HWRF  trunk@4391
Todo List
Page File parm/system.conf.wcossluna
Remove disk_project or actually use it, in system.conf.wcoss2.
Page File parm/system.conf.wcosssurge
Remove disk_project or actually use it, in system.conf.wcoss2.
Page HWRF Configuration Guide
Add input source and WRF configuration pages.
Page HWRF Experiment Configuration
You can only run the GEFS-Based HWRF Ensemble on the NOAA Jet computer because the scripts only know how to locate GEFS on Jet filesystems. The parm/hwrf_input.conf needs to be updated to know how to go to FTPPRD, HPSS or WCOSS /com disk areas.
Page HWRF Multistorm Configuration

For a forecast run of a single storm, d01,d02,d03 must use the same number of compute tasks for x and y else the wrf.exe forecast hangs.

There is no current mechanism for a user to select specific storms to be run in a multistorm forecast.

The HWRF multistorm configuration must be run with Rocoto Workflow Management System. No wrapper scripts are available.

When running for a range of dates, the multistorm system will break if one of the dates does not have a storm.

Develop a routine that eliminates duplicates is not working correctly for the multistorm configuration. When the TC Vitals files has a single storm listed as both an invest and a numbered storm for the same cycle, the system will launch them as if they were two distinct storms, and later fail. Multiple entries of a storm with the same name are handled appropriately.

An option could be added in the future to support running the model using the basinscale parent domain only when no storms are present.

Ocean coupling is not supported in the multistorm configuration.

The HWRF multistorm configuration has only been tested on jet.

Page HWRF Rocoto Workflow
At present, it is not possible to use rocotorewind if the cycle is entirely complete (that is, when the special "completion" job is done). This is a limitation of Rocoto that we hope to fix in the next release.
Page HWRF System Overview
insert layer diagram here
Class hwrf.storminfo.StormInfo
Write a separate class for simple manipulations of a whole ATCF database. This could be done efficiently using an in-memory sqlite3 database.
Page Installing HWRF from the Repository

The DTC repository lacks critical changes that the EMC GSI team has not yet merged to the GSI trunk. Until this is fixed, you must install from the EMC HWRF branch, or use a pre-built executable.

Provide a pre-built GSI executable on NCAR Yellowstone

Page Running HWRF
Add HWRF directory structure page.