February 20, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Record FROM: Dennis A. Keyser -- W/NMC22 Subject: Changes to OI/SSI-Data Preprocessor (July 12, 1995 Version -- UPDATE # 3) The July 12, 1995 version of the data preprocessor program (PREPDATA) was updated for the third time. UPDATE #3 was implemented on 1200 UTC 20 February 1996 on the CRAY (GLOBAL, ETA versions). All changes now affect only OBUFR = TRUE switch. Except where noted, the changes below affect both the GLOBAL and ETA models. ********************* U P D A T E # 3 *********************** I. GENERAL CHANGES 1) Namelist switches JSMASS and JSWIND now have more possible values associated with them, other than only 0 or 9999 as before. This allows certain combinations of satellite wind producers/products and even certain GOES-EVEN and GOES-ODD satellite numbers to be processed but flagged for non-use by the analyses. 2) Program now recognizes that the suffix character of the GOES satellite wind station id differs for every other odd ('A' or 'C') or even (`B' or `D') satellite number. II. SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL CHANGES A. CHANGES TO ACARS AIRCRAFT PROCESSING 1) ETA: The namelist switch IACARL has been changed from 2296 to 0 in order to allow ACARS reports below 7500 feet to now be passed on and used by the analyses. B. CHANGES TO UPPER-AIR DATA PROCESSING 1) ETA: The original tests used in the old REGIONAL PREPDA for the processing of ON29 category 4 levels and for the processing of ON29 category 3 winds on levels above the last non- missing height and temperature level are again used for the REGIONAL BUFR/PREPDA output. This temporary fix will allow the REGIONAL BUFR/PREPDA data to appear more like that in the old REGIONAL PREPDA output. The latter format is what is expected by the ETA FERR and OI-analysis codes.