CONUS 3KM FV3-SAR with physics/dynamics changes

CONUS 3KM FV3-SAR with physics/dynamics changes
Parallel Slot
Control Slot
FV3SAR 3 km Control run
Start date of parallel experiment
00Z 2019/06/18
End date of parallel experiment
Experiment changes log
Experiment FV3 model namelist
Background links
Evaluation of parallel results

Model Graphics

Forecast maps vs FV3SAR and FV3NEST 3 KM RUNS

Verification Pages

Cumulative QPF Verification Scores for the last 30 days

FV3 Regional Parallels vs 3km NAM CONUS nest and FV3GFS: 24-h ETS/bias, 3/6/24-h fractional skill scores
30-day Verification Scorecards : FV3SAR, FV3NEST, NAM CONUS nest, HRRR

Mesoscale Parallel Home Page
