November 6, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NP22 Subject: Changes to OI/SSI-Data Preprocessor (May 1, 1997 Version -- UPDATE # 6) The May 1, 1997 version of the data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for a sixth time. UPDATE #6 was implemented on 1200 UTC 24 September 1997. All changes now affect only OBUFR = TRUE switch. Except where noted, the changes below affect both the GLOBAL and RGL/ETA models. PREPDATA now exclusively uses JBUFR file input. ********************* U P D A T E # 6 *********************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) Removed call to subroutine ERRSET, as this is no longer needed on the Cray. 2) Copied W3LIB routine W3FS22 in-line into source code (as is). This is in an attempt to correct the occasional problem of data clobbering that always occurs in this subroutine. 3) Namelist switch MSGPSF has been redefined (see III.B.1 and III.B.2 below). II. OPERATIONAL CHANGES A. CHANGES IN THE PROCESSING OF GOES RETRIEVAL DATA 1) The namelist switch GOESPW has been set to TRUE in the EDAS/RDAS, ERL-ETA, and RGL versions of PREPDATA (these all share a common data card). With this change, the EDAS/RDAS and ERL-ETA network PREPBUFR files will now contain GOES precipitable water retrievals. Only the EDAS-OI and ERL ETA-OI will actually assimilate these data, since the RDASFERR program will filter them out in the RDAS-OI runs. Also, although the RGL network PREPDATA cards also set GOESPW=TRUE, the RGL data dumps do not include GOES sounding data, so no GOES sounding data will appear in the RGL PREPBUFR files. III. NON-OPERATIONAL (BUT-SOON-TO-BE) CHANGES A. CHANGES IN THE PROCESSING OF GOES RADIANCE DATA 1) Ancillary data are now processed along with the GOES radiances. These additional data are necessary for proper assimilation of the radiance information in the GBL-SSI. W3LIB subroutine W3UNPK77 was modified to return skin temperature, cloud amount, solar zenith angle and satellite zenith angle. They are stored into unpacked Category 8 code figures 255, 258, 260 and 261, respectively. These are in turn are now processsed by PREPDATA and stored in COMMON until they are eventually encoded into the PREPBUFR file along with the GOES radiances, if the radiances have been selected for processing. The prep.bufrtable has been updated to add the following mnemonics: 'ELEV' (satellite elevation angle) and 'CLAM' (cloud amount). The other types, while new to GOES radiance processing, had already existed for TOVS radiance processing. B. CHANGES IN THE PROCESSING OF SURFACE LAND DATA 1. When the namelist switch MSGPSF=TRUE, and the report is a land surface report within the old LFM domain (if thinning turned on, otherwise no retriction to location), then the reported altimeter setting is now read from unpacked ON124 Category 8, code figure 20 and stored in COMMON. Eventually it is encoded into the PREPBUFR file via the new prep.bufrtable mnemonic 'ALSE'. 2. When the namelist switch MSGPSF=TRUE, and the report is a land surface report within the old LFM domain (if thinning turned on, otherwise no retriction to location), then if BOTH station pressure and mean sea-level pressure are missing AND if the altimeter setting is non-missing, the sea-level pressure (PMO) is encoded in PREPBUFR with the value for the altimeter setting, and the station pressure (POB) encoded in PREPBUFR is calculated via the standard T,Z function based on the altimeter setting and the sea-level pressure. In this case, the report type is set to 183/284, the pressure quality marker is set to suspect, and characters 6-7 of the station id are set to '$A'. If the altimeter is missing, then processing is as before except characters 6-7 of the station id are set to '$S'.