This is a bash script, which Dr. Lifeng Luo from Michigan State University has succeffuly download the 30-year (1979-2008) NCEP/NLDAS forcing data. For model outputs, you need to change forcing into Noah/V2.7.2 for Noah model (remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/Noah/V2.7.2), Mosaic for Mosaic model (remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/Mosaic), SAC (NLDAS-2) for SAC model(remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/SAC), SAC (NLDAS-1) for SAC modeol using Noah_PE (remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/SAC_Noah_PE), VIC moddel (VIC4.0.3) using NLDAS-1 VIC version (remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/VIC/V4.0.3), and VIC model (VIC4.0.5) using NLDAS-2 version (remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/VIC/V4.0.5). Noah - NCEP Noah land surface model Mosaic - NASA Mosaic land surface model SAC - Office of Hydrologic Development of National Weather Service hydrological model (NLDAS-1 and NLDAS-2 version) VIC - Princetton University/University of Washington hydrological model (NLDAS-1 and NLDAS-2 version) The forcing and model outpts can see: Youlong Xia NOAA/NCEP/EMC September 26, 2012 #Considering using the following bash script. Make sure the # firewall setting on your local machine to allow ftp in active mode. #!/bin/bash #downloading NARR-based NLDAS2 forcing and model output from NCEP # Lifeng Luo ( set -x remote_host= remote_dir=/pub/raid0/nldas/forcing for year in `seq 1979 2009` do mkdir -p $year cd $year for month in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 do wget -c --no-passive-ftp $remote_host$remote_dir/$year/$year$month.tar.gz done cd .. done