Snow in the GFS, NAM, and the NAM AK/CONUS nests is updated once per day using snow cover from the National Ice Center's Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) and snow depth from the Air Force Weather Agency's SNODEP analysis model. The IMS product is a snow cover analysis (yes/no flag) at 4 km resolution. It is northern hemisphere only and produced once per day at 22Z. The AFWA product is a global physical snow depth analysis at 23 km. It is produced daily (around 15Z). The GFS snow is updated at the 00Z cycle. The NAM and its nests at the T-minus 6-hour point of the 06Z cycle. The process is: 1) Create a snow depth analysis on the model physics grid: Interpolate the IMS and AFWA data to the model grid using a "budget" interpolation method. In the northern hemisphere, if the IMS indicates snow cover, then the depth is set to 5 cm or the AFWA depth, whichever is greater. Otherwise, the depth is set to zero. In the southern hemisphere the depth is set to the AFWA depth. This analysis is called the "external" analysis. 2) The model first-guess depth is then nudged to the external analysis created in step (1). If the model depth is greater than twice the external analysis depth, the model depth is reduced to twice the external depth. If the model depth is less than one-half the external analysis depth, then the model depth is increated to one-half the external depth. Otherwise the model snow depth is not adjusted. Two points about this update: (1) The model snow is not adjusted unless it deviates greatly from the external analysis (because we believe the model's snow pack evolution has skill). (2) In the NH, the model coverage will always match the IMS (we believe the IMS accurately depicts snow/no-snow areas). 3) GFS ONLY: Areas indicated as "permanant land ice/snow" according to the model's vegetation type (like Greenland and Antarctica), are given a depth of a least 1 meter. 4) Liquid equivalent is set according to a 10:1 ratio in GFS and a 5:1 ratio in NAM. Between update times the models cycle the snow pack (i.e., it is accumulated and melted thru the model's physical processes).