Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Log

North American WRF-NMM run with
  1. cycled data assimilation using Grid-point Statistical Interpolation (GSI) analysis, used NMM-based background error covariances
  2. version 2.1 of WRF-NMM (8/26/2005 repository version)
  3. fully cycled land-states using G. Gayno's surface update codes; SST, snow, sea ice updated at the start of each 00z assimiltion cycle
  4. NMM terrain and roughness length from G. Gayno utilities.

Integration domain covers about 1/2 of the ops NAM 12 km domain.

Parallel Slot
Control Slot
Operational NAM-12
Start date of parallel experiment
12Z 2005/08/30
End date of parallel experiment
00Z 2005/11/04
Experiment changes log
Background links
Evaluation of parallel results
Daily forecast maps
Daily forecast stats
NAMX Verification of precipitation and against rawinsondes / surface data (9/7/05-9/19/05)
NAMX Verification of precipitation and against rawinsondes / surface data (10/3/05-10/23/05)

Mesoscale Parallel Home Page
