0-01-013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform

3-01-004 SFCSTNID (Surface station identification)
0-01-001 WMO block number
0-01-002 WMO station number
0-01-015 Station or site name
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-005 STNIDTIM (Origin and identification sequence)
0-01-035 Originating centre
0-01-034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre

3-01-011 YYMMDD
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day

3-01-012 HHMM
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute

3-01-013 HHMMSS
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-006 Second

3-01-014 TIMEPERD (Time period)
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times

3-01-021 LTLONH
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)

3-01-022 LTLONHHT
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-07-001 Height of station

3-01-023 LTLONC
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)

3-01-024 LALOLV
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-07-001 Height of station

3-01-025 LTLONCDT
0-04-003 Day

3-01-026 LTLONHTP
0-04-003 Day
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-005 Minute

3-01-027 DESCFEAT (Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D)
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-01-028 Horizontal section of a feature described as a polygon, circle, line or point
0-08-007 Dimensional significance

3-01-028 FEATPOLY (Horizontal section of a feature described as a polygon, circle, line or point)
0-08-040 Flight level significance
0-33-042 Type of limit represented by following value
0-07-010 Flight level
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-19-007 Effective radius of feature
0-08-040 Flight level significance

3-01-029 IDENTIFN (Identification)
0-01-018 Short station or site name
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-031 IDTIMLOH
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-032 IDTIMLOC
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-033 BUOYPLTH (Buoy/platform - fixed)
0-01-005 Buoy/platform identifier
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-034 BUOYPLTC (Buoy/platform - fixed)
0-01-005 Buoy/platform identifier
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-035 BUOYPLTM (Buoy/platform - moving)
0-01-005 Buoy/platform identifier
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
0-01-013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-036 SHIPSEQ1 (Ship)
0-02-001 Type of station

3-01-037 LDSTNVSH (Land station for vertical soundings)
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-012 Radiosonde computational method

3-01-038 LDSTNVSC (Land station for vertical soundings)
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-012 Radiosonde computational method

3-01-039 SHIPVSND (Ship for vertical soundings)
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-012 Radiosonde computational method

3-01-040 SHIPCALL
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-012 Radiosonde computational method

3-01-041 SAIDTIME
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-021 Satellite instrument data used in processing
0-02-022 Satellite data-processing technique used

3-01-042 SAIDLALO

3-01-043 SAIDCMCM
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-023 Satellite-derived wind computation method

3-01-044 SAIDIMHU
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-024 Integrated mean humidity computational method

3-01-045 SATLOVEL (Satellite location and velocity)
2-01-138 Change data width
2-02-131 Change scale
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
3-04-030 Location of platform
3-04-031 Speed of platform

3-01-046 SAIDDMOP
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
0-02-048 Satellite sensor indicator
0-21-119 Wind scatterometer geophysical model function
0-25-060 Software identification
2-02-124 Change scale
0-02-026 Cross-track resolution
0-02-027 Along-track resolution
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-05-040 Orbit number

3-01-047 ERSPRODH (ERS product header)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-25-060 Software identification
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-01-034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
3-01-045 Satellite location and velocity
0-02-021 Satellite instrument data used in processing
2-01-138 Change data width
2-02-131 Change scale
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale

3-01-048 RADARPRM (Radar parameters)
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-02-121 Mean frequency
0-02-113 Number of azimuth looks
0-02-026 Cross-track resolution
0-02-027 Along-track resolution
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
0-02-140 Satellite radar beam azimuth angle
2-02-127 Change scale
0-01-013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform
2-02-126 Change scale
0-07-001 Height of station
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-25-010 Clutter treatment
0-21-064 Clutter noise estimate

3-01-049 RADARBMD (Radar beam data)
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
0-02-112 Radar look angle
0-21-062 Backscatter
0-21-063 Radiometric resolution (noise value)
0-21-065 Missing packet counter

3-01-051 ACFTSEQN
0-01-006 Aircraft flight number
0-02-061 Aircraft navigational system
0-08-004 Phase of aircraft flight

3-01-055 BUOYSEQN
0-01-005 Buoy/platform identifier
0-02-001 Type of station
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
0-01-014 Platform drift speed (high precision)

3-01-062 RADARLOC (Radar location(s))
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-01-065 ACARID (ACARS identification)
0-01-006 Aircraft flight number
0-01-008 Aircraft registration number or other identification
0-02-001 Type of station
0-02-002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement
0-02-005 Precision of temperature observation
0-02-062 Type of aircraft data relay system
0-02-070 Original specification of latitude/longitude
0-02-065 ACARS ground-receiving station

3-01-066 ACARLO (ACARS location)
0-07-004 Pressure
0-02-064 Aircraft roll angle quality
0-08-004 Phase of aircraft flight

3-01-071 SIDGRSEQ (Satellite identifier/Generating resolution)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-01-031 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-02-020 Satellite classification
0-02-028 Segment size at nadir in x-direction
0-02-029 Segment size at nadir in y-direction

3-01-072 SIDENSEQ (Satellite identification)
3-01-071 Satellite identifier/Generating resolution

3-01-089 NATSTNID (National station identification)
0-01-101 State identifier
0-01-102 National station number

3-01-090 SFIDTIME (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates)
3-01-004 Surface station identification
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level

3-01-091 SFCSTNIN (Surface station instrumentation)
0-02-180 Main present weather detecting system
0-02-181 Supplementary present weather sensor
0-02-182 Visibility measurement system
0-02-183 Cloud detection system
0-02-184 Type of lightning detection sensor
0-02-179 Type of sky condition algorithm
0-02-186 Capability to detect precipitation phenomena
0-02-187 Capability to detect other weather phenomena
0-02-188 Capability to detect obscuration
0-02-189 Capability to discriminate lightning strikes

3-01-092 MOBIDENT (Mobile surface station identification, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
0-01-003 WMO Region number/geographical area
0-02-001 Type of station
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level
0-33-024 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations)

3-01-093 SHPIDENT (Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates)
3-01-036 Ship
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level

3-01-110 IDLSIWDM (Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-014 Tracking technique/status of system used
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used

3-01-111 IDLSIPTM (Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-013 Solar and infrared radiation correction
0-02-014 Tracking technique/status of system used
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used

3-01-112 IDLPIDRP (Identification of launch point and instrumentation of dropsonde)
0-01-006 Aircraft flight number
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-02-013 Solar and infrared radiation correction
0-02-014 Tracking technique/status of system used
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used

3-01-113 DATETMLN (Date/time of launch)
0-08-021 Time significance

3-01-114 HAVCOLS (Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site)
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level
0-07-007 Height
0-33-024 Station elevation quality mark (for mobile stations)

3-01-120 RAOBHLIN (Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information)
0-01-094 WBAN number
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
3-01-121 Radiosonde launch point location

3-01-121 RAOBLPTL (Radiosonde launch point location)
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level
0-07-007 Height

3-01-122 DATETIME (Date/time (to hundredths of second))
2-01-135 Change data width
2-02-130 Change scale
0-04-006 Second
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-01-123 RAOBHEAD (Radiosonde full header information)
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times
0-08-041 Data significance
0-01-062 Short ICAO location indicator
0-01-094 WBAN number
0-02-011 Radiosonde type
0-01-018 Short station or site name
0-01-095 Observer identification
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-25-068 Number of archive recomputes
0-01-082 Radiosonde ascension number
0-01-083 Radiosonde release number
0-01-081 Radiosonde serial number
0-02-067 Radiosonde operating frequency
0-02-066 Radiosonde ground receiving system
0-02-014 Tracking technique/status of system used
0-25-067 Radiosonde release point pressure correction
0-25-065 Orientation correction (azimuth)
0-25-066 Orientation correction (elevation)
0-02-095 Type of pressure sensor
0-02-096 Type of temperature sensor
0-02-097 Type of humidity sensor
0-02-016 Radiosonde configuration
0-02-083 Type of balloon shelter
0-02-080 Balloon manufacturer
0-02-081 Type of balloon
0-01-093 Balloon lot number
0-02-084 Type of gas used in balloon
0-02-085 Amount of gas used in balloon
0-02-086 Balloon flight train length
0-02-082 Weight of balloon
0-08-041 Data significance

3-01-125 ASCATHDR (ASCAT header information)
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-01-034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre
0-25-060 Software identification
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform

3-01-192 IGDRID (IGDR identification sequence)

3-01-193 IGDRLO (IGDR location)

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CATEGORY 02 - Meteorological sequences common to surface data

(local sequences in italics)

3-02-001 PRESSQ03
0-10-004 Pressure
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-10-061 3-hour pressure change
0-10-063 Characteristic of pressure tendency

3-02-002 HIALTST1 (High altitude station)
0-10-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-003 Geopotential
0-10-061 3-hour pressure change
0-10-063 Characteristic of pressure tendency

3-02-003 WTDRHVWX
0-11-011 Wind direction at 10 m
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
0-12-004 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m
0-12-006 Dew-point temperature at 2 m
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility
0-20-003 Present weather
0-20-004 Past weather (1)
0-20-005 Past weather (2)

3-02-004 GENCLOUD (General cloud information)
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-012 Cloud type

3-02-005 CLOUDSQ1
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud

3-02-006 PRESSQ24
0-10-004 Pressure
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-10-062 24-hour pressure change
0-10-063 Characteristic of pressure tendency

3-02-011 LOALTSTN (Low altitude station)
3-02-004 General cloud information

3-02-012 HIALTST2 (High altitude station)
3-02-002 High altitude station
3-02-004 General cloud information

3-02-013 PWTHVWXC
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-02-021 DPHGTWAV
0-22-001 Direction of waves
0-22-011 Period of waves
0-22-021 Height of waves

3-02-022 DPHGTWWV
0-22-002 Direction of wind waves
0-22-012 Period of wind waves
0-22-022 Height of wind waves

3-02-023 DPHGTSWV
0-22-003 Direction of swell waves
0-22-013 Period of swell waves
0-22-023 Height of swell waves

3-02-024 WINDSWAV
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times

3-02-031 PRESDATA (Pressure information)
0-10-062 24-hour pressure change
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-009 Geopotential height

3-02-032 TEHUDATA (Temperature and humidity data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-13-003 Relative humidity

3-02-033 VISBDATA (Visibility data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility

3-02-034 PRECIP24 (Precipitation past 24 hours)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-13-023 Total precipitation past 24 hours

3-02-035 SYNOPINS (Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data)
3-02-032 Temperature and humidity data
3-02-033 Visibility data
3-02-034 Precipitation past 24 hours
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-02-036 CLOUDBSL (Clouds with bases below station level)
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-014 Height of top of cloud
0-20-017 Cloud top description

3-02-037 STATEGRD (State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature)
0-20-062 State of the ground (with or without snow)
0-13-013 Total snow depth
0-12-113 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours

3-02-038 PWEATHER (Present and past weather)
0-20-003 Present weather
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-20-004 Past weather (1)
0-20-005 Past weather (2)

3-02-039 SUNSHIDA (Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period))
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-14-031 Total sunshine

3-02-040 PRECMEA2 (Precipitation measurement)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-13-011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent

3-02-041 EXTRTEM2 (Extreme temperature data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-12-111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-12-112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified

3-02-042 WINDDAT2 (Wind data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-02-002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-021 Time significance
1-03-002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-043 Maximum wind gust direction
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed

3-02-043 SYNOPPRD (Basic synoptic "period" data)
3-02-038 Present and past weather
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-039 Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-040 Precipitation measurement
3-02-041 Extreme temperature data
3-02-042 Wind data
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)

3-02-044 EVAPDATA (Evaporation data)
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-02-004 Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type of crop for which evapotranspiration is reported
0-13-033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration

3-02-045 RADNDATA (Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period))
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-14-002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified
0-14-004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified
0-14-016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified
0-14-028 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified
0-14-029 Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified
0-14-030 Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified

3-02-046 TEMPCHNG (Temperature change)
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-12-049 Temperature change over specified period

3-02-047 DIRCLDFT (Direction of cloud drift)
1-02-003 Replicate 2 descriptors 3 times
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving

3-02-048 DIRELCLD (Direction and elevation of cloud)
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-021 Elevation
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-021 Elevation

3-02-049 CLINRVSD (Cloud information reported with vertical soundings)
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)

3-02-050 RAOBSURF (Radiosonde surface observation)
0-08-041 Data significance
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-005 Height increment
2-02-130 Change scale
0-06-021 Distance
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-08-041 Data significance
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-02-115 Type of surface observing equipment
0-10-004 Pressure
0-02-115 Type of surface observing equipment
0-13-003 Relative humidity
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-02-115 Type of surface observing equipment
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-02-115 Type of surface observing equipment
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-02-115 Type of surface observing equipment
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-12-102 Wet-bulb temperature
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
0-20-003 Present weather

3-02-051 PGTXNVPM
0-10-004 Pressure
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-003 Geopotential
0-12-004 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m
0-12-051 Standard deviation temperature
0-12-016 Maximum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours
0-12-017 Minimum temperature at 2 m, past 24 hours
0-13-004 Vapour pressure
1-02-004 Replicate 2 descriptors 4 times
0-08-051 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)

3-02-052 TEHUDAT2 (Ship temperature and humidity data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-02-039 Method of wet-bulb temperature measurement
0-12-102 Wet-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-13-003 Relative humidity

3-02-053 VISBDAT2 (Ship visibility data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility

3-02-054 SHIPINST (Ship "instantaneous" data)
3-02-052 Ship temperature and humidity data
3-02-053 Ship visibility data
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
3-02-034 Precipitation past 24 hours
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-02-055 ICINGICE (Icing and ice)
0-20-031 Ice deposit (thickness)
0-20-032 Rate of ice accretion
0-20-033 Cause of ice accretion
0-20-034 Sea ice concentration
0-20-035 Amount and type of ice
0-20-036 Ice situation
0-20-037 Ice development
0-20-038 Bearing of ice edge

3-02-056 SEATEMPM (Sea/water temperature)
0-02-038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement
0-07-063 Depth below sea/water surface
0-22-043 Sea/water temperature
0-07-063 Depth below sea/water surface

3-02-057 SHIPDATA (Ship marine data)
3-02-056 Sea/water temperature

3-02-058 EXTRTEM3 (Ship extreme temperature data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-12-111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-12-112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified

3-02-059 WINDDAT3 (Ship wind data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-02-002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-021 Time significance
1-03-002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-043 Maximum wind gust direction
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed

3-02-060 SHIPPERD (Ship "period" data)
3-02-038 Present and past weather
3-02-040 Precipitation measurement
3-02-058 Ship extreme temperature data
3-02-059 Ship wind data

3-02-066 DANGERWX (Dangerous weather phenomena)
0-20-023 Other weather phenomena
0-20-024 Intensity of phenomena
0-20-027 Phenomena occurrence
0-20-054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving
0-20-023 Other weather phenomena
0-20-027 Phenomena occurrence
0-20-054 True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving
0-20-025 Obscuration
0-20-026 Character of obscuration
0-20-027 Phenomena occurrence
0-20-040 Evolution of drift snow
0-20-066 Maximum diameter of hailstones
0-20-027 Phenomena occurrence
0-20-021 Type of precipitation
0-20-067 Diameter of deposit
0-20-027 Phenomena occurrence

3-02-069 VISBSEQN (Visibility data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-33-041 Attribute of following value
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility

3-02-070 WINDDATA (Wind data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-043 Maximum wind gust direction
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-11-017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind

3-02-071 WIND1HRP (Wind data from one-hour period)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-021 Time significance
1-03-002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-043 Maximum wind gust direction
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-11-017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind

3-02-072 TEMHUMDA (Temperature and humidity data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-13-003 Relative humidity

3-02-073 CLOUDATA (Cloud data)
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
1-05-004 Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-33-041 Attribute of following value
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud

3-02-074 PREPSTWX (Present and past weather)
0-20-003 Present weather
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-20-004 Past weather (1)
0-20-005 Past weather (2)

3-02-075 IPRSPREL (Intensity of precipitation, size of precipitation element)
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-13-055 Intensity of precipitation
0-13-058 Size of precipitating element
0-08-021 Time significance

3-02-076 PROBSPHE (Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena)
0-20-021 Type of precipitation
0-20-022 Character of precipitation
0-26-020 Duration of precipitation
0-20-023 Other weather phenomena
0-20-024 Intensity of phenomena
0-20-025 Obscuration
0-20-026 Character of obscuration

3-02-077 EXTRTEMP (Extreme temperature data)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-12-111 Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified
0-12-112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-12-112 Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified

3-02-078 STGDSNDM (State of ground and snow depth measurement)
0-02-176 Method of state of ground measurement
0-20-062 State of the ground (with or without snow)
0-02-177 Method of snow depth measurement
0-13-013 Total snow depth

3-02-079 PRECMEAS (Precipitation measurement)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-02-175 Method of precipitation measurement
0-02-178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-13-011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent

3-02-080 EVAPMEAS (Evaporation measurement)
0-02-185 Method of evaporation measurement
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-13-033 Evaporation/evapotranspiration

3-02-081 SUNSHINE (Total sunshine data)
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-14-031 Total sunshine

3-02-082 RADNSEQN (Radiation data)
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-14-002 Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified
0-14-004 Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified
0-14-016 Net radiation, integrated over period specified
0-14-028 Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified
0-14-029 Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified
0-14-030 Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over period specified

3-02-083 FOSTPWTU (First order statistics of P, W, T, U data)
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-10-004 Pressure
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-08-023 First-order statistics

3-02-084 ID307096 ("Instantaneous" data of sequence 307096)
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-072 Temperature and humidity data
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
1-01-005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times
0-07-061 Depth below land surface
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-069 Visibility data
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-031 Ice deposit (thickness)
0-20-032 Rate of ice accretion
0-02-038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement
0-22-043 Sea/water temperature
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-078 State of ground and snow depth measurement
0-12-113 Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-33-041 Attribute of following value
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud

3-02-085 PD307096 ("Period" data of sequence 307096)
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-003 Present weather
1-03-002 Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-20-004 Past weather (1)
0-20-005 Past weather (2)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
3-02-076 Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-13-059 Number of flashes (thunderstorm)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-021 Time significance
1-03-003 Replicate 3 descriptors 3 times
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-043 Maximum wind gust direction
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-11-016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-11-017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind
3-02-077 Extreme temperature data
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
3-02-041 Extreme temperature data
1-06-000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-02-175 Method of precipitation measurement
0-02-178 Method of liquid content measurement of precipitation
1-02-005 Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-13-011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-02-185 Method of evaporation measurement
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-039 Sunshine data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-046 Temperature change
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-083 First order statistics of P, W, T, U data

3-02-089 LOCTINFO (Locust information)
0-20-101 Locust (acridian) name
0-20-102 Locust (maturity) colour
0-20-103 Stage of development of locusts
0-20-104 Organization state of swarm or band of locusts
0-20-105 Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm
0-20-106 Locust population density
0-20-107 Direction of movements of locust swarm
0-20-108 Extent of vegetation

3-02-175 IPHSPREL
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-13-155 Intensity of precipitation (high accuracy)
0-13-058 Size of precipitating element
0-08-021 Time significance

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CATEGORY 03 - Meteorological sequences common to vertical soundings data

(local sequences in italics)

3-03-001 GPWINDDS
0-07-003 Geopotential
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-002 PRWINDDS
0-07-004 Pressure
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-003 PRGPTMDP
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-003 Geopotential
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-003 Dew-point temperature

3-03-004 PRGPTMDW
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-003 Geopotential
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-003 Dew-point temperature
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-011 GPVSSWDS
0-07-003 Geopotential
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-012 PRVSSWDS
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-013 PRVSSTRW
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance
0-10-003 Geopotential
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-014 PRVSSTDW
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance
0-10-003 Geopotential
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-003 Dew-point temperature
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-021 PRESLAYR
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
2-04-007 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance

3-03-022 LYRQPLMT
0-10-003 Geopotential
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-03-023 LYRQTMLM
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-03-024 LYRQUPRW
0-13-016 Precipitable water
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-03-025 SATCHNBT
0-02-025 Satellite channel(s) used in computation
2-04-007 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-03-026 PRVSTEMP
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
2-04-007 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-03-027 PRESGEOP
0-07-004 Pressure
2-04-007 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-10-003 Geopotential
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-03-031 PRVSESST
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-07-021 Elevation
0-07-022 Solar elevation
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-12-061 Skin temperature

3-03-032 CLAMTPRT
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-016 Pressure at top of cloud

3-03-033 CLCVRPRT
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
0-20-016 Pressure at top of cloud

3-03-040 RAOBDURT (Radiosonde duration of flight and termination information)
0-08-041 Data significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-04-026 Time period or displacement
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-25-069 Flight level pressure corrections
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-02-013 Solar and infrared radiation correction
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-10-009 Geopotential height
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times
0-08-040 Flight level significance
0-35-035 Reason for termination

3-03-041 WINDSEQN (Wind sequence)
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-023 Satellite-derived wind computation method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-02-154 Satellite channel band width
0-12-071 Coldest cluster temperature

3-03-050 WDPLRAOB (Wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position)
0-04-086 Long time period or displacement
0-08-042 Extended vertical sounding significance
0-07-004 Pressure
0-05-015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-06-015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-051 WSPLRAOB (Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position)
0-04-086 Long time period or displacement
0-08-042 Extended vertical sounding significance
0-07-004 Pressure
0-05-015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-06-015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-11-061 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below
0-11-062 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above

3-03-052 WDHLRAOB (Wind data at a height level with radiosonde position)
0-04-086 Long time period or displacement
0-08-042 Extended vertical sounding significance
0-07-009 Geopotential height
0-05-015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-06-015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-03-053 WSHLRAOB (Wind shear data at a height level with radiosonde position)
0-04-086 Long time period or displacement
0-08-042 Extended vertical sounding significance
0-07-009 Geopotential height
0-05-015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-06-015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-11-061 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer below
0-11-062 Absolute wind shear in 1 km layer above

3-03-054 TDWPRAOB (Temperature, dew-point and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position)
0-04-086 Long time period or displacement
0-08-042 Extended vertical sounding significance
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-009 Geopotential height
0-05-015 Latitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-06-015 Longitude displacement (high accuracy)
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

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CATEGORY 04 - Meteorological sequences common to satellite observations

(local sequences in italics)

3-04-001 VSPTWDWS
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-10-004 Pressure
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-04-002 VSPRWDWS
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-10-004 Pressure
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed

3-04-003 VSIGTEMP
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature

3-04-004 VSPRCCTM
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-10-004 Pressure
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature

3-04-005 IMHCMPRH
0-02-024 Integrated mean humidity computational method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity

3-04-006 OILWROSW
0-14-001 Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours
0-14-001 Long-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours
0-14-003 Short-wave radiation, integrated over 24 hours

3-04-011 GOESIMIN (GOES-I/M info)
0-02-163 Height assignment method
0-02-164 Tracer correlation method
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-02-057 Origin of first-guess information for GOES-I/M soundings
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
1-10-004 Replicate 10 descriptors 4 times
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-006 Second
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-006 Second
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
1-03-010 Replicate 3 descriptors 10 times
0-02-163 Height assignment method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature

3-04-030 LOCPLAT (Location of platform)
0-27-031 In direction of 0 degrees longitude, distance from the Earth's centre
0-28-031 In direction 90 degrees East, distance from the Earth's centre
0-10-031 In direction of the North Pole, distance from the Earth's centre

3-04-031 SPDPLAT (Speed of platform)
0-01-041 Absolute platform velocity - first component
0-01-042 Absolute platform velocity - second component
0-01-043 Absolute platform velocity - third component

3-04-032 CLFRASEQ (Cloud fraction)
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-02-154 Satellite channel band width
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
0-20-082 Amount segment cloud free
0-20-012 Cloud type

3-04-033 CSRADSEQ (Clear sky radiance)
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-166 Radiance type
0-02-167 Radiance computational method
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-02-154 Satellite channel band width
0-12-075 Spectral radiance
0-12-076 Radiance
0-12-063 Brightness temperature

3-04-034 LLSEFCPQ
1-02-004 Replicate 2 descriptors 4 times
0-27-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-28-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-07-022 Solar elevation
0-05-043 Field of view number
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
0-20-016 Pressure at top of cloud
0-33-003 Quality information
0-10-040 Number of retrieved layers

3-04-035 ALLSKYRD (All sky radiance data)
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-02-154 Satellite channel band width
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)

3-04-036 CLOUDCOV (Cloud coverage)
0-20-082 Amount segment cloud free
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-20-082 Amount segment cloud free
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)

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CATEGORY 05 - Meteorological or hydrological sequences common to hydrological observations

(local sequences in italics)

3-05-001 SADCHYCS (SADC-HYCOS single measurement)
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-13-060 Total accumulated precipitation
0-13-071 Upstream water level

3-05-003 SADCHYCO (SADC-HYCOS measurement array definition)
0-04-065 Short time increment
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-05-001 SADC-HYCOS single measurement

3-05-006 MEDHYCOM (MEDHYCOS measurement)
0-13-072 Downstream water level
0-13-082 Water temperature
0-13-019 Total precipitation past 1 hour
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-073 Maximum water level
0-13-060 Total accumulated precipitation

3-05-007 MEDHYCOR (MEDHYCOS report)
3-01-029 Identification
0-04-065 Short time increment
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-05-006 MEDHYCOS measurement

3-05-008 AOCHYCOM (AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement)
3-05-006 MEDHYCOS measurement
0-12-030 Soil temperature

3-05-009 AOCHYVOR (AOCHYCOS - Chad report)
3-01-029 Identification
0-04-065 Short time increment
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-05-008 AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement

3-05-010 MEDHYCM2 (MEDHYCOS measurement type 2)
3-05-008 AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement
0-02-091 Entry sensor 4/20 mA
0-02-091 Entry sensor 4/20 mA

3-05-011 MEDHYCO2 (MEDHYCOS report type 2)
3-01-029 Identification
0-04-065 Short time increment
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-05-010 MEDHYCOS measurement type 2

3-05-016 METPARHY (Meteorological parameters associated with hydrological data)
0-14-021 Global solar radiation, integrated over period specified
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-043 Maximum wind gust direction

3-05-017 WATRQUAL (Water quality measurement)
0-13-080 Water pH
0-13-081 Water conductivity
0-13-083 Dissolved oxygen
0-13-085 Oxydation Reduction Potential (ORP)
0-13-084 Turbidity

3-05-018 MEDHYCOQ (MEDHYCOS report with meteorology and water quality data)
3-01-029 Identification
0-04-065 Short time increment
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-05-008 AOCHYCOS - Chad measurement
3-05-016 Meteorological parameters associated with hydrological data
3-05-017 Water quality measurement

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CATEGORY 06 - Meteorological or oceanographic sequences common to oceanographic observations

(local sequences in italics)

3-06-001 IDDBSSST
0-02-032 Indicator for digitization
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-062 Depth below sea/water surface
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-06-002 MOCMDSOC
0-02-031 Duration and time of current measurement
0-22-004 Direction of current
0-22-031 Speed of current

3-06-003 WIWDWSDB
0-02-002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement
0-11-011 Wind direction at 10 m
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
0-12-004 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m

3-06-004 IDMSMDBS
0-02-032 Indicator for digitization
0-02-033 Method of salinity/depth measurement
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-062 Depth below sea/water surface
0-22-043 Sea/water temperature
0-22-062 Salinity

3-06-005 MOCMDBDS
0-02-031 Duration and time of current measurement
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-062 Depth below sea/water surface
0-22-004 Direction of current
0-22-031 Speed of current

3-06-006 UWSNOPTP (Under water sounding (optional) parameters)
0-22-063 Total water depth

3-06-007 BUOYSPAR (Buoy spare block parameters)
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
0-01-014 Platform drift speed (high precision)
3-06-008 Buoy instrumentation parameters
0-04-024 Time period or displacement
0-27-003 Alternate latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-28-003 Alternate longitude (coarse accuracy)

3-06-008 BUOYINST (Buoy instrumentation parameters)
0-02-034 Drogue type
0-02-035 Cable length
0-02-036 Buoy type

3-06-019 TIDECKTI (Tide report identification, water level checks, time increments)
0-01-075 Tide station identification
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature
0-22-120 Tide station automated water level check
0-22-121 Tide station manual water level check
0-04-015 Time increment
0-04-065 Short time increment

3-06-021 METPTIDE (Meteorological parameters in tide station)
0-01-075 Tide station identification
3-01-011 Year, month, day
3-01-012 Hour, minute
0-22-122 Tide station automated meteorological data check
0-22-123 Tide station manual meteorological data check
0-12-001 Temperature/air temperature
3-03-002 Wind at pressure level

3-06-023 NLALODTP
0-01-015 Station or site name
0-22-038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum
0-22-039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset)
0-22-120 Tide station automated water level check
0-22-121 Tide station manual water level check

3-06-025 TIDELEV3 (Tide elevation series)
3-06-019 Tide report identification, water level checks, time increments
1-02-006 Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times
0-22-038 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum
0-22-039 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset)

3-06-027 RDBITTTG (Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system)
0-01-005 Buoy/platform identifier
0-01-052 Platform transmitter ID
0-02-047 Deep-ocean tsunameter type

3-06-028 RTODBPDR (Sequence for representation of time of observation and DART buoy position daily report)
3-06-027 Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system

3-06-029 RTSIWCHR (Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report)
0-25-170 Sampling interval (time)
0-25-171 Sample averaging period
0-25-172 Number of samples

3-06-030 RODBYSHR (Sequence for representation of DART buoy standard hourly report)
3-06-027 Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system
3-06-029 Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report
1-11-000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-33-002 Quality information
0-25-025 Battery voltage
0-25-025 Battery voltage
0-25-026 Battery voltage (large range)
0-22-185 BPR transmission count
0-04-015 Time increment
0-04-065 Short time increment
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times
0-22-182 Water column height

3-06-031 RDBTERET (Sequence for representation of DART buoy tsunami event reports and extended tsunami event reports)
3-06-027 Sequence for representation of DART buoy identification, transmitter ID, type of tsunameter and the time the message is transmitted to the ground system
3-06-029 Sequence for representation of tsunameter sampling information for water column heights in the time series report
0-01-053 Tsunameter report sequence number triggered by a tsunami event
0-33-002 Quality information
0-22-185 BPR transmission count
0-22-182 Water column height
0-04-016 Time increment
0-04-066 Short time increment
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-22-184 Water column height deviation from the reference value

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CATEGORY 07 - Surface report sequences (land)

(local sequences in italics)

3-07-001 LOALSTNH (Low altitude station)
3-02-011 Low altitude station

3-07-002 LOALSTNC (Low altitude station)
3-02-011 Low altitude station

3-07-003 LOALSTCH (Low altitude station)
3-07-001 Low altitude station
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-07-004 LOALSTCC (Low altitude station)
3-07-002 Low altitude station
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-07-005 LOALST4H (Low altitude station)
3-07-001 Low altitude station
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times

3-07-006 LOALST4C (Low altitude station)
3-07-002 Low altitude station
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times

3-07-007 HIALSTNH (High altitude station)
3-02-012 High altitude station

3-07-008 HIALSTNC (High altitude station)
3-02-012 High altitude station

3-07-009 ITDALALO

3-07-011 METARSPE (Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR)
0-01-063 ICAO location indicator
0-02-001 Type of station
0-07-006 Height above station
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-11-017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-07-006 Height above station
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-003 Dew-point temperature
0-10-052 Altimeter setting (QNH)
0-20-009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR)

3-07-012 DSVWWSEQ (DvVVVV)
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility

1-06-000 Delayed replication of 6 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-01-064 Runway designator
0-08-014 Qualifier for runway visual range
0-20-061 Runway visual range (RVR)
0-08-014 Qualifier for runway visual range
0-20-061 Runway visual range (RVR)
0-20-018 Tendency of runway visual range

3-07-014 WPRIMEWS (Significant present or forecast weather)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-019 Significant present or forecast weather

3-07-015 CLOUDGRP (Clouds group(s))
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-002 Vertical visibility

3-07-016 REWPRMEW (Significant recent weather phenomena)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-020 Significant recent weather phenomena

3-07-017 WSHRRWAY (Wind shear on runways(s))
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-11-070 Designator of the runway affected by wind shear (including ALL)

3-07-018 TTYPLFST (Trend-type landing forecast)
0-08-016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-017 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-006 Height above station
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-20-009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility
3-07-014 Significant present or forecast weather

3-07-011 Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR
3-07-014 Significant present or forecast weather
3-07-016 Significant recent weather phenomena

3-07-021 TMETARSP (Total sequence for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR)
3-07-011 Main part of data for representation of METAR/SPECI code in BUFR
3-07-012 DvVVVV
3-07-014 Significant present or forecast weather
3-07-015 Clouds group(s)
3-07-016 Significant recent weather phenomena
3-07-017 Wind shear on runways(s)
3-07-018 Trend-type landing forecast
3-07-015 Clouds group(s)

3-07-022 GBGNSSDA (Ground-based GNSS data)
0-01-015 Station or site name
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-10-004 Pressure
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-33-038 Quality flags for ground-based GNSS data
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
1-06-025 Replicate 6 descriptors 25 times
0-02-020 Satellite classification
0-01-050 Platform transmitter ID number
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-021 Elevation
0-15-031 Atmospheric path delay in satellite signal
0-15-032 Estimated error in atmospheric path delay
0-08-060 Sample scanning mode significance
0-15-033 Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan
0-15-034 Estimated error in path delay difference
0-08-060 Sample scanning mode significance
0-15-033 Difference in path delays for limb views at extremes of scan
0-15-034 Estimated error in path delay difference
0-15-035 Component of zenith path delay due to water vapour
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-13-016 Precipitable water
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-15-011 Log 10 of integrated electron density

3-07-045 METARSPM (Main part of METAR/SPECI)
0-01-063 ICAO location indicator
0-08-079 Product status
0-02-001 Type of station
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-016 Extreme counterclockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-11-017 Extreme clockwise wind direction of a variable wind
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-11-083 Wind speed
0-11-084 Wind speed
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-11-085 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-086 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-12-023 Temperature
0-12-024 Dew point temperature
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-10-052 Altimeter setting (QNH)
0-20-009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR)

3-07-046 METARSPV (METAR/SPECI visibility)
0-20-060 Prevailing horizontal visibility
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-20-059 Minimum horizontal visibility

3-07-047 METARSPC (METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds)
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud
0-20-092 Height of base of cloud
0-20-002 Vertical visibility
0-20-091 Vertical visibility

3-07-048 TRENDFST (Trend type forecast)
0-08-016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-017 Qualifier of the time when the forecast change is expected
1-12-000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-11-083 Wind speed
0-11-084 Wind speed
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-11-085 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-086 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-20-009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-060 Prevailing horizontal visibility
3-07-014 Significant present or forecast weather
3-07-047 METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds

3-07-049 SEACONDT (Sea conditions)
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-22-043 Sea/water temperature
0-22-021 Height of waves

3-07-050 RUNWAYST (Runway state RRRRERERCReReRBRBR)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-085 General condition of runway
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-01-064 Runway designator
0-20-085 General condition of runway
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-01-064 Runway designator
0-20-086 Runway deposits
0-20-087 Runway contamination
0-20-088 Depth of runway deposits
0-20-089 Runway friction coefficient

3-07-045 Main part of METAR/SPECI
3-07-046 METAR/SPECI visibility
3-07-014 Significant present or forecast weather
3-07-047 METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds
3-07-016 Significant recent weather phenomena
3-07-017 Wind shear on runways(s)
3-07-049 Sea conditions
3-07-050 Runway state RRRRERERCReReRBRBR
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-07-048 Trend type forecast

3-07-052 AEROFSTI (Aerodrome forecast identification and time interval)
0-01-063 ICAO location indicator
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level

3-07-053 FSTWXAER (Forecast weather at an aerodrome)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-11-083 Wind speed
0-11-084 Wind speed
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-11-085 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-086 Maximum wind gust speed
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-08-054 Qualifier for wind speed or wind gusts
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-20-009 General weather indicator (TAF/METAR)
0-20-060 Prevailing horizontal visibility
3-07-014 Significant present or forecast weather
3-07-047 METAR/SPECI/TAF clouds

3-07-054 FSTEXTMP (Forecast of extreme temperatures)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-12-023 Temperature
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-12-023 Temperature
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)

3-07-055 CHGINFST (Change indicator and forecast changes)
0-33-045 Probability of following event
0-08-016 Change qualifier of a trend-type forecast or an aerodrome forecast
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-04-003 Day
0-08-039 Time significance (Aviation forecast)
0-04-003 Day
3-07-053 Forecast weather at an aerodrome

3-07-056 AEROFCST (Aerodrome forecast - full TAF)
3-07-052 Aerodrome forecast identification and time interval
3-07-053 Forecast weather at an aerodrome
3-07-054 Forecast of extreme temperatures
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-07-055 Change indicator and forecast changes

3-07-063 SOILTMP2
0-07-061 Depth below land surface
0-12-130 Soil temperature

3-07-071 MNTHVLND (Monthly values of a land station)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
0-04-074 Short time period or displacement
0-04-023 Time period or displacement
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-10-004 Pressure
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-009 Geopotential height
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-02-051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures
0-04-051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature
0-12-118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours
0-04-052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature
0-12-119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours
0-13-004 Vapour pressure
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-12-151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
1-02-005 Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times
0-08-050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-14-032 Total sunshine
0-14-033 Total sunshine
0-08-050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)
1-02-018 Replicate 2 descriptors 18 times
0-08-052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-12-152 Highest daily mean temperature
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-12-153 Lowest daily mean temperature
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-02-002 Type of instrumentation for wind measurement
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-11-046 Maximum instantaneous wind speed
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-023 Time period or displacement
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-13-060 Total accumulated precipitation
0-13-051 Frequency group, precipitation
0-04-053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm
0-08-050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)
1-02-006 Replicate 2 descriptors 6 times
0-08-052 Condition for which number of days of occurrence follows
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-08-053 Day of occurrence qualifier
0-04-003 Day
0-13-052 Highest daily amount of precipitation
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)

3-07-072 MNTHNLND (Monthly normals for a land station)
0-04-001 Year
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-074 Short time period or displacement
0-04-022 Time period or displacement
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-10-004 Pressure
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-009 Geopotential height
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-02-051 Indicator to specify observing method for extreme temperatures
0-04-051 Principal time of daily reading of maximum temperature
0-12-118 Maximum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours
0-04-052 Principal time of daily reading of minimum temperature
0-12-119 Minimum temperature at height specified, past 24 hours
0-13-004 Vapour pressure
0-12-151 Standard deviation of daily mean temperature
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-14-032 Total sunshine
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-04-001 Year
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-022 Time period or displacement
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-13-060 Total accumulated precipitation
0-04-053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm
0-08-023 First-order statistics
1-02-008 Replicate 2 descriptors 8 times
0-08-050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)

3-07-073 CLIMATML (Representation of CLIMAT data of the actual month and for monthly normals)
3-07-071 Monthly values of a land station
3-07-072 Monthly normals for a land station

3-07-079 SYNCOINS (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from fixed land stations suitable for SYNOP data and for maritime data from coastal stations)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-22-061 State of the sea
0-20-058 Visibility seawards from a coastal station
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-056 Sea/water temperature
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-055 Icing and ice
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-080 SYNFLNDS (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-081 SYNFLND1 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA I)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
0-12-122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night
0-13-056 Character and intensity of precipitation
0-13-057 Time of beginning or end of precipitation
0-20-101 Locust (acridian) name
0-20-102 Locust (maturity) colour
0-20-103 Stage of development of locusts
0-20-104 Organization state of swarm or band of locusts
0-20-105 Size of swarm or band of locusts and duration of passage of swarm
0-20-106 Locust population density
0-20-107 Direction of movements of locust swarm
0-20-108 Extent of vegetation
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-082 SYNFLND2 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA II)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
0-12-121 Ground minimum temperature
0-12-122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-083 SYNFLND3 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA III)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
0-12-122 Ground minimum temperature of the preceding night
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-084 SYNFLND4 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA IV)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
0-20-055 State of sky in the tropics
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
2-05-001 Add character field
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-086 SYNFLND6 (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA VI)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
3-02-066 Dangerous weather phenomena
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)

3-07-090 SYNMLNDS (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a mobile land station suitable for SYNOP MOBIL data)
3-01-092 Mobile surface station identification, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates
3-02-031 Pressure information
3-02-035 Basic synoptic "instantaneous" data
3-02-036 Clouds with bases below station level
3-02-047 Direction of cloud drift
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-048 Direction and elevation of cloud
3-02-037 State of ground, snow depth, ground minimum temperature
3-02-043 Basic synoptic "period" data
3-02-044 Evaporation data
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
3-02-045 Radiation data (from 1 hour and 24 hour period)
3-02-046 Temperature change

3-07-091 SFOB1HID (BUFR template for surface observations from one-hour period with national and WMO station identification)
3-01-089 National station identification
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
0-08-010 Surface qualifier (temperature data)
3-01-091 Surface station instrumentation
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-009 Geopotential height
3-02-072 Temperature and humidity data
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
1-01-005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times
0-07-061 Depth below land surface
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-069 Visibility data
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-20-031 Ice deposit (thickness)
0-20-032 Rate of ice accretion
0-02-038 Method of water temperature and/or salinity measurement
0-22-043 Sea/water temperature
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-078 State of ground and snow depth measurement
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-073 Cloud data
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-074 Present and past weather
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
3-02-076 Precipitation, obscuration and other phenomena
3-02-071 Wind data from one-hour period
3-02-077 Extreme temperature data
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-079 Precipitation measurement
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-080 Evaporation measurement
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-081 Total sunshine data
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-082 Radiation data
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-13-059 Number of flashes (thunderstorm)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-02-083 First order statistics of P, W, T, U data
0-33-005 Quality information (AWS data)
0-33-006 Internal measurement status information (AWS)

3-07-096 RSDWDIOH (Sequence for representation of SYNOP data with supplementary information on one-hour observations)
3-01-090 Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
3-01-089 National station identification
0-08-010 Surface qualifier (temperature data)
3-01-091 Surface station instrumentation
3-02-084 "Instantaneous" data of sequence 307096
3-02-085 "Period" data of sequence 307096
0-33-005 Quality information (AWS data)
0-33-006 Internal measurement status information (AWS)

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CATEGORY 08 - Surface report sequences (sea)

(local sequences in italics)

3-08-001 BUOYFIXH (Buoy/platform - fixed)
3-01-033 Buoy/platform - fixed
3-02-011 Low altitude station
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-08-002 BUOYFIXC (Buoy/platform - fixed)
3-01-034 Buoy/platform - fixed
3-02-011 Low altitude station
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-08-003 BUOYMOVE (Buoy/platform - moving)
3-01-035 Buoy/platform - moving
3-02-011 Low altitude station
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-08-004 SHIPSEQ2 (Ship)
3-01-036 Ship
3-02-011 Low altitude station
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-08-005 SHIPWASW
3-08-004 Ship

3-08-006 BUOYSEC1 (Buoy Section 1 optional parameters)
0-10-004 Pressure
0-10-061 3-hour pressure change
0-10-063 Characteristic of pressure tendency
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-12-004 Dry-bulb temperature at 2 m
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-08-007 IDMDLBDS
3-02-011 Low altitude station
0-07-062 Depth below sea/water surface
0-22-042 Sea/water temperature

3-08-009 SYNPSHIP (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a sea station suitable for ship data)
3-01-093 Ship identification, movement, date/time, horizontal and vertical coordinates
3-02-054 Ship "instantaneous" data
0-08-002 Vertical significance (surface observations)
3-02-055 Icing and ice
3-02-057 Ship marine data
3-02-060 Ship "period" data

3-08-010 TRACKOBB (TRACKOB Template)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
1-13-000 Delayed replication of 13 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-080 Averaging period for following value
0-22-049 Sea surface temperature
0-04-080 Averaging period for following value
0-22-059 Sea surface salinity
0-04-080 Averaging period for following value
0-22-005 Direction of sea surface current
0-02-042 Indicator for sea surface current speed
0-22-032 Speed of sea surface current
0-02-042 Indicator for sea surface current speed
0-04-080 Averaging period for following value

3-08-011 MNTHVSEA (Monthly values from an ocean weather station - CLIMAT SHIP)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
0-02-001 Type of station
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level
0-04-074 Short time period or displacement
0-04-023 Time period or displacement
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-004 Vapour pressure
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
3-02-056 Sea/water temperature
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-023 Time period or displacement
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-13-060 Total accumulated precipitation
0-13-051 Frequency group, precipitation
0-04-053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)

3-08-012 MNTHNSEA (Monthly normals from an ocean weather station)
0-04-001 Year
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-074 Short time period or displacement
0-04-022 Time period or displacement
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-004 Vapour pressure
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-07-033 Height of sensor above water surface
3-02-056 Sea/water temperature
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-04-001 Year
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-022 Time period or displacement
0-07-032 Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-13-060 Total accumulated precipitation
0-04-053 Number of days with precipitation equal to or more than 1 mm
0-08-023 First-order statistics

3-08-013 CLIMATMS (Representation of CLIMAT SHIP data of the actual month and for monthly normals)
3-08-011 Monthly values from an ocean weather station - CLIMAT SHIP
3-08-012 Monthly normals from an ocean weather station

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CATEGORY 09 - Vertical sounding sequences (conventional data)

(local sequences in italics)

3-09-001 VRTWNLHH (Vertical wind profile)
3-01-037 Land station for vertical soundings
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-002 VRTWNDHC (Vertical wind profile)
3-01-038 Land station for vertical soundings
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-003 VRTWNDPH (Vertical wind profile)
3-01-037 Land station for vertical soundings
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-004 VRTWNDPC (Vertical wind profile)
3-01-038 Land station for vertical soundings
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-005 VRTSDRLH (Vertical sounding with relative humidity)
3-01-037 Land station for vertical soundings
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-006 VRTSDRHC (Vertical sounding with relative humidity)
3-01-038 Land station for vertical soundings
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-007 VRTSDDLH (Vertical sounding with dew-point data)
3-01-037 Land station for vertical soundings
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-008 VRTSDDPC (Vertical sounding with dew-point data)
3-01-038 Land station for vertical soundings
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-011 VRTWNDSH (Vertical wind profile)
3-01-039 Ship for vertical soundings
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-012 VRTWNDSP (Vertical wind profile)
3-01-039 Ship for vertical soundings
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-013 VRTSDRHS (Vertical sounding with relative humidity)
3-01-039 Ship for vertical soundings
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-014 VRTSDDPS (Vertical sounding with dew-point data)
3-01-039 Ship for vertical soundings
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-015 VRTWNSHH (Vertical wind profile)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-016 VRTWNDHP (Vertical wind profile)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-017 VRTSDRSH (Vertical sounding with relative humidity)
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-018 VRTSDDSH (Vertical sounding with dew-point data)
3-02-004 General cloud information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-019 WNPROFSD (Wind profiler - wind data sounding)
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-09-020 WNPROFCC (Wind profiler - Cartesian coordinates)
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-003 Geopotential
0-11-003 u-component
0-11-004 v-component
0-11-005 w-component

3-09-030 OZSNDFLT (Ozone sonde flight data)
0-15-004 Ozone sounding correction factor (CF)
0-15-005 Ozone p
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-015 Time increment
0-08-006 Ozone vertical sounding significance
0-07-004 Pressure
0-15-003 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding)

3-09-031 OZONFLTD (Ozone sonde flight data)
0-15-004 Ozone sounding correction factor (CF)
0-15-005 Ozone p
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-04-025 Time period or displacement
0-08-006 Ozone vertical sounding significance
0-07-004 Pressure
0-15-003 Measured ozone partial pressure (sounding)

3-09-050 PILOTSMP (Sequence for representation of PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL observation type data with pressure as the vertical coordinate)
3-01-110 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements
3-01-113 Date/time of launch
3-01-114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-050 Wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-051 Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position

3-09-051 PILOTSMH (Sequence for representation of PILOT, PILOT SHIP and PILOT MOBIL observation type data with height as the vertical coordinate)
3-01-110 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for wind measurements
3-01-113 Date/time of launch
3-01-114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-052 Wind data at a height level with radiosonde position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-053 Wind shear data at a height level with radiosonde position

3-09-052 TEMPSHMO (Sequence for representation of TEMP, TEMP SHIP and TEMP MOBIL observation type data)
3-01-111 Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements
3-01-113 Date/time of launch
3-01-114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site
3-02-049 Cloud information reported with vertical soundings
0-22-043 Sea/water temperature
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-054 Temperature, dew-point and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-051 Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position

3-09-053 TEMPDROP (Sequence for representation of TEMP DROP observation type data)
3-01-112 Identification of launch point and instrumentation of dropsonde
3-01-113 Date/time of launch
3-01-114 Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-054 Temperature, dew-point and wind data at a pressure level with radiosonde position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-03-051 Wind shear data at a pressure level with radiosonde position

3-09-054 CLIMATTS (Sequence for representation of CLIMAT TEMP and CLIMAT TEMP SHIP data)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier
0-07-030 Height of station ground above mean sea level
0-07-031 Height of barometer above mean sea level
0-07-007 Height
0-04-023 Time period or displacement
0-04-059 Times of observation used to compute the reported mean values
1-15-000 Delayed replication of 15 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-07-004 Pressure
0-10-009 Geopotential height
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-11-019 Steadiness of wind
0-08-050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-08-050 Qualifier for number of missing values in calculation of statistic
0-08-020 Total number of missing entities (with respect to accumulation or average)

3-09-060 RAOBRGSF (Radiosonde complete registration and surface observation)
3-01-123 Radiosonde full header information
3-01-121 Radiosonde launch point location
3-02-050 Radiosonde surface observation
3-03-040 Radiosonde duration of flight and termination information

3-09-061 RAWPTUSQ (Raw PTU)
3-01-120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-25-069 Flight level pressure corrections
0-07-004 Pressure
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-33-007 Percent confidence
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-13-009 Relative humidity
0-33-007 Percent confidence
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-02-013 Solar and infrared radiation correction
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-33-007 Percent confidence
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator

3-09-062 RAWGPSUS (Raw GPS unsmoothed wind)
3-01-120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-07-007 Height
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-11-003 u-component
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-11-004 v-component
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-33-007 Percent confidence

3-09-063 RAWGPSSM (Raw GPS smoothed wind)
3-01-120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-07-007 Height
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-11-003 u-component
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-11-004 v-component
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-33-007 Percent confidence

3-09-064 PROCPTUS (Processed PTU)
3-01-120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
1-04-002 Replicate 4 descriptors 2 times
0-25-069 Flight level pressure corrections
0-07-004 Pressure
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-13-003 Relative humidity
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
1-04-002 Replicate 4 descriptors 2 times
0-02-013 Solar and infrared radiation correction
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-10-009 Geopotential height
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator

3-09-065 PROCGPSS (Processed GPS)
3-01-120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-07-007 Height
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-11-003 u-component
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator
0-11-004 v-component
0-33-035 Manual/automatic quality control
0-33-015 Data quality check indicator

3-09-066 STDSIGLV (Standard and significant levels)
3-01-120 Radiosonde abbreviated header and launch information
0-08-041 Data significance
3-01-122 Date/time (to hundredths of second)
0-08-040 Flight level significance
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-25-069 Flight level pressure corrections
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-02-013 Solar and infrared radiation correction
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature
0-10-009 Geopotential height
0-10-007 Height
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-001 Wind direction

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CATEGORY 10 - Vertical sounding sequences (satellite data)

(local sequences in italics)

3-10-001 SATBTEMP (Satellite - brightness temperature)
1-01-026 Replicate 1 descriptor 26 times

3-10-002 SATLLEVL (Satellite - low level)
1-01-009 Replicate 1 descriptor 9 times

3-10-003 SATHLEVL (Satellite - high level)
1-01-006 Replicate 1 descriptor 6 times

3-10-004 SATPWATR (Satellite - precipitable water)
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times

3-10-005 IMDLSCSB
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-10-006 IMDLSCLT
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-10-007 IMDLSCPW
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor

3-10-008 ATOVHIRS (ATOVS HIRS report)
3-10-011 ATOVS field of view variables
1-01-019 Replicate 1 descriptor 19 times
3-10-012 ATOVS channel variables
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-25-079 Albedo-radiance solar filtered irradiance for ATOVS
0-25-080 Albedo-radiance equivalent filter width for ATOVS
0-33-032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS
0-14-045 Channel radiance

3-10-009 ATOVAMUA (ATOVS AMSU-A report)
3-10-011 ATOVS field of view variables
1-01-015 Replicate 1 descriptor 15 times
3-10-012 ATOVS channel variables

3-10-010 ATOVAMUB (ATOVS AMSU-B/MHS report)
3-10-011 ATOVS field of view variables
1-01-005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times
3-10-012 ATOVS channel variables

3-10-011 ATFOV (ATOVS field of view variables)
0-08-070 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-01-034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre
0-08-070 TOVS/ATOVS product qualifier
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-01-034 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-048 Satellite sensor indicator
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-25-075 Satellite antenna corrections version number
2-01-133 Change data width
0-05-041 Scan line number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-05-043 Field of view number
0-25-070 Major frame count
0-33-030 Scan line status flags for ATOVS
0-33-031 Scan line quality flags for ATOVS
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
2-02-131 Change scale
2-01-138 Change data width
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
2-02-126 Change scale
0-07-001 Height of station
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-022 Solar azimuth
0-33-033 Field of view quality flags for ATOVS
0-02-151 Radiometer identifier
0-12-064 Instrument temperature
0-02-151 Radiometer identifier
0-12-064 Instrument temperature
0-02-151 Radiometer identifier
0-12-064 Instrument temperature
0-02-151 Radiometer identifier
0-12-064 Instrument temperature

3-10-012 ATCHV (ATOVS channel variables)
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-25-076 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS
0-25-077 Bandwidth correction coefficient 1 for ATOVS
0-25-078 Bandwidth correction coefficient 2 for ATOVS
0-33-032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS
2-01-132 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-10-013 AVHRRGAC (AVHRR (GAC) report)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-006 Second
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-043 Field of view number
0-25-085 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-14-027 Albedo
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-14-027 Albedo
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-14-027 Albedo
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-14-027 Albedo
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-14-027 Albedo
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-14-027 Albedo
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-132 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-02-150 TOVS/ATOVS/AVHRR instrumentation channel number
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-08-072 Pixel(s) type
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-10-014 GEOSTWND (Satellite - geostationary wind data)
3-01-072 Satellite identification
3-03-041 Wind sequence
3-04-011 GOES-I/M info

3-10-015 METEORAD (Meteosat radiance data)
3-01-072 Satellite identification
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-10-002 Height
3-03-041 Wind sequence
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
3-04-032 Cloud fraction
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-024 Integrated mean humidity computational method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
3-04-033 Clear sky radiance

3-10-016 MSGRADAT (Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) radiance data)
3-01-072 Satellite identification
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-10-002 Height
3-03-041 Wind sequence
1-01-012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times
3-04-032 Cloud fraction
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-024 Integrated mean humidity computational method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
1-01-012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times
3-04-033 Clear sky radiance

3-10-018 GOMESEQN (Ozone data)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-04-001 Year
0-04-043 Day of the year
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-006 Second
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-26-030 Measurement integration time
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-33-072 Ozone error
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-022 Solar azimuth
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-15-001 Total ozone
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
2-07-001 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-10-004 Pressure
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-33-042 Type of limit represented by following value
2-07-001 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-07-004 Pressure
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-15-001 Total ozone
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-20-065 Snow cover
0-08-029 Surface type
2-07-004 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-15-030 Aerosol contamination index
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier

3-10-019 SBUV2OZN (Ozone data)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-08-021 Time significance
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-08-021 Time significance
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-08-021 Time significance
0-08-029 Surface type
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-08-075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-10-004 Pressure
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-15-001 Total ozone
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-33-070 Total ozone quality
0-15-030 Aerosol contamination index
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-33-042 Type of limit represented by following value
0-07-004 Pressure
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-15-001 Total ozone
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
1-13-021 Replicate 13 descriptors 21 times
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-021 Time significance
0-15-005 Ozone p
0-08-021 Time significance
0-15-005 Ozone p
0-33-007 Percent confidence
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-026 Matrix significance
1-01-020 Replicate 1 descriptor 20 times
0-25-143 Linear coefficient
0-08-026 Matrix significance
0-08-043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type
1-09-015 Replicate 9 descriptors 15 times
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-090 Decimal scale of following significands
2-07-006 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-15-008 Significand of volumetric mixing ratio
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-090 Decimal scale of following significands
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-33-007 Percent confidence
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
0-08-043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type
0-33-071 Profile ozone quality
1-08-008 Replicate 8 descriptors 8 times
2-02-124 Change scale
2-01-107 Change data width
0-02-071 Spectrographic wavelength
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-07-002 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-20-081 Cloud amount in segment
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width

3-10-020 RETROZON (Retrieved ozone data)

3-10-021 PRLYIODH
1-08-000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-15-020 Integrated ozone density
0-10-002 Height

3-10-022 SIIDSEQ
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-02-172 Product type for retrieved atmospheric gases

3-10-023 GSRADSEQ (Geostationary multi-channel satellite radiance data)
3-01-072 Satellite identification
0-30-021 Number of pixels per row
0-30-022 Number of pixels per column
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-10-002 Height
1-01-012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times
3-04-032 Cloud fraction
1-05-002 Replicate 5 descriptors 2 times
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-024 Integrated mean humidity computational method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
1-01-012 Replicate 1 descriptor 12 times
3-04-033 Clear sky radiance

3-10-024 GS3CHRAD (Geostationary three-channel satellite radiance data)
3-01-072 Satellite identification
0-30-021 Number of pixels per row
0-30-022 Number of pixels per column
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-10-002 Height
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
3-04-032 Cloud fraction
1-05-002 Replicate 5 descriptors 2 times
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-024 Integrated mean humidity computational method
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-003 Relative humidity
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
3-04-033 Clear sky radiance

3-10-025 SSMISTEM (SSMIS Temperature data record)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
2-01-138 Change data width
2-02-131 Change scale
0-04-006 Second
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-132 Change data width
0-05-041 Scan line number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-129 Change data width
0-05-043 Field of view number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-13-040 Surface flag
0-20-029 Rain flag
1-04-024 Replicate 4 descriptors 24 times
0-05-042 Channel number
0-12-163 Brightness temperature
0-21-083 Warm target calibration
0-21-084 Cold target calibration
1-15-003 Replicate 15 descriptors 3 times
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
2-01-142 Change data width
2-02-131 Change scale
0-04-026 Time period or displacement
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
2-01-138 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-07-001 Height of station
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-05-040 Orbit number
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
0-12-070 Warm load temperature
0-25-054 SSMIS subframe ID number
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times
0-25-055 Multiplexer housekeeping
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
1-04-028 Replicate 4 descriptors 28 times
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth

3-10-026 RAOCSEQ (Satellite radio occultation data)
0-25-060 Software identification
0-08-021 Time significance
2-01-138 Change data width
2-02-131 Change scale
0-04-006 Second
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-33-039 Quality flags for radio occultation data
0-33-007 Percent confidence
3-04-030 Location of platform
3-04-031 Speed of platform
0-02-020 Satellite classification
0-01-050 Platform transmitter ID number
2-02-127 Change scale
3-04-030 Location of platform
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
3-04-031 Speed of platform
2-01-133 Change data width
2-02-131 Change scale
0-04-016 Time increment
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
3-04-030 Location of platform
0-10-035 Earth's local radius of curvature
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-10-036 Geoid undulation
1-13-000 Delayed replication of 13 descriptors
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
1-08-000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-02-121 Mean frequency
0-07-040 Impact parameter
0-15-037 Bending angle
0-08-023 First-order statistics
2-01-125 Change data width
0-15-037 Bending angle
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-33-007 Percent confidence
1-08-000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-007 Height
0-15-036 Atmospheric refractivity
0-08-023 First-order statistics
2-01-123 Change data width
0-15-036 Atmospheric refractivity
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-33-007 Percent confidence
1-16-000 Delayed replication of 16 descriptors
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-009 Geopotential height
0-10-004 Pressure
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-001 Specific humidity
0-08-023 First-order statistics
2-01-120 Change data width
0-10-004 Pressure
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-122 Change data width
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-123 Change data width
0-13-001 Specific humidity
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-33-007 Percent confidence
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-07-009 Geopotential height
0-10-004 Pressure
0-08-023 First-order statistics
2-01-120 Change data width
0-10-004 Pressure
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-33-007 Percent confidence

3-10-027 ALLSKYRP (All sky radiance product main sequence)
3-01-071 Satellite identifier/Generating resolution
0-30-021 Number of pixels per row
0-30-022 Number of pixels per column
0-10-002 Height
3-04-036 Cloud coverage
0-02-152 Satellite instrument used in data processing
0-02-167 Radiance computational method
1-01-011 Replicate 1 descriptor 11 times
3-04-035 All sky radiance data

3-10-029 LYOZHTWV (Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour)
1-10-000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
2-01-138 Change data width
2-02-130 Change scale
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-15-020 Integrated ozone density
0-10-002 Height
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-098 Integrated water vapour density

3-10-030 GOMOSINS (MIPAS or GOMOS instruments reporting)
3-10-029 Layer, ozone, height, temperature and water vapour

3-10-050 SCO1C3IN (Satellite collocated 1C reports with 3 instruments)
3-10-051 Satellite position and instrument temperatures
3-10-052 Satellite instrument type and position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-10-053 Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times
3-10-054 Satellite visible channels and albedos with expanded channel set
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
3-10-052 Satellite instrument type and position
1-01-015 Replicate 1 descriptor 15 times
3-10-053 Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set
3-10-052 Satellite instrument type and position
1-01-005 Replicate 1 descriptor 5 times
3-10-053 Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set

3-10-051 SPITSEQN (Satellite position and instrument temperatures)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-05-040 Orbit number
2-01-133 Change data width
0-05-041 Scan line number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-132 Change data width
0-25-070 Major frame count
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-126 Change scale
0-07-001 Height of station
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-022 Solar azimuth
1-02-009 Replicate 2 descriptors 9 times
0-02-151 Radiometer identifier
0-12-064 Instrument temperature

3-10-052 SITPSEQN (Satellite instrument type and position)
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
2-02-131 Change scale
2-01-138 Change data width
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-05-043 Field of view number

3-10-053 SCBTSEQN (Satellite channels and brightness temperatures with expanded channel set)
2-01-134 Change data width
0-05-042 Channel number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-25-076 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS
0-33-032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS
0-12-163 Brightness temperature

3-10-054 SVCASEQN (Satellite visible channels and albedos with expanded channel set)
2-01-134 Change data width
0-05-042 Channel number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-25-076 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS
0-33-032 Channel quality flags for ATOVS
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-14-027 Albedo
0-08-023 First-order statistics
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-10-055 SATRCPRC (Satellite radiance/channel principle components)
3-10-051 Satellite position and instrument temperatures
3-10-052 Satellite instrument type and position
1-02-020 Replicate 2 descriptors 20 times
0-25-076 Log-10 of (Temperature-radiance central wave number) for ATOVS
0-25-052 Log-10 of principal components normalized fit to data
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-25-050 Principal component score

3-10-060 CRISDATA (CrIS (Cross-Track Infrared Sounder) radiance data)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-02-020 Satellite classification
2-07-003 Increase scale, reference value and data width
0-04-006 Second
2-07-000 Cancel increase scale, reference value and data width
3-04-030 Location of platform
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-022 Solar azimuth
0-08-075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier
2-01-133 Change data width
0-05-041 Scan line number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-05-045 Field of regard number
0-05-043 Field of view number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-10-001 Height of land surface
2-01-129 Change data width
0-07-002 Height or altitude
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-127 Change scale
2-01-125 Change data width
0-21-166 Land fraction
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
0-20-014 Height of top of cloud
0-02-165 Radiance type flags
0-33-075 Scan-level quality flags
1-07-003 Replicate 7 descriptors 3 times
0-08-076 Type of band
0-06-029 Wave number
0-06-029 Wave number
0-25-140 Start channel
0-25-141 End channel
0-33-076 Calibration quality flags
0-33-077 Field-of-view quality flags
0-08-076 Type of band
0-33-078 Geolocation quality
0-33-003 Quality information
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
2-01-133 Change data width
0-05-042 Channel number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-14-044 Channel radiance

3-10-192 GOMEDATA (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) data)

3-10-193 AMSR2CHN (AMSR2 channel sequence)

3-10-194 ATNCHV (ATOVS channel variables with supplementary values)

3-10-196 NC021205 (CrIS full spectral radiances (2211 channels))

3-10-197 NC021242 (Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR L1A2 brightness temperatures)

3-10-198 NC021206 (CrIS full spectral radiances (431 channels))

3-10-199 NC021046 (GOES-16 clear-sky radiances)

3-10-200 NC021045 (GOES-16 all-sky radiances)

3-10-203 NC008019 (NPP OMPS ozone - limb profile)

3-10-204 NC021213 (ATMS brightness temperatures (direct broadcast))

3-10-205 NC021212 (CrIS radiances (direct broadcast))

Back to Top

CATEGORY 11 - Single level report sequences (conventional data)

(local sequences in italics)

3-11-001 AIRCRAFT (Aircraft reports)
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-031 Degree of turbulence
0-11-032 Height of base of turbulence
0-11-033 Height of top of turbulence
0-20-041 Airframe icing

3-11-002 ACARSREP (ACARS reports)
3-01-065 ACARS identification
3-01-066 ACARS location
3-11-003 ACARS standard reported variables
3-11-004 ACARS supplementary reported variables

3-11-003 ACARSV (ACARS standard reported variables)
0-10-070 Indicated aircraft altitude
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-12-001 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-13-002 Mixing ratio

3-11-004 ACARSSRV (ACARS supplementary reported variables)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-11-034 Vertical gust velocity
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-11-035 Vertical gust acceleration
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-11-075 Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-11-076 Peak turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-33-025 ACARS interpolated values
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
0-33-026 Moisture quality

3-11-005 AMDARSTD (Standard AMDAR reports)
0-01-008 Aircraft registration number or other identification
0-01-023 Observation sequence number
0-07-010 Flight level
0-08-009 Detailed phase of flight
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-11-031 Degree of turbulence
0-11-036 Maximum derived equivalent vertical gust speed
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-33-025 ACARS interpolated values

3-11-006 AMDARNOL (AMDAR data or aircraft data for one level without latitude/longitude)
0-07-010 Flight level
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-02-064 Aircraft roll angle quality
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature

3-11-007 ACFTLALO (Aircraft data for one level with latitude/longitude indicated)
0-07-010 Flight level
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-02-064 Aircraft roll angle quality
0-12-101 Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
0-12-103 Dew-point temperature

3-11-008 ASDSNOLL (Aircraft ascent/descent profile without latitude/longitude indicated at each level)
0-01-008 Aircraft registration number or other identification
0-08-004 Phase of aircraft flight
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-11-006 AMDAR data or aircraft data for one level without latitude/longitude

3-11-009 ASDSLALO (Aircraft ascent/descent profile with latitude/longitude given for each level)
0-01-008 Aircraft registration number or other identification
0-08-004 Phase of aircraft flight
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-11-007 Aircraft data for one level with latitude/longitude indicated

Back to Top

CATEGORY 12 - Single level report sequences (satellite data)

(local sequences in italics)

3-12-001 SAIDCPTW

3-12-002 SAIDCPWN

3-12-003 SAIDSFCT

3-12-004 SAIDCLDC

3-12-005 SAIDHOCT
0-20-014 Height of top of cloud

3-12-006 SAIDLMRH

3-12-007 SAIDRADN

3-12-010 ORBITAL1 (Orbital information, Part I)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-02-021 Satellite instrument data used in processing
0-05-041 Scan line number
0-04-001 Year
0-04-043 Day of the year

3-12-011 ORBITAL2 (Orbital information, Part II)
2-02-131 Change scale
2-01-149 Change data width
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-126 Change scale
0-10-002 Height
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-05-043 Field of view number
0-05-053 Field of view number increment

3-12-012 HIRSB119 (HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 1-19)
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-132 Change data width
1-01-019 Replicate 1 descriptor 19 times
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale

3-12-013 HIRSBT20 (HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 20)
0-05-042 Channel number
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-135 Change data width
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale

3-12-014 HIRSDATA (HIRS satellite data)
3-12-010 Orbital information, Part I
3-12-011 Orbital information, Part II
1-05-056 Replicate 5 descriptors 56 times
0-05-042 Channel number
0-05-052 Channel number increment
3-12-012 HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 1-19
3-12-013 HIRS brightness temperatures - channels 20

3-12-015 MSUB1234 (MSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-4)
1-09-011 Replicate 9 descriptors 11 times
0-05-042 Channel number
0-05-052 Channel number increment
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-132 Change data width
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-12-016 MSUSDATA (MSU satellite data)
3-12-010 Orbital information, Part I
3-12-011 Orbital information, Part II
3-12-015 MSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-4

3-12-017 SSUBT123 (SSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-3)
1-09-008 Replicate 9 descriptors 8 times
0-05-042 Channel number
0-05-052 Channel number increment
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-132 Change data width
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-12-018 SSUSDATA (SSU satellite data)
3-12-010 Orbital information, Part I
3-12-011 Orbital information, Part II
3-12-017 SSU brightness temperatures - channels 1-3

3-12-019 SCATWNML (Wave scatterometer product with width change for wave number (spectral))
3-01-047 ERS product header
3-01-048 Radar parameters
0-15-015 Maximum image spectral component before normalization
0-29-002 Coordinate grid type
0-21-076 Representation of intensities
1-06-012 Replicate 6 descriptors 12 times
2-01-129 Change data width
0-06-030 Wave number (spectral)
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
1-02-012 Replicate 2 descriptors 12 times
0-05-030 Direction (spectral)
0-21-075 Image spectrum intensity
0-21-066 Wave scatterometer product confidence data

3-12-020 SCATPRD1 (Wave scatterometer product)
3-01-047 ERS product header
3-01-048 Radar parameters
0-15-015 Maximum image spectral component before normalization
0-29-002 Coordinate grid type
0-21-076 Representation of intensities
1-04-012 Replicate 4 descriptors 12 times
0-06-030 Wave number (spectral)
1-02-012 Replicate 2 descriptors 12 times
0-05-030 Direction (spectral)
0-21-075 Image spectrum intensity
0-21-066 Wave scatterometer product confidence data

3-12-021 SCATPRD2 (Wind scatterometer product)
3-01-047 ERS product header
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
3-01-049 Radar beam data
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
0-11-011 Wind direction at 10 m
0-21-067 Wind product confidence data

3-12-022 RALTPROD (Radar altimeter product)
3-01-047 ERS product header
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
0-11-050 Standard deviation of horizontal wind speed
0-22-070 Significant wave height
0-22-026 Standard deviation of significant wave height
3-12-041 Altitude
0-10-050 Standard deviation altitude
0-21-068 Radar altimeter product confidence data
0-21-071 Peakiness
0-21-072 Satellite altimeter calibration status
0-21-073 Satellite altimeter instrument mode
3-12-042 Altitude corrections
0-21-062 Backscatter
0-15-011 Log 10 of integrated electron density

3-12-023 ATSRSSTP (ATSR sea surface temperature product)
3-01-047 ERS product header
1-03-003 Replicate 3 descriptors 3 times
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-12-061 Skin temperature
0-22-050 Standard deviation sea-surface temperature
0-21-069 SST product confidence data
0-21-085 ATSR sea surface temperature across-track band number

3-12-024 SCATPRDE (Wave scatterometer product enhanced)
3-12-020 Wave scatterometer product
0-08-060 Sample scanning mode significance
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-08-060 Sample scanning mode significance
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-25-014 Azimuth clutter cut-off
0-22-101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers
0-22-097 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers
0-22-098 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers
0-22-099 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m)
0-22-100 Direction spread at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m)

3-12-025 SCATWNME (Wave scatterometer enhanced product (with change of width for wave number (spectral))
3-12-019 Wave scatterometer product with width change for wave number (spectral)
0-08-060 Sample scanning mode significance
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-08-060 Sample scanning mode significance
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-25-014 Azimuth clutter cut-off
0-22-101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers
0-22-097 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers
0-22-098 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers
0-22-099 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m)
0-22-100 Direction spread at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m)

3-12-026 QUIKSCAT (QUIKSCAT data)
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times
0-21-110 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite)
0-21-111 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite)
0-21-112 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite)
0-21-113 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite)

3-12-027 SADIDTD2 (ATSR SST Product (SADIST-2))
3-01-047 ERS product header
1-05-009 Replicate 5 descriptors 9 times
0-07-021 Elevation
0-12-061 Skin temperature
0-07-021 Elevation
0-12-061 Skin temperature
0-21-085 ATSR sea surface temperature across-track band number
0-21-070 SST product confidence data (SADIST-2)

0-08-025 Time difference qualifier
2-01-136 Change data width
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
1-01-004 Replicate 1 descriptor 4 times
1-01-002 Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
0-21-110 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite)
0-21-111 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (forward of satellite)
0-21-112 Number of inner-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite)
0-21-113 Number of outer-beam sigma-0 (aft of satellite)

3-12-030 WNFRMUNL
2-01-130 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-11-052 Formal uncertainty in wind speed
2-01-135 Change data width
2-02-130 Change scale
0-11-011 Wind direction at 10 m
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-11-053 Formal uncertainty in wind direction
0-21-104 Likelihood computed for solution

3-12-031 ACQMWDAI
0-05-034 Along track row number
0-06-034 Cross-track cell number
0-21-109 SEAWINDS wind vector cell quality
0-11-081 Model wind direction at 10m
0-11-082 Model wind speed at 10m
0-21-101 Number of vector ambiguities
0-21-102 Index of selected wind vector
0-21-103 Total number of sigma-0 measurements

3-12-032 SEAWPROR
0-21-120 Probability of rain
0-21-121 SEAWINDS NOF rain index
0-13-055 Intensity of precipitation
0-21-122 Attenuation correction of sigma-0 (from tB)

3-12-033 ANTPBTMP
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-08-022 Total number (with respect to accumulation or average)
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-12-065 Standard deviation brightness temperature

3-12-041 ALTITUDE (Altitude)
2-01-141 Change data width
2-02-130 Change scale
0-07-001 Height of station
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale

3-12-042 ALTCORRN (Altitude corrections)
0-21-077 Altitude correction (ionosphere)
0-21-078 Altitude correction (dry troposphere)
0-21-079 Altitude correction (wet troposphere)
0-21-080 Altitude correction (calibration constant)
0-21-081 Open loop correction (height-time loop)
0-21-082 Open loop correction (auto gain control)

3-12-045 AATSRSST (AATSR sea surface temperatures)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-096 Station acquisition
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-12-180 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir
0-12-181 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir
0-12-182 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels at nadir
0-12-183 Averaged 12 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view
0-12-184 Averaged 11 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view
0-12-185 Averaged 3.7 micron BT for all clear pixels, forward view
0-02-174 Mean across track pixel number
0-21-086 Number of pixels in Nadir only, average
0-12-186 Mean nadir sea-surface temperature
0-21-087 Number of pixels in dual view, average
0-12-187 Mean dual view sea-surface temperature
0-33-043 AST confidence

3-12-050 MERISINS (MERIS instrument reporting)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-096 Station acquisition
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-022 Solar azimuth
0-10-080 Viewing zenith angle
0-27-080 Viewing azimuth angle
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-07-004 Pressure
0-13-093 Cloud optical thickness
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-13-095 Total column water vapour

3-12-051 OCRSPWVS (Ocean cross spectra - WVS)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-096 Station acquisition
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-08-075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
2-01-131 Change data width
0-01-013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-10-032 Satellite distance to Earth's centre
0-10-033 Altitude (platform to ellipsoid)
0-10-034 Earth's radius
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-25-110 Image processing summary
0-25-111 Number of input data gaps
0-25-102 Number of missing lines excluding data gaps
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-25-103 Number of directional bins
0-25-104 Number of wavelength bins
0-25-105 First directional bin
0-25-106 Directional bin step
0-25-107 First wavelength bin
0-25-108 Last wavelength bin
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
0-02-121 Mean frequency
0-02-026 Cross-track resolution
0-02-027 Along-track resolution
0-21-130 Spectrum total energy
0-21-131 Spectrum max energy
0-21-132 Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid
0-21-133 Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid
0-21-064 Clutter noise estimate
0-25-014 Azimuth clutter cut-off
0-21-134 Range resolution of cress covariance spectrum
1-07-018 Replicate 7 descriptors 18 times
0-05-030 Direction (spectral)
1-05-024 Replicate 5 descriptors 24 times
2-01-130 Change data width
0-06-030 Wave number (spectral)
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-21-135 Real part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins
0-21-136 Imaginary part of cross spectra polar grid number of bins
0-33-044 ASAR quality information

3-12-052 RALTIMR2 (RA2 - radar altimeter-2)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-096 Station acquisition
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-25-120 RA2-L2-processing flag
0-25-121 RA2-L2-processing quality
0-25-124 MWR-L2-processing flag
0-25-125 MWR-L2-processing quality
0-25-122 Hardware configuration for RF
0-25-123 Hardware configuration for HPA
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-02-119 RA-2 instrument operations
0-33-047 Measurement confidence data
0-10-081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid
0-10-082 Instantaneous altitude rate
0-10-083 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data
0-10-084 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data
0-02-116 Percentage of 320 MHz band processed
0-02-117 Percentage of 80 MHz band processed
0-02-118 Percentage of 20 MHz band processed
0-02-156 Percentage of valid KU ocean retracker measurements
0-02-157 Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements
0-14-055 Solar activity index
0-22-150 Number of 18 Hz valid points for Ku band
0-22-151 Ku band ocean range
0-22-152 STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range
0-22-153 Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band
0-22-154 S band ocean range
0-22-155 STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range
0-22-156 Ku band significant wave height
0-22-157 STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range
0-22-158 S band significant wave height
0-22-159 STD of 18 Hz S band significant wave height
0-21-137 Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-21-138 Std Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-21-139 Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC
0-21-140 S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-21-141 Std S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-21-142 S band net instrumental correction for AGC
0-10-085 Mean sea surface height
0-10-086 Geoid's height
0-10-087 Ocean depth/land elevation
0-10-088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1)
0-10-089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2)
0-10-090 Long period tide height
0-10-091 Tidal loading height
0-10-092 Solid Earth tide height
0-10-093 Geocentric pole tide height
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-25-126 Model dry tropospheric correction
0-25-127 Inverted barometer correction
0-25-128 Model wet tropospheric correction
0-25-129 MWR derived wet tropospheric correction
0-25-130 RA2 ionospheric correction on Ku band
0-25-131 Ionospheric correction from Doris on Ku band
0-25-132 Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band
0-25-133 Sea state bias correction on Ku band
0-25-134 RA2 ionospheric correction on S band
0-25-135 Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band
0-25-136 Ionospheric correction from model on S band
0-25-137 Sea state bias correction on S band
0-13-096 MWR water vapour content
0-13-097 MWR liquid water content
0-11-095 u-component of the model wind vector
0-11-096 v-component of the model wind vector
0-12-188 Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness T from MWR
0-12-189 Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness T from MWR
0-02-158 RA-2 instruments
0-02-159 MWR instruments
0-33-052 S-band ocean retracking quality
0-33-053 Ku band ocean retracking quality
0-21-143 Ku band rain attenuation
0-21-144 Altimeter rain flag

3-12-053 OCWAVESP (Ocean wave spectra)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-096 Station acquisition
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-08-075 Ascending/descending orbit qualifier
0-01-012 Direction of motion of moving observing platform
2-01-131 Change data width
0-01-013 Speed of motion of moving observing platform
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-10-032 Satellite distance to Earth's centre
0-10-033 Altitude (platform to ellipsoid)
0-10-034 Earth's radius
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-08-012 Land/sea qualifier
0-25-110 Image processing summary
0-25-111 Number of input data gaps
0-25-102 Number of missing lines excluding data gaps
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-25-103 Number of directional bins
0-25-104 Number of wavelength bins
0-25-105 First directional bin
0-25-106 Directional bin step
0-25-107 First wavelength bin
0-25-108 Last wavelength bin
0-11-001 Wind direction
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-22-160 Normalized inverse wave age
0-25-138 Average signal-to-noise ratio
2-01-130 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-22-021 Height of waves
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-33-048 Confidence measure of SAR inversion
0-33-049 Confidence measure of wind retrieval
0-02-026 Cross-track resolution
0-02-027 Along-track resolution
0-21-130 Spectrum total energy
0-21-131 Spectrum max energy
0-21-132 Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid
0-21-133 Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid
0-25-014 Azimuth clutter cut-off
1-06-036 Replicate 6 descriptors 36 times
0-05-030 Direction (spectral)
1-04-024 Replicate 4 descriptors 24 times
2-01-130 Change data width
0-06-030 Wave number (spectral)
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-22-161 Wave spectra
0-33-044 ASAR quality information

3-12-055 ASCAT1BC (ASCAT level 1b cell information)
0-05-033 Pixel size on horizontal - 1
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-06-034 Cross-track cell number
0-10-095 Height of atmosphere used
0-21-157 Loss per unit length of atmosphere used

3-12-056 SCATWNDC (Scatterometer wind cell information)
0-25-060 Software identification
0-01-032 Generating application
0-11-082 Model wind speed at 10m
0-11-081 Model wind direction at 10m
0-20-095 Ice probability
0-20-096 Ice age ("A" parameter)
0-21-155 Wind vector cell quality
2-01-133 Change data width
0-21-101 Number of vector ambiguities
0-21-102 Index of selected wind vector
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-12-057 AMBIGWND (Ambiguous wind data)
2-01-130 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-131 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-11-011 Wind direction at 10 m
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-21-156 Backscatter distance
0-21-104 Likelihood computed for solution

3-12-058 ASCAT1BD (ASCAT level 1b data)
3-01-125 ASCAT header information
3-12-055 ASCAT level 1b cell information
0-21-150 Beam collocation
1-01-003 Replicate 1 descriptor 3 times
3-21-030 ASCAT sigma-0 information

3-12-059 SCATWNDD (Scatterometer wind data)
3-12-056 Scatterometer wind cell information
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-12-057 Ambiguous wind data

3-12-060 SCATSMST (Scatterometer soil moisture data)
0-25-060 Software identification
0-25-062 Database identification
0-40-001 Surface soil moisture (ms)
0-40-002 Estimated error in surface soil moisture
0-21-062 Backscatter
0-21-151 Estimated error in sigma-0 at 40 degrees incidence angle
0-21-152 Slope at 40 degrees incidence angle
0-21-153 Estimated error in slope at 40 degrees incidence angle
0-21-154 Soil moisture sensitivity
0-21-062 Backscatter
0-21-088 Wet backscatter
0-40-003 Mean surface soil moisture
0-40-004 Rain fall detection
0-40-005 Soil moisture correction flag
0-40-006 Soil moisture processing flag
0-40-007 Soil moisture quality
0-20-065 Snow cover
0-40-008 Frozen land surface fraction
0-40-009 Inundation and wetland fraction
0-40-010 Topographic complexity

3-12-061 ASCAT1B2 (ASCAT Level 1b and level 2 data)
3-12-058 ASCAT level 1b data
3-12-060 Scatterometer soil moisture data
3-12-059 Scatterometer wind data

3-12-070 SMOSDATA (SMOS data)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-144 Snapshot identifier
0-01-124 Grid point identifier
0-30-010 Number of grid points
0-07-012 Grid point altitude
0-15-012 Total electron count per square metre
0-12-165 Direct sun brightness temperature
0-12-166 Snapshot accuracy
0-12-167 Radiometric accuracy (pure polarisation)
0-12-168 Radiometric accuracy (cross polarisation)
0-27-010 Footprint axis 1
0-28-010 Footprint axis 2
0-02-099 Polarization
0-13-048 Water fraction
0-25-081 Incidence angle
0-25-082 Azimuth angle
0-25-083 Faraday rotational angle
0-25-084 Geometric rotational angle
0-12-080 Brightness temperature real part
0-12-081 Brightness temperature imaginary part
0-12-082 Pixel radiometric accuracy
0-25-174 SMOS information flag
0-33-028 Snapshot overall quality

3-12-210 GFOFDS (GFO fast-delivery variables)

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CATEGORY 13 - Sequences common to image data

(local sequences in italics)

3-13-009 RADARREF (Radar reflectivity values)
0-21-001 Horizontal reflectivity
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-21-001 Horizontal reflectivity

3-13-010 RADARAIN (Radar rainfall intensities)
0-21-036 Radar rainfall intensity
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-21-036 Radar rainfall intensity

3-13-031 NRLERPXV (Non run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits))
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-30-001 Pixel value (4 bits)

3-13-032 NRLEPPXV (Non run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value (4 bits))
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-05-012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-13-031 Non run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits)

3-13-041 RLGERPXV (Run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits))
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
1-10-000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-06-012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-012 Extended delayed descriptor and data repetition factor
0-30-001 Pixel value (4 bits)
0-06-012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-30-001 Pixel value (4 bits)

3-13-042 RLGEPPXV (Run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value (4 bits))
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-05-012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-13-041 Run-length encoded row for Pixel value (4 bits)

3-13-043 RLGEPPXR (Run-length encoded picture data for Pixel value (4 bits))
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-05-012 Latitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-12-000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
1-10-000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-06-012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-011 Delayed descriptor and data repetition factor
0-30-001 Pixel value (4 bits)
0-06-012 Longitude increment (coarse accuracy)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-30-001 Pixel value (4 bits)

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CATEGORY 15 - Oceanographic report sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-15-001 TUSWODTM (Typically reported underwater sounding without optional fields)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier

3-15-002 TUSWODTS (Typically reported underwater sounding without optional fields)
0-01-011 Ship or mobile land station identifier

3-15-003 TEMSALFL (Temperature and salinity profile observed by profile floats)
0-01-087 WMO Marine observing platform extended identifier
0-01-085 Observing platform manufacturer's model
0-01-086 Observing platform manufacturer's serial number
0-02-036 Buoy type
0-02-148 Data collection and/or location system
0-02-149 Type of data buoy
0-22-055 Float cycle number
0-22-056 Direction of profile
0-22-067 Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement
0-08-080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag
0-33-050 Global GTSPP quality flag
1-09-000 Delayed replication of 9 descriptors
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-065 Water pressure
0-08-080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag
0-33-050 Global GTSPP quality flag
0-22-045 Sea/water temperature
0-08-080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag
0-33-050 Global GTSPP quality flag
0-22-064 Salinity
0-08-080 Qualifier for GTSPP quality flag
0-33-050 Global GTSPP quality flag

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CATEGORY 16 - Synoptic feature sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-16-001 DLIMTPRT
0-04-004 Hour
0-01-021 Synoptic feature identifier
0-02-041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features
0-19-001 Type of synoptic feature
0-10-051 Pressure reduced to mean sea level
0-19-002 Effective radius of feature
0-19-003 Wind speed threshold
0-19-004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold

3-16-002 HEADRSEQ (Header)
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-01-033 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-07-002 Height or altitude

3-16-003 JTSTREAM (Jet stream)
1-10-000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-10-002 Height
0-11-002 Wind speed
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-004 TURBLNCE (Turbulence)
1-11-000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-07-002 Height or altitude
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-11-031 Degree of turbulence
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-005 STORMSEQ (Storm)
1-08-000 Delayed replication of 8 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-01-026 WMO storm name
0-19-001 Type of synoptic feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance

3-16-006 CLOUDSQ2 (Cloud)
1-12-000 Delayed replication of 12 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-07-002 Height or altitude
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-20-011 Cloud amount
0-20-012 Cloud type
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-007 FRONTSEQ (Front)
1-10-000 Delayed replication of 10 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
1-04-000 Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-19-005 Direction of motion of feature
0-19-006 Speed of motion of feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-008 TROPAUSE (Tropopause)
1-11-000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-023 First-order statistics
1-03-000 Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-10-002 Height
0-08-023 First-order statistics
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-001 Vertical sounding significance

3-16-009 AFRMICEA (Airframe icing area)
1-11-000 Delayed replication of 11 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-07-002 Height or altitude
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-20-041 Airframe icing
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-010 NAMEFEAT (Name of feature)
1-07-000 Delayed replication of 7 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-01-022 Name of feature
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-011 VCNOERPT (Volcano erupting)
1-17-000 Delayed replication of 17 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-01-022 Name of feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
1-02-000 Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-20-090 Special clouds
0-08-021 Time significance
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-011 Meteorological feature

3-16-022 FORECAST (Forecast data)
0-01-032 Generating application
0-02-041 Method for estimating reports related to synoptic features
0-19-001 Type of synoptic feature
0-19-010 Method for tracking the centre of synoptic feature
1-18-000 Delayed replication of 18 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-014 Time increment
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance
0-19-005 Direction of motion of feature
0-19-006 Speed of motion of feature
0-10-004 Pressure
0-11-041 Maximum wind gust speed
0-08-021 Time significance
0-04-075 Short time period or displacement
0-11-040 Maximum wind speed (mean wind)
0-19-008 Vertical extent of circulation
1-05-004 Replicate 5 descriptors 4 times
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
1-02-002 Replicate 2 descriptors 2 times
0-19-003 Wind speed threshold
0-19-004 Effective radius with respect to wind speeds above threshold

3-16-030 SIGMETHD (SIGMET header)
3-01-014 Time period
0-01-037 SIGMET sequence identifier
0-10-064 SIGMET cruising level
0-08-019 Qualifier for following centre identifier
0-01-062 Short ICAO location indicator
0-08-019 Qualifier for following centre identifier
0-01-065 ICAO region identifier
0-08-019 Qualifier for following centre identifier
0-01-062 Short ICAO location indicator
0-08-019 Qualifier for following centre identifier

3-16-031 SIGMETOF (SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion)
0-08-021 Time significance
3-01-027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D
0-19-005 Direction of motion of feature
0-19-006 Speed of motion of feature
0-20-028 Expected change in intensity
0-08-021 Time significance

3-16-032 SIGMETFC (SIGMET, Forecast position)
0-08-021 Time significance
3-01-027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D
0-08-021 Time significance

3-16-033 SIGMETOU (SIGMET, Outlook)
0-08-021 Time significance
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-01-027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D
0-08-021 Time significance

3-16-034 SIGMETVA (Volcanic Ash SIGMET)
0-08-079 Product status
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-01-022 Name of feature
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-08-007 Dimensional significance
0-20-090 Special clouds
3-16-031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-032 SIGMET, Forecast position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-033 SIGMET, Outlook
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-035 SIGMETTH (Thunderstorm SIGMET)
0-08-079 Product status
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-20-023 Other weather phenomena
0-20-021 Type of precipitation
0-20-008 Cloud distribution for aviation
3-16-031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-036 SIGMETTC (Tropical Cyclone SIGMET)
0-08-079 Product status
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-01-027 WMO long storm name
3-16-031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-000 Short delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-032 SIGMET, Forecast position
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-033 SIGMET, Outlook
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-037 SIGMETTU (Turbulence SIGMET)
0-08-079 Product status
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-11-031 Degree of turbulence
3-16-031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-038 SIGMETIC (Icing SIGMET)
0-08-079 Product status
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-20-041 Airframe icing
0-20-021 Type of precipitation
3-16-031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-039 SIGMETMT (Mountain Wave, Duststorm or Sandstorm SIGMET)
0-08-079 Product status
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-20-024 Intensity of phenomena
3-16-031 SIGMET, Observed or forecast location and motion
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-040 SIGMETCA (Cancellation of SIGMET)
3-16-030 SIGMET header
0-08-079 Product status
3-01-014 Time period
0-01-037 SIGMET sequence identifier
0-10-064 SIGMET cruising level
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-050 RADOBPTA (RADOB Template - Part A: Information on tropical cyclone)
0-02-160 Wave length of the radar
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance
0-19-100 Time interval to calculate the movement of the tropical cyclone
0-19-005 Direction of motion of feature
0-19-006 Speed of motion of feature
0-19-101 Accuracy of the position of the centre of the tropical cyclone
0-19-102 Shape and definition of the eye of the tropical cyclone
0-19-103 Diameter of major axis of the eye of the tropical cyclone
0-19-104 Change in character of the eye during the 30 minutes
0-19-105 Distance between the end of spiral band and the centre

3-16-052 SAREPPTA (SAREP Template - Part A: Information on tropical cyclone)
3-01-005 Origin and identification sequence
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-25-150 Method of tropical cyclone intensity analysis using satellite data
1-22-000 Delayed replication of 22 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-01-027 WMO long storm name
0-19-150 Typhoon International Common Number (Typhoon Committee)
0-19-106 Identification number of tropical cyclone
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance
0-05-002 Latitude (coarse accuracy)
0-06-002 Longitude (coarse accuracy)
0-08-005 Meteorological attribute significance
0-19-107 Time interval over which the movement of the tropical cyclone has been calculated
0-19-005 Direction of motion of feature
0-19-006 Speed of motion of feature
0-19-108 Accuracy of geographical position of the tropical cyclone
0-19-109 Mean diameter of the overcast cloud of the tropical cyclone
0-19-110 Apparent 24-hour change in intensity of the tropical cyclone
0-19-111 Current Intensity (CI) number of the tropical cyclone
0-19-112 Data Tropical (DT) number of the tropical cyclone
0-19-113 Cloud pattern type of the DT-number
0-19-114 Model Expected Tropical (MET) number of the tropical cyclone
0-19-115 Trend of the past 24-hour change (+: Developed, -: Weakened)
0-19-116 Pattern Tropical (PT) number of the tropical cyclone
0-19-117 Cloud picture type of the PT-number
0-19-118 Final Tropical (T) number of the tropical cyclone
0-19-119 Type of the final T-number

3-16-071 GRPAIRSE (Graphical AIRMET Sierra)
3-01-014 Time period
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-075 GFA IFR Ceiling and Visibility
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-076 GFA Mountain Obscuration

3-16-072 GRPAIRTA (Graphical AIRMET Tango)
3-01-014 Time period
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-077 GFA Turbulence
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-078 GFA Strong Surface Wind
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-079 GFA Low-Level Wind Shear

3-16-073 GRPAIRZU (Graphical AIRMET Zulu)
3-01-014 Time period
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-080 GFA Icing
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-002 Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
3-16-081 GFA Freezing Level

3-16-074 GFAIDOBS (GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location)
0-01-039 Graphical Area Forecast (GFA) sequence identifier
0-08-021 Time significance
3-01-014 Time period
3-01-027 Description of a feature in 3-D or 2-D
0-08-021 Time significance

3-16-075 GFAIFRCV (GFA IFR Ceiling and Visibility)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-041 Data significance
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-20-006 Flight rules
0-33-042 Type of limit represented by following value
0-20-013 Height of base of cloud
0-33-042 Type of limit represented by following value
0-20-001 Horizontal visibility
0-20-025 Obscuration
0-20-026 Character of obscuration
0-08-041 Data significance
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-076 GFAMTNOB (GFA Mountain Obscuration)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-041 Data significance
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-20-006 Flight rules
0-20-025 Obscuration
0-20-026 Character of obscuration
0-08-041 Data significance
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-077 GFATURBU (GFA Turbulence)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-11-031 Degree of turbulence
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-078 GFASTRSW (GFA Strong Surface Wind)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-041 Data significance
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-33-042 Type of limit represented by following value
0-11-012 Wind speed at 10 m
0-08-041 Data significance
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-079 GFALLWDS (GFA Low-Level Wind Shear)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-20-023 Other weather phenomena
0-20-024 Intensity of phenomena
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-080 GFAICING (GFA Icing)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-20-041 Airframe icing
0-08-011 Meteorological feature
0-08-079 Product status

3-16-081 GFAFRZGL (GFA Freezing Level)
0-08-079 Product status
0-08-041 Data significance
3-16-074 GFA Identifier and Observed/Forecast Location
0-08-041 Data significance
0-08-079 Product status

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CATEGORY 18 - Radiological report sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-18-001 LALODOSE
0-24-011 Dose

3-18-003 LALOTPER
0-24-005 Isotope mass
0-24-004 Element name
0-24-021 Air concentration (of named isotope type including gross beta)

3-18-004 LALODISP
0-04-023 Time period or displacement
0-13-011 Total precipitation/total water equivalent
0-24-005 Isotope mass
0-24-004 Element name
0-24-022 Concentration in precipitation (of names isotope type)

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CATEGORY 21 - Radar report sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-21-001 WNPROFAN (Wind profiler - antenna characteristics)
0-02-101 Type of antenna
0-02-114 Antenna effective surface area
0-02-105 Maximum antenna gain
0-02-106 3-dB beamwidth
0-02-107 Sidelobe suppression
0-02-121 Mean frequency

3-21-003 WNPROFMD (Wind profiler - moment data)
0-21-051 Signal power above 1 mW
0-21-014 Doppler mean velocity (radial)
0-21-017 Doppler velocity spectral width
0-21-030 Signal to noise ratio

3-21-004 WNPROFMS (Wind profiler - moment data sounding)
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
3-21-003 Wind profiler - moment data

3-21-005 TRANRECV (Transmitter-receiver characteristics)
0-25-004 Echo processing
0-02-121 Mean frequency
0-02-122 Frequency agility range
0-02-123 Peak power
0-02-124 Average power
0-02-125 Pulse repetition frequency
0-02-126 Pulse width
0-02-127 Receiver intermediate frequency
0-02-128 Intermediate frequency bandwidth
0-02-129 Minimum detectable signal
0-02-130 Dynamic range
0-02-131 Sensitivity time control (STC)

3-21-006 INTGCHAR (Integration characteristics)
0-25-001 Range-gate length
0-25-002 Number of gates averaged
0-25-003 Number of integrated pulses
0-25-005 Echo integration

3-21-007 CORRECTS (Corrections)
0-25-009 Calibration method
0-25-010 Clutter treatment
0-25-011 Ground occultation correction (screening)
0-25-012 Range attenuation correction
0-25-013 Bright-band correction
0-25-015 Radome attenuation correction
0-25-016 Clear-air attenuation correction
0-25-017 Precipitation attenuation correction

3-21-008 Z2RCONVR (Z to R conversion)
0-25-006 Z to R conversion
0-25-007 Z to R conversion factor
0-25-008 Z to R conversion exponent

3-21-009 A2ZLAWSQ (A to Z law)
0-25-018 A to Z law for attenuation factor
0-25-019 A to Z law for attenuation exponent

3-21-010 ANTACHAR (Antenna characteristics)
0-02-101 Type of antenna
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-02-102 Antenna height above tower base
0-02-103 Radome
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-02-105 Maximum antenna gain
0-02-106 3-dB beamwidth
0-02-107 Sidelobe suppression
0-02-108 Crosspol discrimination (on axis)
0-02-109 Antenna speed (azimuth)
0-02-110 Antenna speed (elevation)
0-02-132 Azimuth pointing accuracy
0-02-133 Elevation pointing accuracy

3-21-011 GNRLCHAR (General characteristics)
0-30-031 Picture type
0-30-032 Combination with other data
0-29-002 Coordinate grid type

3-21-012 ANTAELEV (Antenna elevations)
1-01-000 Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-02-135 Antenna elevation

3-21-021 PROFRASS (Basic information (system/site header) on wind profiler/RASS)
0-02-003 Type of measuring equipment used
0-02-101 Type of antenna
2-01-130 Change data width
0-02-106 3-dB beamwidth
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-132 Change data width
2-02-130 Change scale
0-02-121 Mean frequency
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-133 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-25-001 Range-gate length
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-21-022 WNPROFPW (Wind profiler: processed-data winds)
0-07-007 Height
2-04-001 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-11-001 Wind direction
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field
0-11-002 Wind speed
2-04-001 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-11-006 w-component
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field
0-21-030 Signal to noise ratio

3-21-023 WNPROFRW (ind profiler: raw-data winds)
0-07-007 Height
0-21-091 Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment
0-21-030 Signal to noise ratio
2-02-129 Change scale
0-21-014 Doppler mean velocity (radial)
2-01-129 Change data width
0-21-017 Doppler velocity spectral width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-21-024 RASSPROC (RASS-mode: processed-data RASS)
0-07-007 Height
2-04-001 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-12-007 Virtual temperature
0-11-006 w-component
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field
0-21-030 Signal to noise ratio

3-21-025 RASSRAWD (RASS-mode: raw-data RASS)
0-07-007 Height
0-21-091 Radar signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment
0-21-030 Signal to noise ratio
2-02-129 Change scale
0-21-014 Doppler mean velocity (radial)
2-01-129 Change data width
0-21-017 Doppler velocity spectral width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-21-092 RASS signal Doppler spectrum 0th moment, referring to RASS signal
0-21-030 Signal to noise ratio
0-25-092 Acoustic propagation velocity
2-01-129 Change data width
2-02-129 Change scale
0-21-017 Doppler velocity spectral width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
2-01-000 Cancel change data width

3-21-026 RASSFLUX (RASS data - fluxes)
0-07-007 Height
2-04-001 Add associated field
0-31-021 Associated field significance
0-12-007 Virtual temperature
0-25-091 Structure constant of the refraction index (Cn2)
0-11-071 Turbulent vertical momentum flux
0-11-072 Turbulent vertical buoyancy flux
0-11-073 Turbulent kinetic energy
0-11-074 Dissipation energy
2-04-000 Cancel add associated field

3-21-027 SIGMA0PR
0-21-118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-132 Change data width
0-02-112 Radar look angle
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-131 Change data width
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-21-105 Normalized radar cross-section
0-21-106 Kp variance coefficient (alpha)
0-21-107 Kp variance coefficient (beta)
0-21-114 Kp variance coefficient (gamma)
0-21-115 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality
0-21-116 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode
0-08-018 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type
0-21-117 Sigma-0 variance quality control

3-21-028 SIGMA0FL
0-21-118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-132 Change data width
0-02-112 Radar look angle
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-131 Change data width
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-02-104 Antenna polarization
0-21-123 SEAWINDS normalized radar cross-section
0-21-106 Kp variance coefficient (alpha)
0-21-107 Kp variance coefficient (beta)
0-21-114 Kp variance coefficient (gamma)
0-21-115 SEAWINDS sigma-0 quality
0-21-116 SEAWINDS sigma-0 mode
0-08-018 SEAWINDS land/ice surface type
0-21-117 Sigma-0 variance quality control

3-21-030 ASCATSG0 (ASCAT sigma-0 information)
0-08-085 Beam identifier
2-02-129 Change scale
2-01-131 Change data width
0-02-111 Radar incidence angle
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-02-134 Antenna beam azimuth
0-21-062 Backscatter
0-21-063 Radiometric resolution (noise value)
0-21-158 ASCAT KP quality estimate
0-21-159 ASCAT sigma-0 usability
0-21-160 ASCAT use of synthetic data
0-21-161 ASCAT synthetic data quality
0-21-162 ASCAT satellite orbit and attitude quality
0-21-163 ASCAT solar array reflection contamination
0-21-164 ASCAT telemetry presence and quality
0-21-165 ASCAT extrapolated reference function presence
0-21-166 Land fraction

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CATEGORY 22 - Chemical and aerosol sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-22-028 GOME2TMP (METOP GOME-2)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-006 Second
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-27-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-28-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-27-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-28-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-27-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-28-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-27-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-28-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-10-001 Height of land surface
0-14-019 Surface albedo
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-10-080 Viewing zenith angle
0-05-023 Sun to satellite azimuth difference
0-20-010 Cloud cover (total)
0-08-003 Vertical significance (satellite observations)
0-07-004 Pressure
0-14-026 Albedo at the top of clouds
0-20-014 Height of top of cloud
0-13-093 Cloud optical thickness
1-05-000 Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
0-31-001 Delayed descriptor replication factor
0-07-004 Pressure
0-07-004 Pressure
0-08-043 Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type
0-08-044 CAS registry number
0-15-021 Integrated mass density

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CATEGORY 40 - Additional satellite report sequences

(local sequences in italics)

3-40-001 IASIL1CD (IASI Level 1c data)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-01-031 Identification of originating/generating centre
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-02-020 Satellite classification
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
2-02-131 Change scale
2-01-138 Change data width
0-04-006 Second
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-07-024 Satellite zenith angle
0-05-021 Bearing or azimuth
0-07-025 Solar zenith angle
0-05-022 Solar azimuth
0-05-043 Field of view number
0-05-040 Orbit number
2-01-133 Change data width
0-05-041 Scan line number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-01-132 Change data width
0-25-070 Major frame count
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
2-02-126 Change scale
0-07-001 Height of station
2-02-000 Cancel change scale
0-33-060 GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag
0-33-061 GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric calibration)
0-33-062 GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index
0-33-063 GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration)
0-33-064 GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration)
0-33-065 GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function
1-01-010 Replicate 1 descriptor 10 times
3-40-002 IASI Level 1c band description
1-01-087 Replicate 1 descriptor 87 times
3-40-003 IASI Level 1c 100 channels
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-25-051 AVHRR channel combination
1-01-007 Replicate 1 descriptor 7 times
3-40-004 IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene

3-40-002 IASIL1CB (IASI Level 1c band description)
0-25-140 Start channel
0-25-141 End channel
0-25-142 Channel scale factor

3-40-003 IASIL1CC (IASI Level 1c 100 channels)
1-04-100 Replicate 4 descriptors 100 times
2-01-136 Change data width
0-05-042 Channel number
2-01-000 Cancel change data width
0-14-046 Scaled IASI radiance

3-40-004 IASIL1CS (IASI Level 1c AVHRR single scene)
0-05-060 Y angular position from centre of gravity
0-05-061 Z angular position from centre of gravity
0-25-085 Fraction of clear pixels in HIRS FOV
1-05-006 Replicate 5 descriptors 6 times
0-05-042 Channel number
0-25-142 Channel scale factor
0-14-047 Scaled mean AVHRR radiance
0-25-142 Channel scale factor
0-14-048 Scaled standard deviation AVHRR radiance

3-40-005 JASNOGDR (JASON2 OGDR data)
0-01-007 Satellite identifier
0-02-019 Satellite instruments
0-01-096 Station acquisition
0-25-061 Software identification and version number
0-05-044 Satellite cycle number
0-05-040 Orbit number
0-01-030 Numerical model identifier
0-04-001 Year
0-04-002 Month
0-04-003 Day
0-04-004 Hour
0-04-005 Minute
0-04-007 Seconds within a minute (microsecond accuracy)
0-05-001 Latitude (high accuracy)
0-06-001 Longitude (high accuracy)
0-08-029 Surface type
0-08-074 Altimeter echo type
0-08-077 Radiometer sensed surface type
0-40-011 Interpolation flag
0-25-097 Three-dimensional error estimate of the navigator orbit
0-25-095 Altimeter state flag
0-25-098 Altimeter data quality flag
0-25-099 Altimeter correction quality flag
0-21-144 Altimeter rain flag
0-25-096 Radiometer state flag
0-40-012 Radiometer data quality flag
0-40-013 Radiometer brightness temperature interpretation flag
0-21-169 Ice presence indicator
0-22-151 Ku band ocean range
0-22-162 RMS of 20 Hz Ku band ocean range
0-22-163 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band
0-25-160 Ku band net instrumental correction
0-25-133 Sea state bias correction on Ku band
0-22-156 Ku band significant wave height
0-22-164 RMS 20 Hz Ku band significant wave height
0-22-165 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band significant wave height
0-22-166 Ku band net instrumental correction for significant wave height
0-21-137 Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-21-138 Std Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-22-167 Number of valid points for Ku band backscatter
0-21-139 Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC
0-21-118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0
0-21-145 Ku band automatic gain control
0-21-146 RMS Ku band automatic gain control
0-21-147 Number of valid points for Ku band automatic gain control
0-22-168 C band ocean range
0-22-169 RMS of C band ocean range
0-22-170 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band
0-25-161 C band net instrumental correction
0-25-162 Sea state bias correction on C band
0-22-171 C band significant wave height
0-22-172 RMS 20 Hz C band significant wave height
0-22-173 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band significant wave height
0-22-174 C band net instrumental correction for significant wave height
0-21-170 C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-21-171 RMS C band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
0-22-175 Number of valid points for C band backscatter
0-21-172 C band net instrumental correction for AGC
0-21-118 Attenuation correction on sigma-0
0-21-173 C band automatic gain control
0-21-174 RMS C band automatic gain control
0-21-175 Number of valid points for C band automatic gain control
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-02-153 Satellite channel centre frequency
0-12-063 Brightness temperature
0-13-090 Radiometer water vapour content
0-13-091 Radiometer liquid content
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-11-097 Wind speed from altimeter
0-11-098 Wind speed from radiometer
0-07-002 Height or altitude
0-11-095 u-component of the model wind vector
0-11-096 v-component of the model wind vector
0-10-096 Mean dynamic topography
0-10-081 Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid
0-10-082 Instantaneous altitude rate
0-10-083 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data
0-10-101 Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data
0-25-132 Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band
0-25-163 Altimeter ionospheric correction on Ku band
0-25-126 Model dry tropospheric correction
0-25-128 Model wet tropospheric correction
0-25-164 Radiometer wet tropospheric correction
0-10-085 Mean sea surface height
0-10-097 Mean sea surface height from altimeter only
0-10-086 Geoid's height
0-10-087 Ocean depth/land elevation
0-10-092 Solid Earth tide height
0-10-088 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1)
0-10-089 Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2)
0-10-098 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 1
0-10-099 Loading tide height geocentric ocean tide solution 2
0-10-090 Long period tide height
0-10-100 Non-equilibrium long period tide height
0-10-093 Geocentric pole tide height
0-25-127 Inverted barometer correction
0-40-014 High-frequency fluctuations of the sea-surface topography correction

3-40-192 NC021246 (GMI brightness temperatures)

3-40-193 CRISCS (CrIS level 1b VIIRS single scene)

3-40-194 VIIRCH (CrIS level 1b VIIRS means and standard deviations)

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CATEGORY 48 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-48-001 HEADR (PREPBUFR: Report header sequence)

3-48-002 PRSLEVEL (PREPBUFR: Pressure level sequence)

3-48-003 PMSL_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Mean sea level pressure sequence)

3-48-004 BTMPLEVL (PREPBUFR: Brightness temperature level sequence)

3-48-005 ALTIMSEQ (PREPBUFR: Altimeter setting sequence)

3-48-006 TURB1SEQ (PREPBUFR: Turbulence sequence #1)

3-48-007 TURB2SEQ (PREPBUFR: Turbulence sequence #2)

3-48-008 ACFT_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Aircraft supplementary data sequence)

3-48-009 PCCF_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Satellite wind percent confidence sequence)

3-48-010 WSPD_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Wind speed sequence)

3-48-011 PRSLEVLG (PREPBUFR: GOESND pressure level sequence)

3-48-012 TOPC_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Total precipitation/total water equivalent sequence)

3-48-013 PREWXSEQ (PREPBUFR: Present weather sequence)

3-48-014 CLOUDSEQ (PREPBUFR: Observed cloud sequence #1)

3-48-015 HOCT_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Height of top of cloud sequence)

3-48-016 TMXMNSEQ (PREPBUFR: Maximum/minimum temperature sequence)

3-48-017 SWELLSEQ (PREPBUFR: Swell wave sequence)

3-48-018 DBSS_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Depth below sea surface sequence)

3-48-019 VISB1SEQ (PREPBUFR: Visibility sequence #1)

3-48-020 VISB2SEQ (PREPBUFR: Visibility sequence #2)

3-48-021 VTVI_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Vertical visibility sequence)

3-48-022 PSTWXSEQ (PREPBUFR: Past weather sequence)

3-48-023 PKWNDSEQ (PREPBUFR: Peak wind sequence)

3-48-024 GUST1SEQ (PREPBUFR: Maximum wind gust sequence #1)

3-48-025 GUST2SEQ (PREPBUFR: Maximum wind gust sequence #2)

3-48-026 TPRECSEQ (PREPBUFR: Total precipitation sequence)

3-48-027 TP12_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Total precipitation past 12 hours sequence)

3-48-028 SUNSHSEQ (PREPBUFR: Total sunshine sequence)

3-48-029 CLOU2SEQ (PREPBUFR: Observed cloud sequence #2)

3-48-030 XWSPDSEQ (PREPBUFR: Extrapolated wind speed sequence)

3-48-031 SWINDSEQ (PREPBUFR: Surface wind sequence)

3-48-032 SNOW_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Snow depth sequence)

3-48-033 WAVE_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Wave sequence)

3-48-034 SHIP_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Ship direction/speed sequence)

3-48-035 PTENDSEQ (PREPBUFR: Pressure tendency sequence)

3-48-036 PTE24SEQ (PREPBUFR: 24 hour pressure tendency sequence)

3-48-037 ACID_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Aircraft flight number sequence)

3-48-038 AFIC_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Aircraft icing sequence)

3-48-039 TURB3SEQ (PREPBUFR: Turbulence sequence #3)

3-48-040 PRSLEVLA (PREPBUFR: Aircraft (AIRCFT/AIRCAR) pressure level sequence)

3-48-041 NRLQMSEQ (PREPBUFR: NRL aircraft quality mark sequence)

3-48-041 MDPT_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Satellite wind height assignment data sequence)

3-48-042 TWINDSEQ (PREPBUFR: NESDIS satellite wind intermediate wind and time stamp sequence)

3-48-081 RSRD_SEQ (PREPBUFR: Restrictions on redistribution sequence)

3-48-102 ADPUPA (PREPBUFR: Upper-air (RAOB, PIBAL, RECCO, DROPS) reports)

3-48-103 AIRCAR (PREPBUFR: MDCRS ACARS aircraft reports)


3-48-105 SATWND (PREPBUFR: Satellite-derived wind reports)

3-48-106 PROFLR (PREPBUFR: Wind profiler and acoustic sounder (SODAR) wind reports)

3-48-107 VADWND (PREPBUFR: Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) winds from WSR88D radars)

3-48-108 SATEMP (PREPBUFR: TOVS satellite data (soundings, retrievals, radiances))

3-48-109 ADPSFC (PREPBUFR: Surface land (synoptic, METAR) reports)

3-48-110 SFCSHP (PREPBUFR: Surface marine (ship, buoy, C-MAN platform) reports)

3-48-111 SFCBOG (PREPBUFR: Mean sea-level pressure bogus reports)

3-48-112 SPSSMI (PREPBUFR: SSM/I retrieval products (reprocessed wind speed, tpw))

3-48-113 SYNDAT (PREPBUFR: Synthetic tropical cyclone bogus reports)

3-48-114 ERS1DA (PREPBUFR: European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS) scatterometer data (reprocessed wind speed))

3-48-115 GOESND (PREPBUFR: GOES satellite data (soundings, retrievals, radiances))

3-48-116 QKSWND (PREPBUFR: QuikSCAT scatterometer data (reprocessed))

3-48-117 MSONET (PREPBUFR: Mesonet surface reports)

3-48-118 GPSIPW (PREPBUFR: Global Positioning Satellite-integrated Precipitable Water data)

3-48-119 RASSDA (PREPBUFR: Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) temp profile reports)

3-48-120 WDSATR (PREPBUFR: WINDSAT scatterometer data (reprocessed))

3-48-121 ASCATW (PREPBUFR: ASCAT scatterometer data (reprocessed))

3-48-141 P___INFO (PREPBUFR: Pressure information)

3-48-142 Q___INFO (PREPBUFR: Specific humidity information)

3-48-143 T___INFO (PREPBUFR: Temperature information)

3-48-144 Z___INFO (PREPBUFR: Height information)

3-48-145 W___INFO (PREPBUFR: Wind information)

3-48-146 PW__INFO (PREPBUFR: Precipitable water information)

3-48-147 PWT_INFO (PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water information)

3-48-148 PWL_INFO (PREPBUFR: Layer precipitable water information)

3-48-149 PW1_INFO (PREPBUFR: 1.0 to 0.9 sigma layer precipitable water information)

3-48-150 PW2_INFO (PREPBUFR: 0.9 to 0.7 sigma layer precipitable water information)

3-48-151 PW3_INFO (PREPBUFR: 0.7 to 0.3 sigma layer precipitable water information)

3-48-152 PW4_INFO (PREPBUFR: 0.3 to 0.0 sigma layer precipitable water information)

3-48-153 BTMPINFO (PREPBUFR: TOVS or GOES brightness temperature information)

3-48-154 SCATINFO (PREPBUFR: Scatterometer data information)

3-48-155 DRFTINFO (PREPBUFR: Profile level time/location (e.g., radiosonde balloon drift) information)

3-48-156 RRT_INFO (PREPBUFR: Rain rate information)

3-48-157 CTP_INFO (PREPBUFR: Cloud top information)

3-48-158 SST_INFO (PREPBUFR: Sea temperature information)

3-48-171 P__EVENT (PREPBUFR: Pressure event sequence)

3-48-172 Q__EVENT (PREPBUFR: Specific humidity event sequence)

3-48-173 T__EVENT (PREPBUFR: Temperature event sequence)

3-48-174 Z__EVENT (PREPBUFR: Height event sequence)

3-48-175 W__EVENT (PREPBUFR: Wind event sequence)

3-48-176 DF_EVENT (PREPBUFR: Wind (direction/speed) event sequence)

3-48-177 PWTEVENT (PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water event sequence)

3-48-178 PW1EVENT (PREPBUFR: 1.0 to 0.9 precipitable water event sequence)

3-48-179 PW2EVENT (PREPBUFR: 0.9 to 0.7 precipitable water event sequence)

3-48-180 PW3EVENT (PREPBUFR: 0.7 to 0.3 precipitable water event sequence)

3-48-181 PW4EVENT (PREPBUFR: 0.3 to 0.0 precipitable water event sequence)

3-48-182 RRTEVENT (PREPBUFR: Rate rate event sequence)

3-48-183 CTPEVENT (PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure event sequence)

3-48-184 SSTEVENT (PREPBUFR: Sea temperature event sequence)

3-48-191 P__BACKG (PREPBUFR: Pressure background sequence)

3-48-192 Q__BACKG (PREPBUFR: Specific humidity background sequence)

3-48-193 T__BACKG (PREPBUFR: Temperature background sequence)

3-48-194 Z__BACKG (PREPBUFR: Height background sequence)

3-48-195 W__BACKG (PREPBUFR: Wind background sequence)

3-48-196 PWTBACKG (PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water background sequence)

3-48-197 PW1BACKG (PREPBUFR: 1.0 to 0.9 sigma layer precip water background sequence)

3-48-198 PW2BACKG (PREPBUFR: 0.9 to 0.7 sigma layer precip water background sequence)

3-48-199 PW3BACKG (PREPBUFR: 0.7 to 0.3 sigma layer precip water background sequence)

3-48-200 PW4BACKG (PREPBUFR: 0.3 to 0.0 sigma layer precip water background sequence)

3-48-201 RRTBACKG (PREPBUFR: Rain rate background sequence)

3-48-202 CTPBACKG (PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure background sequence)

3-48-203 SSTBACKG (PREPBUFR: Sea temperature background sequence)

3-48-211 P__POSTP (PREPBUFR: Pressure postprocessing sequence)

3-48-212 Q__POSTP (PREPBUFR: Specific humidity postprocessing sequence)

3-48-213 T__POSTP (PREPBUFR: Temperature postprocessing sequence)

3-48-214 Z__POSTP (PREPBUFR: Height postprocessing sequence)

3-48-215 W__POSTP (PREPBUFR: Wind postprocessing sequence)

3-48-216 PWTPOSTP (PREPBUFR: Total precipitable water postprocessing sequence)

3-48-217 PW1POSTP (PREPBUFR: 1.0 to 0.9 sigma layer precipitable water postprocessing sequence)

3-48-218 PW2POSTP (PREPBUFR: 0.9 to 0.7 sigma layer precipitable water postprocessing sequence)

3-48-219 PW3POSTP (PREPBUFR: 0.7 to 0.3 sigma layer precipitable water postprocessing sequence)

3-48-220 PW4POSTP (PREPBUFR: 0.3 to 0.0 sigma layer precipitable water postprocessing sequence)

3-48-221 RRTPOSTP (PREPBUFR: Rain rate postprocessing sequence)

3-48-222 CTPPOSTP (PREPBUFR: Cloud top pressure postprocessing sequence)

3-48-223 SSTPOSTP (PREPBUFR: Sea temperature postprocessing sequence)

3-48-231 PCLIMATO (PREPBUFR: Pressure climatology sequence)

3-48-232 QCLIMATO (PREPBUFR: Specific humidity climatology sequence)

3-48-233 TCLIMATO (PREPBUFR: Temperature climatology sequence)

3-48-234 ZCLIMATO (PREPBUFR: Height climatology sequence)

3-48-235 WCLIMATO (PREPBUFR: Wind climatology sequence)

3-48-241 PFC__MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model pressure forecast sequence)

3-48-242 QFC__MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model specific humidity forecast sequence)

3-48-243 TFC__MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model temperature forecast sequence)

3-48-244 ZFC__MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model height forecast sequence)

3-48-245 WFC__MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model wind forecast sequence)

3-48-246 PWF__MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model total precipitable water forecast sequence)

3-48-247 PW1F_MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model 1.0 to 0.9 sigma layer precipitable water forecast sequence)

3-48-248 PW2F_MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model 0.9 to 0.7 sigma layer precipitable water forecast sequence)

3-48-249 PW3F_MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model 0.7 to 0.3 sigma layer precipitable water forecast sequence)

3-48-250 PW4F_MSQ (PREPBUFR: Model 0.3 to 0.0 sigma layer precipitable water forecast sequence)

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CATEGORY 49 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-49-002 NC004004 (ACARS reports)

3-49-003 NC012000 (GPS integrated precipitable water)

3-49-004 NC003000 (ATOVS SBUV-2 ozone data - Version 6 BUFR)

3-49-005 NC002000 (NOAA Profiler Network moment profiles)

3-49-006 NC002001 (Multi-Agency Profilers moment profiles)

3-49-008 NC002000 (Japanese/Hong Kong wind profiler reports)

3-49-009 NC005089 (NESDIS/GOES imager (clear sky) radiance reports)

3-49-010 NC002000 (NOAA Profiler Network RASS temperature profile reports)

3-49-011 NC002001 (Multi-Agency Profiler RASS temperature profile reports)

3-49-012 NC003000 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) HIRS-3/-4 reports)

3-49-013 NC003003 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) AMSU-A reports)

3-49-014 NC003004 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) AMSU-B reports)

3-49-015 FN005006 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT satellite-derived winds – HRV, HWW, WVW)

3-49-016 FN005087 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT satellite-derived winds – ELW)

3-49-017 NC002000 (NOAA Profiler Network profiler surface data)

3-49-018 NC002001 (Multi-Agency Profilers surface data)

3-49-019 NC003000 (NESDIS/GOES 5x5 FOV soundings/radiances/cloud data)

3-49-020 NC003000 (NESDIS/GOES 1x1 FOV cloud data)

3-49-021 NC002000 (NOAA Profiler Network profiler reports)

3-49-022 FR005010 (EUMETSAT/Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite-derived winds- AMV (3-10-077 format))

3-49-025 FN005010 (EUMETSAT/Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite-derived winds- AMV)

3-49-026 FN012009 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) GFO NAVY wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-49-027 FN004000 (TAMDAR aircraft reports (from AirDAT))

3-49-028 NC003000 (NESDIS/GOES 1x1 FOV soundings/radiances)

3-49-031 FN005040 (Processed Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) All Sky Radiance (ASR) data )

3-49-032 FN005040 (Processed Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) data)

3-49-033 NC005087 (NESDIS Version 10 satellite-derived winds, four quality indicators)

3-49-040 NC003011 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) MHS reports)

3-49-041 FN004253 (Automated French AMDAR aircraft reports)

3-49-151 FN002001 (European wind profiler reports - format 1)

3-49-152 FN002002 (European wind profiler reports - format 2)

3-49-153 FN002003 (European wind profiler reports - format 3)

3-49-154 FN002004 (European wind profiler reports - format 4)

3-49-195 FN005000 (Japanese satellite-derived wind reports)

3-49-196 NC005000 (India satellite-derived wind reports)

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CATEGORY 50 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-50-001 PRVID (Mesonet provider ID)

3-50-002 SPRVID (Mesonet sub-provider ID)

3-50-003 MNPRESSQ (Mesonet pressure data)

3-50-004 MNALSESQ (Mesonet altimeter data)

3-50-005 MNTMDBSQ (Mesonet temperature data)

3-50-006 MNTMDPSQ (Mesonet dewpoint temperature data)

3-50-007 MNWDIRSQ (Mesonet wind direction data)

3-50-008 MNWSPDSQ (Mesonet wind speed data)

3-50-009 MNGUSTSQ (Mesonet wind gust data)

3-50-010 MNSORDSQ (Mesonet solar radiation data)

3-50-011 MNREQVSQ (Mesonet rate of precipitation data)

3-50-012 MNTOPCSQ (Mesonet total precipitation data)

3-50-013 MNSOILSQ (Mesonet soil data)

3-50-014 TDWSPDSQ (TAMDAR wind speed data)

3-50-015 TDREHUSQ (TAMDAR relative humidity data)

3-50-016 MNSOMTSQ (Mesonet soil moisture and temperature data)

3-50-017 MNDOFSSQ (Mesonet depth of fresh snow data)

3-50-018 MNTOSDSQ (Mesonet total snow depth data)

3-50-019 SNSWEMSQ (Snow water equivalent sequence)

3-50-020 TDPRESSQ (TAMDAR pressure data)

3-50-021 TDTMDBSQ (TAMDAR temperature data)

3-50-022 TDWINDSQ (TAMDAR wind data)

3-50-023 TDWDIRSQ (TAMDAR wind direction data)

3-50-024 STMP3 (MODSBUFR: Sea temperature data at specified depth (increased precision))

3-50-025 SALN3 (MODSBUFR: Salinity data (increased precision))

3-50-026 TDTRBXSQ (TAMDAR turbulence index data)

3-50-027 RC_TIME (MODSBUFR: Report receipt time data #2)

3-50-028 SEA_AIR (MODSBUFR: Surface air parameter quality mark information)

3-50-029 SUB_SFC (MODSBUFR: Sub-surface data)

3-50-030 STMP_WFB (MODSBUFR: Sea temperature data at specified depth (with feedback))

3-50-031 SALN_WFB (MODSBUFR: Salinity data (with feedback))

3-50-032 CRNT_WFB (MODSBUFR: Current data (with feedback))

3-50-033 SST1_WFB (MODSBUFR: Sea surface temperature data (with feedback))

3-50-034 TERC_WFB (MODSBUFR: Local chart tidal elevation data (with feedback))

3-50-035 TIDE_WFB (MODSBUFR: Meteorological residual tidal elevation data (with feedback))

3-50-036 SLHD_WFB (MODSBUFR: Sea level height deviation data (3yr mean, 1993-1995, with feedback))

3-50-037 SLH1_WFB (MODSBUFR: Sea level height deviation data (8yr mean, 1993-2000, with feedback))

3-50-038 WSOS_WFB (MODSBUFR: Ocean surface wind speed (with feedback))

3-50-039 AVGPERD (MODSBUFR: Averaging periods for TRACKOB parameters)

3-50-101 SHIPS (MODSBUFR: Surface marine ship reports)

3-50-102 DBUOY (MODSBUFR: Surface marine buoy reports (decoded from WMO FM18 format))

3-50-103 DBUOYSUB (MODSBUFR: Sub-surface marine buoy reports (decoded from WMO FM18 format))

3-50-104 MBUOY (MODSBUFR: Surface marine buoy reports (decoded from WMO FM13 format))

3-50-105 LCMAN (MODSBUFR: Surface marine C-MAN platform reports (decoded from WMO C-MAN format))

3-50-106 TIDEG (MODSBUFR: Surface marine tide gauge reports (decoded from CREX format))

3-50-107 SLPBG (MODSBUFR: Mean sea level pressure bogus reports)

3-50-108 CSTGD (MODSBUFR: Surface marine coast guard reports)

3-50-109 SSTNV (MODSBUFR: NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO)/POES low-resolution sea surface temperature reports)

3-50-110 SSTNS (MODSBUFR: NESDIS/POES sea surface temperature reports)

3-50-111 SSTNVH (MODSBUFR: NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO)/POES high-resolution sea surface temperature reports)

3-50-112 SSMIPN (MODSBUFR: DMSP SSM/I Neural Net 3 product reports)

3-50-113 BATHY (MODSBUFR: Bathythermal reports)

3-50-114 TESAC (MODSBUFR: TESAC reports)

3-50-115 TRKOB (MODSBUFR: TRACKOB reports)

3-50-116 ERSHAL (MODSBUFR: NLSA European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS)-2 altimeter high-resolution regional reports)

3-50-117 TOPHAL (MODSBUFR: NLSA TOPEX altimeter high-resolution regional reports)

3-50-118 TOPLAL (MODSBUFR: NLSA TOPEX altimeter low-resolution global reports)

3-50-119 GFOHAL (MODSBUFR: NLSA GFO altimeter high-resolution regional reports)

3-50-120 NERSAL (MODSBUFR: NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) ALPS European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS)-2 high-resolution global altime ter reports)

3-50-121 NGFOAL (MODSBUFR: NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) ALPS GFO high-resolution global altimeter reports)

3-50-122 NTPXAL (MODSBUFR: NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) ALPS TOPEX high-resolution global altimeter reports)

3-50-123 NJSNAL (MODSBUFR: NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) ALPS JASON high-resolution global altimeter reports)

3-50-140 QMRKHSQ (OMPS limb profiler quality information sequence)

3-50-151 MNRDWYSQ (Mesonet roadway data)

3-50-152 MNREHUSQ (Mesonet relative humidity data)

3-50-153 MNSORFSQ (Mesonet solar radiation flux sequence)

3-50-154 CNTOPCSQ (Climate Reference Network total precipitation sequence)

3-50-155 MNHOVISQ (Mesonet horizontal visibility sequence)

3-50-156 LPSDVALS (OMPS limb profiler standard deviation values)

3-50-157 HMSKYCSQ (HF-METAR sky cover sequence)

3-50-158 HMFZRSSQ (HF-METAR freezing rain sensor status sequence)

3-50-159 HMPCPSSQ (HF-METAR precipitation occurrence/type sensor status sequence)

3-50-160 HMTMDPSQ (HF-METAR dewpoint temperature sequence)

3-50-161 HMREHUSQ (HF-METAR relative humidity sequence)

3-50-162 HMSPHUSQ (HF-METAR specific humidity sequence)

3-50-163 HMALSESQ (HF-METAR altimeter sequence)

3-50-164 HMWVMRSQ (HF-METAR water vapor mixing ratio sequence)

3-50-165 HMPRESSQ (HF-METAR pressure sequence)

3-50-166 HMTMDBSQ (HF-METAR temperature sequence)

3-50-167 HMTMVTSQ (HF-METAR virtual temperature sequence)

3-50-168 HMWDIRSQ (HF-METAR wind direction sequence)

3-50-169 HMWSPDSQ (HF-METAR wind speed sequence)

3-50-170 HMUDIRSQ (HF-METAR u-wind sequence)

3-50-171 HMVDIRSQ (HF-METAR v-wind sequence)

3-50-172 HMHOVISQ (HF-METAR horizontal visibility sequence)

3-50-173 HMPCP1SQ (HF-METAR 1-hour precipitation sequence)

3-50-174 HMREQVSQ (HF-METAR rate of precipitation sequence)

3-50-175 HMSKYBSQ (HF-METAR sky cover base altitude sequence)

3-50-176 HMGUSTSQ (HF-METAR wind gust sequence)

3-50-177 HMALRTSQ (HF-METAR weather alert1 and alert2 sequence)

3-50-178 HMOWEPSQ (HF-METAR other weather phenomena sequence)

3-50-179 HMRWVRSQ (HF-METAR runway visual range sequence)

3-50-180 NC031006 (XBT/XCTD (TESAC) profiles)

3-50-181 NC031007 (Along track (TRACKOB) observations)

3-50-182 NC031008 (Marine mammal profiles)

3-50-190 TMSLPFDT (Temperature and salinity profile data)

3-50-191 TMSLPFSQ (Temperature and salinity profile data sequence)

3-50-192 DOXYPFDT (Dissolved oxygen profile data)

3-50-193 DOXYPFSQ (Dissolved oxygen profile data sequence)

3-50-194 CURRPFDT (Current profile data)

3-50-195 CURRPFSQ (Current profile data sequence)

3-50-196 ALGTRKSQ (Along track data sequence)

3-50-200 BCFQFSQ (NPP Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) band calibration and field of view quality flag sequence)

3-50-201 CRCHN (NPP Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) channel data)

3-50-202 AMSUSPOT (AQUA/AMSU-A spot data)

3-50-203 AMSUCHAN (AQUA/AMSU-A channel data)

3-50-204 HSBSPOT (AQUA/HSB (humidity) spot data)

3-50-205 HSBCHAN (AQUA/HSB (humidity) channel data)

3-50-206 ATMSCH (NPP Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) channel data)

3-50-207 INTMS (Satellite instrument temperature data)

3-50-208 AIRSPC (AQUA/AIRS principal component sequence)

3-50-209 AIRSCORE (AQUA/AIRS principal component fits to data)

3-50-210 VIIRSCHN (NPP Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) channel data)

3-50-211 OMPSPROF (OMPS (Ozone mapping and profiler suite) nadir ozone profile data sequence)

3-50-212 AVCSEQ (AVHRR (GAC) channel data (NOAA/POES))

3-50-213 RDTPSEQN (MODIS radiance sequence)

3-50-214 SRADSEQN (MODIS radiance and reflectance data)

3-50-215 OMPSMIXR (OMPS (Ozone mapping and profiler suite) nadir ozone mixing ratio sequence)

3-50-216 CRCHNM (NPP Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) channel data extended)

3-50-217 IASIQF (IASI channel quality flags)

3-50-218 IASISC (IASI channel scores)

3-50-219 IASIPCS (IASI principal component scores)

3-50-220 GCRCHN (NOAA20 Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) guard channel data)

3-50-221 CRCHFS (NOAA20 Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) first-order statistics channel data)

3-50-222 CRISL1C (NOAA20 Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) level 1C data)

3-50-223 CRISN20 (NOAA20 Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) descriptors)

3-50-232 AXBTDATA (Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograph (AXBT) data (depth, temperature, precision))

3-50-233 NC031004 (Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograph (AXBT) report)

3-50-234 DPINS (Data present indicator replicated data sequence)

3-50-236 GLPFDATA (Glider profile data (pressure, temperature, salinity))

3-50-239 NC021248 (GCOM-W/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) 1B brightness temperature data)

3-50-240 NC021240 (MODIS/AIRS radiance/reflectance data (co-located))

3-50-241 NC021204 (NPP Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) radiance data)

3-50-242 NC021201 (DMSP SSM/IS brightness temperature data [Unified Pre-Processor (UPP)])

3-50-243 NC021249 (AQUA/AIRS, AMSU-A, HSB 1B brightness temperature data - every field-of-view)

3-50-244 MODCHN (MODIS channel data)

3-50-250 NC021250 (AQUA/AIRS, AMSU-A, HSB 1B brightness temperature data - central field-of-view)

3-50-251 NC021251 (ATOVS AMSU-A report)

3-50-252 NC021252 (ATOVS AMSU-B report)

3-50-253 NC021253 (AQUA/AIRS principal components)

3-50-254 NC021254 (AQUA/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR)-E 1B brightness temperature data)

3-50-255 NC031005 (Subsurface float profiles)

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CATEGORY 51 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-51-001 NC000000 (Synoptic-land, restricted (WMO RES40) (originating from WMO SYNOP bulletins))

3-51-002 NC001013 (Surface marine ship, unrestricted (originating from WMO SHIP bulletins))

3-51-003 NC001014 (RVF River forecast data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-51-004 NC001101 (Surface marine ship, restricted (originally in BUFR))

3-51-005 NC001102 (Surface marine drifting buoy (originally in BUFR))

3-51-006 NC001103 (Surface marine moored buoy (originally in BUFR))

3-51-007 NC001113 (Surface marine ship, unrestricted (originally in BUFR))

3-51-008 NC001104 (Surface marine CMAN (originally in BUFR))

3-51-009 BCMWNDC (CMAN report continuous wind data (originally in BUFR))

3-51-010 NC001120 (Surface marine saildrone (originally in BUFR))

3-51-011 NC001021 (Canadian water level)

3-51-012 NC001022 (Canadian river gauge)

3-51-013 NC001121 (Surface marine SOFAR (originally in BUFR))

3-51-050 NC000100 (Synoptic-land, restricted (WMO RES40) (originally in BUFR))

3-51-051 NC000101 (Synoptic - fixed land (originally in BUFR))

3-51-052 NC000102 (Synoptic - mobile land (originally in BUFR))

3-51-060 NC002018 (Other Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) winds (originally in BUFR))

3-51-101 NC002101 (Rawinsonde - fixed land (originally in BUFR))

3-51-102 NC002102 (Rawinsonde - mobil land (originally in BUFR))

3-51-103 NC002103 (Rawinsonde - ship (originally in BUFR))

3-51-104 NC002104 (Dropwinsonde (originally in BUFR))

3-51-105 NC002105 (PIBAL (originally in BUFR))

3-51-109 NC002109 (Profiler winds originating from PIBALS (originally in BUFR))

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CATEGORY 52 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-52-001 BID (Bulletin ID data)

3-52-002 RAWRPT (Raw report data)

3-52-003 RCPTIM (Report receipt time data)

3-52-004 FILENAME (File name sequence)

3-52-015 WAVCLDSQ (Spectrographic wavelength and corresponding cloud amount sequence)

3-52-016 MIXRVQSQ (Scaled volumetric mixing ratio and quality sequence)

3-52-017 LINCOFSQ (Linear coefficient sequence)

3-52-018 OZOPQLSQ (Ozone p, quality, linear coefficient and matrix significance sequence)

3-52-019 OZOMXPSQ (Ozone mixing ratio and precision sequence)

3-52-020 G2TCOLSQ (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) total column sequence)

3-52-021 G2PLYRSQ (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) profile layer sequence)

3-52-022 OZDSQ (Ozone number density sequence)

3-52-023 OLPDTSQ (OMPS limp profiler layer data sequence)

3-52-100 ROSEQ1 (GPS radio occultation profile locations sequence)

3-52-101 ROSEQ2 (GPS radio occultation frequency/impact parameter/bending angle sequence)

3-52-102 ROSEQ3 (GPS radio occultation height/refractivity sequence)

3-52-103 ROSEQ4 (GPS radio occultation Level 2 retrieval sequence)

3-52-150 HYPCP5SQ (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - 5-minute precipitation sequence)

3-52-151 HYPCP1SQ (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - 1-hour precipitation sequence)

3-52-152 HYPCP3SQ (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - 3-hour precipitation sequence)

3-52-153 HYPCP4SQ (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - 6-hour precipitation sequence)

3-52-154 HYPC12SQ (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - 12-hour precipitation sequence)

3-52-155 HYPC24SQ (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - 24-hour precipitation sequence)

3-52-201 NC002011 (Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) and acoustic sounder (SODAR) winds)

3-52-202 NC002012 (NPN and MAP RASS temperatures)

3-52-203 NC002013 (Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) profiler winds)

3-52-205 NC002014 (Other profiler winds (originally in BUFR))

3-52-206 NC002016 (European profiler winds)

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CATEGORY 53 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-53-001 PLEVL (PREPFITS: Pressure level sequence)

3-53-002 OBLVL (PREPFITS: Observation sequence)

3-53-021 PEVN (PREPFITS: Pressure event sequence)

3-53-022 QEVN (PREPFITS: Specific humidity event sequence)

3-53-023 TEVN (PREPFITS: Temperature event sequence)

3-53-024 ZEVN (PREPFITS: Height event sequence)

3-53-025 WEVN (PREPFITS: Wind event sequence)

3-53-026 CEVN (PREPFITS: Convective event sequence)

3-53-027 CTPEVN (PREPFITS: Cloud top pressure event sequence)

3-53-028 HPBLEVN (PREPFITS: Height of planetary boundary layer sequence)

3-53-029 SEVN (PREPFITS: Sensible weather event sequence)

3-53-030 XEVN (PREPFITS: Present weather event sequence)

3-53-031 GEVN (PREPFITS: Wind gust event sequence)

3-53-032 TPEVN (PREPFITS: Total precipitation event sequence)

3-53-033 TOEVN (PREPFITS: Total weather event sequence)

3-53-034 TMEVN (PREPFITS: Maximum/minumum temperature event sequence)

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CATEGORY 54 - Scratch area (reserved for NCEP BUFRLIB software)

(local sequences in italics)

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CATEGORY 55 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-55-001 NC255001 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Denver Urban Drainage)

3-55-002 NC255002 (Mesonet data from MADIS – RAWS (NIFC))

3-55-003 NC255003 (Mesonet data from MADIS – MesoWest (many subproviders))

3-55-004 NC255004 (Mesonet data from MADIS – APRS WeatherNet)

3-55-005 NC255005 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Kansas Department of Transportation)

3-55-006 NC255006 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Florida)

3-55-007 NC255007 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Iowa Department of Transportation)

3-55-008 NC255008 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Minnesota Department of Transportation)

3-55-009 NC255009 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Anything Weather)

3-55-010 NC255010 (Mesonet data from MADIS – NOS Ports)

3-55-011 NC255011 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Aberdeen Proving Grounds)

3-55-012 NC255012 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Weather for You)

3-55-013 NC255013 (Mesonet data from MADIS – NWS Cooperative Observers)

3-55-014 NC255014 (Mesonet data from MADIS – NWS HADS)

3-55-015 NC255015 (Mesonet data from MADIS – AWS)

3-55-016 NC255016 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Iowa Environmental)

3-55-017 NC255017 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Oklahoma)

3-55-018 NC255018 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Colorado Department of Transportation)

3-55-019 NC255019 (Mesonet data from MADIS – West Texas)

3-55-020 NC255020 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Wisconsin Department of Transportation)

3-55-021 NC255021 (Mesonet data from MADIS – LSU-JSU)

3-55-022 NC255022 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Colorado E-470)

3-55-023 NC255023 (Mesonet data from MADIS – DC Net)

3-55-024 NC255024 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Indiana Department of Transportation)

3-55-025 NC255025 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Florida Department of Transportation)

3-55-026 NC255026 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Alaska Department of Transportation)

3-55-027 NC255027 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Georgia Department of Transportation)

3-55-028 NC255028 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Virginia Department of Transportation)

3-55-029 NC255029 (Mesonet data from MADIS – Missouri Commercial Agriculture Weather Net)

3-55-030 NC255030 (Mesonet data from MADIS– other providers not listed above)

3-55-031 NC255031 (Urbanet data from MADIS - miscellaneous)

3-55-032 NC255032 (Urbanet data from MADIS - University of South Alabama)

3-55-033 NC255033 (HF-METAR data from MADIS - one-minute ASOS)

3-55-034 NC255034 (RWIS data from MADIS – South Dakota Department of Transportation)

3-55-101 NC255101 (Cooperative observer surface data from MADIS - New England Pilot Project (NEPP) and Historical Climatology Network-Modernizat ion (HCN-M))

3-55-102 NC255102 (Cooperative observer surface data from SHEF format - All NWS Cooperative Observers)

3-55-111 NC255111 (Mesonet data from MADIS– Climate Reference Network)

3-55-131 NC255131 (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - Denver Urban Drainage)

3-55-160 NC255160 (Hydrological surface data from MADIS - other providers not listed above)

3-55-161 NC255161 (Snow data from MADIS - many different providers)

3-55-200 NC004006 (European AMDAR aircraft (decoded from BUFR format) (E-AMDAR))

3-55-201 NC004007 (Automated MDCRS ACARS aircraft (ARINC -> AFWA -> NCEP) (decoded from WMO AIREP format))

3-55-202 NC004008 (Automated TAMDAR Mesaba aircraft (from MADIS, decoded from netCDF format))

3-55-203 NC004009 (Automated Canadian AMDAR aircraft (decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-204 NC004010 (Automated TAMDAR aircraft (all types) (from AirDat, decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-205 NC004011 (Automated Korean AMDAR aircraft (decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-206 NC004012 (Automated TAMDAR PenAir aircraft (from MADIS, decoded from netCDF format))

3-55-207 NC004013 (Automated TAMDAR Chautauqua aircraft (from MADIS, decoded from netCDF format))

3-55-208 NC004014 (Automated French AMDAR aircraft (decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-209 NC004015 (High Density OBservations (HDOB) from reconnaissance aircraft (decoded from HDOBB format))

3-55-210 NC004103 (Automated AMDAR aircraft (many sources) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-211 NC004016 (Automated Mode-S AMDAR aircraft (decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-212 NC004030 (Long-duration balloons (decoded from BUFR format))

3-55-213 NC004017 (AMDAR-over-AFIRS (decoded from BUFR format))

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CATEGORY 56 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-56-033 NC021033 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) AMSU-A 1C brightness temperature data)

3-56-034 NC021034 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) AMSU-B 1C brightness temperature data)

3-56-035 NC021035 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) HIRS-3/-4 1C brightness temperature data)

3-56-036 NC021036 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) MHS 1C brightness temperature data)

3-56-037 NC021037 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) CrIS radiance data)

3-56-038 NC021038 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) ATMS brightness temperature data)

3-56-039 NC021039 (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) IASI radiance data)

3-56-040 NC021239 (IASI radiances (direct broadcast))

3-56-100 NC000010 (Products(decoded from SHEF format)that are not found under any other descriptor containing SHEF-format data)

3-56-101 SHTPMOSQ (time period data (months))

3-56-102 SHTPHRSQ (time period data (hours))

3-56-103 SHTPMISQ (time period data (minutes))

3-56-104 SHPRESSQ (pressure data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-105 SHPMSLSQ (mean sea-level pressure data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-106 SHTOPCSQ (total precipitation data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-107 SHPRTPSQ (type of precipitation data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-108 SHDOFSSQ (depth of fresh snow data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-109 SHTOSDSQ (total snow depth data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-110 SHSWEMSQ (snow water equivalent data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-111 SHTMDBSQ (temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-112 SHMXTMSQ (maximum temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-113 SHMITMSQ (minimum temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-114 SHWATMSQ (water temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-115 SHTMWBSQ (wet bulb temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-116 SHREHUSQ (relative humidity data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-117 SHMXRHSQ (maximum relative humidity data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-118 SHMIRHSQ (minimum relative humidity data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-119 SHTMDPSQ (dew point temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-120 SHWDIRSQ (wind direction data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-121 SHWSPDSQ (wind speed data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-122 SHMXGSSQ (wind speed (gusts) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-123 SHPKWDSQ (peak wind direction data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-124 SHPKWSSQ (peak wind speed data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-125 SHPRWESQ (present weather data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-126 SHPSW1SQ (past weather (1) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-127 SHCLAMSQ (cloud amount data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-128 SHHOVISQ (horizontal visibility data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-129 SHALBDSQ (albedo data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-130 SHTOSHSQ (total sunshine data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-131 SHSOGRSQ (state of the ground data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-132 SHRSHMSQ (river stage height data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-133 SHSTM1SQ (soil temperature (depth #1) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-134 SHSTM2SQ (soil temperature (depth #2) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-135 SHXST1SQ (maximum soil temperature (depth #1) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-136 SHXST2SQ (maximum soil temperature (depth #2) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-137 SHIST1SQ (maximum soil temperature (depth #3) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-138 SHIST2SQ (maximum soil temperature (depth #4) data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-139 SHWACNSQ (water conductivity data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-140 SHTLLWSQ (tide height sequence (decoded from SHEF format))

3-56-141 SHRVFFSQ (SHEF RVF forecast sequence)

3-56-142 SHRVHTSQ (SHEF RVF forecast height sequence)

3-56-143 SHRVDCSQ (SHEF RVF forecast discharge sequence)

3-56-144 SHSPOCSQ (SHEF speed of current sequence)

3-56-145 SHTERCSQ (SHEF natural lake elevation sequence)

3-56-150 NC000015 (Snow cover, depth/density, and water equivalent)

3-56-248 DLMWND (Dropwinsonde DLM WND data)

3-56-249 RELSPG (Dropwinsonde REL and SPG data)

3-56-250 NC000020 (Wind energy Nacelle, restricted)

3-56-251 NC002020 (Wind energy tower, restricted)

3-56-252 NC002021 (Wind energy tower)

3-56-253 WELEV (Wind energy level)

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CATEGORY 58 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-58-001 NL2RW (NEXRAD Level 2 radial wind data)

3-58-002 NL2RF (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivity data)

3-58-003 NP3RW (Tail Doppler Radar (TDR) radial wind data from P-3 aircraft)

3-58-004 CANRW (Canadian radar radial wind data)

3-58-005 CANRF (Canadian radar reflectivity data)

3-58-010 NC006010 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 00Z)

3-58-011 NC006011 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 01Z)

3-58-012 NC006012 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 02Z)

3-58-013 NC006013 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 03Z)

3-58-014 NC006014 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 04Z)

3-58-015 NC006015 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 05Z)

3-58-016 NC006016 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 06Z)

3-58-017 NC006017 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 07Z)

3-58-018 NC006018 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 08Z)

3-58-019 NC006019 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 09Z)

3-58-020 NC006020 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 10Z)

3-58-021 NC006021 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 11Z)

3-58-022 NC006022 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 12Z)

3-58-023 NC006023 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 13Z)

3-58-024 NC006024 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 14Z)

3-58-025 NC006025 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 15Z)

3-58-026 NC006026 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 16Z)

3-58-027 NC006027 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 17Z)

3-58-028 NC006028 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 18Z)

3-58-029 NC006029 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 19Z)

3-58-030 NC006030 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 20Z)

3-58-031 NC006031 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 21Z)

3-58-032 NC006032 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 22Z)

3-58-033 NC006033 (NEXRAD Level 2 radial winds – hour 23Z)

3-58-040 NC006040 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 00Z)

3-58-041 NC006041 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 01Z)

3-58-042 NC006042 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 02Z)

3-58-043 NC006043 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 03Z)

3-58-044 NC006044 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 04Z)

3-58-045 NC006045 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 05Z)

3-58-046 NC006046 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 06Z)

3-58-047 NC006047 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 07Z)

3-58-048 NC006048 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 08Z)

3-58-049 NC006049 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 09Z)

3-58-050 NC006050 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 10Z)

3-58-051 NC006051 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 11Z)

3-58-052 NC006052 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 12Z)

3-58-053 NC006053 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 13Z)

3-58-054 NC006054 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 14Z)

3-58-055 NC006055 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 15Z)

3-58-056 NC006056 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 16Z)

3-58-057 NC006057 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 17Z)

3-58-058 NC006058 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 18Z)

3-58-059 NC006059 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 19Z)

3-58-060 NC006060 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 20Z)

3-58-061 NC006061 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 21Z)

3-58-062 NC006062 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 22Z)

3-58-063 NC006063 (NEXRAD Level 2 reflectivities – hour 23Z)

3-58-070 NC006070 (Tail Doppler Radar (TDR) radial winds from P-3 (hurricane hunter) aircraft)

3-58-080 NC006080 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 00Z)

3-58-081 NC006081 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 01Z)

3-58-082 NC006082 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 02Z)

3-58-083 NC006083 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 03Z)

3-58-084 NC006084 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 04Z)

3-58-085 NC006085 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 05Z)

3-58-086 NC006086 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 06Z)

3-58-087 NC006087 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 07Z)

3-58-088 NC006088 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 08Z)

3-58-089 NC006089 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 09Z)

3-58-090 NC006090 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 10Z)

3-58-091 NC006091 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 11Z)

3-58-092 NC006092 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 12Z)

3-58-093 NC006093 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 13Z)

3-58-094 NC006094 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 14Z)

3-58-095 NC006095 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 15Z)

3-58-096 NC006096 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 16Z)

3-58-097 NC006097 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 17Z)

3-58-098 NC006098 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 18Z)

3-58-099 NC006099 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 19Z)

3-58-100 NC006100 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 20Z)

3-58-101 NC006101 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 21Z)

3-58-102 NC006102 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 22Z)

3-58-103 NC006103 (Canadian radar reflectivities - hour 23Z)

3-58-110 NC006110 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 00Z)

3-58-111 NC006111 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 01Z)

3-58-112 NC006112 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 02Z)

3-58-113 NC006113 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 03Z)

3-58-114 NC006114 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 04Z)

3-58-115 NC006115 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 05Z)

3-58-116 NC006116 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 06Z)

3-58-117 NC006117 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 07Z)

3-58-118 NC006118 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 08Z)

3-58-119 NC006119 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 09Z)

3-58-120 NC006120 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 10Z)

3-58-121 NC006121 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 11Z)

3-58-122 NC006122 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 12Z)

3-58-123 NC006123 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 13Z)

3-58-124 NC006124 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 14Z)

3-58-125 NC006125 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 15Z)

3-58-126 NC006126 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 16Z)

3-58-127 NC006127 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 17Z)

3-58-128 NC006128 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 18Z)

3-58-129 NC006129 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 19Z)

3-58-130 NC006130 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 20Z)

3-58-131 NC006131 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 21Z)

3-58-132 NC006132 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 22Z)

3-58-133 NC006133 (Canadian radar radial winds - hour 23Z)

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CATEGORY 60 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-60-001 DRP16BIT (Reserved for use within the NCEP BUFR Library software [16-bit delayed replication of following (sequence) descriptor (using ( ) notation)])

3-60-002 DRP8BIT (Reserved for use within the NCEP BUFR Library software [8-bit delayed replication of following (sequence) descriptor (using { } notation)])

3-60-003 DRPSTAK (Reserved for use within the NCEP BUFR Library software [8-bit delayed replication of following (sequence) descriptor (using [ ] notation)])

3-60-004 DRP1BIT (Reserved for use within the NCEP BUFR Library software [1-bit delayed replication of following (sequence) descriptor (using < > notation)])

3-60-009 NC031133 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Sentinel 3B altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-60-010 S3L2SEQ1 (S3L2 replication sequence #1)

3-60-011 S3L2SEQ2 (S3L2 replication sequence #2)

3-60-012 NC031134 (CNES Sentinel 3A Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-60-013 NC031135 (CNES Sentinel 3B Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-60-014 NC031136 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) Cryosat-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-60-015 NC031137 (NAVOCEANO Sentinel 6A sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (NRT))

3-60-016 NC031138 (NAVOCEANO Sentinel 6A sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (STC))

3-60-017 NC031139 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Sentinel 6A altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-60-237 SDRADSQ (Standard deviation sequence)

3-60-238 ERS1DA (PREPFITS: European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS) scatterometer data (reprocessed wind speed))

3-60-239 GOESND (PREPFITS: GOES satellite data (soundings, retrievals, radiances))

3-60-240 ADPUPA (PREPFITS: Upper-air (RAOB, PIBAL, RECCO, DROPS) reports)

3-60-241 AIRCAR (PREPFITS: MDCRS ACARS aircraft reports)


3-60-243 SATWND (PREPFITS: Satellite-derived wind reports)

3-60-244 PROFLR (PREPFITS: Wind profiler and acoustic sounder (SODAR) wind reports)

3-60-245 MSONET (PREPFITS: Mesonet surface reports)

3-60-246 GPSIPW (PREPFITS: Global Positioning Satellite-integrated Precipitable Water data)

3-60-248 ADPSFC (PREPFITS: Surface land (synoptic, METAR) reports)

3-60-249 SFCSHP (PREPFITS: Surface marine (ship, buoy, C-MAN platform) reports)

3-60-250 VADWND (PREPFITS: Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) winds from WSR88D radars)

3-60-251 SATBOG (PREPFITS: Satellite moisture bogus reports)

3-60-252 SATEMP (PREPFITS: TOVS satellite data (soundings, retrievals, radiances))

3-60-253 SFCBOG (PREPFITS: Mean sea-level pressure bogus reports)

3-60-254 SPSSMI (PREPFITS: SSM/I retrieval products (reprocessed wind speed, tpw))

3-60-255 SYNDAT (PREPFITS: Synthetic tropical cyclone bogus reports)

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CATEGORY 61 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-61-001 HEADR (PREPFITS: Report header sequence)

3-61-002 PLEVL (PREPFITS: Pressure level sequence)

3-61-003 OBLVL (PREPFITS: Observation sequence)

3-61-004 BBYSTSL (Buoy report sea temperatures/salinity data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-005 BBYCURR (Buoy report current data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-006 BBYSPWV (Buoy report spectral wave data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-007 BBYSSTS (Buoy report sea-surface temperature and salinity data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-008 NC031130 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Sentinel 3A altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-009 ARNTAOTH (AERONET optical thickness)

3-61-010 ARNTOPTD (AERONET optical depth)

3-61-011 MTRID (METAR report id data)

3-61-012 MTAUTO (METAR report automated station data)

3-61-013 BBYST (Buoy report sea temperatures data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-014 MTRWND (METAR wind data)

3-61-015 MTGUST (METAR gust data)

3-61-016 MTVWND (METAR variable wind data)

3-61-017 MTWSHF (METAR wind shift data)

3-61-018 MTRTMP (METAR temperature data)

3-61-019 MTTPSQ (METAR maximum minimum temperature data)

3-61-020 MTRPRS (METAR pressure data)

3-61-021 MTRVSB (METAR visibility data)

3-61-022 MTRWVR (METAR runway data)

3-61-023 MTRPRW (METAR Present weather sequence)

3-61-024 MTRCLD (METAR cloud data)

3-61-025 MTRPRC (METAR hydrological data)

3-61-026 MTRPKW (METAR peak wind data)

3-61-027 MTTPCT (METAR city temperature data)

3-61-028 MTRPR3 (METAR 3, 6, 24 hour precipitation data)

3-61-029 MTRMSC (METAR miscellaneous hydro and radiance data)

3-61-030 SCDMSC (SCD hydrological and radiance data)

3-61-031 NC031125 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) JASON-3 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-61-032 NC031126 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) JASON-3 Interim Geophysical Data Record (IGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-61-033 NC031127 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) JASON-3 altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-034 NC031128 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) Sentinel 3A Near Real Time (NRT) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-61-035 NC031129 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) Sentinel 3A Slow Time Critical (STC) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-61-036 RPSEC1 (Synoptic report WMO FM 12/13 Section 1 data)

3-61-037 TMPSQ1 (Synoptic report temperature data)

3-61-038 TMPSQ2 (Synoptic report wet bulb temperature data)

3-61-039 TMPSQ3 (Synoptic report maximum and minimum temperature data)

3-61-040 CTMPS5 (Synoptic report city temperature data)

3-61-041 CLDSQ1 (Synoptic report cloud data)

3-61-042 WNDSQ1 (Synoptic report wind data)

3-61-043 WNDSQ2 (Synoptic report highest wind gust data)

3-61-044 WNDSQ3 (Synoptic report peak wind data)

3-61-045 PRSSQ1 (Synoptic report pressure data)

3-61-046 PRSSQ2 (Synoptic report geopotential data)

3-61-047 PRSSQ3 (Synoptic report 24 hour pressure tendency sequence)

3-61-048 PCPSQ1 (Synoptic report precipitation data 1)

3-61-049 PCPSQ2 (Synoptic report precipitation data 2)

3-61-050 PCPSQ3 (Synoptic report precipitation data 3)

3-61-051 WAVSQ1 (Synoptic report instrument wave data)

3-61-052 WAVSQ2 (Synoptic report wind wave data)

3-61-053 WAVSQ3 (Synoptic report swell wave data)

3-61-054 PPWSQ1 (Synoptic report present and past weather data)

3-61-055 SNWSQ1 (Synoptic report depth of snow data)

3-61-056 GRDSQ1 (Synoptic report state of the ground data)

3-61-057 ICESQ1 (Synoptic report ship ice data)

3-61-058 PCPSQ4 (Synoptic report city precipitation)

3-61-059 TMPSQ4 (BATHY/TESAC air temperature data)


3-61-061 AVGPDG (TRACKOB averaging periods)

3-61-062 DTPCM (Duration/time and period of current measurement)

3-61-063 NC012024 (S-NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS - sea-surface temperatures (probably clear sky without land))

3-61-064 NC012025 (S-NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS - sea-surface temperatures (everything but clear sky without land and probably clear sky without land))

3-61-065 NC031117 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) Cryosat-2 Interim Geophysical Data Record (IGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-61-066 BSYWND1 (Synoptic report wind data 1 (originally in BUFR))

3-61-067 BSYWND2 (Synoptic report wind data 2 (originally in BUFR))

3-61-068 BSYPCP1 (Synoptic report precipitation data 1 (originally in BUFR))

3-61-069 BSYPCP2 (Synoptic report precipitation data 2 (originally in BUFR))

3-61-070 BSYEXTM (Synoptic report extreme temperature data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-071 BSYSCLD (Synoptic report supplemental cloud layer data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-072 BSYBCLD (Synoptic report cloud bases below station level data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-073 BSYDCLD (Synoptic report cloud drift data (originally in BUFR))

3-61-074 NC031118 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) Satellite with ARgos and ALtika (SARAL) Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSH)

3-61-075 NC031119 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) Satellite with ARgos and ALtika (SARAL) Interim Geo physical Data Record (IGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) h)

3-61-076 NC031120 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) CRYOSAT-2 altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-077 MRPIDS (Marine report id)

3-61-078 ID1SQ (Ship's call sign data)

3-61-079 ID2SQ (Numeric buoy platform ID)

3-61-080 ID3SQ (C-MAN/fixed buoy platform ID)

3-61-081 DTMPSQ (Drifting buoy temperature data)

3-61-082 WNDSQ4 (Drifting buoy wind data)

3-61-083 CTWNDS (Continuous wind data)

3-61-084 MPLSQ1 (Moving platform ship direction and speed data)

3-61-085 MPCPSQ (Marine report precipitation data)

3-61-086 QCDSQ1 (Drifting buoy quality control data)

3-61-087 DTSCUR (Drifting buoy depths, temps, salinity, and current data)

3-61-088 METHSQ (Drifting buoy method/time duration data)

3-61-089 RPSEC3 (Vertical visibility sequence)

3-61-090 RPSEC4 (Synoptic report WMO FM 18 Section 4 data)

3-61-091 NC031121 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Satellite with ARgos and ALtika (SARAL) altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-092 CLDSQ2 (Synoptic report Section 4 cloud data)

3-61-093 TIDE1 (CREX tidal elevation data)

3-61-094 TIDE2 (CREX tidal water level data)

3-61-095 TIDE3 (CREX tidal meteorological data)

3-61-096 WNDSQ5 (USGS wind data)

3-61-097 TMPSQ5 (USGS temperature data)

3-61-098 RSHSQ (USGS river stage height data)

3-61-099 DCHGSQ (USGS river discharge data)

3-61-100 PCPSQ5 (USGS precipitation data)

3-61-101 AOZSEQ (AIRNOW ozone data (also in AIRNOW PREPBUFR))

3-61-102 AOZEVN (AIRNOW PREPBUFR: ozone event sequence)

3-61-103 OZONELV1 (Ozonesonde report level data # 1)

3-61-104 OZONELV2 (Ozonesonde report level data # 2 (also in OZONESONDE PREPBUFR))

3-61-105 APMSEQ (AIRNOW PMFINE (fine particulate matter) sequence)

3-61-106 NC031122 (CNES SARAL/Altika Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-61-107 NC031123 (CNES CRYOSAT-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-61-108 NC031124 (CNES JASON-3 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-61-109 NC012160 (University of Wisconsin GOES Imager effective cloud amount data)

3-61-110 NXVADD2 (NEXRAD Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) wind level data (generated from Level II decoder))

3-61-111 NC012150 (NASA Langley/GOES 1x1 FOV cloud data)

3-61-112 NC031115 (CNES JASON-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-61-113 NC012006 (DMSP SSM/IS derived products)

3-61-114 NC012123 (METOP 25 km resolution ASCAT data)

3-61-115 NC031112 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) JASON-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global report)

3-61-116 NC031113 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) JASON-2 Interim Geophysical Data Record (IGDR) alti meter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global reports (2)

3-61-117 NC031114 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) JASON-2 altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-118 SATEPHEM (SSM/IS satellite ephemeris information)

3-61-119 SCLINGEO (SSM/IS scan line geometry)

3-61-120 BTMRADSQ (Spectral radiance, radiance and brightness temperature sequence)

3-61-121 UASID (Radiosonde/ozonesonde station id data)

3-61-122 UARID (Radiosonde report id data)

3-61-123 UARLV (Radiosonde report level data)

3-61-124 UARLVB (Radiosonde report level data (used by reports originally in BUFR))

3-61-125 UATMP (Radiosonde temperature data)

3-61-126 UAWND (Radiosonde wind data)

3-61-127 UAWSH (Radiosonde wind shear data)

3-61-128 UACLD (Radiosonde cloud data)

3-61-129 UASDG (Radiosonde sounding system data)

3-61-130 UAADF (Radiosonde 101AA "additional data" data)

3-61-131 UARDCS (Radiosonde report diagnostic data)

3-61-132 NC031116 (Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic (AVISO) Segment Sol multimission d'ALTimétrie d'rbitographie et de localisation precise (SSALTO)/Data Unification And Altimeter Comb)

3-61-133 UAGP07 (Radiosonde Class 7 geopotential data)

3-61-134 UAGP10 (Radiosonde Class 10 geopotential data)

3-61-135 SSMISCHN (SSM/IS channel sequence)

3-61-136 IASIGRP (IASI Level 1C scaled radiance standard replication sequence (used with all channels only))

3-61-137 IASICHN (IASI Level 1C scaled radiance sequence)

3-61-138 NC031111 (CNES JASON-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) and wind wave)

3-61-139 AVHRCHN (IASI Level 1C mean and std dev radiance sequence)

3-61-140 SEQSCN (SSM/I satellite id; scan, orbit, position no. sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-141 SEQBRT (SSM/I brightness temp delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-142 SEQPRD (SSM/I products delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-143 SEQADD (SSM/I additional products sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-144 SEQRFL (SSM/I rain flag sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-145 SQRBRT (SSM/I brightness temperature standard replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-146 SQRPRD (SSM/I products standard replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-147 SEQWSP (SSM/I ocean wind speed delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-148 SEQTPW (SSM/I total precipitable water delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-149 SEQRFR (SSM/I total rainfall (average rate) delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-150 SEQTSK (SSM/I skin temperature delayed replication sequence)

3-61-151 SEQCLW (SSM/I cloud water delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-152 SEQSMO (SSM/I soil moisture delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-153 SEQSND (SSM/I snow depth delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-154 NC012023 (S-NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS - sea-surface temperatures (clear sky without land))

3-61-155 SLCA (SSM/I location data)

3-61-156 NC012122 (METOP 50 km resolution ASCAT data)

3-61-157 NC031110 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) JASON-1 altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-158 NC031109 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) ENVISAT altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global reports)

3-61-159 NC031108 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) ENVISAT altimeter wind/wave fast delivery reports)

3-61-160 NC003010 (METOP (GRAS), GRACE, CHAMP, COSMIC, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X and C/NOFS GPS radio occultation reports)

3-61-161 OBSEQ (Profiler observation data (FSL NPN/MAP))

3-61-162 PFLEV (Profiler report level data (FSL NPN/MAP))

3-61-163 PFLID (Profiler report id data (FSL NPN/MAP))

3-61-164 NC031107 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) GEOSAT Follow-On (GFO) altimeter wind/wave fast-delivery reports)

3-61-165 NC031106 (CNES/Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic (AVISO) JASON-1 Interim Geophysical Data Record (IGDR) altimeter wind/wave reports (2-day delay))

3-61-166 IGSEQ1 (IGDR backscatter sequence)

3-61-167 IGSEQ2 (IGDR mean frequency/brightness temperature sequence)

3-61-168 IGSEQ3 (IGDR wind sequence)

3-61-169 SSINSEQ (IGDR satellite sensor indicator sequence [contains only "SSIN", needed since only sequences can be replicated])

3-61-170 NXVADD (NEXRAD Part B Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) wind level data (decoded from radar coded message))

3-61-171 BRITCSTC (Satellite brightness temperature (high accuracy) and cold space temperature correction data)

3-61-172 NXRID (NEXRAD Vertical Azimth Display (VAD) wind report id data)

3-61-173 RTID (RASS temperature id data)

3-61-174 RTSEQ1 (RASS temperature data)

3-61-175 NXID (NEXRAD radar station id data)

3-61-176 RWSOB (NEXRAD Level 2.5 and Level 3 radial wind superob data)

3-61-177 GBRIT (GOES brightness temperature data)

3-61-178 GTEMPF (GOES sounding data)

3-61-179 NC021240 (METOP/IASI 1C radiance data (all channels))

3-61-180 NC012138 (WindSat data originating from FNMOC (contains NOGAPS first guess))

3-61-181 RTRV (TOVS retrieval data)

3-61-182 BRIT (Satellite brightness temperature data (high accuracy))

3-61-183 RTOV (RTOVS retrieval data)

3-61-184 ATOV (ATOVS retrieval data)

3-61-185 GTEMP (GOES sounding data)

3-61-186 GPWAT (GOES 1x1 FOV precipitable water data)

3-61-187 BRITST (Satellite brightness temperature data (low accuracy))

3-61-188 GELEV (GOES 1x1 FOV solar/satellite elevation data)

3-61-189 GSKIN (GOES 1x1 FOV skin temperature data)

3-61-190 L2_OCEAN (AMSR-E Level 2 ocean data)

3-61-191 RADS (Satellite expanded brightness temperature data)

3-61-192 NC000002 (Synoptic - mobile land (originating from WMO SYNOP MOBIL bulletins))

3-61-193 AMSRCHAN (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR)-E channel data)

3-61-194 AMSRDICE (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR)-E 2 channel 4 spot sounding data)

3-61-195 NC005044 (JMA/Himawari IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-61-196 NC005045 (JMA/Himawari visible satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-61-197 NC005046 (JMA/Himawari water vapor satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-61-198 NC012017 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO)/POES physical sea-surface temperature retrievals)

3-61-199 NC012018 (NESDIS/POES physical sea-surface temperature retrievals)

3-61-200 NC002009 (Profiler winds originating from PIBALS (WMO PILOT, PILOT SHIP or PILOT MOBIL bulletins))

3-61-201 NC012001 (DMSP SSM/I brightness temperatures)

3-61-202 NC012002 (DMSP SSM/I derived products)

3-61-203 NC012003 (GPS integrated precipitable water)

3-61-204 NC002010 (NPN and MAP profiler spectral moments)

3-61-205 NC012005 (European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS)/SAR)

3-61-206 NC012139 (WindSat data originating from NESDIS (contains GFS first guess))

3-61-207 NC021241 (METOP/IASI 1C radiance data (variable number of channels))

3-61-208 NC012008 (European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS)/Scatterometer)

3-61-209 NC012009 (European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS)/Radar altimeter)

3-61-210 NC012010 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO)/POES low-resolution sea surface temperatures)

3-61-211 NC012011 (NESDIS/POES AVHRR sea surface temperatures, brightness temperatures and albedo)

3-61-212 NC012103 (DMSP SSM/I Neural Net 3 products)

3-61-213 NC012137 (QuikSCAT data)

3-61-214 NC012012 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO)/POES high-resolution AVHRR sea surface temperatures, brightness temperatures and albedo)

3-61-215 NC003104 (Polar orbiting – ATOVS soundings/radiances)

3-61-216 SPRD (SSM/I product data)

3-61-217 SBRT (SSM/I brightness temperature replicated data sequence)

3-61-218 SRDA (SSM/I brightness temperature data)

3-61-219 ESQ1 (European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS) spectral coefficient data)

3-61-220 ESQ2 (European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS) spectral coefficient data)

3-61-221 NC021021 (NOA3-14 HIRS-2 1B brightness temperature data (RTOVS))

3-61-222 NC021022 (NOA3-14 MSU 1B brightness temperature data (RTOVS))

3-61-223 NC021023 (NOA3-15,-16,-17,-18, -19 (ATOVS), METOP-2,-1 AMSU-A 1B brightness temperature data)

3-61-224 NC021024 (NOA3-15,-16,-17 AMSU-B 1B brightness temperature data (ATOVS))

3-61-225 NC021025 (NOA3-15,-16,-17 HIRS-3 1B brightness temperature data (ATOVS))

3-61-226 NC012013 (NASA/TRMM microwave imager)

3-61-227 NC021123 (NOA3-15,-16,-17,-18, -19 (ATOVS), METOP-2,-1 AMSU-A 1B antenna temperature data)

3-61-228 NC012022 (NESDIS/GOES sea surface temperatures)

3-61-229 SEQSST (SSM/I sea surface temperature delayed replication sequence (reprocessed dump))

3-61-230 NC031001 (Bathythermal data)

3-61-231 NC031002 (TESAC data)

3-61-232 NC031003 (TRACKOB data)

3-61-233 NC021255 (AQUA/AIRS, AMSU-A, HSB 1B brightness temperature data - warmest/clearest field-of-view)

3-61-234 NC021027 (NOA3-18,-19 (ATOVS), METOP-2,-1 MHS 1B brightness temperature data)

3-61-235 NC031101 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) ERS-2 altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global reports)

3-61-236 NC031102 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) GEOSAT Follow-On (GFO) altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global reports)

3-61-237 NC031103 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) TOPEX altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global reports)

3-61-238 NC031104 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Altimeter Processing System (ALPS) JASON-1 altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution global reports)

3-61-239 NC031105 (NAVal OCEANographic Office (NAVOCEANO) GEOSAT Follow-On (GFO) Navy-Interim Geophysical Data Record (NGDR) altimeter wind/wave reports (2-day delay))

3-61-240 NC031011 (NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry (NLSA) ERS-2 altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution regional reports)

3-61-241 NC031012 (NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry (NLSA) TOPEX altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) high-resolution regional reports)

3-61-242 NC031013 (NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry (NLSA) TOPEX altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) low-resolution global reports)

3-61-243 NC031014 (NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry (NLSA) GEOSAT Follow-On (GFO) altimeter SSHA high-resolution regional reports)

3-61-244 NC021041 (NESDIS/GOES imager (clear sky) brightness temperature data)

3-61-245 NC021028 (NOA3-18,-19 (ATOVS), METOP-2,-1 HIRS-4 1B brightness temperature data)

3-61-246 NC021051 (NOA3-17 or METOP-2 AVHRR 1B brightness temperature data - clear and over ocean)

3-61-247 NC021052 (NOA3-17 or METOP-2 AVHRR 1B brightness temperature data - cloudy or over land)

3-61-248 NC021053 (NOA3-18 AVHRR 1B brightness temperature data - clear and over ocean)

3-61-249 NC021054 (NOA3-18 AVHRR 1B brightness temperature data - cloudy or over land)

3-61-250 NC012031 (AQUA/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR)-E ocean surface products (Level 2))

3-61-251 ESQ3 (European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS) radar angle data)

3-61-252 SNNP (SSM/I Neural Net product data)

3-61-253 SLCA85 (SSM/I 85 GHz location data)

3-61-254 SRDA85 (SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temperature data)

3-61-255 SBRT85 (SSM/I 85 GHz brightness temp replicated data sequence)

Back to Top

CATEGORY 62 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-62-001 HEADR (Class 1 GFS, NAM and RAP model sounding coordinates)

3-62-002 PROFILE (Class 0 NGM model and Class 1 GFS, NAM and RAP model profile data)

3-62-003 CLS1 (Class 1 GFS model surface data)

3-62-004 D10M (Class 1 GFS model 10 meter data)

3-62-005 NC012004 (Ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) (GPS, GALILEO, etc.) data)

3-62-006 GNSSRPSQ (GNSS replication sequence)

3-62-007 CS2ISEQ1 (CS2I replication sequence #1)

3-62-008 CS2ISEQ2 (CS2I replication sequence #2)

3-62-009 CS2ISEQ3 (CS2I replication sequence #3)

3-62-010 NC031131 (NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3B sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (NRT))

3-62-011 NC031132 (NAVOCEANO Sentinel 3B sea-surface height anomaly (high-resolution global) (STC))

3-62-012 NC005047 (Japan/Himawari IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-013 NC005048 (Japan/Himawari visible satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-014 NC005049 (Japan/Himawari water vapor satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-015 ACRID (ACARS report ID data)

3-62-016 ACSUP (ACARS supplementary data)

3-62-017 ACTRB (ACARS turbulence data)

3-62-018 ACMST (ACARS moisture data)

3-62-021 TXSEQ (ACARS turbulence index data)

3-62-030 AFRID (Aircraft report id data)

3-62-032 AFTMP (Aircraft temperature data)

3-62-033 AFWND (Aircraft wind data)

3-62-034 AFMST (Aircraft moisture data)

3-62-035 AFICG (Aircraft icing data)

3-62-036 AFCLD (Aircraft cloud data)

3-62-037 APTRB (PIREP turbulence data)

3-62-038 APPWX (PIREP present weather data)

3-62-039 ARPHT (Reconnaissance aircraft mandatory level pressure/height data)

3-62-040 ARSWD (Reconnaissance aircraft surface wind data)

3-62-041 ADSUP (AMDAR supplementary data)

3-62-042 ADRBLSEQ (AMDAR BUFR level sequence)

3-62-063 SATOBW2 (Satellite wind data at specified pressure levels (decode from WMO SATOB format))

3-62-064 TWIND (NESDIS satellite wind intermediate wind and time stamp data)

3-62-065 MDPT (NESDIS satellite wind height assignment data)

3-62-066 GQCPRMS (NESDIS satellite wind quality control parameters)

3-62-067 QCPRMS (EUMETSAT/JMA satellite wind quality control parameters)

3-62-068 RPSEQ7 (CSR SEVIRI cloud and brightness temperature replicated data sequence)

3-62-069 RPSEQ8 (Percent confidence with method of derivation replicated data sequence)

3-62-070 RPSEQ9 (Brightness temperature sequence)

3-62-071 RPSEQ10 (ASR SEVIRI brightness temperature replicated sequence)

3-62-072 SASEQF (Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR L1A2 channel data)

3-62-073 RPSEQ11 (CSR Himawari-8 cloud and brightness temperature replicated data sequence)

3-62-075 CHINFO (GPM GMI channel information)

3-62-076 PIXELS (GPM GMI pixel information)

3-62-077 GMICHT (GPM GMI brightness temperature data sequence)

3-62-078 GMIANG (GPM GMI geolocation data sequence)

3-62-081 RPSEQ1 (Satellite wind intermediate wind and time stamp replicated data sequence (decoded from BUFR format))

3-62-082 RPSEQ2 (Satellite wind height assignment replicated data sequence (decoded from BUFR format))

3-62-083 RPSEQ3 (Data present indicator replicated data sequence)

3-62-084 RPSEQ4 (Per cent confidence replicated data sequence)

3-62-085 RPSEQ5 (Manual/automatic quality control result replicated data sequence)

3-62-086 RPSEQ6 (Nominal confidence threshold replicated data sequence)

3-62-087 WLTMSEQN (Warm load temperature sequence)

3-62-088 MUHOSEQN (Multiplexor housekeeping sequence)

3-62-091 SHEFID (report id data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-092 SHEFPRC (precipitation data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-093 SHEFTPA (maximum/minimum air temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-094 SHEFSNW (snow (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-095 SHEFSOG (state of the ground (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-096 SHEFP01 (precipitation data for 1 hour (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-097 SHEFP03 (precipitation data for 3 hours (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-098 SHEFP06 (precipitation data for 6 hours (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-099 SHEFP12 (Total precipitation past 12 hours sequence)

3-62-100 SHEFP24 (precipitation data for 24 hours (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-101 SURF (Class 1 NAM and RAP model surface data)

3-62-101 PEVN (PREPFITS: Pressure event sequence)

3-62-102 QEVN (PREPFITS: Specific humidity event sequence)

3-62-102 D10M (Class 1 NAM and RAP model 10 meter data)

3-62-103 FLUX (Class 1 NAM and RAP model surface flux data)

3-62-103 TEVN (PREPFITS: Temperature event sequence)

3-62-104 HYDR (Class 1 NAM and RAP model surface hydrological data)

3-62-104 ZEVN (PREPFITS: Height event sequence)

3-62-105 XTRA (Class 1 NAM and RAP model surface miscellaneous data)

3-62-105 WEVN (PREPFITS: Wind event sequence)

3-62-106 CEVN (PREPFITS: Convective event sequence)

3-62-107 SEVN (PREPFITS: Sensible weather event sequence)

3-62-108 XEVN (PREPFITS: Present weather event sequence)

3-62-109 GEVN (PREPFITS: Wind gust event sequence)

3-62-110 SLYR (Class 1 NAM and RAP model multi-layer soil data)

3-62-110 TPEVN (PREPFITS: Total precipitation event sequence)

3-62-111 SHEFTPX (maximum air temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-111 TOEVN (PREPFITS: Total weather event sequence)

3-62-112 SHEFTPN (minimum air temperature data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-112 TMEVN (PREPFITS: Maximum/minumum temperature event sequence)

3-62-113 SHEFSDP (snow depth on ground data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-114 SHEFSWE (snow water equivalent data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-115 SHEFSFL (snow fall data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-116 NC005030 (NESDIS/GOES IR (long wave) satellite-derived winds from BUFR GOES-R format) (off NESDIS server))

3-62-117 NC005031 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imager deep-layer satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR GOES-R format) (off NESDIS server))

3-62-118 NC005032 (NESDIS/GOES visible satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR GOES-R format) (off NESDIS server))

3-62-119 NC005034 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imager cloud-top satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR GOES-R format) (off NESDIS server))

3-62-120 NC005039 (NESDIS/GOES IR (short wave) satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR GOES-R format) (off NESDIS server))

3-62-121 NC007000 (Synoptic features – tropical storms)

3-62-122 NC007001 (National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) (short-range) lightning data (from Vaisala via NOAAPORT))

3-62-123 NC007002 (Long Range Lightning Detection Network (LLDN) lightning data (from Vaisala via NOAAPORT))

3-62-124 NC007021 (NEXRAD planetary boundary layer heights generated from Level II decoder)

3-62-125 NC007003 (Lightning data from Earth Networks, Inc. (ENI) Total Lightning Network (ENTLN))

3-62-126 MEANFL (Radiosonde additional data)

3-62-127 NC005053 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imager deep-layer satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-128 NC005054 (NESDIS/GOES visible satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-129 NC005055 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imager cloud-top satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-130 NC005056 (NESDIS/GOES IR (short-wave) satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-131 NC005052 (NESDIS/GOES IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-62-150 RTSEQF (RASS level data sequence)

3-62-151 MPSEQ3 (Profiler moment profile antenna data sequence 3 (FSL NPN/MAP))

3-62-152 MPSEQ4 (Profiler moment profile antenna data sequence 4 (FSL NPN/MAP))

3-62-153 LGRSQ1 (LEO-GEO intermediate wind and time stamp replication sequence)

3-62-154 LGRSQ2 (LEO-GEO winds height assignment sequence)

3-62-155 LGRSQ3 (LEO-GEO winds bitmap (data present indicator) sequence)

3-62-156 LGRSQ4 (LEO-GEO winds percent confidence sequence)

3-62-171 EPSEQF (European wind profiler level data)

3-62-192 MCTPPT (Statistical pressure and temperature sequence)

3-62-193 AMVAHA (Atmospheric motion vector (AMV) extended height assignment sequence)

3-62-194 NC001009 (USGS river/stream data)

3-62-195 NC001010 (Surface marine C-MAN station (decoded from SHEF format))

3-62-196 AMVIII (Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) individual image information sequence)

3-62-197 AMVIVR (Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) intermediate vectors sequence)

3-62-198 NC008042 (NPP Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data)

3-62-199 NC008041 (MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data)

3-62-200 NC008012 (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) data)

3-62-201 NC008010 (ATOVS SBUV-2 ozone data (decoded from Version 6 BUFR format))

3-62-202 NC008011 (ATOVS SBUV-2 ozone data (decoded from Version 8 BUFR format))

3-62-203 NC008020 (AIRNOW ozone data, forward average (1- and 8-hour))

3-62-204 NC008021 (AIRNOW ozone data, 1-hour backward average)

3-62-205 NC008022 (AIRNOW ozone data, 8-hour backward average)

3-62-206 AIRNOW (AIRNOW ozone concentration reports (in AIRNOW PREPBUFR file))

3-62-207 NC002006 (Ozonesonde reports (low-resolution) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-62-208 NC002015 (Ozonesonde reports (high-resolution) (decoded from ASCII format))

3-62-209 OZSNDE (Ozone sounding (ozonesonde) reports (in OZONESONDE PREPBUFR file))

3-62-210 NC008023 (AIRNOW ozone hourly data, realtime - ingested hourly, 1-hour backward average)

3-62-211 NC008031 (AIRNOW PMFINE (fine particulate matter) hourly data, delayed - ingested daily, 1-hour backward average)

3-62-213 NC008013 (Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) data)

3-62-214 NC008032 (AIRNOW PMFINE (fine particulate matter) hourly data, realtime - ingested hourly, 1-hour backward average)

3-62-215 NC005015 (NESDIS/GOES IR (long wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off GTS))

3-62-216 NC005016 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off GTS))

3-62-217 NC005017 (NESDIS/GOES visiblesatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off GTS))

3-62-218 NC005018 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor sounder satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off GTS))

3-62-219 NC005019 (NESDIS/GOES IR (short-wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off NESDIS server))

3-62-220 NC008015 (Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) ozone data)

3-62-221 NC012034 (AQUA/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR)-E ocean surface swath products [originating from the Multi-Instrument Sea Surface Temperature (MISST) group at the National Climatic Data Center (NCD)

3-62-222 NC008016 (NPP OMPS ozone - total column)

3-62-223 NC008017 (NPP OMPS ozone - nadir profile)

3-62-224 NC008018 (NPP OMPS ozone - total column)

3-62-225 NC012222 (GCOM-W/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) sea surface temperatures)

3-62-226 OZPROFSQ (Ozone and averaging kernel profile sequence)

3-62-227 NC008045 (AERONET aerosol optical depths and thicknesses)

3-62-229 AMVIVS (Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) intermediate vector statistics sequence)

3-62-230 AMVIVE (Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) intermediate vector estimated error sequence)

3-62-231 AMVCLD (Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) cloud information sequence)

3-62-232 AMVQIC (Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) quality indicator confidence sequence)

3-62-233 NC005072 (SSEC/WISC LEO-GEO winds)

3-62-235 NC005020 (NESDIS GOES Satellite Cloud Product (SCP))

3-62-241 MPSEQ1 (Profiler moment profile antenna data sequence 1 (FSL NPN/MAP/)/)

3-62-242 MPSEQ2 (Profiler moment profile antenna data sequence 2 (FSL NPN/MAP)//)

3-62-243 JPID (Profiler report id data (JMA/Hong Kong))

3-62-244 NC006002 (NEXRAD Level 2.5 radial wind superobs)

3-62-246 JPSEQF (Japanese wind profiler level data)

3-62-247 JPSEQ1 (Profiler report level data-1 (JMA/Hong Kong))

3-62-248 WSSEQ1 (WindSat wind and error sequence)

3-62-249 ISWVSEQ1 (WindSat index of selected wind vector sequence)

3-62-250 EPSEQ1 (European wind profiler sequence)

3-62-251 NXRPBL (NEXRAD planetary boundary layer height and look angle data (generated from Level II decoder))

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CATEGORY 63 - Miscellaneous

(local sequences in italics)

3-63-001 PREPRO (PREPBUFR: Program code (001) for events generated in initial PREPBUFR processing step (PREPDATA program, prior to PREVENTS program or prior to VTPEVNsubroutine in subroutine GBLEVENTS))

3-63-002 SYNDATA (PREPBUFR: Program code (002) for events generated in synthetic tropical cyclone bogus processing step (SYNDATA program, prior to PREVENTS program or prior to VTPEVNsubroutine in subroutine GBLEVENTS))

3-63-003 CLIMO (PREPBUFR: Program code (003) for events generated in climatology processing step (not yet available))

3-63-004 PREVENT (PREPBUFR: Program code (004) for events generated in pre-events background/observation error processing step (PREVENTS program or GBLEVENTS subroutine in PREPDATA or SYNDATA program))

3-63-005 CQCHT (PREPBUFR: Program code (005) for events generated in rawinsonde height/temperature complex quality control step (CQCBUFR program))

3-63-006 RADCOR (PREPBUFR: Program code (006) for events generated in rawinsonde height/temperature intersonde (radiation) correction step (RADEVN subroutine in CQCBUFR program))

3-63-007 PREPACQC (PREPBUFR: Program code (007) for events generated in aircraft quality control step (not including MDCRS ACARS) (PREPACQC program))

3-63-008 VIRTMP (PREPBUFR: Program code (008) for events generated in virtual temperature/specific humidity processing step (PREVENTS program or VTPEVN subroutine in subroutine GBLEVENTS in PREPDATA program for all ob)

3-63-009 CQCPROF (PREPBUFR: Program code (009) for events generated in wind profiler/SODAR quality control step (PROFCQC program))

3-63-010 OIQC (PREPBUFR: Program code (010) for events generated in multi-platform oi-quality control step (OIQCBUFR program) )

3-63-011 SSI (PREPBUFR: Program code (011) for events generated in global SSI analysis step (SSIANL program))

3-63-012 CQCVAD (PREPBUFR: Program code (012) for events generated in Vertical Azimth Display (VAD) wind quality control step (CQCVAD program))

3-63-013 R3DVAR (PREPBUFR: Program code (013) for events generated in regional 3DVAR analysis step (R3DVAR program))

3-63-014 ACARSQC (PREPBUFR: Program code (014) for events generated in MDCRS ACARS aircraft quality control step (ACARSQC program))

3-63-015 NRLACQC (PREPBUFR: Program code (015) for events generated in NRL aircraft quality control step (NRLACQC program))

3-63-016 GSI (PREPBUFR: Program code (016) for events generated in GSI analysis step (GLOBALGSI and NAMGSI programs))

3-63-018 NC005099 (CIMSS tropical cyclone winds)

3-63-019 NC021100 (MTG IRS radiances from principal components)

3-63-020 NC021214 (TMS radiance data)

3-63-099 DEFAULT (PREPBUFR: Program code (099) for events generated in a non-defined step (default))

3-63-179 F5FCWSSQ (First 5 Fourier components of the wave spectrum sequence)

3-63-180 NC005091 (NPP VIIRS winds - infrared (long-wave) (BUFR))

3-63-181 NC005067 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-63-182 NC005068 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT visible satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-63-183 NC005069 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT water vapor satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-63-184 NC005081 (NOAA/METOP series AVHRR IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR 3-10-077 format))

3-63-185 NC005024 (India/INSAT IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-186 NC005025 (India/INSAT visible satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-187 NC005026 (India/INSAT water vapor imager satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-188 NC021044 (JMA Himawari-8 Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) data)

3-63-189 NC005090 (NPP Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR Format))

3-63-190 NC005080 (NOAA/METOP series AVHRR IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR Format))

3-63-191 NC002017 (NEXRAD Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) winds generated from Level II decoder)

3-63-192 NC001007 (Surface marine coast guard station)

3-63-193 NC001008 (Surface marine tide gauge data (decoded from WMO C-MAN format))

3-63-194 NC021042 (Processed Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) All Sky Radiance (ASR) data)

3-63-195 NC021043 (Processed Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) data)

3-63-196 NC001011 (Surface marine buoy (decoded from SHEF format))

3-63-197 NC001012 (Surface marine tide gauge data (decoded from SHEF format))

3-63-198 NC003003 (NESDIS/GOES 1x1 FOV soundings/radiances)

3-63-199 NC003002 (NESDIS/GOES 1x1 FOV cloud data)

3-63-200 NC000001 (Synoptic - fixed land (originating from WMO SYNOP bulletins))

3-63-201 NC005005 (NESDIS/GOES IR (long-wave)satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from new NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-202 NC005006 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from new NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-203 NC005013 (NESDIS/GOES picture tripletsatellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-204 NC005008 (NESDIS/GOES visiblesatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from new NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-205 NC005009 (NESDIS/GOES picture tripletsatellite-derived winds (decoded from new NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-206 NC000007 (Aviation - METAR/SPECI)

3-63-207 NC005010 (NESDIS/GOES IR (long wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-208 NC005011 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-209 NC005012 (NESDIS/GOES visiblesatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-210 NC001001 (Surface marine ship, restricted (originating from WMO SHIP bulletins))

3-63-211 NC001002 (Surface marine buoy (decoded from WMO FM 18 format))

3-63-212 NC001003 (Surface marine buoy (decoded from WMO FM 13 format))

3-63-213 NC001004 (Surface marine C-MAN station (decoded from WMO C-MAN format))

3-63-214 NC000011 (AFOS products (mainly precipitation) (decoded from SHEF format))

3-63-215 NC000012 (Supplementary climatological data)

3-63-216 NC001006 (Mean sea level pressure bogus)

3-63-217 NC001005 (Surface marine tide gauge data (decoded from CREX format))

3-63-218 NC002001 (Rawinsonde - fixed land (originating from WMO TEMP or PILOT bulletins))

3-63-219 NC002002 (Rawinsonde - mobil land (originating from WMO TEMP MOBIL or PILOT MOBIL bulletins))

3-63-220 NC002003 (Rawinsonde - ship (originating from WMO TEMP SHIP or PILOT SHIP bulletins))

3-63-221 NC002004 (Dropwinsonde (originating from WMO TEMP DROP bulletins))

3-63-222 NC002005 (PIBAL (originating from WMO PILOT, PILOT SHIP or PILOT MOBIL bulletins))

3-63-223 NC002007 (NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) winds)

3-63-224 NC002008 (NEXRAD Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) winds decoded from radar coded message)

3-63-225 NC005014 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor sounder satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-226 NC003101 (Polar orbiting – TOVS soundings/radiances)

3-63-227 NC003102 (Polar orbiting – ROVS soundings/radiances)

3-63-228 NC005050 (NESDIS/GMS IR (long-wave)satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-229 NC005051 (NESDIS/GMS water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-230 NC003001 (NESDIS/GOES 5x5 FOV soundings/radiances/cloud data)

3-63-231 NC004001 (Manual AIREP and Automated Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) aircraft (decoded from WMO AIREP format) (prior to 10/2009 may have also included AFWA re-encoded AMDAR and MDCRS reports))

3-63-232 NC004002 (Manual PIREP aircraft (decoded from WMO AIREP format))

3-63-233 NC004003 (Automated AMDAR aircraft (decoded from WMO AMDAR format))

3-63-234 NC004004 (Automated MDCRS ACARS aircraft (from ARINC) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-235 NC004005 (Reconnaissance aircraft)

3-63-236 NC005001 (NESDIS/GOES IR (long wave) satellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from old NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-237 NC005002 (NESDIS/GOES visiblesatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from old NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-238 NC005003 (NESDIS/GOES water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from old NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-239 NC005004 (NESDIS/GOES picture tripletsatellite-derived winds (decoded from old NESDIS binary format) (off NESDIS server))

3-63-240 NC005021 (India/INSAT IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-241 NC005022 (India/INSAT visiblesatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-242 NC005023 (India/INSAT water vapor imager satellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-243 NC006001 (NEXRAD Level 3 radial wind superobs)

3-63-244 NC005041 (JMA/GMS IR (long-wave)satellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-245 NC005042 (JMA/GMS visiblesatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-246 NC005043 (JMA/GMS water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-247 NC000008 (NPN and MAP profiler surface)

3-63-248 NC005061 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT IR (long-wave)satellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-249 NC005062 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT visiblesatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-250 NC005063 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (low-density) (decoded from WMO SATOB format))

3-63-251 NC005064 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT IR (long-wave) satellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-252 NC005065 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT visiblesatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-253 NC005066 (EUMETSAT/METEOSAT water vapor imagersatellite-derived winds (high-density) (decoded from BUFR format))

3-63-254 NC005070 (AQUA/TERRA MODIS IR (long-wave)satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR Format))

3-63-255 NC005071 (AQUA/TERRA MODIS water vapor imager satellite-derived winds (decoded from BUFR format))

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