August 21, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- NP22 Subject: Changes to IBM-SP Data Preprocessor (PREPDATA) (February 17, 2000 Version -- UPDATE # 6) The February 17, 2000 data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the sixth time. UPDATE #6 was implemented on the IBM-SP machine at 12Z on August 21, 2001. Except where noted, the changes below affect all five versions: ETA, AVN, FNL, RUC and CDAS. **************** I B M - S P U P D A T E # 6 *************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) CDAS only: Namelist switch IRNMRK is now set to 7 for CDAS-Reanalysis/SSI runs (prior to this it had been lumped together with FNL-GDAS/SSI runs as 5). [MAIN, CDAS DATACARDS] 2) The standard output "Welcome" now prints the particular run type rather than the generic print of all run types, as before. [MAIN] 3) Namelist switch IWINDO was dissolved and two new switches (with the same array sizes) were created called IWINDO_e (holding the time window for the earliest satellite sounding/retrieval/ radiance reports) and IWINDO_l (holding the time window for the latest reports). In both cases, a "-" time means before cycle time and a "+" time means after cycle time. This allows the time window to be asymmetric about the cycle time (see III.A.1 and III.A.2). [MAIN, SATEDS, SNDTBL, SATBFR, GOESDG, GOESCHK, DATACARDS] 4) The BUFR mnemonic table was modified to correct some errors in the description of some data types. This change has no effect on the structure of the PREPBUFR file. [BUFRTABLE] 5) Subroutine W3ATOVSUNP modified as follows: a) Checks value of argument IERR on input. If it is not equal to 1 (meaning most likely 0), the assumption is made that the input BUFR file is from a data dump (as before). If it is equal to 1, the assumption is made that the input BUFR file is from a tank on /dcom. In the case of the latter, no attempt is made to obtain a center time or dump time in messages 1 and 2 since they do not exist, and there is a 250 line limit on diagnostic warning prints about reports failing a surface pressure d-val check and reports with one or more missing temperatures in their profile (both of which are tossed). b) Now closes the input BUFR file after all reports are processed (via call to BUFRLIB routine CLOSBF). c) Upon each entry into subroutine, it checks to see if the input BUFR file is closed. If this is the case, the subroutine processes this entry as if it were the first entry into the subroutine. This allows a single program to read through and process the same input BUFR file more than once or to read through and process several different input BUFR files. II. OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO GOES SFOV CLOUD TOP DATA PROCESSING 1) Subroutine W3UNPKB7 now tallies separately a count of all reports read from the "goesnd" dumnp file with a missing field- of-view value (e.g., the SFOV cloud top reports). Prior to this, the count of reports with missing f-o-v was incorrectly included with the count of reports with f-o-v of 10 to 25. [W3UNPKB7] III. NON-OPERATIONAL CHANGES SPECIFIC TO A DATA TYPE A. CHANGES TO GOES SFOV CLOUD TOP DATA PROCESSING 1) ETA only: The time window for processing GOES-08 and GOES-10 cloud top reports was changed from +/- 3 hours about cycle time (effectively -3 to -0.01 hours since the dump window for these data was set to this) to -3.25 to -0.25 hours about cycle time for GOES-08 and -3.00 to -0.01 hours about cycle time for GOES-10 [possible now with new switches IWINDO_e and IWINDO_l (see I.3)] (the dump window for both satellites is now -3.25 to - 0.01 hours). This was done so that all of the cloud top data from a particular satellite would be from the same retrieval time sets. These data are written into the PREPBUFR files but are not yet used by the Eta model. [DATACARDS] 2) ETA only: Restored the processing of GOES SFOV cloud top data into the PREPBUFR files (Namelist switch GOESCT(2) changed from FALSE to TRUE.) (The BUFRLIB has been modified to increase the array size for MAXMEM from 8 MB to 16 MB.) [DATACARDS] 3) RUC only: The time window for processing GOES-08 and GOES-10 cloud top reports was changed from +/- 1 hour about cycle time (effectively -1 to +0.43 hours since the dump cutoff time is T+0:26) to -1.25 to -0.25 hours about cycle time for GOES-08 and -1.00 to -0.01 hours about cycle time for GOES-10 [possible now with new switches IWINDO_e and IWINDO_l (see I.3)] (the dump window for both satellites is now -1.25 to -0.01 hours). This was done so that all of the cloud top data from a particular satellite would be from the same retrieval time set. These data are written into the PREPBUFR files but are not yet used by the RUC. [DATACARDS] B. CHANGES TO ATOVS 40-LEVEL SOUNDING DATA PROCESSING 1) In response to change to subroutine W3ATOVSUNP (see I.5.a), now passes the value IER=0 into this subroutine upon first call. [MAIN, SATBFR]