Erik Andersson Performed precursor run


Erik Andersson  generated T511, T799 Nature run


Erik Andersson retrieved time series of selected variable in 1x1 grid


Adrian Thompking produced T511 diagnostics


Thomas Jung produce cyclone track for T511 NR.


Steve Worsley and Chi-Fan Shih  set up NCAR nature run data base (Aug070


Michiko wrote documentation about NR and NR verification data


Jack Produced DB91L for 20km resolution GOES.  AMSU  and HIRS for all foot print. for October from T511 NR(fall 07)


Jack produced DB91L for thinned data from May 05-Oct05 (fall 07)


Haibing provide his code to simulate AIRS to Emily (2006)


Tong Zhu provide his CRTM code to Runhua  (Nov07)


Kyle Nevins of EMC help desk provide help to copy data to ESRL usb disk


Lee Cohen helped copying NR to ESRL MSS


Yucheng Song copied data from all ECMWF USB disk to hpss via Dew


Michiko produced daily file of verification data and make link for easy use by grads.  (T511 done, T799 Oct05 done)


Michiko delivered T511NR verification data to NCAR, JMA


Yamaguchi copied T511NR verification data to JMA


Keith Fielding of ECMWF copied NR to USB disk


Keith Fielding wrote script for retrieve NR. This include surface verification data.


Joe Terry set up date base of NR at NASA


Joe Terry set up OSSE web site at NASA


George Gayno modified CHGRES to accommodate 1993 data


George Gayno provide software to produce hourly surface data fro clim


Ron Vogil Provide CompareRad_Emis


David Groff help to setting up surface type for simulation of radiance


Haixia Liu  provide a code to generate bias correction file and script to fix the last step to Michiko.  The code was written by Russ.


Michiko mail back USB disk to ECMWF, ESRL, JMA etc. 


Ron Geralo help carried one of the USB disks to GMAO


Yoshiaki Sato produced plot to select T799 NR period


Jack helped OBSQC on/off problem in precursor run (Jan08)


Su helped veriational QC setup  (Jan08)


Feb 08-Mar08


Solving bad analysis in precursor run


Yuanfu found precursor run got wild after 10 days of integration.  That starts from Antarctica.


Michiko rerun the precursor run with det=900 and factq=0.  Found that data are not assiilated



Daryl helped  solving precursor run.  He diagnose the out put and found moisture fields are getting wild.  HE found factQ must be set to 0.


Jack investigate his data and check the interpolation


Keith Fielding and Erik Andersson check the interpolation procedure at EMCWF.


Setting up parallel scripts (May 2008)


Diane Stokes is setting up Parallel script which will be a template for OSSE

Yucheng Son set up parallel scripts for Joint OSSE from May 2008 GSI.  The scripts is tested on dew and mist.


Resource estimate (Sep 2008)

Jim Jung, Haixia Liu,  Russ Treadon, Moorthi Shrinivas helped resource estimate.


Namx (Sugust 2008)

Yoshiaki Sato set up scripts for meso scale DAS.    He helped Michiko and Chris Hill for using it.  Michiko tested Namx and helped Chris Hill of MSU.


CTRM upgrade  (September 2008)
Daved Groff provide sample script and comments on test forward for the new version of CRTM.


Sending data to SWA (OCtober 2008)

Ellen Salmon (NASA/NCCS) help SWA to get T511 NR.  She copied data to disk and mail to SWA

Arlindo Dasilva(NASA/GMAO) helped getting information about disk format for Mac



GMAO observaion simulator


Meta Sienkiewicz (NASA/GMAO) Helped

Tong Zhu (NOAA/NESDIS) provide his codes to simulate radiance data.


Emily Liu (NASA/GMAO)

Helped setting up  coefficients for CRTM


Jack Woollen

Privede his interpolation code to N=GMAO


Joe Terry

Provide grib decorder


Michiko Masutani (NCEP)

Upgrads the script so that they can run on vapor and submit many job in parallel.

Each periods processed in separate directory to avoid confusion.


Helping (NGC Fall 2008)

Arlindo DaSilva and Michiko NGC to get T511 NR