
Jan 21
NCEP requests two flights to be flown around 012300, track numbers 1 and 45. These will be the first targeted flights this season over the Pacific.
Dropsonde data collected along track #1 are to imporve forecast around 012400, around 60N 150W (heavy precip event).
Dropsonde data collected along tracks #1 and #45 are to imporve forecast around 012600, around 30N 90W (possible heavy precip), and for a possible east coast storm following

OUTLOOK: A flight with the G-lV is possible around 012400 (#20 or similar track). No flight with the C-130 that day.

       Reconnaisance Flights
       Thu, 13 Jan 2000 08:47:30 -0500
       Stephen Flood <>


Jan 22
FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 012400:    No flight is requested
OUTLOOK FOR 012500:    Possible flight with C130, possibly track #46. Probably no flight with G-lV.
OUTLOOK FOR 012600:    Possible flight with G-lV, track #23

COMMENTS:    Most sensitive area for possible east coast storm around 012700 is over land (Alaska). C-130 is not available for use to cover secondary sensitive area.

Jan 23

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 012500:    A flight  with C-130  from Portland to
Honolulu with a turning point at 30N 132.5W, sounds should be dropped
about every 30 minutes  with the first sound dropped once the aircraft
is offshore

OUTLOOK FOR 012600:    Possible flight with G-IV, possibly track #23.

COMMENTS:   The flight with C-130 will target the  most sensitive area
for possible east coast storm around 012700/12, at 37.5N, 75W.

Istvan Szunyogh

Jan 24

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 012600:    NCEP requests a flight with the G-lV out of Anchorage, track #23. No flight with the C130.

OUTLOOK FOR 012700:    A flight with the G-lV is possible, but not likely. Currently we do not plan on using the C130 on this day.

COMMENTS:    The flight around 012600 will provide data to improve forecasts for heavy precipitation events over Alaska, around 012700, 60N 150W, and 012800, 60N 145W


Jan 25

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 012700:    No flight is requested.

OUTLOOK FOR 012800:    A flight with both the G-lV (track # 19 or 20) and the C130 (track # 37 or 45) is probable.

COMMENTS:    None.

Jan 26

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 012800:    NCEP requests a flight with both the G-lV (track #20) and the C130 (track #45).

OUTLOOK FOR 012900:    Possible flight with the G-lV (track #20 or 21)

OUTLOOK FOR 013000:    Possible flight with C130 (track #37)

COMMENTS:    The 012800 flights collect data for imporving the weather forecast for a possible east coast snow storm (013112, 37N   , 75W) and for a west coast precipitation event (013000, 50N, 125W). The data will also have an impact  on the precurser of the east coast storm (013000, 32N, 82W).

Jan 27

REQUEST OF CHANGE FOR 012800: NCEP requests to change the flight track
for G-IV from #20 to #17

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 012900:  No flight is requested.

OUTLOOK FOR 013000: Possible flight with C130 (track #37)

COMMENTS:  Flight track #17  provides a better coverage than #20 of the
most sensitive area for the west coast precipitation event (013112
45N/125W), while the two tracks provide equally good coverage for the
possible east-coast snow storm (013100/12, 38N /77W).

Istvan Szunyogh

Jan 28

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 013000: NCEP requests flights with both airplane. The
flight track for the G-IV is #21 and the flight track for the C-130  is

OUTLOOK FOR 013100: If the flights for 01300 will be cancelled a possible
flight with the C-130 (track #36)

COMMENTS: The flights will cover the most sensitive area for the possible
west coast precipitation event (snow in the mountains of northern CA;
020100, 45N, 125W). NCEP may cancel the two flights for 01300 if HPC
downgrdaes the high priority of the event tomorrow morning.

Istvan Szunyogh

Addendum, Jan 29: The flights around 013000 would also provide data for the precurser of a possible east coast storm around 32N, 90W around 020300.

Jan 29

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 013100:       No flight is requested. We request, if possible, that the C130 plane, on its direct route from San Fransisco to Honolulu (take-off around 01302000), release dropsonde data approximately every 30 mins east of 145W, and every 60 mins west of 145W.

OUTLOOK FOR 020100:    No flight is likely with the G-lV. We request that if possible the C130 plane that flies from Honolulu to San Fransisco (take-off around 01311900) carries out a mission, by flying through the following two waypoints:
40N    155W
45N    135W
San Fransisco
Dropsondes should be released approximately every 30 minutes.

COMMENTS:    The dropsondes released around 013100 should have some impact on the forecast precipitation event verifying around 020100, around 40N, 112W, thought the flight follows a direct track from SF to Honolulu and therefore the dropsonde locations are not optimal. The possible mission around 020100 would target sensitive areas for a west coast heavy precipitation event (moderate priority), verifying around 020200, around 45N, 125W, and for a possible east coast winter storm (high priority), around 020400, around 32N 87W.

Jan 30

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020100:    No flight is requested  with the G-lV. We
request that if possible the C130 plane that flies from Honolulu to San
Fransisco (take-off around 01311900) carries out a mission, by flying
through the following two waypoints:


40N    155W
45N    135W
San Fransisco

Dropsondes should be released approximately every 30 minutes.

OUTLOOK FOR 020200: Possible flight with the G-IV (track #23 or #24)

COMMENTS:   The  mission around 020100  targets sensitive areas for a
west coast heavy precipitation event (moderate priority), verifying
around 020200, around 45N, 125W, and for a possible east coast winter
storm (high priority), around 020400, around 32N 87W.

Istvan Szunyogh

Jan 31

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020200:    NCEP requests that a C130 scheduled to fly from San Fransisco to Honolulu around 020200 carry out a mission, flying through the following waypoint:
San Fransisco
42.5N    135W
Sondes should be released approximately every 30 mins.
No flight with the G-lV

No flight is expected with either plane.

COMMENTS:    The flight around 020200 is in support of a northern plane winter storm event around 020412, around 42N, 102W. It will also provide initial data for a precipitation event around Florida, 27N, 80W, around 020412.

Febr 1

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020300:    No flight is requested.

OUTLOOK FOR 020400:    Possible flight with the C130, no flight is likely with the G-lV.

COMMENTS:    There is no major weather system in the forecasts today.

Febr 2

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020400:    We request a flight with the C130 around 020400, track number 37.

OUTLOOK FOR 020500:    No flight is planned with either the G-lV or C130.

COMMENTS:    The flight around 020400 is to collect data to support the forecast of a precipitation event around 020512, 37N 125W, and 020600, 37N, 122W.

Febr 3

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020500:    No flight is requested.

OUTLOOK FOR 020600:    Possible flight with the C130 (track number 37 or similar); no flight is likely with the G-lV.

COMMENTS:    No major weather system is in sight.

NOTE:    The C130 flight centered around 020400 had to be canceled due to mechanical problems.

Febr 4

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020600:    No flight is requested with either plane.

OUTLOOK FOR 020700:    Possible flight with the G-lV (track number 23 or 15).

COMMENTS:    None.

NOTE:    The c130 plane, due to mechanical problems, will not be available until 020800 (or later).

Febr 5

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020700:    No flight is requested.

OUTLOOK FOR 020800:    Possible flight with C130, track  # 37 or 46.

COMMENTS:   No flight is likely with the G-lV before 020900.

NOTE:    The c130 plane, due to mechanical problems, will not be available until 020800 (or later).

Febr 6

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020800: No flight is requested.

OUTLOOK FOR 020900: Possible flight track with C130 (track # 37) and
G-IV (track # 20 or 21)

Istvan Szunyogh

Febr 7

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 020900:    NCEP requests a flight with the G-lV, track # 20. This is the last mission with the G-lV this season.

OUTLOOK FOR 021000:      No airplane is available.

OUTLOOK FOR 021100:   We consider flying with the C130,  #37 (or similar) track.

COMMENTS:   The 020900 flight is designed to reduce uncertainty of a fast moving storm, and a possible follow up wave across the eastern US: around 021112, 40N, 95W, and 45N, 75W; 021212, 45N, 75W. This is a high priority case. The position of the low(s) is, however, very uncertain and the data can have a large impact over the eastern US between 021100 through 021300.

NOTE:    The C130 will not be available until 021100. NCEP requested that, if possible, the USAF extend their WSR2000 mission a couple of days beyond the original plans (which had 021200 as the last possible flight day).

Febr 8

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 021000:    No plane is available.

OUTLOOK FOR 021100:      We expect a flight with the C130, #36 or similar track

OUTLOOK FOR 021200:   No flight is possible if 021100 flight takes place

OUTLOOK FOR 021300:    Possible mission with the C130 in case the plane would be available


NOTE:    The C130 will not be available until 021100. NCEP requested that, if possible, the USAF extend their WSR2000 mission a couple of days beyond the original plans (which had 021200 as the last possible flight day).

Febr 9

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 021100:    NCEP requests a flight with the C130, track # 37

OUTLOOK FOR 021200:     If the 021100 flight takes place, no flight is feasible. If the 021100 flight is canceled, we may want to fly around 021200.

OUTLOOK FOR 021300:   We request, if possible, a flight with the C130, probably track # 37 or 46.

OUTLOOK FOR 021400:    No flight is possible.

OUTLOOK FOR 021500:    We request, if possible, the C130 carries out a mission on its way to the west coast.

COMMENTS:   The flight around 021100 is to collect data to improve forecasts for a precipitation event around 021200, 37N, 122W; and for an east coast storm, around 021300, 40N, 80W.
The flight around 021300 would collect data to improve forecasts for heavy precipitation events along the west coast, 021400-021500, 37N, 122W; and for a possible east coast winter storm around 021512, 37N, 75W.
The flight around 021500 would collect data to improve  forecasts for heavy precipitation events along the west coast.

NOTE:     No more flight with the G-lV.

Febr 10

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 021200:    No flight is possible.

OUTLOOK FOR 021300:     We request a fligth with the C130, track # 37.

OUTLOOK FOR 021400:   We request that the C130 carry out an operational mission on their way to the west coast.  Turning points for this flight will be provided tomorrow.

COMMENTS:     The flight around 021300 will collect data to improve forecasts for heavy precipitation events along the west coast around 021412, 37N, 122W; and a possible east coast storm around 021500, 37N, 80W, and its follow up developments.

NOTE:   The flight around 021400 will be the last mission of the WSR2000 program.

Febr 11

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 021300:    NCEP requests a flight with the C130, track # 37.

OUTLOOK FOR 021400:     We request that a mission be carried out with the planned flight to the west coast. Provisional turning points:
40N    158W
San Fransisco

COMMENTS:     The flight around 021300 will collect data to improve forecasts for heavy precipitation events along the west coast around 021412, 37N, 122W; and an east coast storm around 021500, 40N, 75W, and its follow up developments.

NOTE:   The flight around 021400 will be the last mission of the WSR2000 program.

Febr 12

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 021400:    We request that a mission be carried out with the planned flight to the west coast. Turning points:
40N    158W
San Fransisco

COMMENTS:     The flight  will collect data to improve forecasts for heavy precipitation events along the west coast around 021500, 40N, 122W. The collected data are also expected to have some impact on the forecast of  a  northern plain precipitation event, around 021600, 45N, 87W; and a possible New England storm, around 021700, 42N, 75W.

NOTE:   The flight around 021400 is the last mission of the WSR2000 program.

Febr 13

NOTE:    The flight plan around 021400 was changed to track #37 due to the USAF's decision to extend their stay with two more days.

Febr 14

FLIGHT REQUEST FOR 021600:    NCEP requests that a mission be carried out with the flight to the west coast, with the following turning points:
37N    158W
34N    133W    Control point, control time is 02160130, expiration time is 02160730
If this track is too long, please move the first turning point south along 158W, as much as necessary. Please start releasing sondes approximately every 30 mins once the plane is north of 30N.

Since the above track was too long, the USAF modified it and the following track will be flown:
35N    153W
34N    133W

COMMENTS:    This flight will collect data for improving forecasts for a weather system moving from the west coast through the plains to the east, around 021700, 37N, 120W; around 021800, 37N, 95W; and around 021900, 40N, 85W. The eastern part of the track will be more useful for the shorter lead times, while the western part for the later lead times.

NOTE:    This is the last mission of the WSR2000 program.