November 6, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NP22 Subject: Changes to OI/SSI-Data Preprocessor (May 1, 1997 Version -- UPDATE # 5) The May 1, 1997 version of the data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for a fifth time. UPDATE #5 was implemented on 1200 UTC 10 September 1997. All changes now affect only OBUFR = TRUE switch. Except where noted, the changes below affect both the GLOBAL and RGL/ETA models. PREPDATA now exclusively uses JBUFR file input. ********************* U P D A T E # 5 *********************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) This program was compiled to link in the updated BUFRLIB library. The BUFRLIB was recompiled without the degugging option (-ez) turned on. This should speed up computation time. II. NON-OPERATIONAL (BUT SOON-TO-BE) CHANGES A. CHANGES IN THE PROCESSING OF GOES SOUNDING DATA 1) Corrects for situation when calculated top layer precipitable water (TOTAL minus sum of bottom 3 layers) is negative. This occurs in two ways: - lots of retreivals with small negative (magnitude 0.1 mm) top layer precipitable water occur due to round-off error in the JBUFR file storage - these are set to zero (actually any where magnitude is less than 1.0 mm) - occasionally a top layer with a large negative (magnitude greater than 1.0 mm) precipitable water is observed (reasons unknown) - these retrievals are tossed