April 13, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (February 17, 2000 Version -- DATACARD UPDATE # 11.1 - NETWORKS: AFOSPLT, AVN, CDAS, ETA, FNL, RUC) Implemented 12Z 13 April 2004: AFOSPLT, AVN, CDAS, ETA, FNL only: Exclude E-ADAS aircraft from processing now that they are included in the "AIRCFT" dump file (not included in the RUC network dump). [Namelist switch SUBSKP(004,006) set to TRUE.] AVN, CDAS, FNL only: Exclude mobile SYNOPs from processing now that they are included in the "ADPSFC" dump file (not included in the ETA network dump; also "ADPSFC" not dumped in the AFOSPLT or RUC networks). [Namelist switch SUBSKP(000,002) set to TRUE.] AVN, ETA, FNL, RUC only: Exclude CAP profiler winds from processing now that they are included in the "PROFLR" dump file (CDAS network does not process any reports from this dump and "PROFLR" not dumped in the AFOSPLT network). [Namelist switch SUBSKP(002,011) set to TRUE.] AVN, FNL only: Exclude Japanese profiler winds from processing now that they are included in the "PROFLR" dump file (not included in the ETA and RUC network dumps; also CDAS network does not process any reports from this dump and "PROFLR" not dumped in the AFOSPLT network) . [Namelist switch SUBSKP (002,013) set to TRUE.] ETA only: Since GOES 1x1 cloud-top retrievals are no longer included in the GOESND dump file they are switched off from processing (they are still included in the dump file in the RUC network, they have never been included in the dump file in the AVN and FNL networks; also CDAS network does not process any reports from this dump and "GOESND" not dumped in the AFOSPLT network). [Namelist switch GOESCT(2) changed from TRUE to FALSE.]