program rd_dbl91 parameter (msfc=100,msat=50) common /sfcobs/ nsfc,isvar(msfc),istxt(msfc) character(80) file,istxt character(50) satnd(16),climd(4),surfd(11) character(10) upprd(6),upprv(6) dimension clim(4),satn(msat),surf(msfc),psig(91),uppr(91,6) data lugrb/10/ ! define the satellite elements ! ----------------------------- satnd( 1) = '004001 YEAR YEAR YEAR ' satnd( 2) = '004002 MNTH MONTH MONTH ' satnd( 3) = '004003 DAYS DAY DAY ' satnd( 4) = '004004 HOUR HOUR HOUR ' satnd( 5) = '004005 MINU MINUTE MINUTE ' satnd( 6) = '004006 SECO SECOND SECOND ' satnd( 7) = '006002 CLON DEGREES LONGITUDE ' satnd( 8) = '005002 CLAT DEGREES LATITUDE ' satnd( 9) = '001007 SAID CODE TABLE SAT IDENTIFIER ' satnd(10) = '002019 SIID CODE TABLE SAT INSTRUMENTS ' satnd(11) = '005043 FOVN NUMERIC BEAM POSITION ' satnd(12) = '008012 LSQL CODE TABLE LAND/SEA QUALIFIER ' satnd(13) = '007024 SAZA DEGREE SAT ZENITH ANGLE ' satnd(14) = '007025 SOZA DEGREE SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE ' satnd(15) = '010001 HOLS METER HEIGHT OF LAND SURFACE ' satnd(16) = '007002 HMSL METER HEIGHT OR ALTITUDE ' ! define the climate values ! ------------------------- climd(1)='iv=27 ! low vegetation cover' climd(2)='iv=28 ! high vegetation cover' climd(3)='iv=29 ! low vegetation type' climd(4)='iv=30 ! high vegetation type' ! ! !NCEP GFS Vegetation type used ! 1: broadleaf evergreen tree (tropical forest) ! 2: broadleaf deciduous tree (mid-latitude forest) ! 3: broadleaf & needleleaf tree (mixed forest) ! 4: needleleaf evergreen tree (high-latitude pine forest) ! 5: needleleaf deciduous tree (high-lat pine forest, Siberia only) ! 6: broadleaf tree with groundcover (savanna) ! 7: groundcover (grassland) ! 8: broadleaf shrub with perennial groundcover (desert, dry grassland) ! 9: broadleaf shrub with bare soil (desert) ! 10: dwarf tree and shrub with groundcover (tundra) ! 11: bare soil (desert) ! 12: cultivations (agricultural land) ! 13: glacial-ice (Greenland/Antarctica ice sheet only) ! ! ! read in the list of surface values to include ! --------------------------------------------- open(lugrb,file='surface.lst');n=0 3 if( return read(lugrb,'(5x,i3,4x,a80)',end=4)isvar(n+1),istxt(n+1) n=n+1; nsfc=n goto3 4 print*,'read ',nsfc,' surface variable definitions' if( return ! define the upper air values ! --------------------------- upprd(1)=' cloud cov'; upprv(1)=' iv=248' upprd(2)=' cloud ice'; upprv(2)=' iv=247' upprd(3)=' cloud h2o'; upprv(3)=' iv=246' upprd(4)=' ozone mmr'; upprv(4)=' iv=203' upprd(5)=' tempature'; upprv(5)=' iv=130' upprd(6)=' spf humid'; upprv(6)=' iv=133' ! open the thinned dbl91 file and read one record ! ----------------------------------------------- !------------ dbl91 data are written in BigEndian. open(20,file="DBL91",form='unformatted') read(20,end=10) nsat,nclm,nsfc,nupr,kmax write(*,*) nsat,nclm,nsfc,nupr,kmax read(20,end=10) nsat,nclm,nsfc,nupr,kmax,(satn(m),m=1,nsat), . (clim(m),m=1,nclm),(surf(m),m=1,nsfc), . (psig(l),l=1,kmax),((uppr(l,m),l=1,kmax),m=1,nupr) write(*,*) "01010101010101" print* print'(f20.2,2x,a50)',(satn(m),satnd(m),m=1,16) print* print'(f20.5,2x,a50)',(clim(m),climd(m),m=1,nclm) print* print9,(surf(m),isvar(m),m,istxt(m),m=1,nsfc) 9 format(f20.5,2x,2i5,2x,a50) print* print'(" pres(pa)",6a12)',upprd print'(" ",6a12)',upprv print* print'(7e12.4)',(psig(k),(uppr(k,m),m=1,nupr),k=1,kmax) print* ! print'(f20.2,2x,x50)',(satn(m),m=1,nsat) 10 stop end