Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Change Log

Experiment Name:  North American NEMS/NMMB test

When Who What
2013/06/15/00 Wu
  • Turned off raob level enhancement in GSI analysis
  • 2013/05/28/18 Ferrier, Janjic, Rogers
  • Changed GWD parameter dpmin (height in cb of lower reference level) from 5 to 0 (equivalent to the first model level above ground or the PBL height, whichever is higher)
  • Bug fix in gravity wave drag: the critical pressure level (RLOLEV), which has been set to 500 in the model configure file, should be in centibars, so it has been changed to 50.
  • 2013/04/30/12 Carley, Wu, Rogers
  • Discovered that the GSI analysis for both NAM parallels on Zeus were reading in ozone observations; since the analysis has is now reading in the GFS ozone field and has the switch use_gfs_ozone=true, the analysis was trying to analyse the ozone data using the GFS field as a background. This led to converegence issues and degredation of the analysis. The fix is to remove the copy of the ozone observations into the analysis job.
  • Restarted cycled land states and satellite bias corrections from NDASX
  • 2013/04/24/00 Ferrier, Tassone
  • Change the elevated critical threshold for the onset of condensation (RHgrd) to be 0.98
  • Change in radiation to allow for lower thresholds of nonzero cloud fractions, which allow for cloud fractions as small as 0.1%.
  • Increase z0clim roughness length values for these IGBP vegetation types:
    1. Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
    2. Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
    3. Mixed Forests
    4. Croplands
    5. Cropland/natural vegetation mosaic
  • 2013/03/26/12 Rogers
  • CONUS nest (CONUSNESTZ) turned off as of this cycle
  • 2013/03/24/00 Rogers
  • Began running a parallel NAM control run on Zeus (NAMZC) with the same model and analysis changes as NAMX. See the parallel NAMX change log for all changes made to the parent NAM parallel run prior to 3/24/2013. NAMZC will be the control run for NAMZ and any other parallels on Zeus.
  • 2013/03/04/12 Rogers
  • Turned back on the ingest of the global model ozone field in the GSI analysis
  • Turned back on the digital filter in NDAS/NAM forecast
  • Restarted cycled land states and satellite bias corrections from NDASX
  • 2013/03/01/12 Rogers
  • Temporarily turned off ingest of the GDAS ozone field in the GSI analysis
  • Temporarily turned off digital filter in NDAS/NAM forecast
  • Restarted cycled land states and satellite bias corrections from NDASX
  • 2013/02/27/18 Wu
  • Begun ingest of the GDAS ozone field in the GSI analysis for radiance assimilation enhancement
  • 2013/02/20/12 Rogers
  • The fres parameter in the BMJ convection for the parent domain is set back to 0.75
  • Turned on digital filter with a +/- 20 minute filter window
  • 2013/02/15/18 Wu
  • Changes to the GSI aanlysis
    1. Turn on variational QC scheme in GSI code
    2. Assimilate Meteosat 10 wind subtypes with different data thinning
  • 2013/02/01/00 Y. Wu, Ek
  • Bug fixed in the setup of soil parameters in the Bulk Urban Parameterization in Noah LSM to avoid too high LH fluxes and 2-m dewpoints in urban areas, done by setting SMCDRY=0.4
  • 2013/01/30/00 Ferrier
  • Change to the microphysics:
    1. Decreased NLImax (the maximum number of large ice particles) from 20.e3 (20 per liter) to 10.e3 (20 per liter).
  • 2012/12/11/00 Wu
  • Turn on use of GOES-15 radiances in the GSI analysis
  • All parallel NDAS cycles restarted with satellite bias correction files spun up with GOES-15 information
  • 2012/12/05/00 Wu
  • GSI analysis running in NAMX/NAMB on the CCS upgraded to the same version (r20439) that is running in NAMZ on Zeus
  • Restarted NDASZ with NDASX land states and satellite bias corrections.
  • 2012/11/29/18 Wu
  • Begin use of new VAD winds in GSI analysis
  • Restarted NDAS with NDASX land states and satellite bias corrections
  • 2012/11/22/00 Janjic, Wu
  • Reduce resolution factor for DSP's ("fres') in the BMJ convection from 0.75 to 0.65
  • Restarted NDAS with NDASX land states and satellite bias corrections
  • 2012/11/08/12 Ferrier, Wu
  • Use of GPS bending angle observations put into NAMB and NAMX parallels
  • Added subroutine CLTEND from the WRF NMM to the NMMB solver code so that temperature changes from moist cloud processes (convection, grid-scale microphysics) are incrementally applied at each dynamics time step.
  • 2012/10/04/18 Wu, Janjic, Rogers
  • GSI analysis changes : use GPS bending angle observations
    1. Replace refractivity with bending angle from satellites GRACE A, COSMIC 1-6, METOP A
    2. Turn on bending angle obs from TSX, SAC-C, C/NOFS
    3. Set cut off height to 30 km (12mb)
  • Revert back to using operational version of surface layer stability functions
  • Restarted NDAS with NDASX land states and satellite bias corrections
  • 2012/09/27/18 Ferrier, H-M. Lin, Hou
  • Added an extra layer above the top of the model domain within the internal RRTM radiation driver for the NMMB (grrad_nmmb.f) to account for the radiative effects of ozone and other trace gases (CO2, N2O, CH4, O2, CO, and various CFCs) from the model top to the top of the atmosphere. A fixed profile with height is assumed for the trace gases.
  • 2012/09/25/00 Janjic
  • Revert back to using QNSE surface layer stability functions
  • 2012/09/14/00 Ferrier
  • Restored aerosol impact in RRTM radiation
  • 2012/09/08/06 Yanqiu Zhu, Rogers
  • Fixed an error in the NDAS GSI script: global-based berror and avaninfo files were used in all NDAS analyses, instead of just in the tm12 analysis, the only one which uses the GDAS for a first guess.
  • Revert back to operational surface layer stability functions
  • NDASZ cycle restarted from NDASX on CCS
  • 2012/09/05/12 Ferrier, Janjic, Wu, Rogers
  • NAMZ changed to run all changes in NAMX as of this date plus the following:
    1. Changes to the BMJ convective scheme
      1. An error in the LCL layer in the triggering part of the code was fixed
      2. CAPE is checked instead of entropy in the triggering part of the code
      3. Redundant constant definitions through argument list and use are removed
      4. Weak momentum transport by shallow convection
      5. Combination of old and new shallow convection
    2. QNSE surface layer stability functions
    3. Uses 6-h old GFS for lateral boundary conditions as ops NAM and NAM parallels on CCS
    4. Newer version of GSI analysis code (compared to one used in NAMB/X on the CCS)
    5. NDASZ cycle restarted from NDASX on CCS
  • NAMZ now consists of a parent 12-km domain and a 4 km CONUS nest running all changes
  • 2012/06/18/12 (approximate) Rogers, Vasic, Wu
  • First run of NAMZ parallel on Zeus, running operational NAM codes except using current (rather than 6-h old) GFS run for lateral boundary conditions