FV3GEFS_35day Experiments

Project Meeting(20180517)

Ensemble Prediction System FV3GEFS
Ensemble Size 21 members (1 control and 20 perturbations)
Forecast Length 35 days
Resolution C384L64
SST forcing Analysis Tref dumping to CFSV2 SST (bias corrected)
Verification and Evaluation
Period 20171008-20180406
Forecast Frequency Every 5 days
Experiments 1. FV3GEFS: FV3+GFDLMP+2tiered SST(Tref)+NSST+(SKEB+SPPT+SHUM)
2. SubX: Spectral+ZhaoCarrMP+2tiered SST(RTG)+(SKEB+SPPT+SHUM)
Results Routine Verification(16 days)
Routine Verification(35 days)
MJO evaluation