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January 8, 2009 Meeting Summary

Qingfu Liu presented some of his most recent work showing test results of his HWRF initialization through track and intensity plots. Dennis, Rita, Wilma, and Katrina were run for 2005; Dean, Flossie and Kiko were run for 2007; and Bertha and Ike were run for 2008. Plots of the track and intensity indicated that there were basically no changes in the forecasts for the benchmark storms (Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, and Dean), but there was improvement in the track and intensity when the steering flow was strong as was the case for Bertha and Ike. For strong storms, the forecasted MSLP was 20-50 mb lower than the observations. Qingfu mentioned re-examining the pressure-wind relationship as it pertains to the HWRF, perhaps by using Powell (2006) data.

Bob Tuleya gave a brief talk about his surface temperature fix specifically for two cases involving Fay and Gustav. For Fay, the track and intensity were improved, and for Gustav, track was improved with not much change in intensity.

Arun Chawla discussed moving forward with the three-way coupling of HWRF-HYCOM-WAVEWATCH III. It was determined that most of the code was already in place for this, and a team was assembled to construct a script for this exact purpose.

Vijay Tallapragada reported that most everything is on track to beginning testing the HWRF parallel with the most recent upgrades.

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