Mesoscale Parallel Experiment Change Log

Experiment Name:  North American WRF-NMM with various physics and/or analysis changes

When Who What
2009/10/09/12 Rogers
  • 84-h 00z/12z WRF-NMM forecast turned off; NDAS will still run until implementation
  • 2009/09/04/18 Ferrier, W. Wang, Rogers
  • Restored the 7/22 microphysics change : enforce a minimum number concentration for large ice particles (1 per liter) at all temperatures, rather than not enforcing it at >0C in the operational code where a fixed mean diameter is assumed.
  • 2009/08/14/18 Rogers
  • Due to degraded upper tropospheric height/temperature skill scores, the 7/2/2009 and 7/22/2009 microphysics changes were pulled temporarily
  • 2009/07/22/12 Ferrier
  • Bug fix in the cloud microphyiscs : enforce a minimum number concentration for large ice particles (1 per liter) at all temperatures, rather than not enforcing it at >0C in the operational code where a fixed mean diameter is assumed.
  • 2009/07/15/00 Ferrier, W. Wang
  • When initiating ice in water saturated conditions, growth rates are calculated by combining the number concentrations of ice initiation from eq. (2.4) of Meyers et al. (JAM, 1992) with estimated mass growth rates of ice crystals using the calculations of Miller and Young (JAS, 1979). The Miller-Young calculations were in cgs units (g per unit time), so the values in the model need to be multiplied by 1e.-3 to convert to mks units (kg per unit time) in subroutine MY_GROWTH_RATES.
  • 2009/07/02/00 Ferrier
  • Bug in the cloud microphysics : a dummy variable representing the mean mass of large ice particles (snow) was instead the first-guess mean diameter of the ice particles. The bug occurs only when the the first-guess number concentrations of large ice particles are outside of a predefined range between NLImin and NLImax.
  • 2009/04/14/00 Ferrier, W. Wang
  • The assumed fraction of large, precipitating ice particles to the total number concentration of ice particles (FLARGE2) is reduced from 0.2 to 0.03, which acts to increase the number of small, nonprecipitating ice particles. Sensitivity experiments (here) showed that this change reduced NAM forecast brightness temperatures, bringing it closer in agreement with GOES water vapor channel 3 observations. Further testing showed that this change improved upper-level relative humidities (e.g.,36h) without degrading other forecast fields (rest of the verification is here).
  • Cycled NDAS land-states and long-term precipitation budget were restarted from the ops NDAS on cirrus.
  • 2009/03/12/18 Rogers, X. Wang
  • Cycled NDAS land-states, satellite bias corrections, and long-term precipitation budget restarted from ops NDAS on mist for both this parallel and the operational NDAS on cirrus.
  • 2009/03/05/18 Black
  • Bug fix in subroutine TURBL in module_PHYSICS_CALLS.F : change to declare and define CAPA (R/Cp)
  • 2009/02/25/00 Yang, Treadon, Rogers
  • The crisis RFC turning off assimilation of METOP AMSU-A channel 7 data, implemeted into operations on mist on 15 January 2009, was not implemented in the operational NDAS/NAM run on cirrus until this cycle. As of this date both the operational and parallel NDAS on cirrus were restarted from the operational NDAS land-states and satellite bias correction files on mist.
  • 2009/02/24/00 Ferrier
  • Removed the addition of rain water mixing ratio to the input cloud water mixing ratio array used by the GFDL radiation code. This change should make the clouds less opaque to SW and LW radiation at grid points where rain is falling in the column.
  • 2009/02/10/00 Janjic
  • Fixed a bug in the horizontal advection of W and height in the non-hydrostatic module; missing factor of 2 added.