NCEP WRF Post Processor User Guide Hui-Ya Chuang and Geoff DiMego I) INTRODUCTION: Through the herculean efforts of Mike Baldwin of NSSL/CIMMS and Hui-Ya Chuang of NCEP, we are ready to release a version of the WRF post processing codes that produce both WRF NMM and ARW model output on NWS standard output levels (pressure, height etc) and standard output grids (AWIPS, Lambert, polar-stereographic etc) in NWS & WMO standard GRIB format (for GRIB documentation see ). The new release of WRF post has been tested on IBM and LINUX. With help from Robert Rozumalski, the instructions on how to install WRF post on linux have been included. Like NCEP's Operational procedures that they are derived from, the WRF post-processing is divided into three parts: 1) the post code that performs vertical interpolation to pressure (and other) levels and computes diagnostic output quantities (e.g. CAPE, helicity, radar reflectivity, etc; A list of fields that are generated by WRF post is shown in Table 1 below. 2) the weight maker code that generates horizontal interpolation weights which will be used by the product generator, 3) the product generator that does horizontal interpolation from the native model grid to standard or user defined AWIPS grids. The reason to separate model post processing into these three parts is for computational efficiency in the operational environment. Out of the three programs, only the first part, post-processor, is parallelized because it requires several 3-dimensional arrays (the model's history variables etc) for the computations. When posting the current Eulerian mass coordinate version of the WRF model (ARW WRF), this version of the post code puts all variables onto the mass points of the WRF model native C-grid. This is equivalent to an A-grid representation and, since it is a regular non-staggered representation, can be displayed directly by most display codes without having to go through steps 2. & 3. However, no de-staggering is applied when post processing NMM WRF. Therefore, the post-processed NMM WRF output from step 1 is still on staggered E-grid and needs to go through step 2 & 3 to convert model output onto regular non-staggered grid. Note that the outputs from both the WRF post and the product generator are in GRIB format. NCEP also developed a program named "copygb" that can be used to substitute steps 2 and 3. This program will perform horizontal interpolations from one grid to another for all the fields in the input Grib file. This program takes more time to run, gives user less control over what to output to their GRIB files, but is easier to use. The WRF post is nearly identical in its procedures to the Operational Meso Eta post which has documentation posted at II) DOWNLOAD: The tar file "wrfposttutorial.tar" containing all the source code, scripts & libraries is available for anonymous ftp by: 1). Ftp to the EMC public server by typing ftp . Use "anonymous" as your user id and your e-mail address as the password. 2). Change the directory to mmb/WRFtesting/wrfpost/ You can also download the tar file from the web site: Un-tarring "wrfposttutorial.tar" creates five directories: 1) sorc/ contains the source codes for post, weight maker, ,product generator, and copygb. All the make files used to compile the source codes on NCEP's IBM sp (also on linux) are included with them. 2) scripts/ contains the sample running scripts NCEP uses to run these three programs on the IBM: a)run_wrfpost_netcdf: run first part of post to process netcdf WRF model output, b)run_wrfpost_bin : run first part of post to process binary WRF model output, c)runwgts_WRF : run the second part of post to generate interpolation weight, d)runprodgen.script : run the third part of post to interpolate from WRF native grid to AWIP grids. e)run_wrfpostandgempak: run first part of post, copygb, and then Gempak to plot various fields 3) lib/ contains the libraries that are needed to compile the source codes. Seven libraries are needed to run WRF post processor: a) WRF IO API library, b) NETCDF library, c) W3 library, d) BACIO library. e) GEMLIB f) IPLIB g) SPLIB The WRF IO API library is included with your WRF model tar file. To make sure that the WRF post source code is linked to your WRF IO API library, you will need to properly specify "WRFPATH" in your makefile. Two versions of W3 and BACIO libraries are provided with WRF post processor tar file: a) the version for big-endian computers only (bacio.source and w3lib.source) and b) the version that works for both big- and little- endian computers with W3 and BACIO combined (w3lib.source_ei). Using the source code compiled with this endian-independent version of W3/BACIO library generates identical GRIB files as using the one compiled with big-endian libraries when running both on IBM. The WRF post processor has been ported to run on IJET which is a small-endian computer at FSL. The GRIB files generated on IJET were slightly different from the ones generated on IBM due to platform differences. These differences can be made smaller by modifying GRIB packing precision (SCAL) in control file (wrf_cntrl.parm). 4) parm/ contains the parameter files, which can be modified by the users to control how the post processing should be performed. III)INSTALLATION: 1) Configure your makefiles by executing the file "configure". Users will be prompted to specify: i) platform: entre "1" for LINUX or "2" for IBM; ii) path name of your netcdf utility iii) path name of your top level WRF MODEL source code 2) Compile all the libraries and source codes by executing the master makefile in the top directory. 3) Run the first part of the post, wrfpost, by modifying the script scripts/run_wrfpost. In this sample script, users will see that the wrfpost needs three input files: i) itag: read in via unit 5 to provide wrfpost information on: a) the wrf output filename in the first line, b) the format of WRF model output (netcdf or binary) in the second line, c) the forecast validation time (not start time) in WRF format in the third line, d) the model name (NMM or NCAR) in the fourth line. ii) eta_micro_lookup.dat: look-up table containing MP coeefficients used by Ferrier's scheme. iii) wrf_cntrl.parm: is a control file that is read in by the post to decide what fields to output in GRIB format. A sample of this control file can be found under parm/ and the description of the control file can be found at: . The control file uses abbreviated names for most fields and a list of these abbreviated names can be found in Table 1 below. If you wish to have specific field in your output Grib files, you will need to: a) look through Table 1 below to see if WRF post produces this field, b) if WRF post does output your desired field, write down the corresponding abbreviated name in the second column of Table 1 and check the sample control file parm/wrf_cntrl.parm to see if the abbreviated name is already in the control file, c) if the answer to b) is yes, then make sure it is turned on. For example, the sample control file is not set up to output surface dew point temperature, you can output this field by modifying the following lines from: (SURFACE DEWPOINT ) SCAL=(-4.0) L=(00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) to: (SURFACE DEWPOINT ) SCAL=(-4.0) L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) d) if answer to b) is no, you will need to add two more lines to the sample control file. For example, if you want to output land sea mask, you will add the following two line to parm/wrf_cntrl.parm: (LAND SEA MASK ) SCAL=( 3.0) L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) An output file griddef.out is generated. This file contains grid navigation information which will be read in by the weight maker. If you are running wrf post on a linux cluster, you will need to replace the execution line from: /ptmp/wx20hc/wrfpost_bin/wrfpost.x < itag > outpost_bin to mpirun -np 2 wrfpost.x < itag > outpost_bin Upon successful run, a file called WRFPRSxx.tm00 should be generated, where xx denotes the forecast hour. When running the WRF post with more than one processor, the last processor will be designated as an I/O node, while the rest of the processors are designated as computational nodes. For example, if three processors are requested to run the WRF post, only the first two processors will be used to do computation while the third processor will be used to write output to GRIB files. Please keep this in mind when examining the standard output file. One limitation of the current version of the wrf post is that only one forecast time can be processed per execution. 4. Run the copygb if you wish to use this easier-to-use alternative (but more time consuming) to weight maker and product generator. The sample scripts scripts/run_wrfpostandgempak and scripts/run_wrfpostandgrads demonstrate how to run wrfpost, copygb, and the GEMPAK or GraDS to plot various fields. 5. Run the wight maker by modifying the script scripts/runwgts_WRF so that unit 15 is linked to "griddef.out" generated from the post earlier. This script is currently set up to generate interpolation weights to interpolate your WRF grid (#255) to awip grids 104, 212, 215, 216, 221. If you want to interpolate your WRF output to a different AWIP standard grid, just change the second standard input to the weight maker executable in your script. It is recommended to use weight maker and product generator if efficiency is important to you. This is because you only need to run weight maker once if your input and output domains do not change. 6. Run the product generator by modifying scripts/runprodgen.script. The definition of environmental variables in the script were defined as follows: COMSP = path prefix of output file names fhr = forecast hour HOLDEGD = the path name for WRFPRSxx.tm00 PLLfix = the path name for interpolation weight files PLLexec = the path name for product generator executable. Similar to post, there is also a control file for product generator that specifies what fields to output to awip grid files. A sample of this control file can be found in parm/master.ctl. The end products AWIP3D${fhr}.tm00 is GRIB file of the 40 km AWIPS grid #212 (CONUS Lambert grid on which the vast majority of NWS users get the Meso Eta guidance), AWIP20${fhr}.tm00 is the 20 km AWIPS grid #215, AWIP32${fhr}.tm00 is the full continental domain 32 km grid #221, etc. Eric Rogers web page shows the myriad of output grids needed from the Operational Meso Eta (and the RUC too): . There is a more in depth documentation on product generator on line: IV) VISUALIZATION: 1) With Gempak: Gempak has utility (nagrib) to decode GRIB files whose navigation is on any non-staggered grids. Therefore, after running wrf post and product generator (or copygb) that put out state and derived fields on regular non-staggered grids, you can then decode GRIB file with Gempak and the plot horizontal fields or vertical cross sections. A sample script named run_wrfpostandgempak is included in scripts/ that can be used to run post, copygb, and then plot the following fields: a. Sfcmap.gif : mean SLP and 6 hourly Precip b. Radar.gif : composite radar reflectivity c. PrecipType.gif : Precip Type (just snow and rain) d. 850mbRH.gif: 850 mb RH e. 850mbTempandWind.gif: 850 mb Temperature and Wind vectors f. 500mbHandVort.gif: 500 mb Height and Vorticity g. 250mbWindandH.gif: 250 mb Wind speed and Height If you're already familiar with Gempak utility, you can modify this script to plot whatever fields you wish. Otherwise, Gempak has a user guide on line: 2) With GrADS: GrADS also has utilities (Grib2ctl and Gribmap) to decode GRIB files whose navigation is on any non-staggered grids thanks to Wesley Ebisuzaki. He has a web site that describes how to use the utilities Grib2ctl and Gribmap to generate GrADS control files and index files: This web site also lets you download the source code and scripts for these two utilities. A sample script named run_wrfpostandgrads is included in scripts/ that is set up to run post, copygb, and then plot various fields with GrADS. There is also an online download and user guide for GrADS: V) Fields that are currently read in by WRF POST: Currently, WRF POST is set up to read a lot of fields from raw WRF model output so that NCEP can generate all the necessary operational products for NMM core as as many as possible for ARW core. A list of fields that are currently read in by WRF post is included below. However, most users will probably not need to output all the operationally-required products. The easiest way to reduce your Grib file sizes is to modify wrf_cntrl.parm to remove the fields that are not desired. For example, if you don't need to output CANOPY CONDUCTANCE, you can either remove the following two lines in wrf_cntrl.parm: (CANOPY CONDUCTANCE ) SCAL=( 3.0) L=(10000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) or make the following modification: (CANOPY CONDUCTANCE ) SCAL=( 3.0) L=(00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000) to turn off output of this field. As mentioned previously, you can view explanation of the post control file online: In addition, you can find a list of abbreviated names that are used in the control file in Table 1 below. If you do want to output all the operational products, you will need to modify your WRF Registry file so that all the fields listed below are written to your WRF history files. Note that you will need to re-compile your WRF model source code after modifying Registry file. Here is a list of fields read in by WRF post for WRF NMM core: T U V Q CWM F_ICE F_RAIN F_RIMEF W PINT PT PDTOP FIS SMC SH2O STC CFRACH CFRACL CFRACM SLDPTH U10 V10 TH10 Q10 TSHLTR QSHLTR PSHLTR SMSTAV SMSTOT ACFRCV ACFRST RLWTT RSWTT AVRAIN AVCNVC TCUCN TRAIN NCFRCV NCFRST SFROFF UDROFF SFCEVP SFCEXC VEGFRC ACSNOW ACSNOM CMC SST EXCH_H EL_MYJ THZ0 QZ0 UZ0 VZ0 QS Z0 PBLH USTAR AKHS_OUT AKMS_OUT THS PREC CUPREC ACPREC CUPPT LSPA CLDEFI HTOP HBOT HTOPD HBOTD HTOPS HBOTS SR RSWIN CZEN CZMEAN RSWOUT RLWIN SIGT4 RADOT ASWIN ASWOUT NRDSW ARDSW ALWIN ALWOUT NRDLW ARDLW ALWTOA ASWTOA TGROUND SOILTB TWBS SFCSHX NSRFC ASRFC QWBS SFCLHX GRNFLX SUBSHX POTEVP WEASD SNO SI PCTSNO IVGTYP ISLTYP ISLOPE SM SICE ALBEDO ALBASE GLAT XLONG GLON DX_NMM NPHS0 NCLOD NPREC NHEAT Here is a list of fields read in by WRF post for WRF ARW core: T U V W QVAPOR PB P QCLOUD QICE QRAIN QSNOW QGRAUP CWM F_ICE_PHY F_RAIN_PHY F_RIMEF_PHY HTOP HBOT CUPPT MU MUB P_TOP PHB PH SMOIS SH2O XICE TSLB SR CLDFRA U10 V10 TH2 Q2 SMSTAV SMSTOT SFROFF UDROFF SFCEVP SFCEXC VEGFRA ACSNOW ACSNOM CANWAT SST THZ0 QZ0 UZ0 VZ0 QSFC Z0 UST AKHS AKMS TSK RAINC RAINNC RAINCV RAINNCV HGT ALBEDO GSW GLW TMN HFX LH GRDFLX SNOW SNOWC ISLTYP ISLOPE XLAND PBLH XLAT XLONG MAPFAC_M STEPBL In some case, you WRF post run aborted and ran into problem because you are trying to output a field that is not in your raw WRF model output. For example, if you wish to output isobaric state fields, but you didn't have pressure fields on model interfaces (PINT for NMM core and PB & P for ARW core), then your post run may fail. VI) Fields that are produced by WRF post processor: Below is a table that lists basic and derived fields that are currently produced by WRF post, the correspoding names in the control file wrf_cntrl.parm (the name you will use in the control file is abbreviated somewhat to save space) , and the corresponding Grib identification numbers for the field, and the corresponding Grib identification number for the vertical coordinate: Table 1: Fields that are produced by WRF post along with the abbreviated names used in WRF post control file and the Grib ID. Field name Name in control file Field Level Unit Grib ID Grib ID Radar reflectivity on model surace RADAR REFL MDL SFCS 211 109 dBZ Pressure on model surface PRESS ON MDL SFCS 001 109 Pa Height on model surface HEIGHT ON MDL SFCS 007 109 gpm Temperature on model surface TEMP ON MDL SFCS 011 109 K Potential temperature on model surface POT TEMP ON MDL SFCS 013 109 K Dew point temperature on model surface DWPT TEMP ON MDL SFC 017 109 K Specific humidity on model surface SPEC HUM ON MDL SFCS 051 109 Kg/Kg Relative humidity on model surface REL HUM ON MDL SFCS 052 109 % Moisture convergence on model surface MST CNVG ON MDL SFCS 135 109 kg/kg/s U component wind on model surface U WIND ON MDL SFCS 033 109 m/s V component wind on model surface V WIND ON MDL SFCS 034 109 m/s Cloud water on model surface CLD WTR ON MDL SFCS 153 109 Kg/Kg Cloud ice on model surface CLD ICE ON MDL SFCS 058 109 Kg/Kg Rain on model surface RAIN ON MDL SFCS 170 109 Kg/Kg Snow on model surface SNOW ON MDL SFCS 171 109 Kg/Kg Cloud fraction on model surface CLD FRAC ON MDL SFCS 071 109 % Omega on model surface OMEGA ON MDL SFCS 039 109 Pa/s Absolute vorticity on model surface ABS VORT ON MDL SFCS 041 109 /s Geostrophic streamfunction on model surface STRMFUNC ON MDL SFCS 035 109 m^2/s Turbulent kinetic energy on model surface TRBLNT KE ON MDL SFC 158 109 J/kg Richardson number on model surface RCHDSN NO ON MDL SFC 254 109 - Master length scale on model surface MASTER LENGTH SCALE 226 109 m Asymtopic length scale on model surface ASYMPT MSTR LEN SCL 227 109 m Radar reflectivity on pressure surace RADAR REFL ON P SFCS 211 100 dBZ Height on pressure surface HEIGHT OF PRESS SFCS 007 100 gpm Temperature on pressure surface TEMP ON PRESS SFCS 011 100 K Potential temperature on pressure surface POT TEMP ON P SFCS 013 100 K Dew point temperature on pressure surface DWPT TEMP ON P SFCS 017 100 K Specific humidity on pressure surface SPEC HUM ON P SFCS 051 100 Kg/Kg Relative humidity on pressure surface REL HUMID ON P SFCS 052 100 % Moisture convergence on pressure surface MST CNVG ON P SFCS 135 100 kg/kg/s U component wind on pressure surface U WIND ON PRESS SFCS 033 100 m/s V component wind on pressure surface V WIND ON PRESS SFCS 034 100 m/s Omega on pressure surface OMEGA ON PRESS SFCS 039 100 Pa/s Absolute vorticity on pressure surface ABS VORT ON P SFCS 041 100 /s Geostrophic streamfunction on pressure surface STRMFUNC ON P SFCS 035 100 m^2/s Turbulent kinetic energy on pressure surface TRBLNT KE ON P SFCS 158 100 J/kg Cloud water on pressure surface CLOUD WATR ON P SFCS 153 100 Kg/Kg Cloud ice on pressure surface CLOUD ICE ON P SFCS 058 100 Kg/Kg Rain on pressure surface RAIN ON P SFCS 170 100 Kg/Kg Snow water on pressure surface SNOW ON P SFCS 171 100 Kg/Kg Total condensate on pressure surface CONDENSATE ON P SFCS 135 100 Kg/Kg Mesinger (Membrance) sea level pressure MESINGER MEAN SLP 130 102 Pa Shuell sea level pressure SHUELL MEAN SLP 002 102 Pa 2 M pressure SHELTER PRESSURE 001 105 Pa 2 M temperature SHELTER TEMPERATURE 011 105 K 2 M specific humidity SHELTER SPEC HUMID 051 105 Kg/Kg 2 M dew point temperature SHELTER DEWPOINT 017 105 K 2 M RH SHELTER REL HUMID 052 105 % 10 M u component wind U WIND AT ANEMOM HT 033 105 m/s 10 M v component wind V WIND AT ANEMOM HT 034 105 m/s 10 M potential temperature POT TEMP AT 10 M 013 105 K 10 M specific humidity SPEC HUM AT 10 M 051 105 Kg/Kg Surface pressure SURFACE PRESSURE 001 001 Pa Terrain height SURFACE HEIGHT 007 001 gpm Skin potential temperature SURFACE POT TEMP 013 001 K Skin specific humidity SURFACE SPEC HUMID 051 001 Kg/Kg Skin dew point temperature SURFACE DEWPOINT 017 001 K Skin Relative humidity SURFACE REL HUMID 052 001 % Skin temperature SFC (SKIN) TEMPRATUR 011 001 K Soil temperature at the bottom of soil layers BOTTOM SOIL TEMP 085 111 K Soil temperature in between each of soil layers SOIL TEMPERATURE 085 112 K Soil moisture in between each of soil layers SOIL MOISTURE 144 112 fraction Snow water equivalnt SNOW WATER EQUIVALNT 065 001 Kg/m^2 Snow cover in percentage PERCENT SNOW COVER 238 001 % Heat exchange coeff at surface SFC EXCHANGE COEF 208 001 (kg/m^3)(m/s) Vegetation cover GREEN VEG COVER 087 001 % Soil moisture availability SOIL MOISTURE AVAIL 207 112 % Ground heat flux - instantaneous INST GROUND HEAT FLX 155 001 W/m^2 Lifted index--surfce based LIFTED INDEX--SURFCE 131 101 K Lifted index--best LIFTED INDEX--BEST 132 116 K Lifted index--from boundary layer LIFTED INDEX--BNDLYR 024 116 K CAPE CNVCT AVBL POT ENRGY 157 001 J/kg CIN CNVCT INHIBITION 156 001 J/kg Column integrated precitable water PRECIPITABLE WATER 054 200 Kg/m^2 Column integrated cloud water TOTAL COLUMN CLD WTR 136 200 Kg/m^2 Column integrated cloud ice TOTAL COLUMN CLD ICE 137 200 Kg/m^2 Column integrated rain TOTAL COLUMN RAIN 138 200 Kg/m^2 Column integrated snow TOTAL COLUMN SNOW 139 200 Kg/m^2 Column integrated total condensate TOTAL COL CONDENSATE 140 200 Kg/m^2 Helicity STORM REL HELICITY 190 106 m^2/s^2 U component storm motion U COMP STORM MOTION 196 106 m/s V component storm motion V COMP STORM MOTION 197 106 m/s Accumulated total precipitation ACM TOTAL PRECIP 061 001 Kg/m^2 Accumulated convective precipitation ACM CONVCTIVE PRECIP 063 001 Kg/m^2 Accumulated grid-scale precipitation ACM GRD SCALE PRECIP 062 001 Kg/m^2 Accumulated snowfall ACM SNOWFALL 065 001 Kg/m^2 Accumulated total snow melt ACM SNOW TOTAL MELT 099 001 Kg/m^2 Precipitation type (4 types) - instantaneous INSTANT PRECIP TYPE 140 001 - Precipitation rate - instantaneous INSTANT PRECIP RATE 059 001 Kg/m^2/s Composite radar reflectivity COMPOSITE RADAR REFL 212 200 dBZ Low level cloud fraction LOW CLOUD FRACTION 073 214 % Mid level cloud fraction MID CLOUD FRACTION 074 224 % High level cloud fraction HIGH CLOUD FRACTION 075 234 % Total cloud fraction TOTAL CLD FRACTION 071 200 % Time-averaged total cloud fraction AVG TOTAL CLD FRAC 071 200 % Time-averaged stratopheric cloud fraction AVG STRAT CLD FRAC 213 200 % Time-averaged convective cloud fraction AVG CNVCT CLD FRAC 072 200 % Cloud bottom pressure CLOUD BOT PRESSURE 001 002 Pa Cloud top pressure CLOUD TOP PRESSURE 001 003 Pa Cloud bottom height CLOUD BOTTOM HEIGHT 007 002 gpm Cloud top height CLOUD TOP HEIGHT 007 003 gpm Covective cloud bottom pressure CONV CLOUD BOT PRESS 001 242 Pa Covective cloud top pressure CONV CLOUD TOP PRESS 001 243 Pa Shallow covective cloud bottom pressure SHAL CU CLD BOT PRES 001 248 Pa Shallow covective cloud top pressure SHAL CU CLD TOP PRES 001 249 Pa Deep covective cloud bottom pressure DEEP CU CLD BOT PRES 001 251 Pa Deep covective cloud top pressure DEEP CU CLD TOP PRES 001 252 Pa Grid scale cloud bottom pressure GRID CLOUD BOT PRESS 001 206 Pa Grid scale cloud top pressure GRID CLOUD TOP PRESS 001 207 Pa Convective cloud fraction CONV CLOUD FRACTION 072 200 % Convective cloud efficiency CU CLOUD EFFICIENCY 134 200 - Above-ground height of LCL LCL AGL HEIGHT 007 005 gpm Pressure of LCL LCL PRESSURE 001 005 gpm Cloud top temperature CLOUD TOP TEMPS 011 003 K Temperature tendency from radiative fluxes RADFLX CNVG TMP TNDY 216 109 K/s Temperature tendency from shortwave radiative fluxes SW RAD TEMP TNDY 250 109 K/s Temperature tendency from longwave radiative fluxes LW RAD TEMP TNDY 251 109 K/s Outgoing surface shortwave radiation - instantaneous INSTN OUT SFC SW RAD 211 001 W/m^2 Outgoing surface longwave radiation - instantaneous INSTN OUT SFC LW RAD 212 001 W/m^2 Incoming surface shortwave radiation - time-averaged AVE INCMG SFC SW RAD 204 001 W/m^2 Incoming surface longwave radiation - time-averaged AVE INCMG SFC LW RAD 205 001 W/m^2 Outgoing surface shortwave radiation - time-averaged AVE OUTGO SFC SW RAD 211 001 W/m^2 Outgoing surface longwave radiation - time-averaged AVE OUTGO SFC LW RAD 212 001 W/m^2 Outgoing model top shortwave radiation - time-averaged AVE OUTGO TOA SW RAD 211 008 W/m^2 Outgoing model top longwave radiation - time-averaged AVE OUTGO TOA LW RAD 212 008 W/m^2 Incoming surface shortwave radiation - instantaneous INSTN INC SFC SW RAD 204 001 W/m^2 Incoming surface longwave radiation - instantaneous INSTN INC SFC LW RAD 205 001 W/m^2 Roughness length ROUGHNESS LENGTH 083 001 m Friction velocity FRICTION VELOCITY 253 001 m/s Surface drag coefficient SFC DRAG COEFFICIENT 252 001 - Surface u wind stress SFC U WIND STRESS 124 001 N/m^2 Surface v wind stress SFC V WIND STRESS 125 001 N/m^2 Surface sensible heat flux - time-averaged AVE SFC SENHEAT FX 122 001 W/m^2 Ground heat flux - time-averaged AVE GROUND HEAT FX 155 001 W/m^2 Surface latent heat flux - time-averaged AVE SFC LATHEAT FX 121 001 W/m^2 Surface momentum flux - time-averaged AVE SFC MOMENTUM FX 172 001 W/m^2 Accumulated surface evaporation ACC SFC EVAPORATION 057 001 Kg/m^2 Surface sensible heat flux - instantaneous INST SFC SENHEAT FX 122 001 W/m^2 Surface latent heat flux - instantaneous INST SFC LATHEAT FX 121 001 W/m^2 Latitude LATITUDE 176 001 deg LONGITUDE LONGITUDE 177 001 deg Land sea mask (land=1, sea=0) LAND SEA MASK 081 001 - Sea ice mask SEA ICE MASK 091 001 - Surface midday albedo SFC MIDDAY ALBEDO 084 001 % Sea surface temperature SEA SFC TEMPERATURE 080 001 K Press at tropopause PRESS AT TROPOPAUSE 001 007 Pa Temperature at tropopause TEMP AT TROPOPAUSE 011 007 K Potential temperature at tropopause POTENTL TEMP AT TROP 013 007 K U wind at tropopause U WIND AT TROPOPAUSE 033 007 m/s V wind at tropopause V WIND AT TROPOPAUSE 034 007 m/s Wind shear at tropopause SHEAR AT TROPOPAUSE 136 007 /s Height at tropopause HEIGHT AT TROPOPAUSE 007 007 gpm Temperature at flight levels TEMP AT FD HEIGHTS 011 103 K U wind at flight levels U WIND AT FD HEIGHTS 033 103 m/s V wind at flight levels V WIND AT FD HEIGHTS 034 103 m/s Freezing level height (above mean sea level) HEIGHT OF FRZ LVL 007 004 gpm Freezing level RH REL HUMID AT FRZ LVL 052 004 % Highest freezing level height HIGHEST FREEZE LVL 007 204 gpm Pressure in boundary layer (30 mb mean) PRESS IN BNDRY LYR 001 116 Pa Temperature in boundary layer (30 mb mean) TEMP IN BNDRY LYR 011 116 K Potential temperature in boundary layers (30 mb mean) POT TMP IN BNDRY LYR 013 116 K Dew point temperature in boundary layer (30 mb mean) DWPT IN BNDRY LYR 017 116 K Specific humidity in boundary layer (30 mb mean) SPC HUM IN BNDRY LYR 051 116 Kg/kg RH in boundary layer (30 mb mean) REL HUM IN BNDRY LYR 052 116 % Moisture convergence in boundary layer (30 mb mean) MST CNV IN BNDRY LYR 135 116 kg/kg/s Precipitable water in boundary layer (30 mb mean) P WATER IN BNDRY LYR 054 116 Kg/m^2 U wind in boundary layer (30 mb mean) U WIND IN BNDRY LYR 033 116 m/s V wind in boundary layer (30 mb mean) V WIND IN BNDRY LYR 034 116 m/s Omega in boundary layer (30 mb mean) OMEGA IN BNDRY LYR 039 116 Pa/s Visibility VISIBILITY 020 001 m Vegetation type VEGETATION TYPE 225 001 - Soil type SOIL TYPE 224 001 - Canopy conductance CANOPY CONDUCTANCE 181 001 m/s PBL height PBL HEIGHT 221 001 m Slope type SLOPE TYPE 222 001 - Snow depth SNOW DEPTH 066 001 m Liquid soil moisture LIQUID SOIL MOISTURE 160 112 fraction Snow free albedo SNOW FREE ALBEDO 170 001 % Maximum snow albedo MAXIMUM SNOW ALBEDO 159 001 % Canopy water evaporation CANOPY WATER EVAP 200 001 W/m^2 Direct soil evaporation DIRECT SOIL EVAP 199 001 W/m^2 Plant transpiration PLANT TRANSPIRATION 210 001 W/m^2 Snow sublimation SNOW SUBLIMATION 198 001 W/m^2 Air dry soil moisture AIR DRY SOIL MOIST 231 001 fraction Soil moist porosity SOIL MOIST POROSITY 240 001 fraction Minimum stomatal resistence MIN STOMATAL RESIST 203 001 s/m Number of root layers NO OF ROOT LAYERS 171 001 - Soil moist wilting point SOIL MOIST WILT PT 219 001 fraction Soil moist reference SOIL MOIST REFERENCE 230 001 fraction Canopy conductance - solar component CANOPY COND SOLAR 246 001 fraction Canopy conductance - temperature component CANOPY COND TEMP 247 001 fraction Canopy conductance - humidity component CANOPY COND HUMID 248 001 fraction Canopy conductance - soil component CANOPY COND SOILM 249 001 fraction Potential evaporation POTENTIAL EVAP 145 001 W/m^2 Heat diffusivity on sigma surface DIFFUSION H RATE S S 182 107 m^2/s Surface wind gust SFC WIND GUST 180 001 m/s Convective precipitation rate CONV PRECIP RATE 214 001 Kg/m^2 Radar reflectivity at certain above ground heights RADAR REFL AGL 211 105 dBZ IN-FLIGHT ICING IN-FLIGHT ICING 186 100 CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE 185 100